The Nature of Heredity. Brainstorm Genetics How do we get the traits we get? Why do I have green...

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Transcript of The Nature of Heredity. Brainstorm Genetics How do we get the traits we get? Why do I have green...

The Nature of Heredity



How do we get the traits we get? Why do I have green eyes, you have brown, blue, green eyes etc.? Why do we all look so different?

What is heredity? How do we get the traits that we do?

Genetics: the scientific study of heredity and variation or inherited characteristics

Heredity: the passing of traits from parent to offspring

Genetic Material


A sequence of nucleotides forming a section of a chromosome

Codes for a specific protein

“packets” of hereditary info that is passed from generation to generation


The specific location of a gene on a chromosome


A specific form of a gene


Carry info for traits

Each species has a characteristic # of chromosomes per body cell

Body cells (somatic) and gametes (sex cells) have different number of chromosomes

Haploid: a cell containing half the usual # of chromosomes (n)

Diploid: a cell containing two copies of each chromosome (2n)

Asexual Reproduction

Almost always involves cell division

Results in offspring that are genetically identical to single parent


No mate needed

Nothing left to chance


Lack of variability and adaptation

Sexual Reproduction

Results in offspring that are genetically variable

Offspring inherit half of their genetic info from each of two parents


Need a partner

Need specialized organs

Genetic info may be passed that makes organism weak



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