The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (4) Nov 16, 1960

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Published Semi-Monthly During the College Year by Journalism Students at the North Idaho Junior College

Transcript of The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 15 (4) Nov 16, 1960

17 Girls Compete For Miss NIJC Crown This Foll

The tourtb annual J.11• ?-"IJC contoit la W'Ck!rway. The con· l.elt la polUIOred by th. p,.... byter!An Club

M1M ?-"UC will bo crowned l"rlday, o.c. z at 1 p. m Th• ;tri. W!U be judged on poU.. ptt100na!Jly, l&l•nl and look&.

Thr """1min&' ol ).!Ju NIJC IV and prerentauon or ~la t.o tho court wUI be don• by MIU Diann Wrlrbt. lW. :--UC lfJ, Judl[em for t.h~ contnt. t'A'"O men and a woman. wtll be- an· nouncod a1 a lat.or dal•

PolloW!ng an candlclat .. tor Miu N1JC IV: Kay Andenon. Auoclalo Womw Staclenla: Kattn Pelonion, band; Mar11>'11 Newt.on, chorwo; Shirley Suck. Cln:le K ; Lael l'&Jrchlla, Dam~ Club; Della J<'&ll MIDer. En,!11· neera Club; Beverly Areb&rt. F'rmch Club: Lob P1USJmmona, Ho""' Eoonomlca Club; Ruth OennlAI. Lul.h<ran SWd<nl A> ooclAUon: Donna Dullns:'. NcW· man Club; Pat Bening, Phi Thet.o. Kappa; Sue Wright, PolJUe&J Selene<>; Colleen Oun· hAm, Prubyt.orlan Club: Margi• K ay Evan., Sp&nl.ob Club; ~ 'TrlaMLtum, Veterans Club: Car· lrno ~ Wtaley Poundallon: Karon Orunorud, Student NA· llonal l'lducaUon ,l\..UOclaUon

Each Instructor Had A Student Assistant For Education W eek

Por U10 Sl'l'0A rncully·atudont lt'a, ~mbcn went to Ut~ t.cAch· er'• room•. pinned Nd roaf.bud cor•lf•• on lhom, nnd Invited them lo n ten In the home <"CO· nomlu room Nov. 7

Since ll we.a NttUonaJ Educa· lion \ Ve1-t:k. lhtt aLudrnl.8 ht'ld thu tea nn d ofrcred tholr •• ollll.An•• to th• lnol.ructora for the te:•L of the WN.'k AJmo1t All nt l hc l-:ac.hf'rt nll•,ndf'd Mtm• hero or SN~JA oervod t'nrtff ten.. 1t.1icl cooklu

Electronics Class Jamm ing Air Wave s

I hWlng trouble. wlLh yoor 1·adlOlJ !lround tho 0<hool irroumll T The whyror or U1l1 Ill that I.he lnduat1111I •1..,tronlr. •lua M1 bWn jMUnlng lho alr Wt\\'M "101 lh(!lr 3-lu~ •UJ>C'I'

hotN'od)'ll• tranamlll•ra Ulat th~ 1t udNt1A luwe ~en bulldlng T hea.,. lr1UU1mltlcre Att rnpab1f' or tn.namlltlna f1lr a a1111ancei of noo r~t.

AJldt'i from lbt'!lr Cl:l&a work, thlo J:T<IUp hu organll.t'd •M el(.'(ltet) ci:aau oUlttn ThciM ornocra • ..., Ron MC?Ctl)·, p...,.1. dent. and K, n Thomcu~ ,·ice P""'ldont.


Your Gooeming Officers

<; 1ud,.,.1 ~o, f"rntt.rnl ortkn Arft aow au t:lllf'd. ,,,.,,,. .orr 'our ,.ll"f'f rd of0f'f'n.: Standln~. k'tt to rlsrhl : n onn Dr-n nl .... l~n riA_..._ ... ' '"' p~l­d ; \\' A' ... tudent b<ldy p,....._lc;k:n t ; Tim 1'Jn1t"r, fr~man cillL•.., p,...._tdf'nt; K en Carndro. -.ophom (lr f'I c-1•~~ \J('JI" prf""Wf'nl: John l l lJ.Ltii. ... ro.

df"Zll bt>d'· ,fl:" p.resJdr.nt, and Lenard \"a.uiirhn. V>pbomorf' ci.a..., prf"ldd("'Qt. ~tf'd. lf'ft tu ri~ht: lk' t'rl),. .... tudN,t bod) ~la.I c-hnlnnon: ;\IArJ•..- Kay £"an_' fN"<ohman ("la'" ~t.AJ). u:id Or-lb .I~ :u111r.r. ~phomort- <'lu."-""' M"("rt'­


Phi Theta Koppa Initiated Four At Annual Banquet

Phi Theta ICaPJ>G b•ld Ila tint ..,m,.le.r pledrtnl and lnlLial· cieremony tut nt-=ht at a l>anquol at tho Happy Hour 0..110 Joan a.imer. RutWI Cook. and Ftom \Y<'1J>P)t'"r. Wtt-e lnJURt· oO Into tho erbQlaaU< bonorar)' -l•l)' Mr Riobe wu lnlllal· eoc1 U n.n hODOnJ')" JUf'Mbtt

Dallu Ator. "111"'11ntcndrnl Q( .ChOOl• O.( dJ.alJ1Cl 271. WU the- trpe0krr er the tVC"nln,: llo•• Wanamakrr r••·• th• ln· ,-ocnuon

The!' dub u. ill b.a\'e- 1ta annual Thank•jl'MJll Dan« on =--"' 10, lhe Saturday bofo"' Thank .. gi\1n~ 1'1itmeo ot lb.e d&ncit! •·111 be '1'urkoy In tho Strav. ThcAt will be.- lhre mwu~ rr­f rtth.mtnta. and rnlf'rtalnment Al the ooml·fonnaJ atfatr

TOl'E 0.\.1£.~D \R Thll w ... k mark• U.. mid·

W'J'· of lh~ • Thorci a.rt 11 more v. HM unUl •~meattr exa..rna, and !S wec:ka unlll tinAJ exams Thrn ..,.. four and one halt v.~k>o unul tho Cllrlnmu '"•caU•n ~

Sweatshirts W ith NIJC Emblem Now On Sale In Bookstore

Yost coUt-~,. h..l.i."\ f'At-

llhl.U and "°" :-,,JC no ' titpUOn Thto book.r. n-~ on dl•play 1"'1j;ht dlftttt"nt a.tyln of lf"'tatahlrt&. ~•en " th ab ,.n.1· blem or a C&rd.tnaJ v:;, th l.hc­Y.'of'd.I :.iC'rth 1daho Junior Cal~ l«'t;C ... around u

~·m nf rJ'tt" stvta ar~ '1>hit~ and .... 1 In "'"" &nd an• II g.-.y and red. Tbc pnCC8 l"IU'lt• rrom $.2 I'~ 10 S~H~. and lb~ ....-.. .,... modlum and larg•

Mn Be.,: who la ID cbal"l:• ol lbe boot..u>"' orderod on~ bait doz.en o! -.cb llyle. and ll lhr ~~ la s:re&l """"Ith. .ll~ •'1U order mor1:.

Bond Planning For Christmas Concert

Mamb<'.ra ,r tn. lland ha• - bul) pra.:uc:i.o.r rm- M'•·nw.I rwtt:UODI tat w!lkb tbr)' wfil play At iw-t the)' are pnrtjetng ~p - lQ play al t!>• buk.u.ll ra- !All - By ba~ c-ood peppy llClf\l:'I. they bo)>< ID a.dd """'" iplnl t.o lbe cam--

NIJC' s Voting Was Parallel To County's

Hov.· did lh• tt.Wl of lho Juntor Cotltf{C'" mock el«Uon '" tt.h lho rtftulll In th<" local and -'tl4t~ tlc<llon • ;\ t"Ompart.80n ot lht! voth'I:' N\O\I.'" thAt both Koatt"-nol Cc;iunty and' collcg~ ra,,.·on"d Lht" D~mo­crata. but In the county tu n. •r<'AlN' c-xh.•nt

In th• llr.porlAnl pn-lld•nll•I, count.y g.nJ Ut~ collof:\~ both ra•·orod K<nnodv u.nd John· ' n but lho •tAtf' Wu won by Ntxon Md Loe.lg\', Al lh• Col· l•ge. DworahAk dotoM­<d hlll O<mocrauc chnlloni:•r. Y cl..&uJtblln. but ln tho county, McLA~hlln wu I.ho victor. Stat.ew1..lie. the vot~ W&a tn fa.\'or ot Dv.-orabslt.

Accorchng' lo the coil•ll" vote, ••"7 olb<:r contested otrlco ... ould have been won by I.ho OemocraUc candldat... Kool· enaJ Coanly parallelod lho col· ~· by YOllJll' a atzalghl· <TaUC Uclcet al.lo.

Wheelbarrow Ride Down Sherman Is Election Payoff

During a tteenl meeUng of I.he PoUUeal Sclenco Club, the YO\lllg Democrats ortered a unique chAllenge to lho Yoani: R.tpubUCAJI& Tho cluillenro wu lhla·

"We, lbe mcmbera o! the YOUftl' D<!mocrat Club, cha.I· loog.o tho Yo""i' RopubUCllJl Club o!tlCUlf, tho 'lioung Repub­lican Ex.ccuun~ Board. and ono member o! I.ho Young R<!publl· can Club, Ulll IDlalml; 10 pco. pie. to a wb.cclba.rrow r1do from th• corner o! 8th a.nd Sborman to tho comer ot ht and Shcr­m.ui. lf SCl1lll0r Johll F. Ken· nody omd Sc.nat.or l.. B. Johnllon WU\ tho clectJon. ln turn, 1t Rlcbard NIJ<on &11d Henry cabot Loclj;o .<bould WUl I.he cloCUCID, I.ho Younc Democrat PoUucoJ Science C.1ul> o!ftccra. tho Ocm""rata Club o!fl""l'll Md the li'oung DemCJCro.tll Exocuuvc BoUd, Ullo lolnll.o£ 10 people, wW C'l\'O a rtdo to Young keput>UC&nl abo\'C mcnuoa~l •l I.ho dlatAncc. The Win· m•r will d1001i1 tho ume and date tho dalo b<!IJlC bolorc !;alurdAy, Nov. 19. The l°"'T "'II !ti.mW. the whodbArrow."

The c.Jt-c.Uona now over. and 1tncc K<nn<dy u.nd Johtulon \\on, I.ho Young lt<publlcarul <>Wo tho Oernocro.ll " ride. The resulla or lhl• chllllongo llllould pro•·• Lnt•"'4UDJ;, lf not llllarloua.

Ci rel ti K To Cosponsor Beard Growing Contest

01.oo..- cit tho n:ttnt Circle K meeting wu lbo lnvitaUon by lho ropreaentaUvo or lbo Vou Club, &try Capaul, t.o co­apon.oor the boanl·~ oon­Lcst with lhcm..

Commlllco chA!rmen were ap­polnt«I by president Wally AdJUn• and are na follows: House <0mmlll«. Oal.o Fumllh: Publlo ttlatlona, Kent Heber: 111emJ>erab.lp, Bob Green: SoclAI. Larry Selle: ProJ•cta. Sl..-c Sl.Mlcy,

SNEA Honors Faculty They ..... aUI> pruUci.og

ooap tc.r lhe Quuunu con· cert ..-b.lcb W\11 be btld "" Dec. H . lD addltlan to ~ two pro.)ecui. I.bey an platu>Utc another t'GDCttl for the t1rat rart o! F"el>NEY.

Collf'P ""'4Ull.I voted for •-=mu S..J R. No. 3. No. 4. No. t and No 0. Kootenai Count)' for IUTICDdm<nl S-1.R. N o. 4, aJ>d aplnol tho thn!ot Olbo'T a.mendmenl.I Th• ata.t.e V<ltfd (Cir am4!'.n:dment.a S.J .R. No 4 and No 9, bul voted qai.aal amendments 8-1.R. Na 3 and No. 4

Ouoall In a ttendance trom the Klwanlo Club wore Or . W&11..­MAlaOn, Mr. Ccori;o Rigg. tn>m lhe R.E:.A.., Mr. Frank Morse ot Yat.,..Mo~o Funeral Hom<, and Mr. Clniiltmn..n . !lln.yor and Dean Qr NJJC.

Tbe b&nd'• C1U1didalr for U.. J\-UC cont- la Kl:n!D Pct.,,_ a l'rubman tlom !'wt 1-'alla.

Vets Club Will Be Reactivated

Alter - cns.nded 1"I )'ft.J'" tb~ \'tt•I C1Ub bas re--OrpniUd. ekcled orocerw. and planned acu,1ua for col· tep

Jobn :i.uu. ....,.. •locled pnsl· dent; Barr)• C..paul. •1a: p,,_. denl: CbucJc Ad&lm. HCl"<tar)"· t~: and Da'·t Hankm a.ud Rufus Cook. c:ommitteo =· bera.

"rhJ.a year, the ,·et.a wUJ spon· mr th~ board gnnr\nJ: conteat.. Plana an ,,.,.... bdng made lo hold the lD the near future...

Study Radio Frequency

.. lndmotrlul eftetroulc-.!1 c~ are C"UM"'l"Dlly •l'ud)'lnC' nMUo lro-­q~ncy ud tunln~. Shown above u.r~ f"red S~phe:~n. Jamr.s Bren. 1uut ft.onA.ld Gro\~ Jrft 10 rt,;'hl. "''h o rftd lo.. Kc-Uh ""£rir.k· eroon. lr..r right. 1.!t thr lo...,c ruccor ob9ervlnr.

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW P•b!lJ-1 s-;.M .. tloly 0.."'9 .... ~· YNr

1y.i.. ... 1--.... .... NORTH IOAHO JUNIOR COUEGE


Editor N.aacy Ta.Jt9~

~t•P'f EcMor --~ MiM ... OOff iu... '···-· 1 $po<h £<litor 0-, W olh CttcwMtio9 M•N99' --- Pet ..... .. 9 a...-...u MeM9•t C.rok Al~-.d Aeport.n l.lfld• WeMIMl.,.. '•"ttie ~9•r. a.. Atff.rt. e.Ae ~·

bi4 c;.,,;.e, ••4 H.•c. L Pe1lw.

A lETIElt TO THE STUDENTS Deor Studonl>:

This ;, o record Y""r 10< "h Juror Co "9" The to•o "'"""" mont '" %3 Jtudonh wh ch rs ori nctooWt of •7 1•~oe--•, ov~ lost yoor • enrollm.,nt ond on "''00"' of b6 !ude•· O'<&! • .,., onrollmont of the yco< befo<o •hot Y01 ti.e Juo>Ol Co!loge growing. ond with lh1\ 9rowth on onrollmonl lh"1'e U.0..-ld oe o• ;ncroo:o •n ldlool oclovoty oli.o 8y octr1oly I meon 1>4rticipo• .,.., :n tho voroou1 clu\n on compu1. otlondonc.o of 1>41 -~al toe o function> that will bo hold throughout tho yoo• o"CI oHe!\ ot tho coll•g• s bo1fatboll 9om<H

From tho oarly •nd1c.ot1on1. o predocllon c:culd ha·• '"'"" rnado lhol thi1 would bo o rocord yoar for soc'ol o Iv,..,. "<><> hnt 1horo wos tho focully m .. or. Tho turnout f0< th wo t,_.,<n for bottor thon any turnoul for ony function hc:!d lo.1 yu• I hinted thot tho old and now lludonh ""ore •ntor .. ted "' hav...q o 9ood socio! lifo along with !hair ocedom c r.f • s.ccnd ·~.e• wo> tho orgonitolion ond mombenh1p of tho club1 ·i.oro moro inloro.I 1hown in Iha.a club< lhon lhoro .,,.., a 1 yeo• In oddilion. !hero ho boon tho formotoon oi '°'"" ~- dub> But ovonhodowing this b,;ght outlool oro some 04,\ l-.acpr ings. First. thoro wo1 no Halloween dance Altho..igl> po..,. ~oc been mode to hold ono thoy .... ,.. not corred tlvot:gh.. 1><.c i>ere wo• no dance. Second. tho mock. poli!oco ,,11y. which U.O..:e hove boon of in•orcnt to most of the 1!udenh ,.._. est!"e:!'..ely poorly oltonded. Tho rolly could hove been o hig" po"'' of me year if there hod boon o larger numbor oi sl"UOer.ts to\ ng P"'"'

There hove boon somo complo;nu olreooy tho! • .ere noth •g to do ot lh"s colloqo. Tho!' true. but its no• •ho fou • o' •he oH.ce, or tho odmonr\trohon. 0< tho focu ty. If you tl>e slu<1en'1. th ni thoro i• noth ng lo do. tfien it " your own fou + YO<J,.. tOlpon> blo for plonning ond pullong on dance and o:....r soc a odtvi!iO>. 0 ... r ng r1t911lrotoon, you 1panl money for '"8 f>"'potC

of ho-:ng S.OC••.1 lune• ons. So mo\o uWt of tfie money by pu•• ng .on soct0I funchons or ol lco1I by ettond;ng tho1e tho! ore hold

Coming up '" tho future w I be iomo aet • I e> rh.ot ore worth ollend ng 1uch o• tho'9•v1n9 Danco, ihe Chri1tma• F0<mo tho Engonoors 8oll, ond other dances 8o oefba >OO'lOn " 'or• soon. with homo 9•'""' 11nd out of town qomo._ Mo• o ,. o po n• !o qo lo 01 rnony. of the.., ovanls 01 f'Ol iblo Rt< ndlo tho• •nto•••I ond onthuuo m with which you stortod tho )'Hr Help mole th•I o record ye,., \OC•olly ot tho Jun•or Coll1t90.

Noncy TonQen oc:Mor

FOil All THIS WE GIVE THANKSI /\s tho fourth on i'<ovomb<or ro.I a ound wo ,.,11 ago•n

bo eolobrol1ng Thanl191v1ng. Whan Thanbgrvong oson come> pooplo bocome rno<o •""ore of lho mon) wonderful thongs tho) hovo all oround tham Thoy become lhanlful for the Q priv•le<Jed

1 po""'"°"'· Tho r19ht of open doors of churche•. the rognt of comforh of ovory doy lifo. For friond1hip ond lou9htor for th 'omf0<! of thoir homo1

. C~labroling Thonh9iv1n9 roflot:h •ho ri9ht ond priv;fe<Je. •he P1l9roms fought for, ond ocqu.rod, to estobl"h a home w"""' freedom is ovorywhcro Tho home ;, tho center of Thon~>g;v ng whore tho family 9othcri togothor to modilolo ond g<vo ·hon• for tha"r frl!Cldoms

Today. O\ ovor, we ore thonlful for ou• righ•s 01 ·nc1viduo tho fr~odom of speech ond freedom of t~o preu. These ""' ou• sloppon9 ttono !0< our no''°'1<1l 1d60 •o 1"9 peroona be e'> ooch citizen possouo1. For ""°'l to be done ond the strencrb •o do ·r ~r o . ., q • • '"' - K.J P

Four Night School Classes Are Now Operating At NIJC

Nrrt>t cl..- ..,. _,, bt.;n; ortor..i by Ill<' NlJC No en, t

LI OU.....S tor the oou.._ """· but the aib,IKta..,. vocauona; a.a4 belp prepaze ua- taJdna: Ulm> ror Joba. Four <O<ll'M• are beln11 o!ftred T)'plDI: and a•· cou.nung ..,.., two Of the-m.. 'tbt' taocbor ln botll LI Mra. Dorotlly York. Twenty-on• are cnrollod \n Ul.-ct b\lmlnoa COUl'Wtl Y•hlch m .. t on 'londay and Tburada)" eveninr.

Commordal Art, wblcb LI taught by Mro. Clad,.. Bray. i. anQll\er nlgllt oourao \\1th 10 .. -.nroUed - Lhne more than Whal waa .. t to be Ille llmll Tiii.i cluo moell on Tuoadayo Md Thunclay

Tbe Courtll ol- 11 tallorlni; 'Which la \lnder the aupton1ato~ or Mn. Rtlen B"""dl. and ha.I

an f"JU'Ollmtn t o! ~ The daa b di--ided IDln nro aorti~ -ace whk:b meet.a on ltonday "'enlDp and - whlcll mttl.O ... w ed?l-1 n""1lllp.

French Club Elects Newton President -~· FnDch Cub beld 11.. election of omcero. ~ ci-n to bud Ule club •·ere: praldent. Marilyn Nnr .. too: •1ce prelrldent. Kat.blttn Rult:ner. _,..tary, Carlem ~; ..._..,,..r. Ell.Id Curle: and .-.tant tniuurc:r. Sue Wnrt>t. :ldo.)'\1o Pc..,_ was cbo.n IJl&D&l:U at the French Club bt.oquet. and Kar1lyD Newton LI to Ille club planlat.

Th• CTOUP II a.pJn ~ c:a.ndy M a mon<y..maldng pn>­joc:L and wouJd like to lntorm ony lnlt:rfflod. membtrs of tht racult)• or atudcnl body.

Beverly Arehart bM beea <booen u Fn:ncb Club candlc!At• tor lU. ?>.'TJC.

a...t..T~ TU TUE 1::1)1 l uA.....,. t tAL ~ow:~ k\llle"' •e.·

NIDb kuen to tao C!ILl&ur.

~ .. ..., Mlbj«t .... '°""'"' ........ .,..._.-.... -.Ip t-nr ~ n.a,.e tiet'C'~ cM

"*" ru"'"- ~- •J l.M ..... "',.. ....cie: -· fttl • C"0-1.: l(C" ........ _,.."" """~ ......tnl.)

To ' editoT. OD n.....-y ""bt, O<tobu

Zi. tM Po1WcaJ ~ ClUb.. In Ila t&nl pabloc tw>ctlon ot - ""'"'11 ,...... -led • pollucaJ rall7. Bi.< bOW maD)' Ol i6U studenl.J •ere ~· ~lltUTtt:IOol~ ~t.lwr tbn ~ ID !be raJl1 -.n.i-.. Wbue .. .,..

U>e -r 100 otudclita "' .... .....- I ~1ve up an bou.r lor

a lJuJe -- of UM1 polil.lal - prtt.W.L IA all our lll:Ulda ! We t&C't a (1'UdeJ t..ra.. a.od 'tlii. u m&.ll.ll'e ' llU})p;»­

cdl)' I c.ollc• otudooll1'1 CDlll<IA I com. to llll&a LO t.u. otud<nta •bo a.nt awve al Liie po!Jllal """ lllnU.pc pmlUoa Ulat Ollr ~ - U!Jo ,.,,. mlnuL~

At I.lie l&arl ol !be KbOol

)-. IL - lhal 1-"lo otu• - 1>o<11 ... ~ to ....... U>e and Ulat Liie wboo&r allldonl

bod)' WU wlUa - rwic• U..... - WIUI Ulcr -..pport and U>eir sp<nl, &1 Ulal ro!W· cal no.llJ' twbldl wu plaAned wCI - "1 UM1 m-· bees or 0>c t- p&rUa .....s u.. ~t CJOllPI. a ladl of - .... ~-

Tbc ··-La - bdpod to carry ~t. Uda ~ .,,.. -~·~ ~...., u..,. too ba -rk to do. llut U>c1 d •-..led & s- part or U1c1r u. to p.~ U>c o-m aad Ulc • --- Tiie ..... t \he ., .... l>od) C:0..W ban claDc "'M

come w.t ta tuD force) to • &.'ld bear • l>&l ua. 1tlhknta baJ "'orru

And ._of you ,. .... \Oled

U>c !ollowlq day did an) of )OU -1Jy lmcllo Llw pr-U&J

<.&ndld&U:a tba1 '°"' ""&Md tor. or ~b&t t.bty &tood tor: Sot 'ery llUUI) or ,. ..... Im '"""' &a the ol &.be ne'A

.)car. and on.I) tl\e ~tcka b.a\I• ~ Let ua all wpp>rt wr OICbool and dub fW>cU..oa. Lel • be doeni. not talk""'~ ! '

Si.D<ttoly youre, Sic,~o St.Anley. Sopbonwr4

Doug Wells Shakes Nixon's Hand At Republican Rally ne bl' ••oat of tlM. po!Jucal

)"tar occurnd cm NO\'. 4 tor many of I.he -..o or t.b• Yo~ Repul>!J"""" Cub. -poclo.ll)' tor ana monbcr.

Thia Ill day" tn•elled '4 Spokan• ID hJ&blY .......... can to - c:aadldace wbom I.bey ~ for p.....Wmt. lbchanl ll Sixon. GoCIS ...... oou, Well.I. l.IDd& Wanamak•r. Na.acy Tanpa. Doa lnalc.o Ko.J Andem:m. Sae Wngll.t. Jola Achord. caro1 oa.,_.-t. 11eo. F'Ulton. and 5&"41 Schooler ~ £cldma. ).tel ~. &Dd Rita w..,,. aJ.o ...... t. al.Uloush t.hry ...., ID oc.bcr pollucal cluba

The blJb pouit or u.. l"llll} tor oouc Wcllo ,..... artu u.. ~ ............ °""' ...... • 1>1e to set °" .... ·~ anc1 allo.k• hando wtl.h llr. SIXGIL A picture ....... talurn WIUI Douc and Pat NWICI toplhtt. but nn!ortunatd,. the picture did not tum out.

Rf'clnPI llalJ (1t'f1 • "~ "h•m1nc -h '<"' lhl\\~•n " tk-\ltt" for .,..t,.nn.utl~ ''"" r914' ,,f flaU tor " bod~ \\hf'n th.,. It..-, It"\\ lllml w (1"1tphf'r .apP""I lhl• rlc'h•"'· \h. ~' ~ lbfl nc" ph~ .. IC" ln· "lrurlo r al 'IJ(" lhi" .) t"O.r .

NlJCt nr• phy a butrurh1r ta a •hH•h.alrN , .. ..nU.:"man. 11.ej:\nA!d ){ o.I)•

>tr Daly •'M born tn Toronto. Onl.. Ho LI a p<l11&to or CalJ· well no,.. ticl\ool ...... l\.u u.,.lll In .q:M hrtorenl , .. 1. l<P> \\ S U~ tlllco Slate an.I HvmllOldl State In a.Ill , Br•J• IQ' Unlvuelty In r.c,na, Ill , CIJ' J C. In Mlm>-• U of Crand ltap141 In ).11<1\ • I~ )llaoUrl lkl>ool ol Mina. onJ Colorado St&lo U lie hu a i.cbdo< ~ .. mm the u or To.roato llDd b.&a doelci craduat.­'""111 at U.. U c,t O;lorodo and tbo u of \\ a.ol\lncton-

)1.r [lalv .,.... In I.he Itoy 1 A ar \\\\l.,..J

Politicc'll Science Club Sponsored Victory Dance ~ f" tl &JOI \,;

11.a Ou. • anJ ~0''· 7 ..nKl~ d~ \ tct~ry v.nce th• c.lU.b •poMOrod NOY. i: The spealr*ra rw thc:!Ct ..,..,tinp ,. ere J R&y Cox. Blll Reopn. a.n.J Tucn Mitdlell

Tbo com.zrlllltta for the danc~ •ere a.a toltow• AcJv.,ru..enwnt - M.u Pru.s.nle. Sue \\ nght, Kay Cbapman. Roberta Ball and Kann Cnanarud, dllcorallon

J....,,.. Pucci • .Kay Ol&pmAn l'Ouo \Yrllbl, ~Ur\lyn l'lowton Don l.rUlko. and 8111 \\'.,batu, rdreo!Unenll -· DIAM Wal<l· ram. S..V Ardlart, Entd CkrTI• and )layvl.t Pt1A"t110o

Sue Wt1Jbt W'9• Choclcrn to rep..-t U>e <lub ln Ult MIA NUC coo ....

)t.DIOIUAL n:-o A memorial luod w bdnJ -

•r "1 ua. Prwl>yuna.D Club 1n -mory ot Roth& Rayo Cow>· ...,._... & lf>eO grsdllat4 Of !>"UC. Studoota IDIU9"'1 ID

~ to the fund - Bill Tlut>ID. Don l!W<o. or Sh&ron Sn1'1er. The -7 will be 0<t1t to t.b• lAw1litoa CbJJdr~n·a Home In memc.<)' at - Ray

Peterson's Shoe Shop Shoes for the Entire F•.,,;Jy

111 N _.So .... 0 ... wi 4.1911)


llENT • SALES • llEIAI ll

INl'DtSTAfE TYnWlllTDt CO 417 SJ.,,...., A..-. ... ,..._ 4-lAll

h111."k rttot L"'lnh\K at Toronto. Ho la ma.n-tl"\1 1'.nd hu a dtlu11hl•r \\hrt II .,..., m•n-1~ Iha h(•bb\' i. unu,.unt and lnlflr· ei'Un,f ~ n\ountntn r tlmblnJ;"

'"" ~""' Mr r>nl)I IK!RIN 12.~GC).ll Mt •"lato1• .nd 11.113· fl it.II Twtn-k• tn llo<ky )h'h1nt1un N.u1onlll Pork. tie hts:l\I)" rocomm•n.U thl• hobby •n•I up lt le .. vory rewftrdlng'"

II to "' l.>aly'o ~r•nk>n that teac hina- LI ~ moet lnl<'~ll•

1ng, 1umulo.uni. aatloty1n11 pro­fo•i<•n a •tu.J~nt <&n M'IM:t .... Ho llkN N'IJC An•I la n,,ppy lo tand ha Jab "'luipl't'ltl'l'\l nt-.-.1 and

,J . •I"'

Home Ee Club Making Blackout Curtains

H me eco .n .. mk ~dub mf'm t rw baYt- bf'· n ... n •Jwlnl" tJn t•ri-• amoW'lt• ot black cotdu· roy jn lht>lr •paro morn~nl• In anlM~r to lho many qur..1t1on1 WhJC'h have com4' up &-bout thl• AC:UvU,y. thfl pt. &n nw'1.klnit curtalna for tho '°'m window• Theao eurt&1n.1 wUt bo u.1od ln any auembUu 'Where ftlma are

"' l>e ol>own. !All Fltzatmmon.o .. to be

tho <lub"o <andldatA! for )llH NIJC

THE PIT Karmelcorn & Condy

Home.made Piml f2S SN~•" A"•· • C04ut d'Al•t1•

SOUVENIR RECORDS • MO ... ~ • .n-1'1

226 Si-.~o Ar• COEUR D"AlEHE. ID....HO


:t/Ht?.Li"IG 'IDIAN




DR. PEPPER n.. Fr..e•d., ,.,,...,.u,.,.,.

'tu. ,;..,. ;. 'cw11• .., ·• ~ ........ 9 H ..-di ff l" dottaiJl:f• foocl, ,..,. ... ~ .. a!!·~C.O<'!'tfftOd,t;... 1-4.,. at TIM p,.._.. ow ron• c.°"~•••'"- d. Not J.o,.. clii .. p bwt N... 9oodt MN.,.,. •qv:p. "'•l'lf el'lcf dlft.4 ,,..._. ..-.le if ?O', 'bl• for "' Jo do ri"O'I• pttitf. "-"9 b.ft•• · ifho.rt ... ,. ... ,.!Ke.


'r>""+•n of th.. N J. J. C a.,.,.__.

Student Body Leaders

"'""' , _.ff'.,.ld,.n t J ohn ) t ut" (l"'f lJ &nd 1-"!'H.l~nt U 'aJI) Adan\!J of lhf' A -!lt()rlalf"d ""il udrnl Kody a.rr tntr odOONI lo 4t Udf'..ab ht lb~ tt.rtlf'Jr, bf'low. -------

IT Hl\(JK l'llUl lJ

Our1nll' ao--l ch•ml.ll.ry ('Xpe_r tmenla ot ox ldaU:c..n and rl'ducuon. lh• app&talu• .. l up by Wally A dam• And J im Wonn backflrecl, .. ndlnir bl•ck liquid b ubbllnl{ lhrwl!'h lh• .,.veral lube• and apurttnr oul an O!M'n· <n d..S 111&&1 t ubt What wrnl wrons f Not r-ve-n lhf' ptotnaor kntw to r trutfl


Leader Publishing Co. 11• H. ~rth St • MOM~t 4.2109


Your &clu1l•e Y ~rdo9~ ~-~~f'. JOJ H F.wrl~ St • MOl-••I 4.4e.t

cocv~ O'AUHl IOAHO

U1e Our

LAYAWAY For All Your G ift Buying

W onderful Auorlment o f


tAodern Drug Center 1107 N Fou•th SI MOhawl • ·1171








Aho Ordon To Go

The Re\1ew lbU. wl!cl< llJ>Ol· lll(ht. Sludenl Body Premdent Wally Adanul and Joluuly Milla. ABB Vic. P reold<nL Johnny rra<IU&led from K lnpton Hll!h School In 19:.4 . After aenvtn1 !our yean In lhc ti. S N avy. he autnded hi.I flm year ot col· l•ge here Lu\ year

~- Johnny bu a dduute l&IC!Jll In lhe art l'l•ld he l.o p1&nn1nc lo eo lnlo comm•retal art• L'pon ~uaUon from NUC. htl"" v.oulCI Uke- to attend t-sc to ~mplt'lf' ht.a ~uon

WJlh a buay ochool ochedul< Joh.nnv nJU la '6~J")· .a.c:Uvt" and ~' nt. mtK'h of h:U llm.. to ..,,m~ of 1.M' clube hf'r"": H .. hu """" •IOC'led pn.idenl o f lbt V•U Oub and T\ct prwldcnt ol 1h.,. Youn1t Dnnnaau and th~

i-nu•h Oub \\.hfn ulled &bOut hi• favor.

It• hobblft and llpOrU. he <taled h• tnJO)·f'd palntta.( · 1r &I\) -lhtnc to do .,....,th art The maan 11port.1 h"' Ilk«• an- •-at~r •kllnJ l•nnla and bukrlbaU

Sn rnJC hu a p&lnl•r a 1 .... d"r. a.nd • ec.holar •JI ln one> rw-r.nn

\\'all)' Ad.Mn• a1w1eont bod\" pN>•ldcnl ot NUC bvn a.n COf'ur d' Al~nr H• m11ved hfon fmm Spokano 11 )'f&n aio Wally J1"1dualed from ~ur d • Altnt H llfh S«hool .. 1lh lh• <I..., ol IO~P Wally t.o moJonni: In hOlf'I and rHtaun.nt ~,.. mtnt Ht" J11ana to attend \\"'SU n•xt )"8.r to ('OnUnuf' ba aca­domlc t.ralnlJ\C

ltl• h<lbbl .. are •J><'N and mualc. H• pl&ya lhe allo a&

In tlw NlJC band and •'<Klld llko to promote a JUZ .,.,..._ teatunnJ" a n&.n'lf' )UZ orcbMtrL Wally "ould lllco to -.. "'·hat the atudallu t.llJ.nk ot wa -

Wally .. tnl""""1ed ID ,_.. atlldMt bOd)' partlclpa'- ID I.II IO\OmDl<Ol ot ~-UC. \\ aDy .a) ... .. At"tl\1U.. &.N drpmdmt upoo U>e atudenta. T1*r ,.._ ahoWJ be b~t before atudont -...!. Re II ~ '°"" ans lo aa oxaUQC and .....,. d•rf\&I Y•r at ~'lJC

A leobol. taken ID 9U!flcs<Qt qwu>Utt-. prod,,_ all the <f· !..:ta at ID~lloa. - Ollcar W U<M.




Gridlcv' ~Ien 's Store COEUR O'AUNE. IOAHO

18 Of Lost Year Grads Are Now T eoching In Area

S.Vua! ot J.ut ;roar'• ~uat· .ni: •tudent. hne )oba lb'8 ~ar u ,_.,. throur;boul lhe Idaho Panhaodle. and 10mf' out oloiala

John Cbkt. Juno Smtlh. and &b Li.•pold ar. 1 .. <lllni; In K.Uoa; ..-u.. J-phln< Fin. cey Sandra Syre Ellm Rl>odts. Sa=y ~ 3'larpm WhJltly £1W&belh K&ry. and Paula ).Wea are ~ "' Bonnot Covnl)' John Rcln• II leactuz:c al lhe ~achoo!"' Coeur d· AJ...., 8'11 RJort Ui tcaduni; al lb< Coeur <f Alone Junior Rli:ll Sd>ooL Anllur Jucor '" t•<h· mr m Dalton Cardena. C•ne-­,,_...~ K elly. Ba.rtt&r& Rob•. and &u~ .WOTSn ant lea.c:lung In ~l Falla.

T'holit teac.hln' out o! 1tat• aro June Brandl and R&lpb o· · Donnell, bolb of wbom ant teachlni: In

Chem Students Mourn Loss Of Hew Stude nt

Tragedy atniclc lh• at>< quan· tllaUVe an&l)'ll.I chemlny llU• dtnt.a and tbelr profeuor when a belovtd mtmbtr ot Lhe clau wu •lt1 ·~n by a !al&I hearl alUck. Mr o.Jtbe~ tmm..c!J. al«ly tried to m~• hl.o heart. and whl!Jl Lh1JI proved tuUJt mouth to mO\l.M' rupira· uon •·u &dmtnJ.atf'r.d. HOYt • ever. aU attempu to bnnc btf' back lnto lht nra-at nwmber a! tha m.. !ailed O&I<~ Den. J..,, :ILi· let 1- T?aNtrum,, Dan Ha · ~ Ken eun.tro. Ktrry &n<i.-.. and )hlT1J\ .)!oo,... all mourn U:.. Joa at Uwlr bf.lo\ f'd fellow ~t.. • bo wu ,.. t uncl lo u r )( ocsy' by b.18 rnei:O .Wouq ..,.. """' lo our campw, ~ a lr&Ntf<r trvm fi•ld and •t.nam.. and fn. •lUden la • 'OUld n<1C, ha atnall o f OM' lnch l~n,rtb... OOf"­lhJrd pow>d •~L........,. ~n and tur Tbc litUct rDlJWle 'AU

l:'l\CD & d~l b Jn-..

Dames Club Making A Luncheon Cloth

At lh ... laat -w mMUn U.. Dam.,. Oub d«ldfd that each mtmbtr ~ conlrlbult a bandlcen:hle! loWal'd compltt· 1111: <lub ·• lunch clolh

n.e la.dl.. met In the home -nomlca room lb• lu.ncb bout Hott- tor the day. Mn Pat """non. .Wra Arl<'nt Donat and Mra. Tait J ... ott. ..... eel lhe m.-...rnu

Outtns tha m"linl. llw m<m· ........ •lectod Looi P'alrdl£ld .. ..-, ~ tor llw Mlm NlJC C'Qlli.&

The """l m..uns ot llM d..i. will bt ... o.c-i.- 1 A.II lady llludent. •bo ar. _..n.s are

~bl• lo bt - "' °"' <Wb. and ow,. ..... ......... lO au....i.

Ht""'°~laat baa f­a ~ Uw,,_ra-.

- Ce>IT• a.:n.uan-. ldaJoo .VC-Ut Cli. ot I J




C OEUR D'A LCN£ CACANCAY 111 G• nlH • MOlt•w\ 4-)$17

~' d·Alu• . ld.llo


Guest Artist

Cuut !or t.h• lAdie. .\IUJll<nl Club "' Yakima ~DI· Iv ..,.. fftlen Flndl, bead o th«' mu.ale df'partm<f'flil at NJJC \lnL F\n<h prtM'llled a P~ at a dn:Hr\ IW'tcheon held at lhe Womac• Century Club ll-r aaompanl$t wu Flo &dmo:ul· .on 0.,13 or C1Hur d A lenr.

lira t"\nch opul«I h<r pro­;tram w1lh a Hr1et1 ot C h rbt mu..,~ toll°"'-..! by •aonp ot n \\ aytanr .. b) \tahlcr Sht" AIM> ~ 'Tho ~~---~ •• b)• Brahrru . \ly F'a1lh!UI John m .. •• &n"'llns;f'm4!nt b) 8«"<'lh0v­m . " Ptlych•''. by ra!Adtlh•. " )!on O>eur Souvr'O a La Vol~". b) TWhalk.,... oky and a l(!'Oup of folk IODJ(O. l&Js:hlll:hlod b) annca ot lho ff•bnd<O. H~r rcpertol.rt ran,,,.. from

lh• daaotea and art aonp to Htbrld.. folk 110ftP !or which ah• pl'O\·tdea aulolw'p &e<om· panlment.. ..... l aummer ahr atu1.Ufd in HawAU concenlrat· tnf <>n tbo folk mu.•lc of that atAlo_ K oreA. ant,1 Eul Indlo.n lal&nda.

work lo lbt cunc of lhu dnn~ •"'-· Oscar WUda.



Sophomores Pion Several Activities

The .apbomoro cWlo Ui plan· 11n, to have a akUn1 parl7

aomeunoo In lbo ruture wben It m DWL AbWty lo ~ la nol a rcqu1nmenl lo Co· A IOclal «>mmlll,.. ••u appolDi.d lo mAlco pl&lta tor lbc party, which ,. Ill bo held a l Lookoul Pua.

Tho .,pbomoro and !rMhman clauff ant CQUll: lo work IA>­G•lh•r l o Lr)' lo lonn • IM'P c lub. Be• A,..ha.rt la chairman pt .t0pbomore: commlttH lhal will m0<l Wltb a !roehman commlllff. Th~ claaa wtU bold a meelln1

unce •month.


Coak • Dresse1 • Foundation1 Spon..w .. r

106 N, Fourth St, .. Coe11r cf•Afel'I•



LAUNDRY Coeur d'Alene Laundry

& Dry C leaners Free Pielcup and Delivery

J07 Froat MOi... \ 4-)516

Be. Sociable . .. Hooe A Pepsi


Haft )'<IU DOUCOd lbe brtPl bird - In back of lbo kbool ! ll recenUy acqull'od a MW coal of paint! ll'• now a br1Jht red and wblLe.

Ill pul )'•at• lbo lnlotp~ta· uon ci- b&\'o p~1ent<d pup­pet llhowa to 111• student bod)·. cb&rctna a nlck•I tor admltalon year Carl OocbJan•, Bar­bara Kobo. Earle Allman, an•I Be>·ttly Wln!n)' p~l<d A &bow •"Cood Trtumpbll Ov.r Evtl," and Carl CochnU><' a.nd Sleva SIAnl•y ~led •-co.ra Qilllua..• po.ytng' tor all lboo matol'laJa UN<!, the lnltrpre­LaUOll cl&u bad $1.00 clear prolll Wllb W. dollar I.hey bouJbl paint for the bin! box. Marlin Brtnl<ley had th• honor of l"l'•Une Lh<t box.

Th• pup~l.,.,. worker11 tot W. )'...,. are Juhn Milt. and l'Al &n.lllg. Thay wfil not di· •ul10 Uut UUo of U.elr up.:om· 1ng pt11oenLaUon u ,...1 . Th•Y oay It v.1U bo a ow-pr1"'·

1i1UI!: IN A RO\\

~: Hu a.DY bowl•r ever rolled more than lwo auc·

~·· 300 pmoa? .ANWvr! BUiio lllUSIJ IA

Crodllod wllb b.aWlfr rolled Lbne .U«<Ul\'O pcrf«:t pm .. al Upper Darby, Pa., Fdlruary ~. IOJ7. ~ w•"' no o!fldal• p.-t, and tbe tt00rd do<a not olAJ\d.

For a Lifetime of

PLEA SURE Learn to

BOWL W hile You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 2414 H. F.•ri~ St •• c..., d"Alu•


BABKSTBALL Tlllo oa UM _,, _,,,,_ - •11••11 !Tom 0-:b Kealln& ..__ t....-t .... ~tl)' d-ppolnlln& wtlb oal)' 30 uptranta roporti"S :>."UC will "- •di)' In hft.lht lbla -r alUloQP a larp maml>er of UM f•llowo aN In UM Yklftll)' ot ..,. f.-t wtlb two or lluft crowdlnC lb.o .- : mark Thrtt retumlnjr v•t""""' from lut r- • ball dub oMald pro.-ici. a eood nuc...,. for bulldln« a ,,.-. llbort but nNllAbl• ball clul> TIM)' arw Gary H.-1•. lnJc ~Im and - Y- TM t...,. W\11 ha.Yfl to tnak• up for lh• t .. IJ:hlh dlad' an~ and lM'k of " """'" Ienco wll.h lots Of hwU•. a !!"°" dd•- and oluirp abootlnc TM find pm• tllta )"..,. la Satur<lsy. No• H W• " II plAy Not .. ,,,..n~ at Met.oil. B. C. ..


N ... 2• 7,>0 p . .._ - 0- C.... ,..__ l C Doc. > 5'45 , ..,, L w c L IJ v •I c...... w..., Jao. 7 IQ! p • i.- t I CW\ N_. C.... tlf<Jo.. Joo. 14 1'45 , .. ~- - c.... 4 Alo .. .1a9 21 I Q!•·"' 1-• I CW\_..... ..__ la• 1• •15p • --- _._C........ J- ,. 1 JO. ~ c.J-w ...-~ c- ~AJ...

F.~ • 7J0p • --c.... C....t1Alo-F.~ 10 IQ! ,. ,. L w C l. IJ v •I C.... 4"Alao. M II 2JO,.. u--...,,ol14a ... - c.....r..i... A ...... . ...... ~JV1la ............... ,..

\'OU.Y.YBAU. lntnomural ntJall u undnwav "'11.h a 111-!Nm t .. cu• and ltlto at ~- mi..... 'n>o m•dianl<'JI and U•• •loctronl • 1.«lml uu -b blve a L .. m. r;tvbtj; all «part· m .. nt.a nf lh• l ~Uan.... MatrJ ot our •t~i.. arr f1n~1111 oul lh•I v 11.,.r.n r playOd rirt>t •"'I '"" a lot ot a<tlT· ll)' •n~1 •hweSopmrnt ot iep«lf OJna Hen- U a t ' of t.M trarm RAVENS - o.o ... sw.... <.Nd• M•Tl-tMATlS - N -.dt lle+MI TURTLES - Ed Mottul ce.c.h 1"4EU '1 IU.U - 1et w • .... ~di: TIG(R~ - 0•·• L.•6•• --~ £UCUONS - .. - • llo•.4 tAll.HAWKS - C.'Y -· c-u IOO• T CUW CH., HHt.• -~ CELTICS - K•" Cefae ..... CHdt WECHANICS-H.~ He .. a • dt

BOWl.J~C "Ibo ~ l.ralO ... In run .... - WILb four nli;h~ oi: pla)' .,.,,. ac lhe tt<O:da. s...ttaJ .C ~ ~ ..... boi:IJlnfDJ: to run ur """'" ....,. - acorn. - ~ h.:ue av"r&Ct"ll of 1!.a or hll:!M:r

1 maci.: an e-rror le. co) lut zepMt.• Tbr la.CW N<:ret.ary for th<' Thur...Uv ntJ:llt ICT""P b LoalM HM'lrOUd. l&y apalao ~ for lhc> unlntent1onol OILiMkm.

Th• hlch lndl•1dual pron are aa !oDo.n ~EN WOMEN

1. G~t P•t~h•n 210 I. S.•wh "'9u•4• Zal l Notm W;•9•'• l IS L l°".,. H • ..........i t 11 l Ci<•Q ht<~•• 209 I $\.,.• S.,..t.. I SJ

Hts;:h lhrt'Ct t..~m"' M"n~.

MEN t . G1•1 P•lch•.-J . litoft N•tc•r•lo l Mot"' W .. 9•1•

sn S6' SSI

WOUlN S..1'41, AJ..-umtd9' 1.o ... H a..,. M4 s.;. .......

Tho W~dn•..U~ Sight 1-i;u• Bo\O~ TMm> SW[ET ru.s Tt<E !CN '1NS

•51 -411

6'•t1t '•r"Mft~ Oo" HMt• O.y.• U.t11•• Un, Sa!e a.du, UHi•• 01•"'• ,;,...,., ~... ••e4l Gt ....

AMATlUlS PtoN S a.; J~, s...,._ R'tt• JoM. Je"" v. J•f'f'f ,.,...,._, •at-, Ac...._. 0••• '°" JL. \ •wvJut. N • ~,..f

GUTI[R ousn•s TllPlE TUllEYS lte:bby C-tH.1111~ loc:lr C.~.- t..,.,., A.rt H.• Iii Fuu S.a. C..s. ......... ........ ... ... •• led

CONTINENTAU THE Clt.AZY UGS Jo.I k~1t•b-t. t.wd, Sotbel. J...,,. R:°"" P"O .. ,. 0.•t u.4• J.,,. ,,.M.otd. tc ... c., ... _,.. .-..,~"' t ... a. ruin.

HILLllLllES THE MASTUS M•• Pn.;ch"t• lol:. lc•o, 6""°'~' kic.\ &o,d, D•tt.I IC .. p,.1!, Cl!'"d 6oo<h0111 Roft.,_ AvtHl'L Gw•d·r. Did W,t1•c.MP-

UNTOUCHAIUS THREE HITS ANO A MISS ;:.,.. H•Det D••• A~"'°" Ve"'' H•"'' Poo1. JaM•• lutlod •Uc.frtarcl

=':•:•:"':•:• :K:•:•:ThOI<'::::::::::::•'-:::====-- Eg9•. letty ~. o .... t--~ ...UGllTL\' I :>."l>r:&PUD




EVERGREEN FLORAL AND GIFT SHOP "F.. aod s...;..·· • tr.tO ••~ 4-ll•S °' .....,.,~

2 IJ ~•f'TNl'I /..v•, • C..wt' d" AJHe

Low. NC"C!ve for bJ.I t1rat proo­f-nal !~1 • ~ a. received J:.o ror

•toppmg Jade Kr$clteln at Clll· cai:o. Joly. l!IM

ForY°"' Hunting Equipment

THE LIGHTHOUSE lOS SJ..""eft AW9. • MOb• wi. 45721




Our Piixa M•do "'ith Seven Diffo,.nt K;nd1 of Cho... Pd:ta To T•~• Horne - IOc &tr•

Todd Mortin, Owner Roy Moore, M•,..9or

3207 E. Spr•guo SPOKANE, WASH. Key.tone S.5306

1• Present Assembly Program

t· ... 1.,...,. ~r a l Ow :\ •'\'f'lallritt t ~ P .......... " .,_ ..... rt .. n ........ l••••rrt, "'"-- .....,_ -- ... . . a...s "C'rtl k-al ·~ .. \.awrk'all . ... """ ........... ,... ,~, ... llt1ln "'",.. ...... ,.. E. , ......... ... ft. -J C'llai•- f: C.ri...,.... riCfll. ""° •'""' ..........,_ aDd r\,....U'\• ....,.,...can. ~th"l) , .. 1 ,,... \\l ltlam .......... aora. «lalla•r) .. 1 \\ ar ~..-..a.ttt. C omnUtl..,..,

1bt8 Y'Wl'r tor lht C1rat lJ.n c-._ ~ Burah F<>ond&Uon amut("'I for a Bon.ll Leet ur..itlr lo be fUlod by" <Jlat nplahod ocholor ,.~ 81.udlN mntttbut• to • bitttt: bl\Jienlandtn.s uf tntvr• D&Uonal N""laUona It a\10 f r U.. tint Ume made pro• n toe a cmnmunlt,r di....,.. n prvi;n.m "" pa rt t II• annual cac!....,,..,_ tAk~ Ibo ltUHt loctanr to otbtt atal• m• """"tla. Ti.. S"UC 1..-tw-. •u nm In Ullo _.,am

tie la a tom ~r AM t11nt ~f"C,..... tan of StAtf' a.n&J &a ll\r .. tor or ll•rviud UNu~.ridl\ •• C.nt•r ror lnt.•rn•th•nlll \ tra1n1



Tbe Bonll ..-u..... ..... ~a,u..u fl 1n

10::1 by a snnt tram l!almon o i.......-.. 1n .....orrn u of llle cft<on. of S... ll<>rab al Uio T'aet of !'aria, which ....,.. aoun.c«d •1lr u an lrwtrunwnt or national polley

Mr UcN"·io GJ"l'ft:S~d hl1 Oflli• mlmn al>out Am•r1(11 • t>«ln1 •bit" to sncct U\t Communt.t <ballca'< (or ...... w le:ul~rah r

S,,.ci• I Rates f.,, Junior Cou..90 Sludonl• ,, ...... ,.,., \t.d••• C.tti

Stvdonh lntoro\tod in Formin9 a T uo.doy

Mi1od Studonl Loa9uo

Pl .. 10 Fhono or Ro9i•lor at


· - 4•-·it••-- ___ ..,._ -

Know the answer? Wbt'a an e!cht-Wtcer word which remmds you or cood t.u~. opar~. lift? ~ ..,,..._... euy-Coca-<:oia ol coma. ~o ~about wby 1t'a ao popular ••• oo othtt 1parldU1r driAll ci>·es you ao much eooct lalM, ao much •tillacuon. Yee. t<Ma you're lookillg !or :.!reahmeot, • the answer'• always Coke!


lonled -'• • o..-tly of n.. Coco-Colo C-pony by