The Namib Desert is located along the coast inThe Namib Desert is located along the coast in...

Post on 21-Mar-2020

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Transcript of The Namib Desert is located along the coast inThe Namib Desert is located along the coast in...

The Namib Desert is located along the coast in southern Africa

The Kalahari Desert is in the interior of Southern Africa

(Don’t write)Namib Desert and Kalahari Desert

Both the Namib and Kalahari Deserts are hot and have little rainfall

These deserts support some plant, animal, and human life, but not much

Over 2700 miles long and flows through rainforests in tropical climates

Much of the river is navigable and connects the interior of Africa

One of the largest human made lakes in the world

Produces hydroelectricity used by Ghana

Also necessary for crop irrigation

A valley that formed from the shifting of tectonic plates.

Stretches from Syria to Mozambique.

Lake Victoria- Africa’s largest lake, is also found in this region

Lake Victoria gives the Nile River its water

Stretch from Ethiopia to the Cape of Good Hope

Mountains such as Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya are in this region

Ruwenzori Mts. are located in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

There are large diamond deposits found in South Africa (the country), Botswana, and the Congo River basin

Half of the world’s gold deposits are in South Africa.

Compare and Contrast the physical geography and resources of Southern Africa to that of Florida.

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