The New Normal ma NewNo The I know. So muchAt the same time, highly promising...

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Transcript of The New Normal ma NewNo The I know. So muchAt the same time, highly promising...

Platinum SPOnSOR



There are signs that it’s getting better.

I know. So much opportunity. So much

uncertainty. I don’t know

whether to be scared or excited right now.

Can it get any worse?

Maybe I can get some answers in Charlotte.

Demand is way up. If we just had money to lend…

We’re still figuring that out.

Nothing’s going to be the same,

is it?

What are you going to do to get by?

The New Normal

Is this Grow, Change, or Die Version 2.0?2009

OppOrtunityFinancenetwOrkConferenCeOctober 27-30Westin Hotel • Charlotte, NC

The New Normal

BROnze SPOnSORSFederal Home Loan Bank • JPMorgan Chase

COmmunity leadeRPNC Bank

COmmunity SPOnSOROhio Capital Corporation for Housing

lOCal CO-HOStSLatino Community Credit Union • Mountain BizWorks • North Carolina Community Development Initiative • Self-Help • SJF Ventures

ReGiOnal CO-HOStSAppalachian Community Enterprises •

Community Redevelopment Loan and Investment Fund • The Housing Fund • Piedmont Housing Alliance • Richmond Economic Development Corporation • Southeast Community Capital •

Virginia Community Capital • Virginia Community Development Fund

““economic recovery,

like economic development,

is a bottom-up as well as a

top-down process. through their

work at the community level,

CDFis, together with other

community development

organizations, can help build a sustainable

recovery for all of us.

Chairman Ben S. Bernanke

Federal reserve Board June 17, 2009

the 2009 annual conference comes at a time when cDfis across

the spectrum are facing liquidity, portfolio, and operating

challenges while trying to respond to skyrocketing demand.

At the same time, highly promising developments—CDFIs’ access to economic stimulus funds, an increased CDFI Fund appropriation, and Federal Home Loan Bank membership for CDFIs, to name a few—provide CDFIs with big new opportunities.

The 2009 Conference curriculum will help you navigate this “best of times, worst of times.” More than 30 sessions make up a core curriculum on Stabilization and Growth, several of which are sector specific for deeper learning. This intense focus will ensure that the CDFI industry is stronger at the end of the current crisis than it was at the start, and that the CDFI industry, the private financial sector, and government are all working together effectively. Don’t miss out on this valuable learning experience.

At this conference, we continue to build on our quarter-century tradition of being the place for unsurpassed networking, vital market insights, and professional development in the opportunity finance industry. By offering training by CDFI practitioners and subject experts, bringing funders and investors together with CDFIs, delivering thought-provoking analysis and ideas for the future of opportunity finance, we will provide you with ideas and information of lasting value.

Read on and visit the Conference Web site to learn more.

ConFerenCe overview

ConFerenCe overview

ConFerenCe overview

ConFerenCe overview


“ “

the new normal has already

strengthened the ties that bind CDFis

to one another and to their partners.

welCome to the new normalDear friends,

In October, we will meet to discuss, debate, and respond to a set of external and internal challenges greater than our industry has ever experienced. Perhaps we will have a clear understanding of what happened and what it means. Perhaps not.

the new normal is one way of describing the fact that much of what we have come to expect is no longer certain. We are making a New Normal every day we go to work.

And when we come together in Charlotte for Opportunity Finance Network’s 25th Annual Conference, we will join together to share our experiences, mine them, and learn together.

The Conference curriculum is designed for this time:

Woven into all Conference tracks are sessions on risk management, market challenges, and opportunities.

Our emphasis on sustainable financing is growing.

Policy plays a clear, central role appropriate to the times, and provides an underpinning across tracks.

We will take time to appreciate what you have accomplished over the past 25 years and focus on what the next 25 years might involve.

The annual Membership Meeting at the Conference will center on the launch of OFN’s next strategic planning process, kicking off with an interactive exploration of what “grow, change, or die” has meant for you, for OFN, and for the industry. We will base our planning on the guidance you give us at that meeting and complete a new strategic plan in time for the 2010 Annual Conference. We welcome all attendees to participate in the Membership Meeting —not only OFN Members.

The wachovia neXt awards for opportunity finance in Partnership with the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation will again give us a chance to honor our peers and celebrate our industry. But this year’s awards ceremony will be significantly different, giving you a chance to hear from the awardees. We will announce awardees prior to the Conference and ask the awardees to speak to you about their plans and their vision of the future.

Most important, we will come together to face our challenges arm-in-arm—as we have done many times before. Our strength is our commitment to working together. The New Normal has already strengthened the ties that bind CDFIs to one another and to their partners.

OFN is committed to ensuring that CDFIs emerge from the current crisis stronger than we entered it and that our government and private sector partners are working with us, not against us. In Charlotte October 27–30, we will have a special opportunity to join hands at an historic moment.

pLeaSe join uS.

Mark Pinsky, President & CEO


2009 ConFerenCe highlights2009 ConFerenCe highlights2009 ConFerenCe highlights2009 ConFerenCe highlights

in the new normal, we learn from our past, deal with the current reality, and prepare to seize the opportunities in our future. conference highlights include:

25th anniversary. We will mark 25 years of the OFN conference with a special opening plenary that brings the past alive and looks toward the future. You’ll meet the pioneers who created a movement and learn how they helped build an industry. And you’ll hear what they and today’s leaders see for the next 25 years. We’ll pay tribute to our industry’s history throughout our time together.

Stabilization and Growth core curriculum. Cutting across several training tracks, breakout sessions in this core curriculum provide the tools and knowledge CDFIs need to stabilize in today’s challenging market and seize today’s new opportunities for growth. Multiple courses on risk management topics teach skills that CDFIs will use in good times as well as bad. Other courses address liquidity, capitalization, and operating constraints. Yet others focus on strategic issues. Together, these sessions strengthen CDFIs today, help them plan for tomorrow, and expose them to the widest range of financial resource options available to support their growth.

the wachovia neXt awards for opportunity finance. Now in their third year, these awards are shining a bright light on the great successes of our industry and taking awardees to the next level of impact and accomplishment. On October 28th, we will recognize and hear from the six awardees of the third annual $8.75 million Wachovia NEXT Awards for Opportunity Finance at an evening awards presentation and celebration complete with a traditional North Carolina barbecue and local music. Look for past awardees presenting their successful strategies at various breakout sessions.

Strategic planning Kick-off. OFN embarks on its next strategic planning process this year. Inspired by Jim Collins’ Good to Great concepts, the strategic plan will become OFN’s roadmap for our next phase of growth. Help OFN explore its new priorities and goals in this time of great change. Come to the Annual Membership Meeting and participate in what promises to be a stimulating and thought provoking discussion. All are welcome to attend.


“insightful and Beneficial

~ 2008 Conference Attendee

speCial Featuresned Gramlich Lifetime achievement award

at the conference OFn will announce the recipient of the third annual ned Gramlich Lifetime achievement award for responsible Lending. named for the late Federal reserve Board Governor edward (ned) Gramlich, the award honors a lifetime of achievement in responsible financial services.

the new normal: State of the industry Speech

by mark Pinsky, President & CeO of Opportunity Finance network.

25 yearS of tHe ofn conference

Learn about the great work CDFis have been doing for the past 25 years through our display of one hundred OFn member Profiles and photographs from the past.


Special breakfast sessions give you a dedicated time to network with your fellow CeOs, CFOs, loan officers, portfolio managers, development directors, and marketing staff from across the country. regional breakfast sessions let you network with CDFis in your region.

greening the ConFerenCe carbon offsets. We invite you to make a donation to offset the carbon dioxide emitted by your travel to and from Charlotte. It’s easy to do. Go to and click on Try our Travel Calculator to calculate your emissions and make a donation. supports renewable energy projects in Native communities and on family-owned farms.

fewer handouts. Session descriptions, speaker biographies, and session PowerPoint presentations will be posted on our Web site in advance of the conference for you to review online. If you like having copies of this information with you at the conference, please print the ones you need and bring them to the conference. We will have limited numbers of copies of these materials to hand out at the conference.

paperless online conference evaluation. Submit by November 3rd and be eligible to win an iPod!



pre-ConFerenCetueSDay, octoBer 27

The pre-conference offers three training sessions:

native Gathering: The Native Gathering takes a fresh approach this year with a single focus on the exciting new policy efforts in the Native CDFI field. Hosted by Opportunity Finance Network and the Oweesta Corporation, this half-day Gathering is designed for non-Native as well as Native professionals interested in learning more about Native CDFIs and their important work in transforming Native communities. New this year, the Gathering will host the presentation of the 2009 Native CDFI Awards.

Building regional community Development finance capacity. This half-day session explores why there are so few CDFIs in certain areas of the country, using the Southeast—and South Carolina specifically—as a case study. The Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond and Atlanta, the Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation, the CDFI Fund, CDFIs, and others interested in changing the situation join forces to develop a replicable action plan to create and/or expand CDFIs in the region.

introduction to the Disability Market. People with disabilities represent the largest minority group in the U.S. This population and their families provide fertile ground for CDFIs as the newest untapped emerging market. Learn about the trends related to people with disabilities in housing, employment, and asset development, and how they relate to your organization. How do autism, disabled veterans, and aging baby-boomers fit into the world of CDFIs? This session will include an introduction to disability terminology and statistics, case studies of completed deals, and a discussion of new business opportunities for CDFIs.

ConFerenCe CurriCulumConFerenCe CurriCulumConFerenCe CurriCulumConFerenCe CurriCulum


7For the Complete sCheDule oF sessions Go to

“ “a year ago

i didn’t even know what a stress test was.

enlightening, exciting and inspiring

~ 2008 Conference Attendee

ConFerenCe traCks & sessionsThe Conference offers more than 50 breakout sessions, with more than half being part of the Stabilization and Growth core curriculum and more sessions than ever before being suggested and organized by OFN Members! Seasoned professionals, people that are new to the industry and everyone in between will find sessions geared to their skill levels. In the lists of tracks and sessions that follow, Stabilization and Growth sessions are marked with a H. A session may be listed in more than one track, so we encourage you to look carefully through all of the tracks to find all of the sessions that meet your needs. For session details—description, presenters, level—visit the Conference registration website at

risk Management.

More critical than ever, risk management has been the hot topic for more than a year now. Many CDFIs are eager to absorb all there is to know on this financing fundamental.

Managing Delinquency: Affordable Housing H

Managing Delinquency: Commercial and Facilities H

Managing Delinquency: Microenterprise and Small Business H

Managing Problem Assets—Forming and Using a Problem Asset Committee H

New Governance Imperatives for Nonprofits

Portfolio Management in The New Normal H

Stabilization Essentials: Comprehensive Risk Management H

Workouts: Affordable Housing H

Workouts: Commercial and Facilities H

Workouts: Microenterprise and Small Business H

Continued on page 10

pre-conference: tuesday, october 27th

7:45AM – 4:30PM Tour: Small and Micro Business Development

NooN – 4:00PM Building Regional Community Development Finance Capacity

Introduction to the Disability Market

2:00PM – 5:00PM 6th Annual Native Gathering & Native Awards

6:00PM – 8:00PM Opening Reception

traCk key!

B Business Finance Sponsored by Capital One

F Community Facilities & Commercial Real Estate Finance

CF Capitalization & Funding

sF Sustainable Finance Sponsored by The Home Depot Foundation

h Affordable Housing Finance

n Native CDFIs

o Strategy & Operations

r Risk Management

s Strategic Communications

H Stabilization & Growth core curriculum Funded by The Citi Foundation

conference: wednesday, october 28th

8:30AM – 10:45AM Opening Plenary: 25 Years of the OFN Conference

10:45AM – 12:00PM Dedicated Trade Show Time

12:00PM – 2:00PM Lunch and The New Normal – State of the Industry Speech by Mark Pinsky, President and CEO, Opportunity Finance Network

2:15PM – 5:30PM Opportunities for Business: The Strategic Link between Entrepreneurship Systems & Good Lending n B

2:15PM – 3:45PM Stabilization Essentials: Comprehensive Risk Management

r H

How You and Your CDFI Can Prosper from Private Philanthropy


Corporate Business Practices in a Nonprofit World

o H

New Growth Financing Options: Focus on Royalty


Consumer Lending Regulations


Lending for Energy Efficiency


h F

Native Housing Finance: Institutions & Programs that Make it Happen


To Be or Not to Be Regulated


4:00PM – 5:30PM Portfolio Management in The New Normal

r H

The Bank-CDFI Relationship in The New Normal


Foundations: PRI and MRI Opportunities


Federal Funding: Microenterprise and Small Business




Working Capital for Nonprofits


Balancing the Three E’s

sF B

Native CDFI Funders Panel

n CF H6:30PM – 11:30PM Wachovia NEXT Awards for opportunity Finance

ConFerenCe at a glanCeoPPorTuNiTy FiNANcE NETWork 20



who should attend? CDFI & Opportunity Finance Institution staff, executives, and board members Investment managers Bankers Foundation program staff Federal, state and local funding program staff and executives Native community development professionals and tribal leaders Community & economic development specialists CDFI consultants

Policy advisors & policy makers

the new normal: what you will learn Tools for managing risk

The latest capitalization and funding trends and opportunities

Innovations in the growing green finance sector

CDFIs’ roles in neighborhood stabilization

How CDFIs are using Good to Great concepts to strengthen their organizations

Native CDFIs’ new policy efforts

Effective communications and public relations skills

thursday, october 29th

7:30AM – 8:45AM Regional Meetings Portfolio Software Discussion Groups

9:00AM – 1:30PM Tour: Opportunity Finance in Charlotte

9:00AM – 10:30AM Managing Delinquency: Microenterprise and Small Business

Managing Delinquency: Commercial and Facilities

Managing Delinquency: Affordable Housing

What’s Hot in Policy

Federal Funding: Affordable Housing

CDFI Alliances: How to Collaborate without Losing Your Identity

Financial Services for Underbanked Communities

Financing Green Businesses

Establishing Your Native CDFI

10:45AM – 12:15PM Managing Problem Assets — Forming and Using a Problem Asset Committee

NMTC: Lessons Learned

Federal Funding: Commercial and Facilities

Sourcing Capital Online: Prosper, Kiva, MicroPlace

Portfolio Management: When Back-office Takes Front Burner

Acquisition and Joint Ventures: Legal Aspects

Roles for CDFIs in Neighborhood Stabilization

Inside OFN’s Strategic Planning Model

12:30 – 2:00PM Lunch

1:30PM – 5:45PM Tour: Catawba Cultural Center

2:15PM – 5:15PM Opportunity Finance Network’s Annual Membership Meeting: OFN’s Next Strategic Plan

5:30PM – 6:30PM Portfolio Software Discussion Groups

r CF

sF n


B o


0 0


r r r CFB F h hCF

friday, october 30th

7:30AM – 8:45AM Networking Sessions: CEOs, CFOs, Development Staff, Loan Officers and Portfolio Managers, Marketing Staff

9:00AM – 12:15PM Telling Your Story with Words and Photographs

Native CDFI Finances

9:00AM – 10:30AM Workouts: Microenterprise and Small Business

Workouts: Commercial and Facilities

Workouts: Affordable Housing

Promoting Transparency Federal Funding: FHLB Membership & Programs

2008 NEXT Awardees: One Year Later

Native Development Services


10:45AM – 12:15PM CARS™ 101 Responding to The New Normal: Innovation, Outsourcing, and Capitalization

New Governance Imperatives for Nonprofits

Developing an Industry Strategy for Sustainable Finance

Native Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Development

Power Up Your Public Relations

How to Make the Web & Social Sphere Work for You

cf CF sn0

r r r


CF o


B F h

r sF











s n o

9For session DesCriptions, presenter inFormation, session levels, anD to register For the ConFerenCe Go to

“relevant to the current market situation and opportunities

~ 2008 Conference Attendee

For session Details Go to

traCks & sessions ContinueD

o Strategy & operations.

This is a time for CDFIs to focus on internal operations as well as to think strategically about the New Normal. In this track you will learn how to run a stronger strategic planning process, evaluate whether a merger or acquisition is right for you, and improve operating efficiency.

2008 NEXT Awardees: One Year Later

Acquisition and Joint Ventures: Legal Aspects H

CDFI Alliances: How to Collaborate without Losing Your Identity H

Consumer Lending Regulations

Corporate Business Practices in a Nonprofit World H

Establishing Your Native CDFI

Financial Services for Underbanked Communities

Inside OFN’s Strategic Planning Model

Native CDFI Finances

New Governance Imperatives for Nonprofits


Portfolio Management: When Back-office Takes Front Burner H

Responding to The New Normal: Innovation, Outsourcing, and Capitalization H

To Be or Not to Be Regulated?

CF capitalization and funding.

In this track of sessions, you’ll learn new ways to engage private sector capital, get details on federal funding for your financing sector, find out where philanthropy stands, and discover online technologies for fundraising.

CARS™ 101 H

Federal Funding: Affordable Housing H

Federal Funding: Commercial and Facilities H

Federal Funding: FHLB Membership & Programs H

Federal Funding: Microenterprise and Small Business

Foundations: PRI and MRI Opportunities H

How You and Your CDFI Can Prosper from Private Philanthropy H

Lending for Energy Efficiency

Native CDFI Funders Panel H

NMTC: Lessons Learned H

Promoting Transparency H

Responding to The New Normal: Innovation, Outsourcing, and Capitalization H

Roles for CDFIs in Neighborhood Stabilization

Sourcing Capital Online: Prosper, Kiva, MicroPlace H

The Bank-CDFI Relationship in The New Normal H

What’s Hot in Policy H

B Business finance.

These sessions are designed for CDFIs that lend to or invest in small and medium businesses, and microenterprises. Whether you need a primer on managing delinquency or want to learn how to do debt-with-equity financing, you’ll find an applicable session in this track.

Balancing the Three E’s

Federal Funding: Microenterprise and Small Business

Financing Green Businesses

Lending for Energy Efficiency

Managing Delinquency: Microenterprise and Small Business H

Native Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Development

New Growth Financing Options: Focus on Royalty

Opportunities for Business: The Strategic Link between Entrepreneurship Systems & Good Lending

Working Capital for Nonprofits

Workouts: Microenterprise and Small Business H

h Housing finance.

These sessions are designed for CDFIs that provide financing to individuals to purchase a home or conduct home improvements on a home they already own, or provide financing to organizations that develop affordable for-sale or rental housing.

Federal Funding: Affordable Housing H

Federal Funding: FHLB Membership & Programs H

Lending for Energy Efficiency

Managing Delinquency: Affordable Housing H

Native Housing Finance: Institutions & Programs that Make it Happen

Roles for CDFIs in Neighborhood Stabilization

Workouts: Affordable Housing H

ample opportunities for us to talk to each other

“ “

~ 2008 Conference Attendee



F community facilities / commercial real estate finance.

Sessions in this track are designed for CDFIs that lend to or invest in community facilities or commercial real estate.

Federal Funding: Commercial and Facilities H

Lending for Energy Efficiency

Managing Delinquency: Commercial and Facilities H

NMTC: Lessons Learned H

Working Capital for Nonprofits

Workouts: Commercial and Facilities H

sF Sustainable finance.

Sustainable finance is one of the fastest growing areas in the industry. More and more CDFIs are financing clean technology and providing financing products tailored to sustainable uses.

Balancing the Three E’s

Developing an Industry Strategy for Sustainable Finance

Financing Green Businesses

Lending for Energy Efficiency

n native cDfis.

Native CDFIs continue to grow in number, size and sophistication. This year’s Native CDFI track of sessions covers housing and business finance, financial management, and funding and capitalization.

Establishing Your Native CDFI

Native CDFI Finances

Native CDFI Funders Panel H

Native Development Services

Native Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Development

Native Housing Finance: Institutions & Programs that Make it Happen

Opportunities for Business: The Strategic Link between Entrepreneurship Systems & Good Lending

s Strategic communications.

Marketing and public relations are important but often neglected elements of a CDFI’s strategy. Learn how to make every one of your limited communications dollars count by attending a session in the Strategic Communications track.

How to Make the Web & Social Sphere Work for You

Power Up Your Public Relations

Telling Your Story with Words and Photographs H



what are the positive indicators in your region?

small anD miCro Business DevelopmentTake a walking tour of Asheville, North Carolina and visit the businesses that have received support from Mountain BizWorks. You will learn about Mountain BizWorks’ programs and meet the entrepreneurs. Participants will have an opportunity to stroll, shop, and explore Asheville’s eclectic downtown and have lunch on their own.

opportunity FinanCe in CharlotteVisit Wachovia NEXT Awards for Opportunity Finance awardee Latino Community Credit Union. Hear credit union member stories of how the credit union reached them and what impact membership has had. Visit a housing development financed by Self-Help in a low-income neighborhood of Charlotte.

CatawBa Cultural CenterSpend the afternoon at the Catawba Cultural Center. The Catawba Indians are aboriginal to the Carolinas and the Catawba pottery tradition has survived for over 4,500 years. Learn about the Catawba language and receive a demonstration on pottery making. Preview a cultural program. There will be an opportunity to explore the trails leading to the Catawba River and the Catawba craft store.


“ tips for Conference goers


left the conference motivated and ready to share

~ 2008 Conference Attendee

Choosing the sessions that are right for you is not always easy. Here are a few tips to help you along the way. This is just a sampling of what the conference has to offer. Please check the registration Web site for a complete list of sessions.

are you new to the cDfi industry?

Responding to The New Normal: Innovation, Outsourcing, and Capitalization

What’s Hot in Policy?

Federal Funding (choose the session appropriate to your CDFI’s primary financing sector)

Roles for CDFIs in Neighborhood Stabilization

Regional Breakfast

are you a Highly Seasoned practitioner?

Stabilization Essentials: Comprehensive Risk Management

Portfolio Management in The New Normal

Responding to The New Normal: Innovation, Outsourcing, and Capitalization

The Bank–CDFI Relationship in The New Normal

Developing an Industry Strategy for Sustainable Finance

are you a cDfi Board Member?

Promoting Transparency

CARS 101™

Inside OFN’s Strategic Planning Model

Federal Funding (choose the session appropriate to your CDFI’s primary financing sector)

are you an investor or funder?

Foundations: PRI and MRI Opportunities

Responding to The New Normal: Innovation, Outsourcing, and Capitalization

Stabilization Essentials: Comprehensive Risk Management

Promoting Transparency

Building Regional Community Development Finance Capacity

are you a cDfi cfo?

The Bank–CDFI Relationship in The New Normal

CFO Breakfast

are you a native cDfi practitioner?

In addition to the Native CDFI sessions, consider:

Portfolio Management Essentials

Managing Delinquency (choose the session appropriate to your CDFI’s primary financing sector)

Workouts (choose the session appropriate to your CDFI’s primary financing sector)

How You and Your CDFI Can Prosper from Private Philanthropy

Sourcing Capital Online: Prosper, Kiva and Microplace

are you a Bank cDfi or a credit union cDfi?

Promoting Transparency

What’s Hot in Policy

Financial Services for Underbanked Communities

Inside OFN’s Strategic Planning Model

Regional Breakfasts





ion Fees

Member* Rate $575 Special Start-Up CDFI** Rate $575 Nonmember Rate $725

Save $25 off the above rates if you register before September 15th! Go to and complete the online registration form today.

Day Rate $325

sixth annual native gathering Members* $ 50 Nonmembers $ 65

other training sessionsMembers* $80 Nonmembers $100

Tours: $40 – $60 dollars depending on the tour

Online pre-registration is required for all sessions. Sessions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some instructors have limited the number of registrants for their particular session. Opportunity Finance Network reserves the right to contact registrants prior to the Conference to discuss their selections, and if appropriate, to reassign them.

All refund requests must be in writing to Jacqueline Fox at or at Opportunity Finance Network, 620 Chestnut Street, Suite 572, Philadelphia PA 19106. A $50 processing fee will be assessed for cancellations received after October 5, 2009. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after October 16, 2009.

If you have any questions about conference registration, please contact Jacqueline Fox at 215.320.4313 or

Hotel accommodations

The Westin Charlotte is located in the city’s uptown financial district and is within walking distance of the Historic South End where you’ll find restaurants, museums and shopping.

The Westin Charlotte601 South College StreetCharlotte, NC 28202704.375.2600 |


To qualify for the group rate of $179 (single or double occupancy) plus state and local taxes, you must make your hotel reservations by October 2, 2009. Be sure to tell the reservation agent that you are with the Opportunity Finance Network Conference. The hotel will offer the group rate three days before and three days after the Conference based on availability.

After October 2, reservation requests will be based on availability at the hotel’s prevailing rates.

In the event that you must cancel your room reservation, you must call the hotel to cancel by 6:00 pm Eastern Time the day before you are scheduled to arrive. If you call after 6:00 pm EST, the hotel will charge you for one room night plus taxes. All room cancellations must be made directly with the Westin Charlotte.

Note: Check-in time is 3:00 pm and check-out time is Noon.

fun outings

Learn more about what makes Charlotte a great city. Check out attractions, entertainment & nightlife, dining, shopping, and more at

Dress code

Dress is business casual for all Pre-conference and Conference events.


The average temperature in Charlotte in October is 75 degrees. Check the National Weather Service website at for up to the moment forecasts.

The web site for the Charlotte/Douglas International Airport is

Ground transportation

The hotel is approximately 10 minutes from the Charlotte airport. One-way travel to or from the airport is approximately $25 for taxi service. Check out the Charlotte Douglas Airport Web site for all transportation options. Except as explicitly noted in the program, all travel and accommodation arrangements are the full responsibility of the registrant.

Shipping information

In order to ship materials for display on our resource tables, prepare the shipping label as follows. Attendees will be responsible for shipping their materials to the Westin at their own expense, and addressed to themselves (Please follow shipping label sample shown below). Note: The Westin will only accept OFN related packages within three business days before the conference.

The Westin Charlotte601 South College StreetCharlotte, NC 28202HOLD FOR: OFN Conference Oct 27-30/ <<Fill in the name of your Organization>>

Hotel Contact: Linwood Campbell

If you have any questions regarding shipping, please contact Linwood Campbell by email at

You will be responsible for unpacking, re-packing, and all shipping fees (to/from the Westin) for any of your display items and resource materials. To confirm that your packages have arrived, please call the hotel at 704.375.2600 and ask for the Shipping and Receiving Department.

* Available to organizations that are OFN Members of record as of the day they register.** Available to CDFIs that have been actively lending for two years or less.

ConFerenCe registration



i’ll be fine if i can just figure out how to get access

to tHe fHLB, or SoMe otHer Source of liquidity.

the new normal

Opportunity Finance Corporation(Opportunity Finance Network)

Public Ledger Building620 Chestnut Street, Suite 572Philadelphia, PA 19106-3413

NonProfit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDPhiladelphia, PAPermit No. 1016