The Monk Who Sold

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The Monk Who Sold

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    Author: Robin S Sharma.

    Publication: Jaico Publishing House.

    Distributed by:-India Book Distributors LTD(Bombay)Print : 2005

    Pages: 198

    Price: 175

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold



    CEO, Sharma Leadership InternationalLeadership coach

    Consultant to Microsoft, NASA, IBM

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    The Leader Who Had No Title

    The Monk Sold His Ferrari

    Daily Inspiration

    Who Will Cry When You Die Family Wisdom

    Leadership Wisdom

    Discover Your Destiny

    Mega Living

    The Saint The Surfer And The CEO

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    The monk who sold his Ferrari is a fable that tries to givesome unique lesson for living a healthy and fulfillinglife. It provides an approach to living a simple life withgreater balance, strength, courage and abundance ofjoy. This well crafted story by Robin S Sharma is thetale of Julian Mantle, who was a successful lawyer. Heembarks on a life-changing odyssey and discovers theancient culture of India. During this journey he learnsthe value time as the most important commodity andhow to cherish relationships, develop joyful thoughtsand live fully.

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    The story of this book is a fiction. It is wrapped up

    with a story of a famous lawyer julian mantle who has

    stopped his full day to day working hours, to become a

    monk. This former lawyer was a very successful lawyer inhis field. He can have everything he wants in his life.

    However, he does not have a happy family and a happy

    life because of the pressure of works and of the highprofile life that he had lived. Suddenly, he was collapsed

    because of severe illness.

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    After medication, he has decided to stop doing litigationwork and he travelled to India to find his purpose in life.

    He gained essential lessons of life while he has travelled

    in India. He then shares his knowledge to his fellow

    lawyer with the condition that the lawyer himself must

    forward this knowledge to other people. Julian Mantle

    shares his story of transformation, his secrets of a happy

    and fulfilling life with his friend John.

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    Julian describes Sivana- a small place located in the

    Himalayas, the land of rose covered huts, placid blue

    waters with white lotuses floating, fresh and exotic

    fruits. He tells John about the sages of Sivana who knew

    all secrets of how to live life happily and how to fulfillones dreams and reach ones destiny. Julian relates his

    experiences with yogi Raman the leader of the sages of


  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    1.Master Your Mind

    a. The Wisdom

    i. Cultivate your mind it will blossom beyond yourexpectation;

    ii. The quality of your life is determined by the qualityof your thoughts;

    iii. There are no mistakes only lessons.

    b. The Techniques

    i. The Heart of the Rose

    ii. Opposition Thinking

    iii. The Secret of the Lake

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    2. Follow Your Purpose

    a. The Wisdom

    i. The purpose of life is a life of purpose;

    ii. Set clearly defined personal, professional andspiritual goals, and then have the courage to act onthem;

    b. The Techniquesi. The Power of Self-Examination

    ii. The 5 Step Method for Attaining Goals

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    Step one is to have a clear vision of your outcome.

    Step two is to create positive pressure to keep youinspired.

    The third step is a simple one: never set a goal without

    attaching a timeline to it. Step four is to staying with your goal for 21 days. After

    you do your daily activities for 21 days nonstop, then itwill become your habit.

    Step five is to enjoy the process

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    3.Live with Discipline

    a. The Wisdomi. Discipline is built by performing small acts ofcourage consistently;

    ii. Willpower is the essential virtue of a life.

    b. The Techniques

    i. Mantras/Creative Envisioning

    Repeat this at least thirty times a day: I am more than

    I appear to be, all the worlds strength and power restsinside me.

    ii. The Vow of Silence

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    4. Respect Your Time a. The Wisdom

    i. Time is your most precious commodity and it is nonrenewable;

    ii. Focus on your priorities and maintain balance;

    iii. Simplify your life;

    b. The Techniques

    i. Have the Courage to Say NO

    ii. The Deathbed Mentality

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    5.Selflessly Serve Others a. The Wisdom

    i. The quality of your life ultimately comes down to thequality of your contribution;

    ii. To cultivate the sacredness of each day, live to give;iii. Practice Daily Acts of Kindness.

    b. The Techniques

    i. Give to Those Who Askii. Cultivate Richer Relationships

    iii. Practice the Art of Kindness

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold


    This inspiring tale provides a step-by-step approach toliving with greater courage, balance, abundance, andjoy. A wonderfully crafted fable, It is the extraordinarystory of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront thespiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life. He discoverspowerful, wise, and practical lessons that teach us to:

    Develop Joyful Thoughts

    Follow Our Life's Mission and Calling

    Cultivate Self-Discipline and Act Courageously Value Time as Our Most Important Commodity

    Nourish Our Relationships, and live fully, one day at atime.

  • 8/4/2019 The Monk Who Sold
