THE NOBEL WEEK 2005 - · Programme for the Nobel Week 2005 December 5 The Laureates...

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Transcript of THE NOBEL WEEK 2005 - · Programme for the Nobel Week 2005 December 5 The Laureates...


2005-12-05/Press-PM from The Nobel Foundation

Programme for the Nobel Week 2005

December 5 The Laureates have arrivedMonday

December 6 Laureates’ get-together at the Nobel Museum followed by a guided tour of the museum Tuesday Interviews for

Dinner for the Prize winners in Economics, hosted by the Economics Prize Committee

December 7 Press conference for the Laureates in Physics, Chemistry and the Prize winners in Wednesday Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 9 a.m.

Press conference for the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine at the Nobel Forum, Karolinska Institutet, 11 a.m. Lunch for the Prize winners in Economics at the Central Bank of Sweden Reception at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the Laureates in Physics, Chemistry and the Prize winners in Economics, 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at the Club VillaNobel Lecture in Literature at the Swedish Academy, 5:30 p.m. Dinner hosted by the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine for the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine, at Thiel Gallery, 7 p.m.

December 8 Nobel Lectures in Physics, Aula Magna, Stockholm University, prel. 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Thursday followed by a short press conference

Nobel Lectures in Chemistry, Aula Magna, Stockholm University, prel. 12 noon-2:30 p.m. followed by a short press conference Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine, lecture hall Adam, Berzelius Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet (KI), prel. 1:50 p.m.-3:30 p.m.Prize Lectures in Economics, Beijersalen, at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, prel. 3:00 p.m.-4:40 p.m. followed by a short press conferenceReception at Karolinska Institutet for the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine Nobel Prize Concert, at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 7:15 p.m. (for 7:30 p.m.)

December 9 Nobel Media’s taping of the TV-program Nobel Minds in the Bernadotte Library, Friday at the Royal Palace, prel. 8:30 a.m-11:30 a.m.

Lunches hosted by embassies The Nobel Foundation reception at the Nordic Museum

December 10 Rehearsal at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 10:30 a.m. Saturday Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall, 4:15 .m. (for 4:30 p.m.)

Nobel Banquet at the Stockholm City Hall, 6:40 p.m. (for 7 p.m.)

December 11 Family program, guided tour of Stockholm and visit to the National Museum of Sunday Fine Arts

Royal Banquet at the Royal Palace, 7:20 p.m. (for 7:30 p.m.).

December 12 Individual visits to the Nobel Foundation Monday

December 13 Visits to universities in Sweden and other Nordic Countries. Tuesday Departures


The 2005 Laureates are 13 in number, including the Peace Prize Winner the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei. Together they represent seven nations: Australia, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, Israel and the United States. The youngest of this year’s Laureates is Barry J. Marshall, 54, and the oldest is Thomas C. Schelling, 84. Below are brief presentations of the Laureates being awarded in Stockholm on the Nobel Day December 10, 2005.

Since 1901, 776 individuals and organizations have received a Nobel Prize or Bank of Sweden (Riksbank) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

As in prior years, the Laureates may invite their significant other plus an official party of 16 people to the Nobel Week in Stockholm.

The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded with one half to Roy Glauber “for his contribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence” and one half jointly to John Hall and Theodor Hänsch “for their contributions to the development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique.”

This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to three scientists in the field of optics. Roy Glauber is being rewarded for his theoretical description of the behavior of light particles, while John Hall and Theodor Hänsch are being rewarded for their development of laser-based precision spectroscopy, that is, the determination of the color of the light of atoms and molecules with extreme precision. Their research has made it possible to measure frequencies with an accuracy of fifteen digits. Lasers with extremely sharp colours can now be constructed and with the frequency comb technique precise readings can be made of light of all colours. This technique makes it possible to carry out studies of, for example, the stability of the constants of nature over time and to develop extremely accurate clocks and improved GPS technology.

Roy J. Glauber, born in 1925 (80 years) in New York, NY, U.S.A (U.S. citizen). Ph.D. in physics in 1949 from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics at Harvard University, U.S.A.

Professor Roy J. Glauber is arriving in Stockholm on December 5, accompanied by Atholie Rosett. Arriving in the following days will be the Laureate’s daughter Valerie Fleishman with her husband, as well as son Jeffrey Glauber with his wife and three children aged 3, 6 and 9. The Laureate’s party also includes his colleagues Prof. Dr. Fritz Haake of the University of Essen, Germany; and Prof. Dr Per Osland of the University of Bergen, Norway.

John L. Hall, born in 1934 (71 years) in Denver, CO, U.S.A. (U.S. citizen). Ph.D. in physics in 1961 from the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A. Senior Scientist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Fellow, JILA, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, U.S.A.


Dr. John L. Hall already arrived on December 2 together with his wife Lindy, a teacher by profession. The party includes the Laureate’s three children: Thomas with his wife and three children aged 2, 5 and 7 as well as Jonathan L. and Carolyn G. Hall. Among the many colleagues in the Laureate’s party are Dr. Jun Ye and Professors Christian J. Bordé, Long-Sheng Ma and Hiroshi Takuma.

Theodor W. Hänsch, born in 1941 (64 years) in Heidelberg, Germany (German citizen). Ph.D. in physics in 1969 from the University of Heidelberg. Director, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching and Professor of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany.

Professor Theodor W. Hänsch is arriving in Stockholm on December 5 accompanied by Leota Wear, who is a teacher. The party includes the Laureate’s brother Julius Hänsch and Steven Chu (Nobel Laureate in Physics, 1997) with his wife Jean. Among many colleagues in the party are Dr. Ronald Holzwarth, co-founder of Menlo Systems GmbH; as well as Professors Massimo Inguscio, University of Florence, Italy, and Peter Toschek, University of Hamburg, Germany.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded jointly to Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock “for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis.”

This Year’s Nobel Laureates in Chemistry have made metathesis into one of organic chemistry’s most important reactions. This has created fantastic opportunities for producing many new molecules, for example pharmaceuticals. Imagination will soon be the only limit to what molecules can be built. In 1971 Yves Chauvin was able to explain in detail how metathesis reactions function and what metal compounds act as catalysts in the reactions. Now the “recipe” was known. The next step was, if possible, to develop the actual catalysts. Richard Schrock was the first to produce an efficient metal-compound catalyst for metathesis. This was in 1990. Two years later Robert Grubbs developed an even better catalyst that is stable in air that has found many applications. Metathesis is used daily in the chemical industry, mainly in the development of pharmaceuticals and advanced plastic materials.

Yves Chauvin, born in 1930 (75 years), French citizen. Honorary Director of Research at the Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France.

Dr. Yves Chauvin is arriving in Stockholm on December 5. In his party are sons Frédéric Chauvin and Professor Remi Chauvin, the latter with his wife and two children aged 13 and 18. Also attending the Nobel Week events are Dr. Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou, Senior Scientist, and Olivier Appert, Chairman and CEO, both at the Institut Français du Pétrole. Among the other colleagues attending is Dr. Jean-Marie Basset, Lyon School of Chemistry, Physics and Electronics (CPE).

Robert H. Grubbs, born in 1942 (63 years) in Calvert City, KY, U.S.A. (U.S. citizen). Ph.D. in chemistry in 1968 from Columbia University, New York, NY, U.S.A. Victor


and Elisabeth Atkins Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.

Professor Robert H. Grubbs is arriving in Stockholm on December 5 together with hiswife Helen O’Kane Grubbs, a teacher by profession, and daughter Kathleen Mathilda. His sons Professor Robert Bernard Grubbs, a chemist, and Dr. Brendan Howard Grubbs, a physician, are also in the party together with the Laureate’s sister Marie Maines, a retired teacher and an artist. Among the colleagues attending will be Dr. Michael A. Giardello and Professors Dennis A. Dougherty, Ronald C. D. Breslow and Merle Andrew Battiste.

Richard R. Schrock, born in 1945 (60 years) i Berne, IN, U.S.A. (U.S. citizen). Ph.D. in chemistry in 1971 from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. Frederick G. Keyes Professor of Chemistry at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.

Professor Richard R. Schrock is arriving in Stockholm on December 4 together withhis wife Nancy Schrock, a conservator at Harvard. The Laureate’s 92-year-old motherMartha Schrock will attend the Nobel Week, as will the Laureate’s two brothers Dr. Theodore Schrock and Luther Schrock as well as sons Andrew and Eric, both in their20s. The party also includes the Laureate’s colleagues Professors Robert Silbey, Daniel Nocera and Amir Hoveyda. Nancy and her two brothers David and Sean Carlson, who will also attend, are as the last name Carlson reveals of Swedish descent and have a number of relatives living in Sweden.

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren for their discovery of “the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.”

This year’s Laureates in Physiology or Medicine are being rewarded for having made the remarkable and unexpected discovery that inflammation in the mucosa of the stomach(gastritis) as well as ulceration of the stomach or duodenum (peptic ulcer disease) is theresult of an infection of the stomach caused by the bacterium Heliobacter pylori. Thanks to the pioneering discovery by Marshall and Warren, peptic ulcer disease is no longer a chronic,frequently disabling condition, but a disease that can be cured by a short regimen ofantibiotics and acid secretion inhibitors.

Barry J. Marshall, born in 1951 (54 years) in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia (Australiancitizen). NHMRC Helicobacter pylori Research Laboratory, QEII Medical Centre;University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia.

Professor Barry J. Marshall already arrived on December 2 together with his wife Adrienne, an artist. Among family members in his party are the Laureate’s father and mother, Robert and Diane Marjory Marshall as well as son Luke and three daughters: Caroline, Jessica and Bronwyn Marshall. Among colleagues in the Laureate’s party are Rodney Blechynden,William Fry, Dr. David Peura and Professor Adrian Lee.


J. Robin Warren, born in 1937 (68 years) in Adelaide, South Australia (Australian citizen).

Dr. J. Robin Warren is arriving in Stockholm on December 5 together with his daughter-in-law Mari Warren. His party includes many colleagues, among them Professor Pentti Sipponen, Chief of the Department of Pathology at Helsinki District University Hospital; Prof. Dr. Manfred Stolte and Professor David Y. Graham, both pathologists; and Dr. Hansjörg Meyer.

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2005 has been awarded to the English writer Harold Pinter, “who in his plays uncovers the precipice under everyday prattle and forces entry into oppression’s closed rooms.”

Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy of each other and pretense crumbles. With a minimum of plot, drama emerges from the power struggle and hide-and-seek of interlocution. Pinter’s drama was first perceived as a variation of absurd theater, but has later more aptly been characterized as “comedy of menace,” a genre where the writer allows us to eavesdrop on the play of domination and submission hidden in the most mundane of conversations. In a typical Pinter play, we meet people defending themselves against intrusion or their own impulses by entrenching themselves in a reduced and controlled existence. Another principal theme is the volatility and elusiveness of the past.

Pinter made his playwriting debut in 1957 with The Room, presented in Bristol. Other early plays were The Birthday Party (1957), at first a fiasco of legendary dimensions but later one of his most performed plays, and The Dumb Waiter (1957). His conclusive breakthrough came with The Caretaker (1959), followed by The Homecoming (1964) and other plays. Harold Pinter is generally seen as the foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the 20th century. His position as a modern classic is illustrated by the fact that his name has entered the English language as an adjective used to describe a particular atmosphere and environment in drama: “Pinteresque”.

Harold Pinter was born in 1930 (75 years) in London, England (British citizen).

For reasons of health, Mr. Pinter will not attend the Nobel Week in Stockholm. Attending the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony will be Stephen Page, Harold Pinter’s publisher and Chief Executive of Faber & Faber in London. Mr. Page will accept the Nobel medal and the Nobel diploma on behalf of the Laureate in Literature.

The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has been awarded jointly to Robert Aumann and Thomas Schelling “for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis.”Why do some groups of individuals, organizations and countries succeed in promoting cooperation while others suffer from conflict? The work of Robert Aumann and Thomas Schelling has established game theory or interactive decision theory as the dominant approach to this age-old question.


Robert J. Aumann, born in 1930 (75 years) in Frankfurt, German (Israeli and U.S. citizen). Ph.D. in mathematics in 1955 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. Professor at the Center for Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Professor Robert J. Aumann is arriving on December 5 together with his wife Batya. He will have a large family with him in Stockholm consisting of five children with their significantothers and a total of 21 grandchildren and great grandchildren. Not all will attend the Nobel Festival on December 10, but the whole family will be gathered in Stockholm. The party also includes the Laureate’s brother Moshe Aumann as well as colleagues Professors Michael Mashler, Ehud Kalai and Abraham Neyman.

Thomas C. Schelling, born in 1921 (84 years) in Oakland, CA, U.S.A. (U.S. citizen). Ph.D. in economics in 1951 from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at the Department of Economics and School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, U.S.A. and Lucius N. Littauer Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at Harvard University.

Professor Thomas C. Schelling is arriving in Stockholm on December 4 together with his wife Alice Coleman Schelling on December 4. His party will consist exclusively of family members. Among these are the Laureate’s four sons Professor Andrew C. Schelling, Thomas A. Schelling, Dr. Daniel D. Schelling and Robert J. Schelling, all attending with their significant others and the Laureate’s nine grandchildren.


The Nobel Week begins with a visit to the Nobel Museum on Stortorget, the main square in Stockholm’s Old Town. Here this year’s Laureates and their families will be welcomed to an eventful week in Stockholm and also meet as a group for the first time. In the exhibition Cultures of Creativity, they will encounter many of the earlier Laureates. They will also encounter themselves in the display cases presenting the 2005 Nobel Prizes and the Prize in Economics. The films in the museum’s screening rooms portray Laureates and the creative environments in which they have worked. This year’s Laureates can also view the popular exhibition on Albert Einstein, whose research laid part of the groundwork for the 2005 Prize in Physics.

The children in the Laureates’ families, like other groups of children who visit the Museum daily, can try out some bubbling and perhaps crackling experiments. The visit to the Nobel Museum will end with Laureates autographing chairs at Kafé Satir, as many of their predecessors have done.

Press conferences The press conferences for this year’s Laureates in Physics and Chemistry and the Prize Winners in Economics will be held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,


Lilla Frescativägen 4A, at 9:00 a.m. on December 7 and for the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine at the Nobel Forum, Karolinska Institutet, Nobels väg 1, at 11:00 a.m. on the same day.

Nobel Lectures During the Nobel Week, in keeping with the Statutes of the Nobel Foundation, the Laureates will hold a Nobel Lecture concerning the discovery or achievement they have been rewarded for. With few exceptions, this has been done since the first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901, and the Laureates will do so this year as well.

This year’s Nobel Laureate in Literature, Harold Pinter, will not attend the Nobel Week in Stockholm. His pre-recorded Lecture, entitled Art, Truth and Politics, will thus be shown at the Swedish Academy at 5:30 p.m. on December 7.

The Nobel Lectures in Physics and Chemistry will be held on December 8 in the Aula Magna of Stockholm University and the Prize Lectures in Economics at Beijersalen at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. The Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine will be held at the Berzelius Laboratory at Karolinska Institutet. The lectures will be held in English, except in the case of Yves Chauvin (Chemistry), who will hold his lecture in French. The lectures are free of charge and are open to the general public. The lectures at Karolinska Institutet require advance notification by those wishing to attend.

Nobel Lectures in Physics9:00-11:30 a.m., December 8 Aula Magna, Stockholm University

Professor Roy J. Glauber, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. 100 Years of Light Quanta

Dr. John L. Hall, JILA, University of Colorado and National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, U.S.A. Defining and Measuring Optical Frequencies

Professor Theodor W. Hänsch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik, Garching and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany A Passion for Precision

The Nobel Lectures in Physics will be followed by a brief press conference from 11:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Kungstenen room, Level 7, Aula Magna.

Nobel Lectures in Chemistry12:00 noon-2:30 p.m., December 8 Aula Magna, Stockholm University

Dr. Yves Chauvin, Institut Français du Pétrole, Rueil-Malmaison, France Appliquée ou fondamentale, la recherche est une question de curiosité


Dr. Robert H. Grubbs, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA, U.S.A.Olefin Metathesis Catalysts for the Synthesis of Molecules and Materials

Professor Richard R. Schrock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, U.S.A. Multiple Metal-Carbon Bonds for Catalytic Metathesis Reactions

The Nobel Lectures in Chemistry will be followed by a brief press conference from 2:45 to 3:00 p.m. on the stage of the Aula Magna.

Nobel Lectures in Physiology or Medicine1:50 p.m.-3:30 p.m., December 8 Berzelius Laboratory, Karolinska Institutet, Lecture hall Adam

Professor Barry J. Marshall, NHMRC Helicobacter pylori Research Laboratory, QEII Medical Centre; University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Australia Helicobacter connections

Dr. J. Robin Warren, AustraliaHelicobacter The ease and difficulty of a new discovery

Prize Lectures in Economics 3:00 p.m.-4:40 p.m., December 8 Beijersalen, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Professor Robert J. Aumann, Center for Rationality, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel War and Peace

Professor Thomas C. Schelling, Department of Economics and School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, U.S.A. An Astonishing Sixty Years

The Prize Lectures in Economics will be followed by a brief press conference in Beijersalen.

Nobel Prize ConcertIn the evening of December 8 the Nobel Prize Concert is held, arranged by Nobel Media AB in cooperation with the Stockholm Concert Hall. The concert combines classical music and new music with inspiration from the Silk Road. World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma will perform with the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Finnish conductor Sakari Oramo as well as The Silk Road Ensemble.


Taping of TV program Nobel MindsSince the 1960s, during the Nobel Week the Laureates have gathered for a round-table discussion for television, Nobel Minds. The program has a popular science touch and examines general questions related to science and research. For many years, the program was hosted by Swedish TV legend Bengt Feldreich. Today it is moderated by veteran BBC World news anchor Nik Gowing.

Viewers have the opportunity to ask the Laureates questions in advance via the Nobel Foundation’s official web site, (

The program will be videotaped on December 9 at the Bernadotte Library in the Royal Palace in Stockholm and is a co-production of Nobel Media AB, Sveriges Television and BBC World.

Interviews for In recent years, the Nobel Foundation has videotaped interviews with the Laureates and Prize Winners in each respective field for its official web site, Here they usually tell about their background, their scientific or literary work and the discoveries or achievements they have been rewarded for. They also frequently touch upon issues related to science and culture in general. This year the interviews with the Laureates in Physics and Chemistry will be conducted by Joanna Rose, except for Yves Chauvin who will be interviewed by Nathalie Kirchmeyer. The interview with the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine and the Prize Winners in Economics will be done by Rupini Bergström.

The interviews will be videotaped during the Nobel Week and posted on Nobelprize.orgshortly thereafter. Today there are more than 130 interviews with Nobel Laureates and Prize Winners in Economics available on the web site.

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies in Oslo and Stockholm will be broadcast live on, starting at 1:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., respectively, on December 10. The presentation speeches at the Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies will be posted in their entirety at the same times, and the menu from the Nobel Banquet at Stockholm City Hall will be published at 7:00 p.m. The speeches of thanks to be held by the Laureates during the Banquet will be posted later that evening.

As in prior years, the Nobel Lectures in Physics, Chemistry and Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace as well as the Prize Lectures in Economics will be available in video-on-demand format a few days after they are held.

THE NOBEL PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY IN STOCKHOLM The programme and seating plan is enclosed

The celebration of the Nobel Day on December 10 will begin with the traditional Nobel Prize Award Ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Here the year’s prizes will be presented to some 1,600 guests, who then watch the Laureates as they respectfully receive their medals and diploma one by one from the hand of H.M. the King of Sweden. The seats closest to the stage are reserved primarily for the Laureates’ families, representatives


of the prize-awarding institutions, members of the Swedish government and Riksdag (Parliament) and the diplomatic corps.

Seated on the stage will be some 90 members of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Nobel Assembly of Karolinska Institutet and the Swedish Academy. Also seated here will be the Board of Directors of the Nobel Foundation and previous Laureates. In front of them will sit the 2005 Laureates and Their Royal Majesties the King and Queen of Sweden, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria, His Royal Highness Prince Carl Philip, Her Royal Highness Princess Madeleine and Her Royal Highness Princess Lilian.

Presentation speechesThe Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation, MD h.c. Marcus Storch, will hold an opening address and after that the year’s Nobel Laureates and the Prize Winners in Economics will be presented.

The presentation speeches will be held by: Professor Stig Stenholm, Physics Professor Per Ahlberg, Chemistry Professor Staffan Normark, Physiology or MedicineAuthor Per Wästberg, Literature Professor Jörgen Weibull, Economic Sciences

The formal ceremony will be framed by brief musical interludes and elegant flower arrangements. When Sweden’s National Anthem has been played and the Royal Family has left the stage, family members and colleagues will pour onto the stage to congratulate their Laureates.

This year’s floral decorations In homage to Alfred Nobel, who spent his final years in Sanremo, Italy, where he died on December 10, 1896, every year the City of Sanremo sends flowers to decorate the Concert Hall and the City Hall. This year the Concert Hall will be adorned in winter décor. The stage backdrop will be decorated with silver fir, eucalyptus, steel grass and numerous white cut flowers of various kinds. White baby’s breath, roses and white phalenopsis orchids will adorn the orchestra area and the front of the stage. The Concert Hall will be decorated with about 10,000 white flowers. In charge of the arrangements is florist Helén Magnusson of Hässelby Blommor.

Musical interludesThe Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Danish-Italian conductor Giordano Bellincampi will perform the music during the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. In addition, acclaimed Swedish-American soprano soloist Erika Sunnegårdh will perform Quando m’en vo’ soletta, Musetta’s Waltz from La Bohème by Puccini and Anch’io dischiuso from Nabucco by Verdi.



After the ceremony comes the evening’s Nobel Banquet at the Stockholm City Hall. Upon their arrival in the December darkness, the guests will encounter an illuminated City Hall and once inside the Blue Hall, the glittering Nobel tableware, lighted candles and ingenious floral arrangements.

The Banquet programme will follow tradition and begin with the entry procession of the Royal Family and other guests of honor down the grand stairway and into the Blue Hall at 7:00 p.m. Prior to this, the guests of honor will have been presented to the King and Queen in the Prince’s Gallery of the City Hall.

Behind the Master of Ceremonies will be two female attendants followed by H.M. the King with his dinner companion Mrs. Atholie Rosett and H.M. the Queen with MD h.c. Marcus Storch, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation and the host of the evening’s Banquet. After a fanfare by two trumpeters, father and son Olle and Mikael Hermansen, the procession will be accompanied by a march played on the organ by Mats Ericson.

In 1901 the first Nobel Banquet, held in the Hall of Mirrors of the Grand Hôtel in Stockholm, had 113 male guests. Today’s Nobel Banquet is served to about 1,300 guests, of whom about 200 are students.

Menu and tableware After the ceremony comes the evening’s Nobel Banquet at the Stockholm City Hall. This year’s chefs are freelancer Markus Aujalay, Torsten Kjörling of Hotel Tylösand and Håkan Thörnström of the Gothenburg restaurant Thörnströms Kök. In charge of dessert, in co-operation with Dessertakademien, are Magnus Johansson of KonditorSpecialistenand Ted Johansson of Lux Dessertchoklad. In the process of composing the menu, the chefs have worked together with a reference group consisting of chefs Gert Klötzke, Björn Halling and Fredrik Eriksson, who reveal that this year’s concept is characterized by Nordic winds. According to Fredrik Eriksson, the aim is for Banquet guests to experience the best that Swedish and Nordic cuisine has to offer.

A number of menus were taste-tested during the autumn, with one being chosen and refined, then paired with suitable wines. In keeping with tradition, the menu will be secret until the Banquet has begun at 7:00 p.m.

In charge of ensuring that all parts of the meal are coordinated are Ulf Östenius, General Manager of the City Hall’s Stadshuskällaren restaurant, and Gunnar Eriksson, the restaurant’s Chef de Cuisine. Those who will be working with the Banquet meal during the evening will include more than 20 chefs and 200 servers.

The tables will be set with the Nobel tableware created for the 90th anniversary of the Nobel Prize in 1991 by three Swedish designers, Karin Björquist (Rörstrand/Gustavsberg), Gunnar Cyrén (Orrefors) and Ingrid Dessau (Klässbols Linneväveri). The 61 tables in the Blue Hall will be covered with some 470 meters of


linen cloth, and the meticulous table setting will comprise no fewer than approximately 7,000 porcelain pieces, 5,000 glasses and 10,000 items of silverware.

Before dessert, as well as earlier during the evening, a “Divertissement” will be presented, created by Carina Reich and Bogdan Szyber. As usual, the content will be kept secret until the Banquet has begun. What can be revealed is that the Allmänna Sången Choir from Uppsala will perform, led by conductor Cecilia Rydinger Alin. This year the choir is celebrating its 175th anniversary. It is Scandinavia’s oldest university choir.

After the coffee and liqueurs are served, students will assemble with massed standards on the grand stairway and the balustrade above the Blue Hall. Colleges and universities from all parts of Sweden will be represented among the massed standards.

Speeches of thanks Laureates will then hold speeches of thanks after being introduced by the evening’s Toastmaster, Elin Andersson. Only one Laureate from each prize category will speak, in the following order: Physiology or Medicine Professor Barry J. Marshall Chemistry Dr. Robert H. Grubbs Physics Professor Roy J. Glauber Economic Sciences Professor Robert J. Aumann

The Banquet concludes at approximately 10:30 p.m. Dancing will then begin upstairs in the Golden Hall, with music by the Phontrattarne orchestra. Phontrattarne is a student orchestra, located in Uppsala, which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in the spring of 2006.

During the evening Their Majesties the King and Queen will receive the Laureates and their significant others at the far end of the Prince’s Gallery.

Flowering rooms at the City Hall Nearly 12,000 flowers and 4,000 green leaves and sprigs have been donated by the City of Sanremo for the City Hall decorations. This year the colors that will dominate the arrangements are yellow, white and red. The 25 meter long Table of Honor will display varying décor, colors and shapes that will create a diverse landscape. In the Prince’s Gallery, garlands of flowers will hang by the mirror console tables and on the tall floor candlesticks. A flower-bedecked trellis will mark the boundary for guests of honor. The stairway in the Blue Hall will feature unusually rich décor this year. The arrangements will include lilies, roses, calla lilies, baby’s breath, freesia, scarlet plume and amaryllis.

Gunnar Kaj is in charge of the floral decorations for the sixth year, assisted by 30 florists, carpenters and students from the florist training program at the Komvux adult school in Upplands-Bro.

Diploma artistsIn the Prince’s Gallery, the Nobel diplomas and medals will be shown in display cases during the evening. Karin Mamma Andersson has created the artwork on the diploma for the Laureate in Literature; Ingegerd Möller the artwork on the diplomas for the Laureates in


Physics; Jordi Arkö the artwork on the diplomas for the Laureates in Chemistry; and Ulla Kraitz, who is making her debut this year as a diploma artist, is creating the artwork on the diplomas for the Prize Winners in Economics. Annika Rücker is responsible for the calligraphy on all these diplomas.

The diplomas for the Laureates in Physiology or Medicine portray the Nobel medal, with calligraphy by Susan Duvnäs. In charge of binding the diplomas is Ingemar Dackéus at Knut Hässlers Bokbinderi. The medals were made at the Royal Mint and their cases are handcrafted by Anders Eriksson’s atelier.

Previous LaureatesPrevious Laureates from abroad attending the year’s Festival are Steven Chu (Physics, 1997), Peter Agre (Chemistry, 2003), Louis J. Ignarro (Physiology or Medicine, 1998) and A. Michael Spence (Economic Sciences, 2001). The only previous Swedish Laureate who will attend is Professor Bengt Samuelsson (Physiology or Medicine, 1982).

Other guests Attending as representatives of the Swedish government and Riksdag are Prime Minister Göran Persson, Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds and the Minister for Education and Culture, Leif Pagrotsky. This year a number of ministers in the fields of education and science from France, India, Japan and Pakistan will also attend.

Swedish participants are people who perform Nobel-related tasks in one capacity or another or who support the sciences through donations or other work on behalf of the Foundation and the prize-awarding institutions.

The Federation of Young Scientists, with support from the Nobel Foundation, organizes its Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar (SIYSS), which is being attended by 30 young people from several different countries.

Nobel Prize Award Ceremony and Banquet to be broadcast live on SVT Beginning in 2004, the rights to the live broadcasts of the Nobel Day on Sveriges Television (SVT) have been held by Nobel Media AB. In addition to live broadcasts from the Concert Hall and the City Hall on December 10, this cooperation has also included producing documentaries about the Laureates in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine and Economic Sciences, which are being broadcast during the preceding week. Nobel Minds (known in Swedish as Snillen Spekulerar) will also be broadcast on SVT.


Peace Prize Winners visit the Nobel Foundation On December 12, the Laureates will make individual visits to the Nobel Foundation. Here they will retrieve their medals and diplomas, which will have been displayed in the Prince’s Gallery of the City Hall following the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony. At the Nobel Foundation, they will also discuss the details concerning the transfer of their Prize money. The official Nobel Week programme will conclude with this visit to the Nobel Foundation. On the same day, there will also be a reception for all Laureates including the


Peace Prize Winners, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) represented by the Chairman of its Board of Governors, Ambassador Mr. Yukiya Amano and the IAEA Secretary General, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei. The Peace Prize Winners have been invited to Stockholm by the Swedish government.

University visits and Lucia celebrationsFrom December 13 onward, the Laureates and Prize Winners have been invited to a number of universities in Sweden and other Nordic countries. This year, many of them will travel to Uppsala University to deliver lectures and attend a luncheon at Uppsala Castle. Many will also attend the Stockholm University Student Union’s Lucia Ball on the evening of the 13th.

After that, Laureates and Prize Winners will continue to such Swedish university cities as Gothenburg, Lund, Linköping and Örebro as well as to Helsinki, Finland to lecture and attend seminars.








4 3 2

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Pristagare V

Professor Roy J. Glauber, Laureate in Physics 20051Dr John L. Hall, Laureate in Physics 20052Professor Theodor W. Hänsch, Laureate in Physics 20053Dr Yves Chauvin, Laureate in Chemistry 20054Dr Robert H. Grubbs, Laureate in Chemistry 20055Professor Richard R. Schrock, Laureate in Chemistry 20056Professor Barry James Marshall, Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 20057Dr J. Robin Warren, Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 20058Professor Robert J. Aumann, Laureate in Economic Sciences 20059Professor Thomas C. Schelling, Laureate in Economic Sciences 200510

Bänk 1 H

Direktör Jacob Wallenberg, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation1Professor Horace Engdahl, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation


Nobelstiftelsens VD Michael Sohlman, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation


Professor Gunnar Öquist, Secr. Gen. of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation


Med. dr h.c. Marcus Storch, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation


12005-12-04 14:47 2005 E S T R A D Festen -05

Bänk 2 V

Mr Stephen Page1Professor Bengt Samuelsson, Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 19822Professor Steven Chu, Laureate in Physics 19973Professor Louis J. Ignarro4Professor A. Michael Spence, Laureate in Economic Sciences 20015Professor Peter C. Agre6Professor Sture Allén, Member of the Swedish Academy7Professor Kjell Espmark, Member of the Swedish Academy8Professor Göran Malmqvist, Member of the Swedish Academy9Författare Torgny Lindgren, Member of the Swedish Academy10Författare Katarina Frostenson, Member of the Swedish Academy11Författare Birgitta Trotzig, Member of the Swedish Academy12Professor Bo Ralph, Member of the Swedish Academy13Professor Peter M. Englund, Member of the Swedish Academy14

Bänk 2 H

Professor Hans Jörnvall, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation1Professor Bertil Andersson, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation2Professor, rektor Bo Sundqvist, Member of the Board of the Nobel Foundation


Professor Kerstin Fredga, Chairman of the Trustees of the Nobel Foundation4Biskop Gunnar Stålsett5Departementsråd Mariann Samuelson6Professor Stig Stenholm7Professor Per Ahlberg8Professor Staffan Normark9Författare Per Wästberg, Member of the Swedish Academy10Professor Jörgen W. Weibull11Professor Sune Svanberg12Professor Mats Jonson13

22005-12-04 14:47 2005 E S T R A D Festen -05

Bänk 3 V

Professor Göran K. Hansson1Professor Björn Vennström2Professor Erna Möller3Professor Lars Terenius4Professor Bertil Fredholm5Professor Bertil Daneholt6Professor Klas Kärre7Professor Sten Lindahl8Professor Urban Lendahl9Professor Juha Kere10Professor Nils-Göran Larsson11Professor Ralf Pettersson12Professor Lars Calmfors13Professor Karl-Gustaf Löfgren14Professor Timo Teräsvirta15

Bänk 3 H

Professor Per Carlson1Professor Joseph Nordgren2Professor Lennart Stenflo3Professor Lars Bergström4Professor Gösta Ekspong5Professor Sten Grillner6Professor Lars Rydén7Professor Tore Ellingsen8Professor Bo Angelin9Professor Håkan Wennerström10Professor Bengt Nordén11Professor Bo Lehnert12Professor Hans Wilhelmsson13Professor Ingmar Bergström14Professor Ingvar Lindgren15

32005-12-04 14:47 2005 E S T R A D Festen -05

Bänk 4 V

Professor Per Siegbahn1Professor Lars Thelander2Professor Sven Lidin3Professor Per Krusell4Professor Peter Englund5Professor Lars Engwall6Professor Bertil Holmlund7Professor Lars Magnusson8Professor Assar Lindbeck9Professor Karl Gustav Jöreskog10Professor Lars Werin11Professor Ingemar Ståhl12Professor David Magnusson13Professor Leif Lewin14Professor Karl-Göran Mäler15

Bänk 4 H

Professor Torbjörn Norin1Professor Stig Rundqvist2Professor Ingmar Grenthe3Professor Björn O. Roos4Professor Ulf Lagerkvist5Professor Sture Forsén6Professor Anders Ehrenberg7Professor Ivar Olovsson8Professor Astrid Gräslund9Professor Anders Liljas10Professor Gunnar von Heijne11Professor Börje Johansson12Professor Tord Claeson13Professor Cecilia Jarlskog14Professor Erik B. Karlsson15

42005-12-04 14:47 2005 E S T R A D Festen -05

Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media


Bänk 234 Sibal, Kapil, Mr

35 Robien, Gilles de, Dr

36 Robien, Jeanne de, Mrs

37 Nilsson, Sixten, Herr

38 Nyqvist, Ann-Christin, Statsrådet

39 Pagrotsky, Leif, Utbildnings-och kulturminister

40 Crisci, Iskra, Arkitekt

41 Hedström, Johan, Kanslichef

42 Freivalds, Laila, Utrikesminister

43 Eliasson, Ingemar, H.E. Riksmarskalken

44 Eliasson, Carin, Adjunkt

45 Persson, Göran, Statsminister

46 Steen, Anitra, Direktör

47 Sydow, Björn von, Riksdagens Talman

48 Sydow, Madeleine von, Överläkare

49 Magnuson, Tord, Generalkonsul

50 Magnuson, Prinsessan Christina, Fru,

51 Rosett, Atholie, Mrs

52 Fleishman, Valerie, Mrs

53 Fleishman, H. Douglas, Mr

54 Glauber, Jeffrey, Mr

55 Glauber, Elizabeth, Mrs

56 Glauber, Joseph, Mr

57 Glauber, Michael, Mr

58 Glauber, Peter, Master

59 Stolmeier, Lawrence, Mr

60 Stolmeier, Jean, Mrs

61 Hall, Lindy, Mrs

62 Hall, Thomas, Mr

63 Hall, Margaret, Mrs

64 Hall, Grace, Miss

65 Hall, Catherine, Miss

66 Hall, John, Master

Bänk 367 Hultman-Cadring, Ann, Leg. sjuksköterskan

68 Olsen, Kathie, Deputy Director NSF

69 Kosaka, Kenji, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

70 Kosaka, K., Mrs

71 Rehmen, Atta Ur, Dr, Professor

72 Bivins, Teel, H.E. Ambassador

73 Bivins, Patricia, Mrs

2005-12-03 19:05 1Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media


74 Cary, Anthony, Her Britannic Majesty's Ambassador

75 Cary, Clare, Mrs

76 Alvensleben, Busso von, H.E. Ambassador

77 Alvensleben, Maria-Theresia von, Mrs

78 Delbourg, Denis, H.E. Ambassador

79 Cremieux, Therese, Mrs

80 Rowe, Richard Anthony, H.E. Ambassador

81 Rowe, Åsa Hasselgård-, Mrs

82 Fosseidbråten, Odd Lauritz, Ambassadör

83 Farner, Ingrid, Fru

84 Grubbs, Brendan Howard, MD. dr

85 Grubbs, Robert Bernard, PhD, Professor

86 Grubbs, Helen O´Kane, Mrs

87 Chauvin, Frédéric, Mr

88 Chauvin, Grégoire, Mr

89 Chauvin, Florent, Mr

90 Sicot-Chauvin, Marie-Laure, Mrs

91 Chauvin, Remi, Professor

92 Olivier-Bourbigou, Hélène, Mrs

93 Hänsch, Julius, Mr

94 Wear, Leota, Mrs

95 Hall, Carolyn G., Ms

96 Hall, Jonathan L., Mr

97 Trolle Wachtmeister, H. G., Greve

98 Trolle-Wachtmeister, Alice, Överhovmästarinnan, Grevinnan

99 Dahl, Magnus, Inspektör

Bänk 4100 Polis 3, ,

101 Escobar, Carlos Patricio de,

102 Escobar, Vice President, Ana Vilma de,

103 Manor, Eviatar, H.E. Ambassador

104 Manor, Orly, Professor

105 Kuret, Milos,

106 Bavdaz Kuret, Darja, H.E. Ambassador

107 Kebede, Berhanu, H.E. Ambassador

108 Zeleke, Senait, Mrs

109 Sampietro, Elda B., H.E. Ambassador

110 O. Bakhsh, Badr, H.E. Ambassador

111 Reda, Ebtisam, Mrs

112 Bekouchi, Mohamed, Dr

113 Jaïdi, Farida, H.E. Ambassador

114 Rasphone, Phou, H.E. Ambassador

115 Montenegro Mallona, Alvaro, H.E. Ambassador

2005-12-03 19:05 2Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media

Parkett116 de Montenegro, Leonnie, Mrs117 Grubbs, Kathleen Matilda, Ms118 Aubrecht, Katherine, PhD, Professor119 Maines, Marie, Mrs120 Maines, Thomas Ray, Mr121 Schrock, Nancy, Mrs122 Schrock, Theodore, Dr123 Schrock, Barbara, Mrs124 Schrock, Luther, Mr125 Schrock, Janice, Mrs126 Schrock, Eric, Mr127 Singer, Annabelle, Ms128 Carlson, Edwin, Mr129 Sweeny, Kathleen, Mrs130 Schrock, Rebecca, Mrs131 Rosenius, Frank, Viceamiral132 Rosenius, Lisskulla, Fru

Bänk 5133 Älgamo, Anders, Inspektör134 Shingenge, Panduleni K., H.E. Ambassador135 Costa e Silva, Leovigildo Da, H.E. Ambassador136 Murati, Shaban, H.E. Ambassador137 Murati, Dashuri, Mrs138 Zapolskas, Petras, H.E. Ambassador139 Zapolskiené, Ruta, Mrs140 Payret-Zubiaur, Jorge, H.E. Ambassador141 Torstila, Pertti, H.E. Ambassador142 Torstila, Eva, Mrs143 Truong, Nguyen Ngoc, H.E. Ambassador144 Chatard, Benoit, Mr145 Chatardová, Marie, H.E. Ambassador146 Martínez, Iván Romero-, H.E. Ambassador147 Nasser de Romero, Miryam, Mrs148 Moreira, Julio, H.E. Ambassador149 Medina, Ana, Mrs150 Marshall, Adrienne, Mrs151 Marshall, Robert, Mr152 Marshall, Diane Marjory, Mrs153 Marshall, Bronwyn, Mrs154 Bebee, Troy, Mr155 Marshall, Luke, Mr156 Marshall, Carina, Dr157 Marshall, Caroline, Ms

2005-12-03 19:05 3Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media


158 Marshall, Jessica, Ms

159 Warren, Mari, Mrs

160 Merritt, Susan Hollis, Ms

161 Hird, Caroline, Mrs

162 Carlson, Nuala, Mrs

163 Carlson, John, Mr

164 Schrock, Andrew, Mr

165 Schrock, Martha, Mrs

Bänk 6166 Delcorde, Raoul, H.E. Ambassador

167 Delcorde, Fatemeh, Mrs

168 Bataclan, Victoria, H.E. Ambassador

169 Friedlaender, Lorenz, H.E. Ambassador

170 Friedlaender, Suzanne, Mrs

171 Jung, Young-jo, H.E. Ambassador

172 Jung, Hyo-ock, Mrs

173 Abdelrahman, Omer Abdelmagio, Dr

174 Mahmoud, Zeinab Mohamed, H.E. Ambassador

175 In Chan, Jon, H.E. Ambassador

176 Gum Hwa, Ryu, Mrs

177 Yusoff, Jasmi Md, H.E. Ambassador

178 Bahauddin, Fauzah, Mrs

179 Arteaga, Horacio, H.E. Ambassador

180 Arteaga, Carolina Montiel de, Mrs

181 Garrigues, Javier, H.E. Ambassador

182 Tena, Pilar, Mrs

183 Aumann, Batya, Mrs

184 Lehman, Shlomit, Dr

185 Lehman, Benny, Rabbi

186 Aumann, David, Mr

187 Aumann, Shlomzion, Miss

188 Lehman, Efrat, Miss

189 Lehman, Tal, Miss

190 Rosen, Tamar, Mrs

191 Rosen, David, Dr

192 Rosen, Yakov, Mr

193 Rosen, Chaya, Mrs

194 Moshe, Leora, Mrs

195 Moshe, Eliav, Mr

196 Rosen, Shanee, Miss

197 Rosen, Ateret, Miss

198 Rosen, Hadas, Miss

2005-12-03 19:05 4Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media


Bänk 7199 Kahn, Jüri, H.E. Ambassador

200 Kahn, Luule, Mrs

201 Popescu, Victoria, H.E. Ambassador

202 Lu Fengding, , H.E. Ambassador

203 Zhu Bing, , Mrs

204 Rivera Gómez, Martin, H.E. Ambassador

205 Rivera, Patricia Guirola de, Mrs

206 Yonov, Goran, H.E. Ambassador

207 Kiencke, Tilo K. H., Mr

208 Adebo-Kiencke, Olufunmilayo A., H.E. Ambassador

209 Trujillo Garcia, Carlos Holmes, H.E. Ambassador

210 Anaya Cabres, Alba Lucia, Mrs

211 Estrada Sámano, Fernando, H.E. Ambassador

212 Otsuka, Seiichiro, H.E. Ambassador

213 Otsuka, Makiko, Mrs

214 Zimba, Newsead, H.E. Ambassador

215 Zimba, Naomi, Mrs

216 Schelling, Alice Coleman, Mrs

217 Schelling, Andrew C., Professor

218 Schelling, Daniel D., Dr

219 Schelling, Hilary, Mrs

220 Aumann, Moshe, Minister

221 David, Or, Mr

222 David, Yossi, Dr

223 Aumann-David, Noga, Dr

224 Baris, Shoham, Mr

225 Baris, Rotem, Miss

226 Baris, Dvir, Mr

227 Baris, Joel, Mr

228 Baris, Miriam Aumann, Mrs

229 Aumann, Dana, Mrs

230 Aumann, Yehonatan, Dr

231 Rosen, Reut, Miss

Bänk 8232 Imadi, Mohammad Bassam, H.E. Ambassador

233 Imadi, Ekaterina Kozlovskaya, Mrs

234 Grinkevich, Andrei, H.E. Ambassador

235 Grinkevich, Julia, Mrs

236 Berkovic, Svjetlan, H.E. Ambassador

237 Berkovic, Jadranka Dogan, Mrs

238 Eguz, Necip, H.E. Ambassador

239 Eguz, Senay, Mrs

2005-12-03 19:05 5Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media


240 Bedjaoui, Merzak, H.E. Ambassador

241 Bedjaoui, Keltoum, Mrs

242 Bamarni, Ahmad, H.E. Ambassador

243 Bamarni, Nazenine O., Mrs

244 Ghashghavi, Hassan, H.E. Ambassador

245 Geertsma, Oenze, Mr

246 Barrios Beltranena, Susana, H.E. Ambassador

247 Lønsmann Poulsen, Ole, Ambassadör

248 Lønsmann Poulsen, Zareen, Mrs

249 Schelling, Thomas A., Mr

250 Dorfman, Nancy, Dr

251 Dorfman, Ann, Mrs

252 Waldron, Joni, Ms

253 Schelling, Althea Rose, Ms

254 Schelling, Jr, Thomas A., Mr

255 Schelling, Kamala, Ms

256 Schelling, Indrani, Ms

257 Schelling, Robert J., Mr

258 Schelling, Karen, Mrs

259 Schelling, Miles, Mr

260 Schelling, Christina, Ms

261 Brooks, Marlow, Ms

262 Wanish, Tricia, Mrs

263 Fischerström, Johan, H.M. Konungens Förste Hovmarskalk

264 Fischerström, Barbro, Direktör

Bänk 9265 Stefansson, Gudmundur Arni, H.E. Ambassador

266 Al-Sulaiman, Sami Mohammed, H.E. Ambassador

267 Al-Shaye, Houda, Mrs

268 Rathedi, Bernadette Sebage, H.E. Ambassador

269 Anastasiades, Pavlos, H.E. Ambassador

270 Anastasiades, Maria, Mrs

271 Iklódy, Gábor, H.E. Ambassador

272 Iklódy-Meiszter, Ilona, Mrs

273 Robinson, Barrie, H.E. Ambassador

274 Toth, Stephan, H.E. Ambassador

275 Toth, Brigitte, Mrs

276 Skocibusic, Jakov, H.E. Ambassador

277 Sikkander, Nagoorpitchai, H.E. Ambassador

278 Sikkander, Nilfa Begum, Mrs

279 Tonucci, Giovanni, His Excellency The Most Reverend Monsignor

280 Chinwanno, Apichart, H.E. Ambassador

281 Chinwanno, Pakakeo, Mrs

2005-12-03 19:05 6Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media


282 , ,

283 Samuelsson, Karin, Docent

284 Chu, Jean, Mrs

285 Ignarro, Sharon, Dr

286 Ferraino, Giuliana, Visiting Research Fellow

287 Agre, Mary, Mrs

288 Storch, Gunilla, Fru

289 Öquist, Gunvor, Fru

290 Witt-Brattström, Ebba, Professor

291 Wallenberg, Marie, Fru

292 Jörnvall, Ann-Margreth, Administrator

293 Shochat, Susana, Dr

294 Sundqvist, Marie, Förste forskningsingenjör

295 Blixen-Finecke, Hans von, Friherre

296 Blixen-Finecke, Kirstine von, Statsfrun, Friherrinnan

Första Balkong Fond

Bänk 11401 Jakobsson, Leif, Programdirektör

1402 Odlander, Ingemar, Journalist

1403 Jutterström, Christina, Direktör

1404 Baksaas, Jon-Fredrik, Direktör

1405 Myre, Eva, Fru

1406 Svanberg, Carl-Henric, Direktör

1407 Svanberg, Agneta, PhD

1408 Rajala, Timo, President and CEO

1409 Rajala, Erja, English teacher

1410 Jakobsson, Sten, Direktör

1411 Jacobsson, Solveig, Fru

1412 Osher, Bernard, Herr

1413 Osher, Barbro S., Generalkonsul

1414 Sprängare, Björn, Skog.dir.

1415 Sprängare, Sigrid, Fil. mag.

1416 Forsberg, Stefan, Konserthuschef

1417 Forsberg, Els-Marie, Fru

1418 Smith, Ulf, Professor

1419 Kahn, Barbara, Professor

1420 Zierath, David, MBA

1421 Zierath, Juleen, Professor

1422 Eliasson, Kerstin, Statssekreterare

Första Balkong Vänster

Bänk 11001 Goppel, Thomas, Staatsminister Dr

2005-12-03 19:05 7Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media

Första Balkong Vänster

1002 Bernadotte af Wisborg, Sonja, Grevinnan

1003 Bernadotte af Wisborg, Björn, Greve

1004 Sommerlath, Walther L., Civilekonom

1005 Sommerlath, Ingrid, Fru

1006 , ,

1007 Reinfeldt, Fredrik, Partiledare

1008 Reinfeldt, Filippa, Kommunalrådet

1009 Leijonborg, Lars, Partiledare

1010 , ,

1011 , ,

1012 Heikensten, Lars, Riksbankschef

1013 Heikensten, Marie-Louise, Fil. lic.

1014 King, Mervyn, Governor

1015 Melander, Barbara, Ms

1016 Lundgren, Nils, Partiledare

1017 Nisser, Eva, Civilekonom

1018 Brändström, Dan, Professor

1019 Brändström, Ingegerd, Fru

1020 Walport, Mark, Dr

1021 Walport, Julia, Mrs

1022 , ,

1023 Holland, Michael, Director

1024 Gunnarsson, Sören, Landshövding

1025 Gunnarsson, Suzanne Michaelsen, Ombudsman

1026 Hellström, Elisabeth, Kanslirådet

Första Balkong Höger

Bänk 11201 Stenbäck, Pär, Minister

1202 Stenbäck, Sissel Lund-, Fru

1203 Kwon, Oh-Kab, Chairman & CEO

1204 Lee, Young-Hee, Mrs

1205 Han, Yung-Woo, Senior Adviser

1206 Han, Sun-Ok Lee, Fru

1207 Chang, Choong-Sik, Dr

1208 Shin, Dong-Soon, Mrs

1209 Wallenberg, Peter, Ekon. dr

1210 , ,

1211 , ,

1212 Westerberg, Per, Förste vice Talman

1213 Westerberg, Ylwa, Psykiatriker

1214 Heinemann, Lutz, Ingenjör

1215 Heinemann, Kerstin, Andre vice Talman

1216 Höij, Magnus, Redaktör

2005-12-03 19:05 8Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media

Första Balkong Höger

1217 Höij, Helena, Tredje vice Talman

1218 Olofsson, Rolf, Personalchef

1219 Olofsson, Maud, Partiledare

1220 Hägglund, Göran, Partiledare

1221 Hägglund, Karin, Fru

1222 , ,

1223 Ohly, Lars, Partiledare

1224 Hagelstedt, Åsa, Informationschef

1225 Niinistö, Ville, Doktorand

1226 Wetterstrand, Maria, Språkröret

2005-12-03 19:05 9Konserthusplacering 2005, platsordning, för Media

Time Schedule for the Banquet in the City Hall on December 10, 2005

6.30 p.m. Guests are welcomed into the Blue Hall and requested to take their seats

7.00 p.m. Fanfares – Guests at the table of honour enter in procession on the balustrade

7.09 p.m. Fanfares – His Majesty’s toast is proposed by the host of the evening’s events, MD h.c. Marcus Storch, Chairman of the Board of the Nobel Foundation

7.10 p.m. Fanfares – A toast to Alfred Nobel’s memory is proposed by His Majesty the King

7.11 p.m. 2 x2 minute photo opportunity is given of the heart of the table of honour

7.12 p.m. Divertissement

7.16 p.m. The first course is served

7.31 p.m. A 5-minute photo opportunity is given at the tables of the Laureates’ families and other tables

7.50 p.m. Divertissement

8.15 p.m. The main course is served

9.04 pm Divertissement

The dessert parade followed by a 2 x 2 minute photo opportunity of the table of honour, and 5-minutes for family tables and other tables Coffee is served

10.05 p.m. Laureates’ speeches

10.30 p.m. A signal is given when the guests may rise from the table

Dancing in the Golden Hall to the orchestra Phontrattarne.


Nobelstiftelsen Sturegatan 14, Stockholm Annika Ekdahl phone: +46 8 663 14 70, fax: +46 8 660 38 47 e-mail:

Jonna Petterson phone: +46 8 663 27 65, fax: +46 8 660 38 47 e-mail: Sturegatan 14, Stockholm Gudrun Franzén phone: +46 8 663 17 07, fax: +46 8 663 17 55 e-mail:

Nobelmuseet Börshuset, Stortorget, Gamla Stan, Stockholm.Anna Thompson phone: +46 8 534 818 01, fax: +46 8 519 542 90 e-mail:

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien www.kva.seLilla Frescativägen 4, Stockholm Eva Krutmeijer phone: +46 8 673 95 95, fax: +46 8 15 56 70 e-mail:

Jonas Förare phone: +46 8 673 95 44, fax: +46 8 15 56 70 e-mail:

Karolinska Institutet väg 1, Stockholm Agneta Sjövall phone: +46 8 33 39 31, fax: +46 8 32 03 65 e-mail:

Svenska Akademien Källargränd 4, Stockholm Ulrika Kjellin phone: +46 8 555 125 03, fax: +46 8 555 125 49 e-mail: