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New Delhi, OctO-ber 28 (AgeNcies): New figures released by the National Crime Re-cords Bureau show In-dia’s two largest cities ac-counted for one-third of the rape cases registered in 2010, and underline de-pressing infirmities in the prosecution of perpetra-tors — just over a quarter of them were convicted.

Last year, the national capital recorded 414 rape cases, the biggest num-ber among 35 major cities monitored by the Bureau, followed by 194 in Mum-bai. Delhi accounted for 23 per cent of all rape cas-es recorded in urban ar-eas, while Mumbai made up 10.3 per cent.

In population-adjusted terms, howev-er, several mid-size cities emerged as even more dangerous for women than the two

big cities: in Jabalpur, 7.3 in every 1,00,000 people — both men and women — reported having been raped, followed by 5.5 in Bhopal, 5 in Faridabad, 4.8 in Visakhapatnam, and 4.2 in Indore.

The rape cases were just part of a larger mass of crime directed at wom-en: Delhi alone recorded 1,422 cases of kidnap or abduction, a staggering 37.7 per cent of the total cases in the cities.

Delhi, however, was the most dangerous of the five megapolises, with 3.2 in every 1,00,000 popu-lation reporting having been raped in 2010, fol-

lowed by 1.2 in Mumbai, 1.1 in Bangalore, 0.7 in Chennai and 0.2 in Kolkata — the last the lowest figure in any Indian city, along with Varanasi.


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The Morung ExpressDimapur VOL. VI ISSUE 296

A Daily Publication of Morung for Indigenous Affairs & JustPeace

Saturday, October 29, 2011 12 pages ̀ 3




I no doubt deserved my enemies, but I don’t believe I deserved my friends“ -Walt Whitman”reflections

by Sandemo Ngullie

“Jobs are scarce but for a grand I can get some lo-cal people to adopt you & your family!

ATAN informs on govt assurance; suspends hunger strikeDiMAPUr, OctOber 28 (MexN): The Aggrieved Teachers Association Naga-land (ATAN) appreciated the co-operation of its members, especially to the 20 Hunger Strike volunteers who put their life at stake for the cause of all the aggrieved teachers. Stating this in a press note, the ATAN also extended its ap-preciation to the NSF presi-dent for showing up in person and understanding the po-sition of ATAN. Meanwhile, ATAN informed its members that the indefinite hunger strike has been temporarily suspended for a few days on receipt of written assurance from the Commissioner & Secretary, School Education & SCERT with the approval from the Minister, School Ed-ucation and Chief Secretary Nagaland that its demands will be met in the next Cabi-net Meeting. Hence, all the members and Hunger Strike volunteers are informed to be prepared in the event of any fall out from the government. The press note was issued by Limayanger, General Secre-tary and Vikato Swu, Conve-nor ATAN.

Meeting called for women’s reservationDiMAPUr, OctOber 28 (MexN): The Joint Action Committee on Women Res-ervation (JACWR) compris-ing of NMA, Watsu Mung-dang, ENWO, NWHD and TWO has convened a meet-ing on 1st November 2011 at the L.C.S. Building Kohima at 11.00 am. Therefore all Presi-dents & Secretarys of all tribe apex women organizations and Kohima base women or-ganizations are requested to attend the said meeting posi-tively. This was informed in a press note issued by the Joint Action Committee on Wom-en Reservation.

Chizokho VeroKohima | October 28

Nagaland State Women Com-mission Chairperson Sano Vamuzo has said that the impact of conflict on women has be-come a huge topic particularly in the conflict-ridden regions of the world, and the northeast has in recent years become a fo-cal point for research and study from various angles.

She was speaking during the programme “Bearing witness: The impact of conflict on wom-en in Nagaland and Assam” or-ganized by the Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research (C-nes) with the support of Hein-rich Boll Foundation held here at the Red Cross Conference Hall.

Complimenting the Centre

for North East Studies and Pol-icy Research for the initiative, she said “Your work has shed light on a very crucial issue that has remained in the dark for so long.” She said for so long, sto-ries of Nagas and their political struggle had been silenced, and many, who have undergone tre-mendous experiences over the past six decades, have died with their stories untold. “This is a shame and a huge loss for those coming after them, as it means the loss of information about the past which we need to know in order to better understand our present circumstances. How-ever, it is encouraging to see that over the past couple of decades, the stories have gradually begun to emerge and to be document-ed,” the chairperson said.

She said the Nagaland State women commission was deal-ing with a wide range of issues pertaining to women with the major issues like domestic vio-lence, trafficking of women and children, rape, molestation etc. She also stated every Naga vil-lage and every Naga family has a story to tell because the political struggle has not left one family unaffected. “The effects of world War II have been intolerable as they have not only traumatized women and homes, but have car-ried on into the Naga struggle for freedom, which saw thousands of our men dead, our homes and granaries burnt to the ground time after time and our women raped, abused, and killed, com-pletely losing their rights to pro-tection and security”.

In the present scenario, Sano added that Naga women have been experiencing new trends of conflict in the society and the concern over the alarming rise in crimes against women. “We call for valuable wisdom and insights in order to curb this menace that threatens that very fabric of our society.” In this regard, Sano mentioned that the widespread prevalence of domestic violence was a reflection of deep- rooted gender imbalance in the state. She said that education of wom-en in knowing their legal rights will go along way to curb atroci-ties against women.

Earlier, screening of the film “A Measure of Impunity” was introduced by Maulee Senapati while Kausiki Sarma briefed on the photo exhibition. Dr. Buno

Legiese, head, department of Education, Nagaland Univer-sity delivered welcome address while Charles Chasie chaired the function. Prof.Sanjoy Hazarika, project director highlighted the account of the C-nes and the study report. The two day event will continue till October 29 with film screening at 1:00 PM while photo exhibition will start at 11:00 AM till 5:00 PM.

It may be mentioned that the study report, screening of film and photo exhibition on “Bear-ing witness: The impact of con-flict on women in Nagaland and Assam” is aimed at documenting the impact of conflict on women in two states of Nagaland and As-sam. The project seeks to place these issues in the larger con-text of the challenges of nation

building, regional growth and also look at broader issues of just laws, the use of state power and the rights of citizens especial-ly women. The project is built around the assumption that women have been particularly and severely affected by ongoing civil conflicts in the two states as indeed in much of the north east region of India.

Sanjoy Hazarika is the manag-ing trustee of the Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research which he found in 2000, which works extensively on governance issues especially health and edu-cation delivery. The research team from Nagaland includes Charles Chasie, Dr. Buno Liegise and Dr. Lungsang Zeliang. From Assam- Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman and Ritu-rekha Baruah.

Impact of conflict on women…breaking the silence

…and the winners are:

Picture 1 shows Ketho-leno Kense (middle) from Nagaland, the winner of North East Super Model Contest 2011 with Sukal-pa Das (left) from Assam, First Runner-up and Lily Maibam (right) from Ma-nipur, Second Runner-up. The three winners also won different subtitles; Ketholeno Kense (picture 2) won two sub titles – Best Modern Ethnic Wear and Miss Perfect 10, Su-kalpa Das won the Most Popular Audience Choice and Lily Maibam won the Miss Beautiful Skin.

The event was held at North East Expo Ground, 4th Mile in Dimapur, October 28. The models were judged by in-ternational choreographer and stylist Ajay Bisht, fash-ion designer Lucy Sailo, director cum chairman of Shillong Fashion Society Aldous Mawlong MCS, con-venor of Four Hopes and choreographer Nishikan-ta Khoishnam and former Miss Nagaland and Miss East India Rachael Among. (Sorei Mahong Photos)

‘To win polls, earn it’ – Luizenho

Faleiro tells party leaders in Nagaland

Al NgullieDimapur | October 28

Amidst optimistic declara-tions from Nagaland Con-gress leaders that the party would be victorious in the forthcoming state assem-bly elections, a quite word of caution comes from the Delhi command – the central Congress lead-ers are still worried at the frequent leadership prob-lems in Nagaland’s chief opposition party.

The caution, from a top Congress leader today, re-flects the uneasiness of the Indian National Congress’ top brass that the Nagaland unit – along with Tripura’s – would remain in the op-position for a third consec-utive term if the State unit let its socks hang.

Luizenho Faleiro, Gen-eral Secretary of All In-dia Congress Committee (AICC) in-charge of Naga-land, told The Morung Ex-press Friday evening that the central chiefs are defi-nitely “concerned” at the regular infighting within the Nagaland unit. He was

Faleiro also hit out at what he said is the rampant corruption in the Naga People’s Front (NPF)-led Demo-

cratic Alliance of Nagaland government. “This is the corruption capital of India. Has Anna Hazare come to Nagaland? Has he spoken about the corruption happening in Nagaland?” the former Goa chief minis-ter thundered.

Nagaland, he remarked, is the only state in India where ministers use funds sent by the Central government as “dowry for his family and his people.” He said the more than 90% of the funds ‘which the NPF govern-ment is musing’ are money from the UPA government given to the Naga people for

thriving development. “Is it (funds) reach-ing the poor?” he queried.

He expressed sadness that ‘this beautiful land, beautiful people, instead of marching forward with India, is marching backward.’ About 30% of India lives under the Poverty line, he said. But, he lamented, about 60% of Nagas are under the poverty line.

Today, he said, India is one of the fast-est growing economies in the world with more than 8.5 GDP of growth and Naga-land should be marching with the rest of the country. “How long would you toler-ate this? How long would you endure this march into backwardness when others are marching forward?” he challenged.

DiMAPUr, OctOber 28 (MexN): There is good indication that the General Secretary of All India Congress Committee (AICC) Rahul Gandhi may have now sched-uled a visit to Nagaland during the period November 8-10. This information was dis-closed by AICC general secretary in-charge of Nagaland, Luizenho Faleiro, during a program of the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee in Dimapur, Friday, October 28.

Addressing the program at the Congress Bhavan in Dimapur, Faleiro said he had per-

sonally requested both Rahul Gandhi and his mother, AICC chief and chairperson of the United Progressive Alliance at the cen-ter, Sonia Gandhi, to visit Nagaland. “Rahul Gandhi will be visiting Nagaland during the 8th up to the 10th (of November). I have also personally requested Sonia Gandhi to visit the state,” Faleiro said. In his speech in the program, he had indicated that Rahul Gan-dhi’s visit to the state would be part of an itinerary to some North East states, includ-ing especially Tripura.

sonia worried about nagaland congress

‘Nagaland is India’s corruption capital’

Rahul to visit Nagaland November 8-10

responding to a query if So-nia Gandhi and the Delhi command are ‘aware’ of the state Congress’ history of dissension and frequent tussling over leadership.

“Yes, she (Gandhi) is and we are concerned. We want them (Nagaland Con-gress unit) to be united; we want them to be a robust party, strong and united,” Faleiro told this daily on

the sidelines of a Nagaland Pradesh Congress Com-mittee (NPCC) program held to make the conclusion of an all-districts tour.

Nonetheless Faleiro, for-mer chief minister of Goa, said democracy is not im-mune to dissension. “In a democracy, in any effective democracy, differences are part and parcel of life,” he explained. “We have to be

united, we have to be robust.” Interestingly, earlier in his speech, the Congress leader had made faint references to Sonia Gandhi’s apparent worry for Nagaland and Tri-pura – the only two states in the country where the party remains in the opposition for consecutive terms, about nine years for the former and 19 years for the latter.

Continued on page 5

Naga girl wins NE Super Model 2011 contest



New Delhi, OctO-ber 28 (iNDiA tODAy): The Centre and the NSCN (Isak-Muivah) should reach an in-principle agree-ment to resolve India’s old-est insurgency before the assembly elections in Ma-nipur in mid-2012, Naga HoHo president Keviletuo Kiewhuo has suggested. Naga HoHo is the apex body of various Naga tribes.

Peace talks between the Union government and the biggest Naga insurgent group have been going on since the past 14 years, ever since the two sides entered into a ceasefire agreement in 1997. But innumerable rounds of negotiations be-tween the two sides have not yielded any result.

“Fourteen years in any negotiations between a

state and a rebel group is not a small period. Consen-sus in politics is never an easy task. But the two sides should take into consider-ation the views of the ma-jority and arrive at a frame-work or an in-principle agreement that will form the basis of a future agree-ment to address all tricky issues,” Kiewhuo said.

His views probably re-flect that of a large section of the Nagas yearning for an end to the negotiations and a settlement. The Naga HoHo has been pushing for an early settlement fearing obstacles in the coming months. The next assembly elections in Manipur will be held in mid-2012. This will be followed by elections in Nagaland in early 2013. According to Kiewhuo, it will be difficult

for the government to an-nounce an agreement on the merger of Naga majority areas of Manipur with Na-galand, a key demand of the NSCN (IM), once elections in Manipur are announced.

“Similarly, during the Nagaland elections, Nagas will be divided as some will support one political party while others will support another. This will adversely impact the peace process. And any mid-term elections in the Lok Sabha will further delay the process. Under such circumstances a frame-work agreement should be worked out that will fulfill demands like unification of Naga areas in Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh with that of Nagaland,” the Naga HoHo president said.

Continued on page 5

Naga leader pushes for peace pact

Govt to notify wage board decision soonNew Delhi, OctOber 28 (Pti): Labour and Em-ployment Minister Mal-likarjun Kharge has said the government would ga-zette the recommendations of the Wage Boards for the journalist/other employees of the news papers and news agencies, approved by the cabinet on Tuesday, as soon as possible and the approval had been sent to the legisla-tion section of the law and justice ministry for vetting. “It is only a matter of time. We will notify the decision as soon as possible once the law ministry returns the file,” he said. Justice G.R. Majithia, who headed the Wage Boards for the Jour-nalists and the other em-ployees, in its recommenda-tion, has classified jobs into six groups and accordingly suggested six scales in each class of establishment.

Delhi, Mumbai top rape cases







29 October 2011Saturday2 Dimapur The Morung ExpressLOCAL

Festival of conservation of ecology through cultureKohima, october 28 (mexN): The department of art and culture in collaboration with NEZCC Dimapur is organizing a programme “Festival of Conservation of Ecology through Culture” in coinciding with Langsimnyi festival at Tourist Village, Benreu, Peren on October 31. Artistes from the Benreu village, neighbouring villages as well as from the state of Sikkim will be participating in the programme. Elusing Meru, IFS, secretary to the Gov-ernment of Nagaland will grace the occasion as the chief guest. This was stated in a release issued by K. Kughazhe Yeputhomi, director, art & culture.

Graduate physical edu teachers informedKohima, october 28 (mexN): The directorate of school education informed all the graduate physical ed-ucation teachers that a tentative seniority list has been prepared and circulated to all the respective DEO’s and SDEO’s to invite claims and objections. All concerned have been informed to collect the copies from the con-cerned district officers and submit claims and objection if any within November 11 along with documentary evi-dence. This was stated in a release issued by principal director Bendangkokba, IAS.

KSUK new office bearersKohima, october 28 (mexN): The Konyak Students’ Union Kohima has elected its new team of office bearers for the tenure 2011-2013 on October 22 last. President- Toang Lemanghu, vice president- AB Phaiba, general secretary- Ngipwang, assistant general secretary- Methna, finance secretary- Ngangwang, in-formation publicity secretary- Kanwang, women co-ordinator- Lily Konyak C, social & cultural- Pangtok, assistant social & cultural – Nyoam and statistics & lit-erary secretary- Manphoa. For further details, contact; 9774645454/ 9862818283/8575958913.

NAGOK new teamKohima, october 28 (mexN): The North-ern Angami Gazetted Officer Krotho (NAGOK) was formed on October 21 with the following officers se-lected for holding various post for the tenure 2011-2014. President- Neibu Sekhose, vice president- Thep-fusalie Seyie, general secretary- Dr. Neilasa Sopfu, joint secretary (Group A)- Keviletuo Yiese, joint sec-retary (Group B)- Vipulhou Lhoungu, joint secretary (Group C)- Arch. Lhouvilie, joint secretary (Group D)- Lhoubizo Mere Kesieyie, publicity and informa-tion secretary- Vikeyielenuo Chielie, treasurer- Ru-kuozelie Usou, advisory committee- Bei-u Angami, Vilalhoulie Chielie, Dr. Viketoulie, TS Angami and rep-resentative to AGOK- Dr. Kevizakie Rio.

MEx File

Class IV meritorious students 2010 under Kohima district attends the valedictory function for the education exposure tour for meritorious students at IG Stadium Kohima on October 28. Education exposure tour for meritorious students has been organised by the DMA, SSA Kohima to develop and broaden the outlook and mindset and in calculate a sense of brotherhood while developing competitive spirit and leadership quality. Altogether 28 students (10 from Tseminyu, 10 from Kohima and 8 from Chiephobozou) along with one teacher each participated in the exposure tour to Kohima and various landmarks in Dimapur. (DIPR Photo)

Dimapur, octo-ber 28 (mexN): The North East Zone Cul-tural Centre annually organizes a showcased event “Octave” (Festival of the North East) every year in different parts of the country to highlight the rich cultural heritage and art-forms to the rest of the country. It may be mentioned that it has be-come one of the biggest and most successful event organized by the Zonal Cultural Centre under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture, Government

of India.NEZCC Director,

Som Kamei IPS has in-formed in a press release that this year, the NE-ZCC will be organizing Octave-2011 in three cit-ies of Madgaon (Goa), Nagpur (Maharashtra) and Raipur (Chhattis-garh) from November 9 onwards. In prepara-tion of the above Festi-val, 400 folk artistes from eight member-states have already gathered at the NEZCC Complex, Dimapur for a cultural camp-cum-workshop to

present a choreographed Folk Dance Show which will highlight the unique cultural identity of the North East.

The Octave-2011 will be flagged off by Neiphiu Rio, Chief Minister, Nagaland on October 31 at 5:30 pm in a public function at the NE-ZCC ground at Diphupar, Dimapur where all the ar-tistes from the North East will be showcasing a well-choreographed presenta-tion of entire art-forms. All public of Dimapur are invited to attend the pro-gramme and entry free.

NEZCC Octave-2011 Neiphiu Rio to flag off festival from Dimapur

moN, october 28 (Dipr): Addressing at Badhte Kadham programme at Council Hall, Mon on October 27 the Deputy Com-missioner, Mon Angau I. Thou called upon the disable persons to step ahead inclusively hand in hand along with the normal people and to live with reality and not with dreams in the society they live. Ap-preciating the good handicrafts, music and artistic works displayed by the disable persons, she termed these people as a ‘Special People’ because they are differently able persons. She also said that the voice of these disable persons to-day is to include them in the soci-ety to make a difference.

Asserting that the need of an hour for Mon district is awareness in all activities, she urged the NA-PAD to conduct awareness pro-grammes in the blocks and village levels so that the special people in the remote area too are included in the society for equal opportunity

and protection of rights. She also suggested celebrat-

ing World Disability Day jointly in the district by organizing Games & Sports and handicraft competi-tions on 3rd December to explore the talents of the disable persons. To organize this event, she seeks the co-ordination of the DEO, CMO, DWO, Indian Red Cross So-ciety, World Vision, civil societies and NGOs of the district to create more awareness and participation.

Citing that many children have become victims (disable) be-cause of the use of chemical fertil-izers, she urged the World Vision to introduce organic method of farming and say “No to Chemical Fertilizers”. The DC also urged the disable persons to avail the opportunity given to them un-der SSA, Social Welfare, World Vision, etc and to live with will of determination.

Advisor to NAPAD, Dr. Joyce Angami who chaired the pro-

gramme said that Nagaland Par-ents Association of Disability was formed in March 2010 and regis-tered in September 2010. The Na-tional Trust was formed in 1999 under Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India with an objective of devel-oping persons with autism, cere-bral palsy, mental retardation and multiple disabilities. The aim of the National Trust is to create wide awareness about disable persons to Government Departments, NGOs and Civil Societies, she added.

She informed that the objec-tives of the Trust is to enable and empower persons with disability; to strengthen facilities to provide support to persons with disability

and to facilitate the realization of equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation of persons with disability. She also said that Badhte Kadham pro-gramme was started in the year 2009 at the national level and subsequently with the initiative of NAPAD it was introduced in the State in 2010. However, due to lack of time the programme could not be conducted last year in Mon, Longleng and Kiphire district, she informed.

Secretary NAPAD, Kapochu-o Naleo in her short sharing chal-lenged the parents of disable persons to promote their disable children to live an independent life by educating them and involving in social activities and added that to have disable children in their family is not a curse but a blessing.

Associate Director, PMO World Vision, Guwahati, Samuel Therieh while highlighting vari-ous provisions given to disable

and special children under World vision, informed that 275 chil-dren have been identified and taking care of from 20 villages. He also informed that these children are gifted with artistic works and does better then a normal person if proper training and education is imparted to them.

Coordinator, IED, SSA Mon, Shenyu also highlighted the vari-ous provisions given to disable persons under SSA programme. The highlights of the programme were special numbers by Mon District Handicap Society and presentation of gifts to special children and disable persons by the World Vision; Product Exhibi-tion cum sale by special people and Medical Camp. The medical camp was led by Dr. Rokoliebi Khate MS (Ortho) Sr. Splt. District Hospi-tal Dimapur and Dr. Kikon, CMO, Mon. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Ilika Zhimo-mi, EAC Mon.

‘Live with reality and not with dreams’Badhte Kadham

programme reaches Mon

Morung Express NewsDimapur | October 28

Tej Gyan Foundation (TGF), a charitable organi-zation would be releasing a book titled “Vichar Ni-yam – The power of Hap-py Thoughts” on 11.11.11 at Town Hall Dimapur at 10:30 am. The book will be released the same day from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm in more than 111 cities in In-dia, US and Australia.

Addressing a press con-ference at Hotel Saramati on Friday, Co-ordinator NE TGF, Sarita Sharma said the book focuses on bringing about a revolution in human thought process by expound-

ing principles of thoughts and universal source. She said that the book presents a number of wisdom sutras on the power of thoughts provid-ing guidance on how to create a powerful life and a peace-ful world. The book would be published in English, Hindi and Marathi.

Stating that the TGF works for world peace, she said that the focus of the Foundation for 2011 was “World Peace through Words of Peace” the idea of which is to showcase on how books of higher wis-dom could help in usher-ing inner peace leading to world peace.

The TGF with its logo

“Happy Thoughts” was es-tablished in 1998 with the main objective of creating a highly evolved society. TGF conducts various life trans-forming retreats and work-shops tailored for various sections of society such as children, women, teachers, doctors, industry, police force etc. TGF believes that lasting world peace begins first in the heart and mind of each person, the Founda-tion’s handout stated.

The TGF was found-ed by Tejguru Sirshree Tejparkhiji with its head-quarters at Pune. The TGF has invited all interested persons for the release of the book in Dimapur.

Kohima, october 28 (mexN): The All Nagaland Cooperative Societies’ Fed-eration (ANCSF) expressed its serious concern and un-happiness over the “undue delay and too slow process” in implementing National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC) spon-sored schemes in the state despite the fact that the DAN government under the leadership of Neiphiu Rio had lifted suspension of NCDC sponsored schemes in the state in January 2005 after a lapse of 5 years.

The ANCSF had ob-served with regret that al-most the entire chunk of the selected cases under NCDC from the whole state since

2005 have been kept in cold storage and nothing seems to be moving ahead except that the department had picked and choose a few cases even during 2009 and 2010 and had received sanctions and payment too violating all norms or selection process.

The selected benefi-ciary cooperative societies for various schemes under NCDC by the state level co-ordination committee for the last several years arte still lying pending with the state finance department for financial concurrence.

“We are all aware that the NCDC has been pro-moting and financing a wide range of economic activities in rural areas

Kohima, octo-ber 28 (Dipr): The Zeliang Liangmai Com-munity in Kohima will be celebrating the most popular and important festival Chaga Gadi on October 31 at the Heri-tage Old DC Bungalow Kohima.

The genesis of the festival will mark the people’s belief that this day the Almighty show-ers blessings and bring good harvest and good health. The Liangmai community celebrates this festival usually in the last part of the (Cha-gahiu) October.

As resolved by the Chaga Gadi commit-tee to organize cultural dance competition on 31st October 2011 at the festival spot, the Cultur-al Secretary, Rutmakbo has informed to all the

participating group to submit their artist list and song lyrics to the General Secretary, Er. Achakbo Newmai. The Chaga Gadi festival or-ganizing committee also appeals to all the Zeliang Liangmai Communi-ty Kohima dwellers to compulsorily attend the festival with traditional attire on 31st October 2011.

It is also informed that Rs. 5 perhead will be collected on the day as census registration for the community. The committee has humbly requested all the mem-bers to notice them-selves and cooperate with this information. Secretary Agriculture and Parliamentary Af-fairs Benjamin Newmai will host the 2011 Chaga Gadi festival.

Book on power of happy thoughts to be released on November 11

Co-ordinator NE Tej Gyan Foundation, Sarita Sharma (3rd from left) along with other members of TGF at Hotel Saramati Dimapur on Friday. (Morung photo)

ANCSF concern over delay in implementing NCDC schemes

through cooperatives and there is no other institu-tion in the country which is exclusively for meeting the requirement of coop-eratives. Hence, if we do not implement the scheme and get our due share from NCDC, it is our own loss as the funds are being di-verted for other states,” the Federation said.

The Federation also said poor recovery should not be the excuse of the state de-partment of cooperation all the times “since there is re-covery cell or mechanism in the department.”

Nagaland state falls un-der the category of “Coop-eratively Least Developed” in the entire country, it said and was of the strong opinion that the state government of Nagaland should pay special attention to the cooperative sector to build strong coop-erative movement for the upliftment of rural economy through its active support and participation.

The Federation presi-dent R.K. Mekro and vice president Kedou Wetsah strongly urged the state government to put the implementation of NCDC sponsored schemes on the right track and effectively implement the much im-portant economic life vein of the cooperatives with-out further delay.

Chaga Gadi festival in Kohima on October 31

A medical doctor giving consultation during the FPA India contraceptive camp held at Diphupar B village women hall, Dimapur as part of a series of contracep-tive awareness camp and services.

A zonal taxi on way to Dimapur from Kohima which met with accident along the Chathe River stretch plunged into the river below.

The Union territory-1 of the NSCN/GPRN destroyed 140 bottles of rum and whisky, 25,000 tablets of spasmo proxyvon and 1300 gram of heroine seized from Di-mapur by UT-1 staff. The seized items were destroyed in the presence of UT-1 Chaplain and colony elders at Purana Bazar near UT-1 office on October 26.



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For details: - Main office KohimaPh. No: - 8974695050/ 8014120618.

New Market Bussiness Association gratefulDimapur, OctOber 28, (mexN): The New Mar-ket Business Owners’ Association (NMBOA) extended their gratitude to the Fire Brigade Dimapur and Army firefighting unit for their prompt arrival and tireless ef-forts to combat the inferno which broke out at 5:30 a.m. on Thursday, October 27, in the heart of New Market, Di-mapur. In a press release issued by Hokivi Chishi, Presi-dent, NMBOA, the inferno, which took around 7 hours to douse completely, razed down 20 godowns while 7 to 8 shops were destroyed as a precautionary measure to prevent the fire from spreading. Goods destroyed in the fire include second-hand garments, cosmetics, utensils, furniture etc. The NMBOA further wishes to sincere-ly thank Azheto Zhimomi, Hon’ble MLA and Adviser, Cooperation and Sericulture, S.I. Jamir, Hon’ble MLA & President, NPCC, N. Hushili Sema, IAS, DC Dimapur, Atokhe Aye, SDO (C) Dimapur and former DMC mem-bers who came forward personally to witness the inferno and encourage the fire tenders in their efforts to bring the fire under control. We further thank the Town Baptist Church Dimapur and its volunteers for serving juice and water to the firefighters. The NMBOA also recorded its appreciation to all members of the business community who downed shutters as well as concerned citizens who came forward to lend a helping hand. It stated that “We appreciate the solidarity shown towards the NMBOA and affected businessmen and traders and pray that Al-mighty God would bless each and every one of you abun-dantly”. Lastly, the NMBOA further appeals to the State Government to assess the losses incurred and grant ad-equate compensation to all the businessmen and traders who have been affected by this unforeseen tragedy.

TKS condemns assault on ANSAM presidentDimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): In retaliation to the assault meted out to the ANSAM president Kumo Sha by the Assam Rifles on 24 October, 2011 at Senapati, TKS, an apex student’s body of Tangkhul community, stated that it was an irony that the Assam Rifles who boasted themselves to be the “Friends of the Hill People” could carry out an act as such. The press note issued by Yangmi Khapai, President, TKS said, “Let our actions be guided by reason not by power from the barrel of guns”. The Students’ body vehemently condemned the physi-cal assault and stated that the behavior of the said Major Marathi is ‘unbecoming of an officer’ and unfit to be at the service of the country. The note strongly asserted that the students’ body demanded the culprits to tender public apology at the earliest. It was added that TKS is an affiliated unit to ANSAM, the apex student’s organiza-tion of all the Nagas in Manipur and further added that Kumo Sha is the elected head of the organization and carries the mandate of all Naga students.

NPF Life Membership Cell meeting pre-ponedDimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): In a press note by Pinyimthung Lotha, Chairman, Life Membership Cell, NPF Headquarters, Kohima, it was stated that the special meeting of the NPF Life Membership cell which was scheduled to be held on November 9th 2011 at 2:00 PM at party headquarters Kohima, had been pre-poned to 10A.M due to some unavoidable circumstances. The venue and the date would remain the same as notified earlier. It was stated that all the concerned members were requested to take note of the change and attend the meeting positively.

NBCC social work on Nov 12KOhima, OctOber 28 (mexN): The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) announce that it will be celebrating platinum jubilee on April 19-22 next year.In the anticipation of the occassion, the council has called for a mass social work on November 12 from 6:00 to 9:00 AM in Kohima city. The council has instructed the Baptist members of different churches in Kohima to work in their own respective colonies with the help of colony panchayat, GBs and chairmen. The staff of deputy commissioner will be in Kezekie area, Kohima Municipal Council staff will be in BOC area, Chamber of Commence & Industries members (businessmen and women will be from TCP gate to Mission Compound area). The NBCC urged every well wishers (eg- non Bap-tist, Hindu, Muslim communities etc) to join this social work. It also requested all the GBs, chairmen and sanita-tion in-charge in colonies in supervising the social work in their own colony. This was stated in a release issued by Rev. Hotokhu P. Zhimomi, convenor, environment & sanitation committee, NBCC platinum jubilee.

HIV/AIDS workshop at OTCDimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): Oriental Theo-logical College (OTC), Yangli conducted HIV/AIDS workshop for three days from 24th -26th October 2011. The workshop was organized by ECS and Spon-sored by Nagaland State AIDS Control Society. It was stated by Alem P. THongru, Principal, OTC, Yangliin in a press note that NSACS. Dr. Yanger Sangtam, Pas-tor, Sangtam Baptist Church, Tuensang Town was the resource person. It was also mentioned that the college authority thanked the ECS, NSACS and Dr. Yanger for organizing and sponsoring the HIV/AIDS.

Saturday29 October 2011 Dimapur 3The Morung Express LOCAL/REgiOnAL

Dimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): The Zelian-grong Youth Front (As-sam, Manipur & Naga-land) is impatient over the failure of the completion of the construction work of Bailey bridge in Barak River between Dikiuram and Katang village under Tamei constituency of Tamenglong district. The ZYF (AMN) stated that if no initiatives were taken, then they would be forced to seek central Govern-ment’s intervention in order to achieve the in-tended objective.

According to the press release issued by Gaingam-lung Pamei, Development Secretary, ZYF (AMN), it stated that the ZYF AMN was peeved with the snail pace progress of the Bai-ley bridge construction, it also stated that the work had started off somewhere in the month of Febru-ary 2008 at the cost Rs.72 lakhs with the North East-ern Council (NEC) as the funding agency and the state works department as the work implementing agency. The ZYF AMN after prolonged discussion, in a meeting at the office cham-ber of the Executive Engi-neer, with the North East-

ern Council along with the contractor, decided to give an ultimatum to the con-tractor and departmental Engineers to complete the work within October.

Taking the contractor and Engineers inability to complete the work into consideration, the ZYF had set the dateline of the completion of the bridge by December and definitely before Christmas.

The ZYF (AMN) also pointed out that the ‘Se-rou Bridge’ of Sugnu con-stituency which started off in the same year at the cost Rs.19 crores got com-pleted and was inaugurat-ed by the Chief Minister O. Ibobi Singh on October 24th 2011. The Chief Min-ister, who was the chief guest of the inauguration function, said that it was the ‘most joyous moment’ of the government. The Chief Minister stated that the completion of ‘Serou Bridge’ was like a ‘dream’ turned into ‘reality’.The Chief Minister pointed out that when a big con-crete bridge can be com-pleted within 2 years in the valley district, then the non-completion of Bailey bridge was a ‘delib-erate delayed skill’.

ZYF impatient; Demands completion of Bailey bridge

Dimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): The Annual Gen-eral Convention of the Naga People’s Front Mokokchung Division was held on 20th October 2011 with Home Minister Imkong Imchen as the key note speaker.

Stating this in a press note issued by Mangyang-nungba General Secretary (Adm.), it was pointed out that the Minister opined that the NPF was the “true representative of the Naga People as well as of Naga Nationalism” and further stated that sweeping all the 10 (ten) seats under the division by the Party in the next General Election is not a distant dream but will be a simple reality.

Minister of PHED Dr. Ngangshi K. Ao, L. Temjen Jamir MLA, Apong Pon-gener Working President, Huska Yepthomi also ad-dressed the audience and challenged them to scale greater heights and widen their visionary horizon.

They encouraged the par-ty workers to be sincere truthful and committed. Reports from all the Divi-sional Frontal Wings and all the 10 (Ten) A/Cs were presented in the House.

Mr. Aolepden in his Presidential address ap-plauded the party workers for rendering full hearted support and enabling to win two major elections during his tenure as Presi-dent of the Division. He fur-ther encouraged the party workers to work unitedly. Huska Yepthomi VP also thanked all the party ranks and file for showering sup-port while working as the in charge of the Division.

The Election Board re-port was presented by La-nukaba President Farm-ers Wing and declared that mtiyanger and Aolepden were elected unanimously as President of the Divi-sion and General Secretary Central respectively.

The House resolved and

recorded its full apprecia-tion to the Division Office for successfully organizing. The House also expressed appreciation to the NPF Legislators for active par-ticipation and leading the party to better position.

The Convention re-corded its deep apprecia-tion to the dynamic lead-ership of Neiphiu Rio Chief Minister and Dr. Shurhu-zelie President NPF for their benevolent and ef-fective leadership and pa-tronizing the NPF Mokok-chung Division. Further The NPF Mokokchung once again appealed to all the Naga National Workers to come to a platform and pursue the long cherished Naga Political issue in find-ing an amicable solution with the Govt. of India.

Earlier Rev. Ponen Longchar invoked the blessings of the Lord for the day Mr. Tsukjemwati General Secretary pro-nounced the vote of thanks.

Dimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): The Nyishi Elite Society (NES) has demanded justice for the death of one of its mem-bers, Heri Tai on Octo-ber 12, 2011 at Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. A press note from NES President, Bengia Tollum today stated that,NES had demanded the Arunachal Pradesh government to arrest the culprits responsible and award exemplary punish-ment as per the law on Oc-tober 16. However, till date no action has been taken, NES alleged.

The NES stated that Heri Tai was injured in the police firing incident at I.G Park and later succumbed

to his injury at GNRC Hos-pital Guwahati. Owing to the government’s unre-sponsive attitude, the Heri clan in particular and Nyi-shi community in general is being deprived of jus-tice. Therefore, the NES has submitted a memo-randum to the Governor of Arunachal Pradesh to intervene and ensure de-livery of justice by direct-ing the government to im-mediately constitute an enquiry committee to be headed by either a sitting or retired Judge of High Court to find out the cause, culprit and punish as per law.

NES has alleged that such attitude from the

State government clearly shows their complete lack of interest in solving the serious issue. NES stated that executive members of NES and ANSU have been getting intimidation, life-threatening calls and SMS ever since it started the movement against the derogatory remarks in the national media.

NES has warned that if happens to any of the ex-ecutive members of NES, ANSU and members of the community in this is-sue, the State government shall be held responsible and the society shall take its own course of action. NES has further reiterate that the initiative by the

Newmai News Network Imphal, October 28

ALTOGETHER 43 CAD -RES of United Tribal Lib-eration army (UTLA), on Thursday, joined the Suspension of Operation (SoO) in the presence of Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh, State di-rector general of police Y Joykumar and Maj Gen Binoy Poonem, VSM, GOC 57 Mountain Division in a in a programme chris-tened as 'Home Coming ceremony' at 1st Manipur Rifles Banquet Hall.

It was stated that this was the largest single in-surgent group to 'come home' in the State. Speak-ing during the occasion, Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh appealed to all the underground groups in

the State to shun violence and join the path of peace. "UTLA had joined the path of peace under SoO and they should strictly follow the ground rule, the Chief Minister," said speaking on the occasion. He said some signatories of SoO are not abiding the ground rules and there are reports that they are indulging in extortions. He also warned them not to repeat such activities in the future.

DGP Y Joykumar said UTLA mainly operated in Jiribam, Vangai range, Nungba hills range, etc. "The group was the main obstacle in the construc-tion work of railways but the problem will be solved soon as they have shunned violence and joined the mainstream", the DGP said.

Touching the prevail-ing situation in Manipur, the Manipur police chief said, “The people will suf-fer no more because of economic blockades on na-tional highways as every-thing will be much cheaper when railway service starts in the State.”

UTLA decided to 'come home' by abjuring the path of violence under the guid-ance and direction of GOC Red Shield Division, Major Geneneral Binoy Poonen, VSM. The ' home coming' of the outfit was facilitated by Commander of 27 Sector Assam Rirfles Brigadier, VS Ranade and Commandant 46 Assam Rifles Colonel Vi-kas Chawla.

It was pointed out that UTLA was raised by James in 2003. However, at a later date after the death of its

leader, the group was split into two factions called UTLA and UTLA (Max). UTLA (Max) over the pe-riod of time got neutralized and at present, majority of them are in jail.

Due to leadership cri-sis and differences, the president of UTLA mo-tivated to join the 'main-stream'. The two leaders announced formally to engage in the Suspension of Operation (SoO) on September 8th 2011. This report was carried out in all the leading newspa-pers of Manipur. Mean-while, news culled from today's programme con-firmed that some more cadres of UTLA will be joining the "mainstream" in the near future as 75 cadres have already de-cided to "come home".

Our CorrespondentWokha, October 28

IN A MAJOR development boosting tourist amenities, seven project under dif-ferent schemes including multi purpose halls, dor-mitory-cum Chumpo and CMO quarter was inaugu-rated at Englan, Changsü and Riphyim today by Par-liamentary secretary Tour-ism, Law & Justice Yitachu, Parliamentary secretary geology & Mining, I & FC, Border affairs, Y.Patton, Parliamentary secretary, fire and emergency servic-es and MLA & Chairman MARCOFED, C.L John. The inauguration was fol-lowed by a public meeting at Green Abode (Tourist Resort), at Old Riphyim.

Addressing the gath-ering, Parliamentary sec-retary Tourism, Law & Justice Yitachu, said “it our responsibility to be ac-countable to develop and preserve for the younger generation”. He also en-couraged the woman or-ganization to form cul-tural groups where they can make a living out of the income generated thereof. “Tourism department has done its part and it is now

the user’s responsibility to promote and make a living out of the facility that has been created”, he said.

He lamented that gov-ernment department does not maintain their web-sites, and the website are found lacking in informa-tion. He expressed fear stating that wrong infor-mation may have harder impact economically.

Yitachu asserted that Tribalism and manipula-tion will destroy social fab-ric and that Unity and un-derstanding will facilitate developmental activities,

Furthermore, he said Government and Stabil-ity should go hand in hand

because the policy and pro-grammes will be hampered in the absence of stability, Also government and sta-ble leadership is a priority to run a smooth govern-ment, Yitachu added.

Informing that the Minister of Tourism is only re-strengthening the old assets which were already created and not creating newer ones at the moment, he urged the gathering to utilize and preserve what is there. He acknowledged Parliamentary Secretary Y. Patton for his concern and sincerity also appealed the gathering to use the MLAs under Wokha district for a purpose and unitedly sup-

port them and create peace in the state.

Parliamentary sec-retary geology & Min-ing, I & FC, Border affairs, Y.Patton in his brief ad-dress thanked Tourism department and the parlia-mentary secretary for de-livering tourist amenities. MLA & Chairman MAR-COFED, C.L John in his short address called upon the underground broth-ers to minimize the taxes as currently 7 factions are collecting the taxes.

Multi Purpose hall at Englan, Old and Changsü New village, New Riphyim village, CMO Quarter at Englan and Dormitory cum Chumpo at old Riphyim vil-lage was inaugurated.

Host of dignitaries from tourism department, geol-ogy & Mining, I & FC, village councils, Land Resource, Deputy Commissioner Wokha, CMO Wokha, vil-lage councils from different villages and party work-ers attended the meeting.It was also mentioned that Parliamentary secretary geology & Mining, I & FC, Border affairs, Y.Patton would be inaugurating the community hall at Doyang October 29th 2011.

Tourism boost for Englan Range with new amenties

Dignitaries pose for lens at green Abode, after the inaugura-tion of dormitory-cum Chumpo at Old Riphyim.

NPF Mkg division convention eyes next pollYimchungrii region warnsDimapur, OctOber 28 (mexN): The Yimchungrii region stated that they "being under army rule will not allow Kiumukam the morally de-graded and politically ousted person and his few colleagues to confuse or create problem with vested interest in the re-gion anymore". It was stated that whatever or whoever fol-low such a person will be doing at his own shame and risk.

The Yimchungrii region further mentioned that it will not under any circum-stances allow such a vile/vested person and few of his henchmen to conduct meeting in their region to confuse and undermine the very spirit of nationalism and patriotism in the region and hamper the peace and tranquility of the region. the press note stated that any-body in defiance of the re-gion authority under Army rule Azah (order) would be doing fully at his own risk.

NES seeks justice for victim of police firingNES and ANSU against the derogatory remarks in the Times of India Web Portal by Pradeep Thakur and in Deccan Chronicle by Manoj Anand shall con-tinue till the source behind them is revealed and pun-ished as per the law.

43 UTLA Cadres joins suspension of operation


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CONGRATULATIONSThe Longjem Students’ Union extends heartiest congratulations to Limatemjen I Longkumer, Son of Mr & Mrs. Imchameren of Aonokpu Village, resident of Longjem Town for his success on achieving the post of Secretariat UDA in the recently declared NPSC examination result.The union prays and wishes him success in his future endeavor. President General Secretary Yapangtemjen Watinenla LSU LSU

LOST NOTICEI, Mr. Tsuknungtemsu, am applying for a duplicate copy of my Pass Certificate as I have lost it.Name: TsuknungtemsuF/Name: WatitemjenM/Name: BenjungkumlaD.o.B.: 09-03-1996Name of school: Railway High School, DimapurClass: Viii (Eight)Year: 2010Result: Passed

is being organized by

Symposium on“Recent advances in the

Clinical Management of HIV infection”

All practicing Clinicians of Dimapur District are cordially invited to attend the symposium,

which will be followed by dinner.

Speaker: Prof.S.K.Guha.School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata.

Dimapur Branchon 29/10/2011 at 6:30 pm.

In the Conference Hall of Zion Hospital & Research Centre























CROSSWORD # 2011SUDOKUSimple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”

Answer Number # 2001

across1. Salaries6. Awestruck10. Heaviness14. Lacquer ingredient15. A type of hair style16. Part of an archipelago17. The state of being clean19. Epidermis20. Wobble21. French for “Summer”22. Canvas dwelling23. Elan25. Having a specified value26. Smack30. One who modifies written

material32. Guarantee35. Specified39. Esteem40. Ebb41. Disinform43. Guts44. Go to46. Misplaced47. Strike down50. Achievements53. “The Way We ___”54. VCR button55. Cherubim60. Winged

Saturday4 Dimapur The Morung Express29 October 2011

61. Antibacterial drug63. Prefix meaning “After” or

“Beyond”64. Russian emperor65. It’s a part of life66. Rind67. Arid68. Pilot

DoWN1. Where the sun sets2. Wings3. Heredity carrier4. Radiate5. Locations6. Rodent7. Far away from home8. It’s needed for body building9. Sound10. Belonging to the past11. Glacial ridge12. A hard kind of stone13. One worse than ninth18. Paintings 24. Nevertheless25. Adult females26. Propelled oneself through

water27. Dry riverbed28. Weapons29. Involving three parties31. Shredded

33. Mountain crest34. Tidy36. A Roman emperor37. Tallies38. In order that not42. Protection from harm 43. Actress Lupino45. Ambrosia47. Wetland48. Donnybrook49. Angered51. Bar bill52. Inhale audibly through the nose54. Rodents56. Objective57. Decorative case58. Connects two points59. Cicatrix62. Outrage

Ans to CrossWord 2010

CuRReNCY exChANgeCURRENCY NOTES BUY(Rs) SELL(Rs)US Dollars 48.74 48.76

Sterling Pound 78.47 78.49Hong Kong Dollar 6.27 6.28Australian Dollar 51.94 52.06Singapore Dollar 39.18 39.27Canadian Dollar 49.02 49.13U.A.E. Dirhams 13.27 13.28

Euro 68.91 69.07

DIMAPuR STD CODe: 03862Civil Hospital: 232224; Emergency- 229529, 229474Metro Hospital: 227930, 231081Faith Hospital: 233044, 228846Shamrock Hospital 228254Zion Hospital: 231864, 230889Fire Service: 232201Police Control Room 228400Police Traffic Control 232106East Police Station 227607, 228400West Police Station 232181CIHSR (Referral Hospital) 242555/ 242533Dimapur hospital 224041, 285117, 248011Apollo Hospital Info Centre: 230695/9402435652Railway: 131/228404Indian Airlines 229366Northeast Shuttles 22232

KOHIMA STD CODE: 0370Police Control Room: 100/2244279North Police Station: 2222222South Police Station: 2222111Fire Brigade: 2222952Naga Hospital: 2222916Oking Hospital: 2243339Bethel Nursing Home: 2224202Northeast Shuttles 08974997923

game Number # 2002

For details & Test drive Contact: Urban Station, Near NSC Petrol Pump, 6th Mile Dimapur. Ph No : 240994




MOKOKCHUNG STD CODE: 0369Police Station 1: 2226241Police Station 2 : 2226214Civil Hospital: 2226216Woodland Nursing Home: 2226263Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge): 2225011

TAHAMZAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871Police Station: 222246Fire Brigade 222491



SPARK 3,26,608/-

BEAT (PETROL) 3,60,507/-

BEAT (DIESEL) 4,30,953/-

U-VA 4,25,220/-

AVEO 5,93,629/-

TAVERA 6,66,026/-



CRUZE 12,03,111/-

CAPTIVA 18,16,921/-


Zunheboto, october 28 (DIPr): The new office building for District Industries and Com-merce was inaugurated by Parlia-mentary Secretary for Industries and Commerce, Dr. KC Nihoshe on October 28 as the chief guest. Dr. KC Nihoshe in his inaugural speech thanked the previous Di-rector and Secretary, Industries and Commerce for their coopera-tion in the construction work be-cause of which the DIC Office Zun-heboto was completed at a good pace with a total cost nearly to one

core of rupees (under State fund). Thekruneituo Kire, Direc-

tor of Industries and Commerce gave a brief account of the con-struction, which was started in the year 2008 and completed in 2010. Short speech was also de-livered by Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto, T. Kiheto Sema who expressed his happiness for all the development activities taking up in the district such as construc-tion of two land road under prog-ress, helipad to be constructed, completion of outdoor stadium,

construction of Sumi Hoho build-ing etc. and further added that all these achievements have been done through the initiative of the Parliamentary Secretary. He also urged upon all citizen to have civic sense and how to use public prop-erty in good manner.

The dedication prayer was offered by Pastor Sumi Baptist church, Zunheboto, Rev. Shek-heto. The function was attended by all Head of Offices in the dis-trict, administrative officers, DBs and elders.

nIGerIA, october 28 (PtI): Ni-gerian telecom regulator NCC has threatened to fine an Indian firm’s sub-sidiary, Airtel Nigeria, and two other companies if they fail to improve the quality of their mobile services and pre-vent them from registering new sub-scribers. Airtel Nigeria, a subsidiary of Bharti Airtel, South Africa’s MTN and locally owned Globacom would pay a fine of $ 6,216 per subscriber if the sanc-tions take effect, the Nigerian Commu-nications Commission (NCC) said here in a bid to improve quality of telephone service in the oil rich country.

According to NCC, it has procured equipment to monitor if customers are able to make and receive calls as well as the quality of the calls. The di-rective followed customer complaints of poor services by some telecom companies. NCC spokesman Reuben Muoka said the Commission has giv-en the operators 30 days to improve their service quality or face sanctions. “This follows a dismal performance by the three operators on quality of service from the result of an indepen-dent monitoring exercise carried out by the Commission across the coun-try.” Muoka said. Meanwhile, Airtel Nigeria’s Managing Director and CEO

Rajan Swaroop had earlier urged the government to issue a National Policy on Communications (NPC).

At the 3rd West African Informa-tion and Communications Technology (WAFICT) event, he urged the policy makers to incorporate broadband in the framework of their strategies. Swa-roop’s comments and the regulator’s warning came amid some experts say-ing that the quality issues can be liked to under-utilisation of landline net-work. A telecom expert Monday Ogbe told a local newspaper that the poor services could be linked to poor fibre-utilisation. Ogbe said there is over-de-pendence on mobile technology to the detriment of fixed lines -- a situation that has led to congestion and poor quality, adding that in Nigeria most of the calls are routed through mobile phones unlike in other countries.

Bharti Airtel embarked on the larg-est-ever telecom takeover by an Indian firm on June 8, 2010, when it complet-ed a transaction to buy Kuwait-based Zain Telecom’s businesses in 15 Af-rican countries for $ 10.7 billion. The same year, the company invested $ 600 million in Nigeria’s mobile market. The 3 companies involved are yet to issue a statement on the NCC directive.

DImAPur, october 28 (mexn): ATMA Wokha block and KVK (ICAR) Wokha jointly organized one day mobilization programme for FIG/CIG and frontline demonstration on pea on October 25. The occasion was graced by Hilo Semb, Proj-ect Director, DRDA Wokha, as chief guest.

The Chief Guest appreci-ated the activities of ATMA and KVK in providing latest technologies at the door step of the farmers. He informed that “KVK will be a resourceful cen-tre in years to come in terms of technological interventions in

Agriculture and allied activi-ties” and appealed to the farm-ers of the district to take best advantage so as to increase their production. He also in-formed that the National Rural Livelihood Mission would be implemented by DRDA soon and requested the experts to provide all technical inputs so as to benefit the farmers.

Dr Mhonchan Shitiri, Coordinator, ATMA Wokha highlighted the activities conducted by ATMA in the district. In the technical ses-sion, topics like Concept of Commodity Interest Group/

Farmer Interest Groups was delivered by N.Khumdemo Ezung P.C(i/c), KVK Wokha. Lireni Prog Asst (P.P) spoke on cultivation practices of pea with special emphasis on plant protection measures. Seed treatment method for appli-cation of bio-fertilizer (Phos-photika) as a source of organic phosphorus for winter vegeta-bles was demonstrated by Tia-tula BTM, ATMA Wokha block. Altogether 100 participants at-tended the mobilization cum demonstration programme. Seeds were distributed to all the participants.

District review meet on NRHM held at Monmon, october 28 (DIPr): Com-missioner & Secretary for Health & Fam-ily Welfare, Nagaland Kohima Menokhol John, accompanied by Dr. Kika, Deputy Director, NRHM; Puni, State Consultant, NRHM and Dr. Vizolie, MS Naga Hospital, Kohima visited Mon on October 28 and held a district review meeting on NRHM with the Doctors and staffs of NRHM.

While interacting with the Doctors and staffs of NRHM Menokhol John, directed the CMO; MS; DPM, NRHM and doctors that all the Government sponsored schemes should be done with the proper knowledge of the Deputy Commissioner who is also the Chairperson of the District Hospital Management Committee. Speaking on the implementation of JSY schemes, he said the ambulance facilities provided under JSY schemes is meant for transportation of preg-nant women and infants from PHC/CHC to the district hospital and urged upon the Doc-tors to give wide awareness to the poor sec-tions of the society to avail the opportunity.

DC, Mon, Angau I. Thou also requested the medical Doctors and staffs to give wide awareness to the public about vaccination, Immunization and other medical facilities to the public. She also urged the doctors posted in the sub-division to visit their re-spective health centers and villages under their jurisdiction. The team also visited and inspected the District Hospital, Mon.

Nigerian telecom regulator NCC warns Airtel

Zunheboto DIC building inaugurated

Dr. KC Nihoshe (6th from left) with government officials during the inauguration of new DIC office building at Zunheboto on October 28. (DIPR Photo)

DImAPur, october 28 (mexn): The Pfutsero College Teaching Association (PCTA) and the Pfutsero College Stu-dents Union (PCSU) conduct-ed a felicitation programme in honour of T.L. Singsit, Vice Principal of the College on Oc-tober 20 who has been con-ferred with a “Lifetime Educa-tion Management Award” in the area of higher and tertiary education on September 27 by the International Court of Gov-ernors (TICG) on the specific recommendation of the search committee appointed for locat-ing talented intellectuals to be felicitated with special awards

and appreciations of the Inter-national Association of Educa-tors for World Peace (IAEWP) affiliated to the United Nations- ECOSOC, UNDPI, UNCED, UNICEF and the Confedera-tion of Indian Universities. The programme was chaired by Veta (Asst. Prof ) and the keynote ad-dress presented by I. Alempok-ba, Principal of the College. The Teaching staff and the Students Union, Congratulate T.L. Sing-sit for bringing laurels to the College and wishes him best in rendering his continuous self-less and dedicated services to the College and the Communi-ty in general.

PCTA & PCSU honours Pfutsero College V- principle DImAPur, october 28

(mexn): The 33rd session of NCRC Sumi women conference will be held at Ghokito village. It was stated that Ino Jehoshe sumi, chairman, NCRC Sumi council; Ino Kuhoi jimo, chair-man, Sumi council, Dimapur and Ino Khehovi Awomi would grace the conference as special guests.

In a press release issued, it was mentioned that the speak-ers of the conference were Inoli Grace N. Achumi, W/ pastor Che-kiye; Ili Tonino W/ secretary; Dr. Kiyeho Yeptho, Vice princi-pal, living Bible college; Ayinato

Vihokhu and Ino Kiyekhe Kiba Lecturer, Living Bible college and Ayinato Vihokhu.

It was further stated that In-oli Darlyn Wotsa Katoho, Cen-tre Director people pro NE will speak on the topic “Integrity a prerogative of Womanhood”. There would be skit competition on 5th evening. It was mentioned that singspiration would be led by Thilixu church and highway churches worship team and that Kaholi P Achumi chairperson, women standing committee had requested the entire member to come and be a part of it.

KVK (ICAR) Wokha conducts mobilization prog 33rd NCRC Sumi women conference

‘No more will you face the threat of a police case or be treated with suspicion, thanks to new norms of the Reserve Bank of India”hyDerAbAD, october 28 (AGencIes): If you come into possession of a fake currency note inadvertently, don’t be afraid to report it. No more will you face the threat of a police case or be treated with suspicion, thanks to new norms of the Reserve Bank of

India. As per the existing norms, banks are required to file a first information report (FIR) imme-diately upon detection of a fake note. However, hesitation among customers as well as bank officials in taking the matter to police has led to under-reporting of the de-tection of fake notes.

To address this, the apex bank now has instructed banks that there is no need to register a case with police unless five or more pieces of fake notes are detected in a single transaction. In all other cases where one or up to four fake notes are detected, a consolidated

report can be sent to the police at the end of every month, the RBI said. This decision was taken on the recommendations of the High Level Group on Systems and Pro-cedures for Currency Distribu-tion Chaired by Usha Thorat, for-mer Deputy Governor, RBI. From the police perspective, there are still some more gaps to address. Amit Garg, Additional Commis-sioner of Police (Crimes), Hyder-abad, said a compliant should be scientific.

“I have recently suggested to some banks that they should segregate huge amounts de-

posited by different customers with some kind of identifica-tion. This helps proper mapping of source and region while we investigate,’’ he said. There is a greater need for banks and peo-ple to come forward with com-plaints if fake notes are detect-ed, he added. The RBI Governor, D.Subbarao, while addressing the press during the policy re-view, agreed that there was un-der-reporting of the matter.

Pointing out that detecting counterfeit notes was the respon-sibility of both the central bank as well as commercial banks, he

said: “The reporting was skewed because we found that only one or two banks were reporting coun-terfeit notes. The others were probably not paying enough at-tention.” He said that the RBI was in discussion with banks on the subject. As a first step, at least 20 per cent of frontline staff – both officers and clerks – would be trained in the detection and re-porting of fake notes during 2012. According to the RBI, 45,235 pieces of counterfeit notes were detected by it, while 3,90,372 pieces were detected by various commercial banks in 2010-11.

Find a fake currency note? Fear not to report it

Dimapur 5Friday28 October 2011

The Morung Express Public SPace

The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.

STARTING LINE-UPYour daily Meetings, Appointments, Information and Reminder column

KCSU election on Oct 29The Election of the office bearers of the KCSU for the tenure 2011-12 will be held on October 29 at LCS Building,Kohima. The Election Commissioner has notified the time schedule that the issuing of Nomination paper from 10am-12pm,Submission of Nomination paper from 12 noon to 1:00 pm, Scrutiny of Nomi-nation paper from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm, withdrawal of candidature from 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm, Polling and Counting of votes from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm, Declaration of results from 5:30pm.

Seminar on Biblical Concept of nationhood on Oct 29A Seminar on Biblical Concept of nationhood will be held at Baptist Theological College, T.Chikri Pfϋtsero, Nagaland on Oc-tober 29, 9:00 am. The resource person will be Kaka D.Iralu, a prominent writer (Author of Naga Saga). All the leaders and concerned citizens are welcomed to attend this seminar. For de-tails you may contact program coordinators Vekulu Lohe and Neingupeϋ Kazhie at- 9612034915.

DEO notifiesDistrict Education Officer Kohima Rheituolie Metha has informed all the principal/headmaster of all GHSS/GHS/Pvt HSS/High Schools under Kohima District to forward the deserving teachers for awarding National Award 2011 on or before 18 November. It added to collect information from the office of the District Educa-tion Officer Kohima during office hours.

Zunheboto DSO issues circularThe District statistical officer Zunheboto informed to all the Reg-istrar of births and deaths (teacher incharge) of respective villag-es under Zunheboto district to collect spiecement signature form from its office within a week time from the date of this circular/publication. Certificates of births & deaths will be issued to only those registrars who could the specimen signature in the format, stated Kulhieo Khale DSO.

Naga leader pushes for peace pactThe Manipur government, civil societies and student

organisations in the Manipur valley have been opposed to any bifurcation of the hill districts. The Centre, whether led by the BJP or the Congress, has not been able to con-vince Manipur in making any concessions. Asked if grant-ing of hill council status to the Naga majority districts of Manipur could be an interim solution, Kiewhuo replied in the negative. He said such an arrangement would weaken the demand of the Nagas. Kiewhuo warned that vested interests in Nagaland could get active as the elec-tions approached in order to sabotage the peace process.

Sonia worried about Nagaland...The AICC leader illustrated Gandhi’s dilemma:

“(Gandhi) said to me, ‘please help me as far Nagaland and Tripura are concerned. She personally requested me, ‘Mr. Faleiro, these are the two states in the country where the Congress is without power.’” If the Congress is to win and be in position to lead the state forward, he explained, it has to be united. “We have to be united to be victorious.”

He also had a ‘message’ for the gathered Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) and Congress Legislature Party (CLP) leaders – “This is my message to you on behalf of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi: Forget your dif-ferences; we have to work in cohesion. If you want to win elections, there is no magic wand. You have to earn it.”

Faleiro’s strong caution somewhat dampened the oth-erwise hitherto-exuberant mood of optimism from the NPCC and CLP leaders that the state’s Congress is ready to face, and ‘win’, the coming state assembly elections.

The reports and speeches from various frontal Con-gress leaders from the state indicated strong readiness to fight the polls, and equally, the declarations that the opposition would be victorious this time around in Na-galand – in the nature of the previous “Congress wave” in Nagaland which led to the party securing four out of five Dimapur constituencies.

Addressing the gathered Congress members, NPCC president SI Jamir encouraged the workers to endeavor even harder as the assembly elections are already near-ing schedule. In “Nagamese” Jamir declared: “Amar next election loke vijay hobo” (‘we will be victorious in the next elections’). He urged the party to double their efforts as ‘there is not much time left for the elections; by March next year, election campaigning would start,’ he told the workers in “Nagamese.”

CLP leader Tokheho Yepthomi also spoke briefly at the program. He encouraged the Congress workers to continue to work toward strengthening the party “as the election is approaching very fast.”

From page 1

TERMS AND CONDITIONS1. Tendered documents without Court Fee Stamp or Earnest Money will not be accepted .The Earnest Money

should be submitted in the form of DAC from any Nationalized/Scheduled Bank in favour of the Executive Engineer, Irrigation & Flood Control, Mokokchung Division, separately for each work tendered.

2. The Tenderer should produce attested photocopy of the Govt. Registration Notification, ID.Card and their credentials.

3. Certificates of Financial Soundness should be furnished.4. The successful Tenderer(s) are required to fill the agreement form accepting the Terms and Conditions for

the work within a week after receipt of intimation.5. The Work Order will be issued only after completion of Agreement between the Contractor and the

Department.6. 10(ten) % of Bill amount for the work will be deducted as Security Deposit and the same will be released

after 6(six) months of successful completion of work. Incase of damage or defect in the workmanship, the Contractor will be obliged to undertake restoration of the work, failing which the Security deposit will be forfeited and utilized by the Department to restore the work.

7. Payment will be made as per availability of fund.8. Work Contract Tax will be deducted from the Gross Bill amount as per Government Memorandum.9. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof and

acceptance of the lowest rate is not obligatory.(Er.Hotovi Ayemi)

Executive Engineer,Irrigation & Flood Control

Mokokchung Division,Nagaland.



Scheme Code

Name of Scheme

Item of workEstimated

amount, ̀ (lakh)

Earnest MoneyTime of

CompletionSite Code Site No. & Nature of works Local Non-Local

Nag-9 Nag-9(1)Site No-1,3&5 for 500m length of Bank Revetment Works

8548065.00 85500.00 171000.00 3(three)months


Anti-erosion of Tsuong river at Changki Valley, Mokokchung District.

Nag-9(2)Site No-2&4:-500m length of Bank Revetment Works

9397089.00 94000.00 188000.00 3(three)months

Nag-9 Nag-9(3)Site No-6&7:- 600m length of Bank Revetment works.

10257679.00 102600.00 205200.00 3(three months

NOTICE INVITING TENDERNO.IFC/M/TECH-6/2006/149-153/Dated Mkg.the 25th Oct’2011: Sealed Tender affixing Court Fee Stamp of Rs.7.50 (Rupees Seven and Fifty Paise) only are hereby invited by the undersigned from Class-I Registered Contractors of Nagaland PWD.The Tender documents and detail particulars of the work can be obtained from the Office of the undersigned during working hours up to 04.11.2011 on payment of Rs.1000/-(Rupees One Thousand) only.The Tender will be received in the Office of the undersigned up to 12:00 Hrs. on 05.11.2011 and will be opened on the same day at 14:00 Hrs. in the presence of the intending tenderers or their authorized representative.The Tenderer should quote the rate(s) in the prescribed format given in the document for each item of work of the Site Code against the respective Scheme Code and name of the Scheme for the below mentioned works. The tendered rate should be % above or % below or at par the Nagaland PWD Schedule of Rate of 2010.


(A GOVT.OF NAGALAND UNDERTAKING)Regd.Hd.Office: Dimapur-797112

Post Box: 31Ref.No.NHHDC/Com-7/2002/2082-87Dated Dimapur, the 19th Oct Oct’11

ADVERTISEMENTThis is to inform that the management has decided to purchase all traditional Naga shawls, mekhelas, jackets etc.made by Loinlooms.Quotation is invited from interested entrepreneurs alongwith rates and samples per piece.The quotation should reach the undersigned on or before 30th Oct.2011.For details contact Head Office.Tel: 03862-224591, 230130

(HOKIYE YEPUTHOMI)Managing Director

NO.AGR/IETC-6/2011-12/ / Dated Kohima the 28th October 2011

Sub:- AET (Agriculture Extension Training) Interview results The following list of candidates are hereby selected for undergoing the 2(two) years AET course at Medziphema as per the interview conducted on 27th & 28th October 2011 at SAMETI, Medziphema. Sl. No Form No. Name 1 492 W. CHANBENI MURRY 2 569 ZUBEMO P. EZUNG 3 201 BENTO CHISHI 4 218 GRACY K. YEPTHO 5 253 S. MERENTULA 6 552 NOYINGO Z. YANTHAN 7 112 CHUMJANBENI MURRY 8 192 NZANBENI 9 413 A. ORENPONI EZUNG 10 432 ROSEMARY AYE 11 774 RAHEN LUHO 12 181 TEMJENNUNGSANG ATSONGCHANGER 13 183 GLORIA M. OVUNG 14 202 HOTO CHICHI 15 220 AVUNGO LOTHA 16 344 KEDIGWELIE KIN 17 453 BENDANGNUKSUNG 18 522 LIDENO L. YANTHAN 19 623 ACHIBA LKR 20 679 OHITO K. CHOPHY 21 751 KIKALI YEPTHO 22 321 ELONTHUNG KIKON 23 431 L. AKAVI SUMI 24 175 PITHUNGO PATTON 25 200 CHENCHULO MAGH 26 626 KROVI 27 591 LIBENTHUNG N. YANTHAN 28 184 ZUBEMO PATTON 29 475 KHEKA YESCA 30 251 NEISAKHUOLIE 31 410 SUBONGSANEN 32 544 SAHABO (BT) 33 115 N.KASHILI SUMI (BT) 34 325 BERILA. K. JANQUNGER (BT) 35 689 L. SUPONGMEREN (BT) 36 128 YUTACHU TRAKHA (BT) 37 366 YINGKAM ANGH (BT) 38 81 PUTO KHIAMNUNGAN (BT) 39 161 TACHUMONG T. CHEIR (BT) 40 107 VENEYILU (BT) 41 367 TIABA O (BT) 42 709 L. YONGCHA (BT)I 43 111 LIJUNGSE P (BT) 44 355 T.WANYUH KONYAK (BT) 45 262 M. TONGMETH. KONYAK (BT) 46 732 VEKHWUTA RINGA (BT) 47 354 HEAWANG KONYAK (BT) 48 705 A. CHULE PHOM (BT)Wait list 1 303 WAPANGTOSHI (WL) 2 739 ASENI RANTHANG (WL) 3 204 OLINA SHOHE (WL) 4 326 LALJASEI CHONGLOI (WL) 5 426 PIKUTO (WL)Classes for the first year will commence from 14th November 2011 (Monday), hence the selected candidates hereby directed to take admission on 10th and 11th November 2011 reporting to the Principal, IETC failing which the vacant seats will be filled from the wait list.

(A.Y. OVUNG)Director of Agriculture,

Nagaland: Kohima



CTC directs shops In order to felicitate public for shopping and market-ing especially during festive season, all shop owners are directed to keep open their respective shops/firms open on all Sundays w.e.f. October 29 till January 5, 2012. ThepfulhoutuoShuya, chief

Advisor, Chumukedima Town Council

DEO Dimapur informsIn a press note, Kitoli Naje, District Education Officer, Dimapur had informed all the concerned students’ who had collected the pre-met-ric scholarship form from DEO office to submit to the undersigned along with all the complete documents by October 29. It was also men-tioned that the last date for submission of the forms has been fixed on October 31.

MTYO informsThe Medziphema Town Youth Organisation will be organising 'Referee Train-ing' from November 3 - 5 at Medziphema. Interested persons are to deposit Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only) as admission fees. For further information/assis-tance contact Medziphema Town Youth Organisation office during weekdays.

Nito KrosePresident Medziphema

Town Youth Organisation

Oral & Dental health camp conductedThe Indian Dental Associa-tion Nagaland State branch, Dimapur unit, conducted an Oral & Dental health camp at Central Jail, Di-mapur on October 22. All the inmates were provided free treatment, medicine, tooth brush & tooth paste.

Dr. Temjennungsang

I, on behalf of Dimapur Rengma Bap-tist Church would like to bring this for the information of the general public and condemnation that, Sir the Head mistry/contractor of our church has been served with demand note/extor-tion note by the above stated faction in the name and title of Tsanthungo Ovung, Deputy Kilonser, Wokha Re-gion In-charge, NNC (Non Accordist) on 13/10/11 for payment of Rs. 10000/- within 20/10/11. In order to avoid un-wanted harassment, one Head mis-

try paid Rs. 5000/- and another Head mistry paid Rs. 4000/- respectively to the same person. However, within few days of payment another demand was made by the same person to the Head mistry. Due to continual harassment the head mistry has stopped coming to supervise the construction work of the church thereby hampering the construction.

The deacon Board and elders of the Church deliberated threadbare the contents of the demand and de-

cided to condemn such activities of the faction. Taxing our worker is di-rectly or indirectly taxing the Church as ultimately the church becomes the payer. If a non-Christian respect and keep the sanctity of the Church, should Naga Christian disrespect and abhor the House of God?

Er K K RengmaChairman

Deacon BoardDimapur Rengma Baptist Church

In the view of the Right to Infor-mation Week (5th to 12th Octo-ber 2011) Longleng district too observed the RTI Week along with the rest of the country. A seminar with the head of the of-fices was held in the office of DC Longleng on October 11. K Liban-thung Lotha DC and T Wati Aier ADC spoke on the various sec-tions of the Act. A short film was shown to those present. On Octo-ber 12, a quiz completion was held in the office chamber of DC Long-leng. The quiz was anchored by Dr Mithilesh Jha, Lecturer Yingli

College Longleng town. Around 20 (twenty) students of Yingli College participated in the quiz competition. The winners are: First Prize (Rs 2000): Sungjemn-aro Ao, BA III yr; Second Prize (Rs 1500): Metshong, BA III yr; Third Prize (Rs 1000): T hedong, Class XI. The DC Longleng K Libant-hung distributed the prizes along with certificates to all the win-ners.

T Wati Aier, ADCFor Deputy Commissioner


Condemnation against excessive extortion by NNC (NA) Wokha Region

Yimchungrii region warns The Yimchungrii region under army rule will not allow Kiumukam the mor-ally degraded and politi-cally ousted person and his few colleagues to confuse or create problem with vested interest in the region any-more. Whatever or whoev-er follow such a person will be doing at his own shame and risk. The Yimchungrii region will not under any circumstances allow such a vile/vested person and few of his henchmen to con-duct meeting in our region to confuse and undermine the very spirit of national-ism and patriotism in the region for the best inter-est of Yimchungrii people for peace and tranquility. Therefore, anybody in defi-ance of the region author-ity under Army rule Azah (order) will be doing fully at his own risk as stated earlier also. So this meeting is com-pletely stop by the author-ity of the region.

Brig. Kiuthsang, Naga Army, NNC

Response to Kuki Student’s Organization

RTI week observed at Longleng

I Major C.P.Krichena,Naga Army would like to respond and clarify on the article on the Eastern Mirror on dated-19th Oct 2011,Under the cap-tion-“Alternative Arrange-ment” shall not encroach on Kukis traditional land by KSO.

Since time immemorial we the Nagas are protect-ing and fighting for our land, people and till today we are sacrificing our lives apart from free labour and ser-vice for our Nagas land and this will continue till the last drop of our blood bled. This

is not merely a claim but many of our people knows and stand witness to this, that our land never belongs to Kukis as claimed. I would like to stress a brief history of our Kuki brothers to the young and educated Kukis. Earliler your people were brought from Burma by Me-ities Maharajas to serve and guard them and their kins and gradually settled on our lands forcefully and illegally. You people came only after the British colonial invade India on the latter part of the 19th century. So the question

of Naga people encroach-ing on your land does never arise. It is therefore, my sin-cere advice to Kuki brothers never to claim our land today or tomorrow, if you want your separate district or whatever arrangements you need, go and seek your original mas-ters i.e. the Meities and nego-tiate with them. And this, you wouldn’t do because it is your master who brainwashed you with their evil design and pol-icies to have a confrontation with the Naga people.

(Major C.P.Krichena) Naga Army.

HIV/AIDS workshop conductedOriental Theological College, Yangli has conduct-ed HIV/AIDS workshop for three days from October 24 – 26 organized by ECS and Sponsored by Naga-land State AIDS Control Society. NSACS. Dr. Yanger Sangtam Pastor of Sangtam Baptist Church Tuen-sang Town was the resource person. The college au-thority would like to say thank you to ECS, NSACS and Dr. Yanger for organizing and sponsoring the HIV/AIDS.

Alem P. THongru, Principal, OTC. Yangli

Potato Farm School un-der Tening block was inau-gurated on October 19 at New Tesen Village by Ku-mui Nring, Deputy Project Director ATMA Peren dis-trict as chief guest. He said setting up a farm school in the village with Apok Ze-liang as farm achiever, every member of potato growers should also consider oneself as an achiever since as per my observation everyone is taking keen interest in cul-tivating potato crop some years back. Earlier, Zieleigai Ndang SDAO & BTT Con-venor ATMA Tening Block had spoken in brief on the

concept, setting up of Farm School in rural areas under extension reforms while Apok an achiever on pota-to had shared his past and present experiences on po-tato cultivation with other crops taken up subsequent-ly as mixed, intercrop and relay cropping in the said location. Imti Walling BTM offered vote of thanks at the end of the programme. Inter-active session amongst the commodity interest group was also held separately.

Sub-Divisional Agriculture Officer & BTT Convenor

ATMA Tening Block, Tening: Nagaland

Potato Farm School inaugurated

Gorkha union appeals The Nagaland Gorkha Association (NGA) has appealed the Gorkha Youth Club and the Dimapur Gorkha Union to settle their differ-ence in the interest of the community. NGA Advisor A.K Rai has requested both parties not to engage in paper war and display ma-ture and responsible leadership. Rai stated in a press release that leadership should not be abused and the rights and liberties of the Gorkha people should be respected. He stated that Gorkha people are very few in number and therefore, both parties should work together for the common good of the community. Like any other civilized and cultured people, the Gorkhas should be able to sort out their differ-ences across the table, he stated.

You learn a lot about people when you listen to

the songs that mean some-thing to them - Unknown

Saturday | October 29, 2011

People, life, etc... 6

Every year many tour-ist visits Nagaland. Al-though it’s a slow pace, we are now gradually being sensed under the tourism radar. To catch public interest within the country and worldwide is

a big struggle, and it’s take maximum avail-able cracks. Ceaselessly, it’s very important to promote ourselves and Nagaland, and one best way is by encouraging and inviting tour-ist to our land.

As a travel journalist and writer, I’ve trav-eled across India and some other countries for the past seven years. I write about travel desti-nations, healthy travel measures and other in-formation related to tourism. It’s always good to know and understand tourists who visit us. Here are some tips and advices shared from my travel experiences to make our tourist have a comfortable stay in Nagaland.

Accommodation: Study shows, 80% of foreign and young Indian tourists, travel-ing in India do not look for luxurious hotels. Instead, B&B (Bed&Breakfast), guesthouse, rest house, cheap hotels and even dorms suits their budget more.

People running budgeted accommoda-tions have an edge over the others who charge slightly higher. Fixed price with clean rooms will also double the chances of travelers stay-ing in your hotel. Backpackers who are most likely to visit Nagaland may not require room services or scented bath tub, but maintain-ing a friendly staff would be a bonus. Tourists always look for security, for instance proper doors, windows and lock system. And, keep-ing the washroom clean is very important be-cause tourists are very particular about clean washroom. Tourist should also never feel cheated while staying in your hotel, in such cases, they also give bad remarks which will have negative impact on the business.

Transport: Most tourists would rather

walk 2km than pay Rs. 50 to the Auto drivers. Almost 90% of the tourists in India feel cheat-ed by taxi drivers, auto drivers, rickshaw pull-ers and other various travel agencies. Tourists will try to negotiate or bargain because they

Dr. Yangerlemla

In view of the detection of Scrub Typhus cases from Phek, Peren, Kohima, and Mon districts, the following press release is issued

to create public awareness.

What is Scrub Typhus?• Scrub typhus is an acute, febrile,

infectious illness that is caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi.

How is it spread?• Scrub typhus is transmitted to

humans and rodents by some species of trombiculid mites (“chiggers”,Leptotrombidium de-liense and others).

• Themiteisverysmall(0.2–0.4mm)and can only be seen through a mi-croscope or magnifying glass.

• Humansacquirethediseasefromthebite of an infected chigger (larva).

Where is it commonly found?• Scrubtyphusisendemictoapart

of the world known as the “tsutsu-gamushi triangle”, which extends from northern Japan and far-east-ern Russia in the north, to northern Australia in the south, and to Paki-stan in the west.

• InIndia,scrubtyphushasbeenre-ported from Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Nagaland & Manipur.

• Scrubtyphusisfoundinscrubjun-gle. It is found where forest is re-growing after being cleared. Cer-tain areas such as forest clearings, riverbanks, and grassy regions pro-vide optimal conditions for the in-fected mites to thrive.

• However,ithasalsobeenidentifiedin a variety of other habitats, such as sandy beaches, mountain deserts and equatorial rain forests.

Is it a seasonal disease?• Itoccursmorefrequentlyduring

the rainy season. However, out-breaks have been reported during the cooler season in southern India.

What are the clinical symptoms of scrub typhus?• Thechiggerbiteispainlessandmay

be noticed as a transient localized itch. • Bitesareoftenfoundonthegroin,

axilla, genitalia or neck.• Thebiteofthemiteleavesacharac-

teristic black eschar that is useful to the doctor for making the diagnosis.

• Patientsdevelopsuddenfeverwithchills with severe headache, weak-ness, myalgia, generalized enlarge-ment of lymph nodes, photophobia, and dry cough.

• Aweeklater,rashmayappearonthetrunk, then on the extremities, and

turn pale within a few days. Howev-er, maculopapular rash are seldom observed in indigenous patients.

• Symptomsgenerallydisappearaf-ter two weeks even without treat-ment.

• However,insevere/untreatedcas-es, complications like Pneumonia and Myocarditis

How is it diagnosed?• Themostcommonlyusedtestfor

diagnosis is Wel-Felix Test. It is a serological test to detect specific antibodyorspecificantigeninapa-tient’s serum. The testing facility is available at State IDSP laboratory, Kohima.

• Morespecificserologicaltestslikedetection of IgM can also be done for diagnosis.

• ImmunoFluorescentAntibodytestis the gold standard.

What is the treatment?• ScrubTyphusrespondswelltoan-

tibiotic Doxycycline or Chloram-phenicol,givenfor7-14days.

• Inresistantcases,Rifampicincanbe used.

• Inchildrenandpregnantwomen,Azithromycin is the drug of choice.

• Sulfonamide group of drugs arecontraindicated.

What can be done to prevent Scrub Typhus?• AsScrubTyphusisfoundindistinct

areas (Typhus Island), control mea-sures can be carried out by treating the ground and vegetation with re-sidual insecticides, reducing rodent populations, and destroying limit-ed amounts of local vegetation.

• Protective clothing, applying ofmite repellent containing dibutyl phthalate, benzyl benzoate, diethyl toluamide, and other substances to exposed skin, and chemoprophy-laxis can be considered for persons in infested terrains.

• Noeffectivevaccinehasbeendevel-oped till date.

What you can do if you get similar symptoms• Seektimelymedicalhelpfromthe

nearest health unit.• Donotgoforselfmedication

For any query, contact:• Localhealthauthorities• StateSurveillanceUnit,Integrat-

ed Disease Surveillance Project, Nagaland.Directorate of Health & Family

Welfare, Kohima, Nagaland.Email:

(The writer is the Director & HOD Directorate of Health & Family

Welfare Nagaland: Kohima)

do not feel secure most of the time. Remem-ber no tourist would blindly visit a particular destination without proper research.

Providing a healthy transportation sys-temisveryeasy.Simplyhaveafixedpriceforeach locationordestination.Unless ithighly required, a constant flexible price list will trigger curiosity. Never overcharge the tourists simply because they are new in your area, instead ask for tips. People don’t hesi-tate to tip for receiving good services.

Attitude: The natives contribute 70% accomplishment for a successful tourism en-vironment. There are many instances where the natives display hostile attitude towards tourist and at times, they even pick fights with the tourists. And, in such places, the in-flux of tourists met a drastic fall.

Natives or the local people in this case we (Nagas) should always display friendly attitude towards travelers. Travelers should feel at home and welcomed, and exchange of smiles and greet-

ings is a nice way to start with. Travelers are al-ways looking for someone to pick a conversation, with the intention to learn more about the place. Do not hesitate to approach travelers, welcome them for a conversation, that’s how people learn about places. Also, if you come across any uncom-fortable situation, try solving them in a subtle way or approach the right channel.

Management: Apart from beautiful landscape and activities, a healthy manage-

Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti who struggletofindsuccessandlove

in Varanasi. However, it isn’t easy to achieve this in an unfair so-ciety that rewards the corrupt. As Gopal gives in to the system, andRaghavfightsit,who will win?

From the best-selling author of Five Point Someone, one night @ the call cen-ter, The Three Mis-takes of My Life and 2 States, comes an-other gripping tale from the heartland of In-dia. Are you ready for the revolution?

"Revolution 2020" by Chetan Bhagat, the widely awaited latest offering from Chetan Bhagat, has been already in the market for about a couple of weeks now. Perhaps, in re-cent times, Indian readers have not waited

as eagerly as they have for this latest book - "Revolution 2020" - by Chetan Bhagat. Has the waiting proved worthwhile to Chetan Bhagat's zillion fans? The indications are that it has. Chetan Bhagat does not seem to

have let his readers down with his "Revo-lution 2020". Chetan Bhagat started his career as a writer of fiction with "Five Point Someone" and followed it up with "One Night @ the Call Center", "The 3 Mistakes of My Life", and "2 States". "Revolution 2020"

isthefifthandlatestworkfromtheauthorwhohasbecomeacultfigureofsorts.Inthewake of the phenomenal success of his ear-lier books many have tried to imitate him - but none has come anywhere close to him. Chetan Bhagat has proved to be simply in-imitable. (

Travel Comforts for Tourist in Nagalandment system is most encouraged. There are many tourist destinations, where foreign-ers are treated differently by the law, and it could be either more lenient or harsh.

The law of the land should be equal for all offenders. In many places, police provoke fear among travelers, which is not healthy. Remember, no tourist would be interested to travel to an insecure destination. The police on patrol should not be a threat, but a ref-uge. Also, tourists don’t really care what they wear. Their only concern is comfort. Besides, tourists are not the most fashionable people when they are traveling. And, this should not trigger otherwise activities and harass-ments, that authority must keep an eye.

Information: Proper information is the hallmark. No tourist would want to go to any place without a proper guide. There are times, when tourists seek help and advice, but all they get is varied and vague informa-tion. That discourages travelers, which also means bad review for that destination.

The best way is having information made available on the internet. Travel agencies, ho-tel owners and tourism office must also study the locality well. It’s a shame when travelers cannot be provided with accurate information. Running a hotel or a guest house isn’t very easy. It’s not only about providing shelter, but own-ers must know the area very well. They must be in a position to suggest and advice the travelers on all sorts of information, starting with basic amenities that we all require.

Tourists come with the purpose to learn something about our place, only to be shared with others around the globe. Besides, it’s not really an impossible task to make Nagaland a tourist friend destination. Because, we already have the attributes in us, we just got to realize our potentials. We Nagas are well known for our friendly attitude towards people who come and visit us. Besides, Hornbill festival is only a month away, and there is a need to provide our best services to tourists visiting our land. I hope these tips will bring a realization and im-prove our service quality.

Andres Meren MolierTravel and Social Events Journalist

Public Awareness on Scrub Typhus

MeeT The


Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys.One wanted to use his intelligence to make money.

One wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution.The problem was, they both loved the same girl.

Review: Flak

Y ou’dbehardpressedtofinda soulful young singer that has such an amazing and different voice than that of

British gem, Adele. She sings in a way that can’t really be characterize or compared to anyone in my vast cata-logue of music.

The 22 year old British marvel just released her sophomore album, 21, and is named after the age she was when she wrotethealbum(Iassumeherfirstal-bum, 19 was named similarly). Before I tell you my favorites, I wanted to share with you a dream concert: Adele, Flor-ence and the Machine, and Sia (Edit: who’s in fact, Australian). A British boss lady powerhouse! Allow your mind to be blown with the notion. First on my short list is the 8th track, I’ll Be Wait-ing. It’s a groovy, piano heavy funk track, with an uplifting energy that made me think Elton John was hang-ing out in the same room on the keys (premonition maybe?). A song about trying to win back the heart of the love

she let get away, Adele crawls to her lover with a dance-mash force.

He Won’t Go was pure head bob-bing R&B, with a slick bass line, and fluttering piano about it. The drums were also precise and crisp, following Adele’s words throughout the chorus. The 6th track, it deals with two lov-ers that despite what everyone says, and what seems right on paper, they can’t let each other go. After hearing so much about how heartbroken the songstress is, I imagine it was damn near impossible to write this track.

You most likely guessed my (and the world’s) favorite track on this al-bum. Rolling in the Deep has one of the catchiest choruses in years, and I’ve found myself playing the song on repeat.Thefirsttrackofthealbum,it talks about a simple concept: tak-ing the heart of a lover and playing it downright dirty. The song has a sim-ple message…you fucked up, dude. I can’t really describe how great the song is, so take a look at the equally impressive music video and see what I’m talking about.

Source: Behind The Hype

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

"REVOLUTION 2020" - The New Book by Chetan Bhagat


Tourists buying water from a general store at Hanoi, Vietnam. (Photo: Andres Meren Mollier)