The Name Game - An Alphabet Legacy - Chapter 1

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The Name Game - An Alphabet Legacy - Chapter 1

The Name Game – An Alphabet Legacy

Chapter 1 – Behind the Name

It’s been over a year since I last played a Legacy challenge. I was working full-time and didn’t have the chance to really do much so the last one I was playing bit the dust. So why not start a new one now that I’m back in school?

Meet my founder, Last Name. Yes… his name is Last Name. I believe you might have one of those.

Last Name is a popularity sim who likes mechanical skill and brown hair but not formal wear. He is a Leo (3/8/4/6/4) who wants to be a Hall of Famer.

Oh, and like many alphabet legacy founders before him, he’s getting an extreme start.

I’ve decided that his children will be named after last names since I couldn’t think of anything else. Most alphabet legacy ideas I have usually wind up with one generation not having at least 3 possible names to use and you have to make your process a stretch. And all of the good ideas have already been taken.

“Has this theme been done before?”

Not that I know of.

My favourite thing about having all the EPs now is that I don’t even need to buy skill objects half the time. Probably my favourite eventual feature from TS2.

So I deleted all of the pre-existing townies so I could have some new sims to choose from. This here is uh…. Um… I was just playing right before I started writing…. Well her last name is Cho.

“You don’t look Asian.”

“Bite me.”

Last: Can you imagine all of the possibilities? Each of my descendants will have a name from a different ethnic background.

Cho: Most of them will probably be European with letters like X being used for token names.

Hey! I’ll use names from around the globe each generations… you… you forgetable troll!

It really didn’t work out in the end with Cho. She might be used for a different generation, but right now I need someone more compatible. She and Last have negative chemistry.

Cho: Thank Maxis. Not EA though. They know what they did.

Last: One day I’ll have enough money for a roof.

Yusun: That’s… nice…

Slowly but surely, Last is going up his career ladder.

Last: Imagine if this were an apocalypse.

Good thing I already have my medal for that.

I keep forgetting I can dig for stuff and make money.

Last: You mean I can dig for stuff.

Sure… but I get to spend it. So it really is my money. Plus I’ll still be spending it even as Y is having Z.

Last: Can I shower now? I doubt any of the new townies rolled stink as a turn-on.

But you didn’t get a treasure chest…

Last: Happy?

I mean… mildly. In terms of the real world implications, it doesn’t affect much but-

Last: If this is how you used to narrate back in the day, I feel sorry for your old sims.

Home upgrade

Yusun is invited over and instantly works that ACR magic.

But I bet you assumed this would happen because I actually know her first name.

My precious new babies that will grow old and die on me… morbid… I need to think good thoughts.

Well, their two bolt chemistry is a good thought. I’ll have a spouse in the house before sundown.

So here are the official stats on Yusun Centowski. She’s a popularity sim who wants to be a hall of famer. She’s also a Leo (2/6/3/8/6). She likes stink and custom hair but not glasses.

She also brought $19000.

Yusun: I have to pee!

Now to officially get to work on generation A.

Yusun becomes the first Mrs Name thus beginning a legacy tradition of getting married in your underwear. A tradition which dates back to 2005 (maybe 2004).

House upgrade 2

Since I don’t have a community lot to buy clothes from right now, Yusun changes into her formalwear for everyday and gets a little makeover.

Sorry about the blank slides, but I just wanted to show the day to day life of my sims. Meet the first kid born into the legacy: ADLER NAME.He’s a libra (2/8/4/3/8).Adler is a German surname meaning eagle.

Upgrade 3

Great parenting skills you two. Leave the kid outside of the crib.

Now to start on kid number two.


What a very punky nanny we have.

Nanny: And I’m the only one generated so you’ll have to get used to me sooner or later.

Toddler Adler.

This was the point where I realized that I forgot to put a roof over the upgrade house parts. Sorry guys.

What is this club penguin bull-

You know what? No. Go away, you.

And meet the second kid of the legacy: ARAYA NAME.

She’s a tauros (3/8/4/8/4) and her name is Spanish and means from the town of Araia (another spelling of the name).

One more baby to go before I can start thinking about who the heir will be.

Do I still need to have a poll? I guess I will anyways.

Adler is getting the worst parenting. I mean, it’s partially my fault, but my sims are autonomous so… it really is theirs.

Child Adler!

I really don’t know what I have that custom hair in game. I don’t like it as much as others seem to, but I guess it just helps me keep up with the Jonses.

Adler: Mom, why is that boy’s name BJ Cox?

Yusun: Because his parents don’t love him.

Toddler Araya.

Third and final baby of generation A: AKIYAMA NAME.

I don’t know her personality yet because I haven’t played that far, but her name is Japanese and means autumn mountain.

Last tops his career.

Child Araya.

So I think all in all, this hair suits her better.

Araya: Now do something about my outfit.


So that’s all I have for now. I will update as I play. This won’t be a plot-heavy Legacy challenge and most of the slides will be blank. I think this style of just “update with a couple quick quips” works best for me and my schedule with school and work. It also helps make it easier for my to complete the challenge itself because I won’t be putting my energy into thinking of funny things to say all the time. Thus getting things done faster.

Always yours,- Rex