The Muscular System Helps Your Body Move

Post on 06-Feb-2016

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The Muscular System Helps Your Body Move. Most muscles work together in pairs. One muscle pulls while the other muscle relaxes. When you bend your arm the biceps muscle pulls and the triceps muscle relaxes. When you make your arm straight, the biceps muscle relaxes and the triceps muscle pulls. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Muscular System Helps Your Body Move

The Human body

The Muscular System Helps Your Body MoveMost muscles work together in pairs. One muscle pulls while the other muscle relaxes. When you bend your arm the biceps muscle pulls and the triceps muscle relaxes. When you make your arm straight, the biceps muscle relaxes and the triceps muscle pulls.

The Function of MusclesMuscles are very important. They help you do almost everything from pumping blood throughout your body to lifting your heavy backpack. You control some of your muscles and others, like your heart, do their jobs without you thinking about them at all.

Did you know?You use 17 muscles when you smile.You use 43 muscles when you frown.

Muscle System FunctionsProvides voluntary movement of bodyEnables breathing, blinking, and smilingAllows you to hop, skip, jump, or do push-ups Maintains postureProduces heat


Functions ContinuedCauses heart beatDirects circulation of blood Regulates blood pressureSends blood to different areas of the body


Functions ContinuedProvides movement of internal organsMoves food through digestive tractEnables bladder controlCauses involuntary actionsReflex actions Adjusts opening of pupilsCauses hair to stand on end: goosebumps.6 of Muscle TissueThere are three main types of muscle tissueSkeletal(striated)Cardiac(heart)Smooth(visceral)

7Comparison of Muscle TypesMuscle TypeCardiacFunctionMovement of boneWalls of internal organs + in skinLocationAttached to boneHeartSmoothSkeletalControl ModeBeating of heartInvoluntaryInvoluntaryMovement of internal organsVoluntary8Muscle Movement______- Muscle that bends the joint when contracted.________- Muscle that straightens the joint when contracted.__________ muscleis short, firm, tight and thicker around._______ muscle is stretched, long, loose and thinner around.


Interesting Facts About MusclesMuscles are bundles of cells and fibers. Muscles work in a very simple way. All they do is tighten up--that is, contract--and relax. You have two sets of muscles attached to many of your bones which allow them to move. There are 630 active muscles in your body and they act in groups. Muscles can only pull. They never push.

The End!