The Mystery of Crop Circle - Prehistoric Electromagnetic -

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International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 511 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

The Mystery of Crop Circle (Prehistoric Electromagnetic disc)

M.Arulmani, B.E. (Engineer)

V.R.Hema Latha, M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. (Biologist)


The history of Crop Circle research shows that Crop Circle is

considered as a sizeable pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as

Wheat, Barley, rye, logos, Discs, etc. The crop circles are substantially

increased throughout the world and so far about nearly 10,000 cases of crop

circles were reported by many countries till today.

There is a mystery still exists among Scientists, Anthropologists the

existence of crop circle is natural? (or) Supernatural? (or) human made?

Many Scientists speculate that Crop Circles are almost entirely Man-Made

with a few exceptions possible due to Meteorological or other phenomena.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 512 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

The Crop Circle researchers from various countries proposed so many

theories about its philosophy of its existence such as related to Agricultural

crops, Missing link about life origin, Anonymous Alien message, etc.

It is speculated by the Author that Crop Circles formations shall be

considered as Prehistoric scientific language in Code Form. Each Circle

shall be considered as a Main logic element which consists of thousands of

sublogic programmes (Alogarithm). The Prehistoric CROPS CIRCLES

LOGICS might have been adopted by the Tamil based Indians while lived

in MARS Planet in prehistoric time in space applications for controlling and

regulating the planetary motions in the solar system.

It is speculated that the philosophy modern Tamil Culture KOLAM

might have been derived from the philosophy of Prehistoric crop circle

culture. Kolam shall mean a Web like Art which conveys different meaning

in the Art and Science of human life under environmental conditions. The

crop circle culture shall be considered as the remote controlling of various

planets from MARS Planet under different climatic and environmental


Key Words:

Prehistoric Scientific Logic, Logos, Prehistoric Language in code form,

Electromagenetic disc, Remote Control of Planets through Electric, Magnetic

field interaction.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 513 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART


In modern time many languages such as Mayan Codex, Morse Code,

Binary Code various logic gates utilized in computer system are considered

as advanced scientific languages. It is focused that the Crop Circles

discovered in many part of the world shall be considered as the prehistoric

advanced electromagnetic disc utilized for remote communication with

interaction of electric and magnetic field for controlling various planets in the

solar system. The modern advanced communication devices such as CD,

DVD, SIM Card of mobile system, Various software systems utilized in

computers might be derived from the philosophy of prehistoric Crop Circles.


The Prehistoric language shall bee considered as concerned with

existence of Prehistoric human populations. Human Anthropological studies

focus that classical languages, scientific languages such as Morse Code,

Binary Code, Mayan Grolix Code are developed only in Modern time. If so

how advanced civilizations, application of advanced scientific logics are

polsible in prehistoric time? The Modern Scientists themselves could not

arrive conclusions how complex formation of Crop Circle was in existence

and what is the philosophy of existence? Only possibility is that Prehistoric

human populations might be existing with advanced civilizations and might

have adopted advanced scientific logics in communications.

It is speculated that the Prehistoric populations while lived in MARS

were expert in astronomical science and advanced communications practiced

through electromagnetic sources. The prehistoric populations are well


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 514 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

versed in Electromagnetic theory and shall be called as Superscientists

having more wisdom. The philosophy of geometric position of Sun, Earth,

Moon, in the solar system, shape of universe was already published by the

Author in IJSRP, April, 2013 titled as Cosmo Superstar and in IJSER, May,

2013, titled as Superscientist of Climate Control. This article shall be

considered as the extended version of previous articles published.


i) Crop Circle formations are man-made

ii) Crop Circle formations are scientific logic used in Astronomical

Science applications in Prehistoric time.

iii) Crop Circles shall be considered as Electromagnetic discs.

Microprocessor functions comprising thousands of inbuilt called as

Mother Board.

The above Tri-Crop Circle shall be considered as prehistoric BLACK

BOX consists of three fundamental circles comprising of thousands of sub

logic programs within each circle. In the above Tri-Crop Circle the right

circle shall be considered as the functional part of logic, left circle shall be

considered as the structural part of logic, center circle shall be considered as


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 515 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

law part of logic governing specific sequential operations. The above black

box Tri-Crop Circle might have derived energy from freely available radiant

Aether energy in the space.

In medical term the right circle shall be considered as equivalent to

DNA, the left circle shall be considered as equivalent to HORMONE, the

center circle shall be considered as equivalent to RNA.

In Cosmological term right circle shall be considered as equivalent to

dark matter consists of proton, neutron, electron, left circle shall be

considered as equivalent to dark energy consists of photon, electron, proton,

the center circle shall be considered as equivalent to dark law consists of

anti-neutrinos radiation.

In biological term the domain of life shall be considered as equivalent

to three Crop Circle. The right circle shall be considered equivalent to

EUKARYOTES, the left circle shall be considered as equivalent to

ARCHAEA, the center circle shall be considered as equivalent to


In electromagnetic spectrum the three crop circle shall be considered

as equivalent to three region of radiation. The right circle shall be considered

as INFRARED radiation, the left circle shall be considered as Visible

Region, the center circle shall be considered as Ultra Violet Region.

In standard colour theory the three crop circle shall be considered as

equivalent to three fundamental colours. Millions of various range of colours

shall be considered as species colours within the three fundamental colours.

Black and white shall not be considered as colour; Black shall be considered

as absolute absorption and white shall be considered as absolute emission.

The right circle shall be considered as Red colour, the left circle shall be

considered as Green, and the center circle shall be considered as Blue.

In chemical evolution the three crop circle shall be considered as

equivalent to three fundamental chemical elements. Thousands of other


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 516 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

elements shall be considered as species elements evolved from three

fundamental elements. Hydrogen shall not be considered as element and it

shall be considered as DARK FLAME and centromere of all chemical

elements of universe. The right circle shall be considered as OZONE, the left

circle shall be considered as NITROGEN, the center circle shall be

considered as CARBON.

In unified theory of quantum physics the three crop circle shall be

considered as equivalent to three fundamental forces of Cosmo universe. The

right circle shall be considered as Strong Force (EMR), the left circle shall

be considered as Light Force, the center circle shall be considered as

Gravity Force.

Etymology of word Crop Circle

The origin of English word Crop and Circle are not clearly known. It

is speculated that the English word Crop circle might have been derived form

prehistoric Tamil phonetic. The word crop might be derived from Tamil

phonetic Kirakam, Kirathi. The word circle might be derived from Tamil

phonetic Charam, Charakam. Kiraka Charam controlling of planets in the

solar system.

(a) Kirakam means planet

(b) Kirathi means web

(c) Charam means order, sequence

(d) Charakam means region, area

In prehistoric time the Tamil based Indian lived in MARS shall be

considered as Super Scientist and well versed in controlling the movement

of planets in the solar system due to impact of various climate conditions.

The Tamil Kiraka Charam means effective controlling of planets.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 517 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

Hypothetical Definitions

i) What are Crop Circles?

The Crop Circles shall be considered as logos (i.e.) each Circle shall

be considered as a Main Logo which consists of thousands of Sublogics

in-built within each logo. The various formations of Crop Circle shall be

considered as different logic programmes integrated with SUPER

LOGIC consists of three tiny dot. In fact it is focused that the

philosophy of Circles are fundamentally derived from fundamental tiny

dot and Tiny dot shall be considered as the centromere of System Logic

adopted for controlling planetary motion through electromagnetic wave.

ii) Prehistoric Alphabet:

The Crop Circle shall be considered as the prehistoric

Electromagnetic alphabet in Code Form (i.e.) understanding the language

through coded words.

It is focused that the Prehistoric Tamil based Indian were expert in

Astronomical Science have already formulated the relative position of

Sun, Earth, Moon in three tiny dot shall be considered as three crop

circles as follows. It is speculated that the Mayan writings (Glyphs)

might be derived from Prehistoric Crop Circles philosophy.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 518 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

The right circle shall be considered as Moon, left circle shall be

considered as Earth, center circle shall be considered as Sun.

Further it is focused that the three crop circle philosophy was

utilized by the prehistoric populations to represent Universe and the

meaning of space matters such as Dark matter, Dark energy, Atom

cell, and various physical, chemical, mathematical properties of space

matter, etc.

iii) Philosophy of Neutrinos

In cosmological science it is focused that the entire universe is

considered as evolved from three fundamental Tamil neutrinos A, K, J.

All other neutrinos existing in the space shall be considered as sub

species neutrinos to the fundamental three neutrinos. A-Neutrino shall

stands for Photon, K-Neutrino shall stands for Electron, J-Neutrino

shall stands for Proton.

iv) Philosophy of Tribe

It is focused that Tribe shall be defined as the human population

having only three chromosome lived in MARS with different genetic

characteristics with super wisdom. The three crop circle shall be


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 519 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

referred to three chromosome derived one each from photon, electron,


In medical science the occurrence of additional chromosome say

47 or 45 instead of 46 is considered as Trisomy and treated as

syndrome. It is focused by the author that the occurrence of Trisomy

shall not be considered as syndrome and it shall be considered as

genetic reflection of prehistoric human population live in MARS.


The Origin of Life is still under mystery among Biologists and

creationists. In evolutionary science Darwin Sir already established that


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 520 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

Human ancestors of Apes lineage. It is speculated that human have more

genetic value than Apes and the Prehistoric human populations might

have lived in MARS with different genetic structure having More

Wisdom. Due to various climatic conditions the prehistoric Mars

populations might have been extinct at one stage and new human

population might have been started living on the earth with different

genetic structure at much later period. It is speculated that the Prehistoric

Mars populations might be the genetic link to the Earthly populations and

the Prehistoric Crop Circles used by the Mars populations may be

mysterious to the Modern Scientists. The Prehistoric Crop Circles shall

be considered as the Mother of Modern Scientific and all Computer


Hypothetical Narration and Case Study


From the case study there is an evidence that the international code

of botanical nomenclature that the scientific names of plant families have

the Latin suffix aceae i.e. aster aceae, faba aceae, rosa aceae. Further

based on barbury castle crop circle 1991, some researchers believe that the

barbury formation was the rosetta stone to the understanding of

geometric nature of dimension in the universe.

It is speculated that the philosophy of crop circle formation may be

related to artificial selection of plants from the original plants by

modification to DNA traits through impact of electromagnetic radiation

in the cell structure of the plants. As such the prehistoric population might

have produced three fundamental crop circles artificially such as aster

aceae, faba aceae, rosa aceae from the prehistoric natural plant aceae.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 521 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART


The logo shall be referred to the system of symbol, graphic mark,

emblem commonly used by commercial organization to aid and promote

public recognition. The etymology of Greek word LOGOS, LOGIC,

LOGISTICS might be derived from the word LOGO. The Greek word

LOGOS, LOGISTICS, LOGY are referred to the meaning such as skilled

in calculation, scientific study etc. It is hypothesized by the author that the

prehistoric population when live in MARS are expert in logarithmic

function of mathematics and other scientific studies. It is speculated that

the prehistoric population might have adopted three tiny dots as natural

logarithm mathematical symbol with base three.


It is hypothesized by the Author that the prehistoric human

formulated the whole cosmo universe with three tiny dot.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 522 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

It is focused by the Author that the nature shall be considered as

both of creation and evolution. It is focused that the right dot shall be

considered as Dark matter (Mind), the left dot shall be considered as

Dark Energy (Body). The centre dot shall be considered as Dark Law

(Heart). It is focused that the centre dot shall be considered as creation

and right, left dot shall be considered as evolution. Further it is focused

that evolution begins with creation. No creation means no evolution.

Evolution is just like transition. Creation is just like Dark Flame in



Case study shows that the first heart beat in child occurs during 4 to

6th week of Trimester. First a tube like heart is formed and heart beat


It is hypothesized by the Author every heart of human is linked to

Dark Flame of Universe and draws energy from Aether energy which is

composed of Photon, Electron, Proton displaced by 120° one another.

The Aether Energy associated with every human heart shall be

considered as Soul of human. The etymology of word Soul might be

derived from Prehistoric Tamil Phonetics Chule. Chule shall mean life.

Further the Navel of human shall be considered as electromagnetic

Sensor which links human heart and another energy through stem cell

umbilical chord which shall be considered as opotic fibre cable.


International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue 5, May-2013 523 ISSN 2278-7763

Copyright © 2013 SciResPub. IJOART

Further the Soul shall be considered as a 3 phase alternating

generator source which operates the human heart. The heart shall be

considered as a 3 phase motor connected to the generator through

electromagnetic sensor NAVEL.


It is focused by the Author that the human soul shall be considered

as a creative product and human heart, mind, body shall be

considered as a evolved product from Soul. The growth of child from

embryo stage to matured child shall be considered as Natural

Logarithmic function with base 3.