The muslim family

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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some ideas about life in muslim family

Transcript of The muslim family

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Dear students,Dear students, TodayToday I would like to invite you to I would like to invite you to look at Muslim wedding customs look at Muslim wedding customs

and principles of family life!and principles of family life!

Lets start....Lets start....

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Wedding – a legal contractWedding – a legal contract

A marriage is a contract between two A marriage is a contract between two parties, a man and a woman, made in the parties, a man and a woman, made in the presence of witnesses as well as the presence of witnesses as well as the woman's guardian woman's guardian

A marriage contract does not need to be A marriage contract does not need to be written down in order to be valid. written down in order to be valid.

Marriages have to be declared publicly.Marriages have to be declared publicly.

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In many Muslim marriages, the In many Muslim marriages, the wife may not be present when the wife may not be present when the actual contract is made. However, actual contract is made. However, her father or guardian comes to her father or guardian comes to her with two witnesses and asks her with two witnesses and asks her whether she gives him the her whether she gives him the [verbal] power of attorney [in [verbal] power of attorney [in presence of the two witnesses] to presence of the two witnesses] to act for her in marrying her to the act for her in marrying her to the man concerned and whether she man concerned and whether she agrees to the amount of dower to agrees to the amount of dower to be paid to her. When she has given be paid to her. When she has given him the power of attorney, he him the power of attorney, he proceeds to complete the marriage proceeds to complete the marriage contract.contract.

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Polygamy exists in three specific forms, including polygyny (one man having multiple wives),polyandry (one woman having multiple husbands), or group marriage (some combination of polygyny and polyandry). Historically, all three practices have been found, but polygyny is by far the most common.

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In accordance with Qur'an it is normal In accordance with Qur'an it is normal procedure for men to have more than procedure for men to have more than one wife simultaneously (up to the limits one wife simultaneously (up to the limits of four wives) , up to limits of their of four wives) , up to limits of their ability to support them.ability to support them.

The refusal to hurt or abuse another The refusal to hurt or abuse another Muslim is a basic requirement in Islam, Muslim is a basic requirement in Islam, and is assumed in polygamous marriage and is assumed in polygamous marriage consideration consideration

Starting in the 20th century, Muslim Starting in the 20th century, Muslim social reformers argued against these social reformers argued against these and other practices such as polygamy.and other practices such as polygamy.

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Families in islamic Families in islamic countriescountries

•It has to be added that polygamy in Islam is a matter of mutual consent. No one can force a woman to marry a married man. Besides, the wife has the right to stipulate that her husband must not marry any other woman as a second wife.

In many Muslim societies today the practice of polygamy is rare since the gap between the numbers of both sexes is not huge. One can, safely, say that the rate of polygamous marriages in the Muslim world is much less than the rate of extramarital affairs in the West. In other words, men in the Muslim world today are far more strictly monogamous than men in the Western world.

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Women rights in the familyWomen rights in the family

Women are expected to be home-makers and Women are expected to be home-makers and caregivers to their children, so motherhood caregivers to their children, so motherhood

is seen as one of the most important seen as one of the most important roles. It is therefore required for a Muslim woman It is therefore required for a Muslim woman

when she goes out to wear a dress that when she goes out to wear a dress that covers her from head to foot and does not covers her from head to foot and does not reveal the figure. Only the hands and face reveal the figure. Only the hands and face

should be leftshould be left uncovered.uncovered. Widow inheritance has no basis in Islam, but

a woman is allowed to marry her husband's brother after his death, if she wishes

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FamilyFamily – – rights and obligations.rights and obligations. Muslims view marriage as the foundation of society and Muslims view marriage as the foundation of society and

family lifefamily life


Husband is the head of Husband is the head of the family and has full the family and has full responsibility for the responsibility for the maintenance of it. This maintenance of it. This is not only a moral but is not only a moral but also a legal obligationalso a legal obligation..

WifeWifeThe wife herself is The wife herself is responsible for the care of responsible for the care of her home and the welfare of her home and the welfare of her familyher family..

Wife is responsible of early Wife is responsible of early training of her children. The training of her children. The importance of this role importance of this role showes a well-known saying showes a well-known saying in Arabic :in Arabic : al-ummu al-ummu madrasatunmadrasatun meaning "the meaning "the mother is a school mother is a school


Children’s duty is Children’s duty is not to protest or be not to protest or be rude but to listen rude but to listen and obey their and obey their parents.parents.

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Adopting a Child in IslamAdopting a Child in Islam An adopted child retains his or her own An adopted child retains his or her own biologicalbiological

family name (surname) and does not change his or family name (surname) and does not change his or her name to match that of the adoptive family. her name to match that of the adoptive family.

An adopted child inherits from his or her biological An adopted child inherits from his or her biological parents, not automatically from the adoptive parents. parents, not automatically from the adoptive parents.

When the child is grown, members of the adoptive When the child is grown, members of the adoptive family are not considered blood relatives, and are family are not considered blood relatives, and are therefore not therefore not muhrim muhrim to him or her.  to him or her.  "Muhrim""Muhrim" refers to a specific legal relationship that  refers to a specific legal relationship that regulates marriage and other aspects of life.  regulates marriage and other aspects of life.  Essentially, members of the adoptive family would Essentially, members of the adoptive family would be permissible as possible marriage partnerbe permissible as possible marriage partners.s.

If the child is provided with property from the If the child is provided with property from the biological family, adoptive parents are commanded to biological family, adoptive parents are commanded to take care and not intermingle that property with their take care and not intermingle that property with their own.  They serve merely as trustees. own.  They serve merely as trustees.

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The inquiry resultsThe inquiry results

25 respondents took 25 respondents took place in this inquiry. place in this inquiry. 16 women and 9 men 16 women and 9 men aged from 25 to 47.aged from 25 to 47.

Respondents were Respondents were asked can they asked can they hardly tolerate hardly tolerate polygamy families polygamy families and what opinion and what opinion they have about they have about relations with therelations with the Muslim.Muslim.

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Tolerance towards polygamy Tolerance towards polygamy familiesfamilies

Polygamy families

2; 8%

5; 20%

18; 72%

Tolerate Less tolerate Can't tolerate

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Tolerance towards relationship with Tolerance towards relationship with MuslimMuslim

Marriage between Muslim and nonMuslim


12% Can't



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