The New Story of Cinderella

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The New Story of Cinderella


By: Allura Cameron

Chapter One “Yes, you all very well know me. I was in many fairy tales from the past. I was beautiful, enchanting and the greatest in the world. Sadly, The story I remember did not go so well. It had no Prince Charming. Lets get real here. Prince Charming? Please. Anyway it had no evil stepsisters either. My life was RE WRITEN in another stupid Walt Disney movie. Well, I’m here to correct that. My name is Cinderella.”

Chapter Two My Father Died

“I was out in the garden smelling the red roses when I was about 9 years old. I was sitting on a old granite bench that was left there. I watched the birds soaring high above. That was when I heard screams. They were male screams and REALLY loud. I dashed into the house only to find my father dead with a knife in his head and blood gushing out. I looked around to see if anyone else had heard his screams. All I saw was a dark shadow disappear into the corner. That was when my life changed.

To Make Things Clear...“Yes, I’m sure you have all seen the enchanting movie from Walt Disney Pictures®. I’m sure your wondering when the mice and the cat come into place, but they DON’T. Can you imagine ME, FRIENDS, WITH, MICE!!!!???? A cat I can see me being friends with. BUT WITH MICE!!!!! So sad really. Where did they come up with the name Jack and GUS. Seriously, who names their mouse kid GUS. It sounds like GUTS. Which is very unappealing.”

I Was Renamed

“It all started one day when I was cleaning out the fire place in the old fashioned living room. All was going well until a bat flew out of the fire place and landed on my head. I quickly got up and panicked as I ran frantically around the room, tracking ash all over it. Eventually I tripped over a stool and landed in the ashes of the fireplace. Lucky for me, it wasn’t lit,”

“My Step mother heard my screams and ran towards me from the kitchen. She saw me all covered in ashes and laughed. At the time it hurt my feelings and upset me a lot. Then you know what she did? she said: “ Ella... Fell in a pile of cinders... Ella …..Cinder..... Cinder.... Ella..... Aha!!!!! I got it!!!! Ella I am officially renaming you, your new name is Cinderella.”

Your kidding.

Life Was Good

“Yes life was good. GOOD?!! IF YOU WERE READING THE STORY SO FAR YOU WOULD KNOW THAT MY LIFE WAS TERRIBLE!!!!!!!! My mom laughed every time she called me that TERRIBLE name. CINDERella, CINDERella. But one day that all changed.”

That All Changed“The Prince Jacob of the beautiful land inviting us to go to the ball. The next part I think you know. Mother wouldn’t let me go, I cried like a baby by the garden, fairy godmother came and fixed me up, warned about the stupid midnight thing AND got me a pumpkin carriage. And at the ball I met the prince and we chatted, danced and talked about our future.”

Midnight“When the clock struck midnight I ran leaving my glass slipper behind. Then I am sure you remember the rest. Mother locked me in the basement, I snuck out, the shoe fit, we got married and happily ever after. THE END”

So Maybe It Was Like The Story After All...