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August 7-8, 2021

Please be generous in support of the Little Sisters of the Poor of Totowa

St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly.

“Those who follow Christ cannot fail to be missionaries, for they know that

Jesus ‘walks with them, speaks to them, breathes with them. They sense

Jesus alive with them in the midst of the missionary enterprise.’”

(Evangelii Gaudium, 266)

Mission Cooperative Weekend — August 7-8, 2021 The weekend of August 8, 2021, will be our opportunity to support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor who provide care at St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa, NJ. Please set aside time to prayerfully consider making a special donation in support of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Each of the next weekends, we will be providing information about how the Little Sisters support and care for the poor at St. Joseph’s. This week, we begin with a brief history of how both the Little Sisters of the Poor and the St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly were founded.

The Little Sisters of The Poor

Our Congregation was founded in1839 when Jeanne Jugan, a French woman of humble origins, opened her heart and her modest home to an elderly blind woman in need. As she carried Anne Chauvin through the streets and then laid her on her own bed, Jeanne set into motion a wave of charity and compassion that would spread across the globe.

When Jeanne Jugan died in 1879, there were already Little Sisters serving the elderly in 9 countries. The first American home opened in Brooklyn, New York in 1868. Today, we offer hospitality to the needy elderly in over 30 countries with 25 homes in the United States.

Our foundress was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 11, 2009. As our aging population continues to grow and dignity at the end of life is increasingly threatened, St. Jeanne Jugan is a friend and patron of the elderly—she is a Saint for old age!

In addition to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, we profess a fourth vow of hospitality, through which we dedicate ourselves exclusively to the care of the elderly poor. Consecrated hospitality is a powerful witness to the compassion of the heart of Christ and the sacred dignity of every human life.

St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly opened in 1976, combining residents from the Newark and Paterson homes which were too old and costly to maintain. Today 103 Residents reside here and because of the Little Sisters, our dedicated employees and devoted volunteers, St. Joseph’s Home provides a high standard of care to the neediest elderly.

Faithful to St. Jeanne Jugan’s founding charism, we welcome men and women at least 60 years of age and of very limited resources—regardless of race, religion or nationality—receiving them into our homes as members of our own family. We offer a continuum of care and a full range of therapeutic services, affording each Resident the security of knowing that we will be able to meet their changing needs throughout the aging process.

Most Residents are welcomed to our residential area with accommodations for 44 persons, where they can maintain an appropriate level of independence. We are able to care for 41 elderly persons on our skilled care unit, providing nursing care and assistance with their daily needs and we have 18 independent living apartments for those individuals who are still very active.

To support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor, please use the envelope in your packet with the design to the right during the weekend of August 8th. Thank you!

Mission Cooperative Weekend — August 7-8, 2021 The weekend of August 8, 2021, will be our opportunity to support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor who provide care at St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa, NJ. This weekend we continue providing information about the Instruments of Providence used by the Little Sisters of the Poor at St. Joseph’s Home. Please take a few moments to review the information below as you prayerfully consider how you wish to support their daily efforts in support of the residents of St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa.


Saint Jeanne Jugan was totally confident that as the elderly poor came to her door seeking shelter, God would provide the means to be able to feed and clothe them. Her complete trust in Divine Providence, manifested through the generosity of people she approached in her need through begging, was rewarded by a limitless number of new friends supporting her work with the poor.

Today the collecting continues the work of seeking aid for the maintenance of our homes. You can see the Little Sisters still going to the marketplaces and warehouses picking up food to prepare and serve to our elderly Residents. We also visit various businesses and distributors during the week, who provide support with much-needed items, such as office supplies, cleaning supplies and printing needs that assist greatly in the general daily operation of our home.

Through the generosity of local grocery stores, we are able to collect outside their stores one Saturday a month. The customers who visit the stores are given

a short list of much-needed items which they can purchase along with their regular shopping. When they exit the store, Sisters and volunteers are ready with their shopping cart to accept the groceries purchased for our Residents. The kindness and devotion of these good people and from all of our benefactors to St. Joseph’s Home are a testament to the goodness that can be found in one another.

On weekends, we seek financial assistance visiting nearby churches and presenting our needs to the parishioners. Today we are presenting that need to you with this simple request: Please support us as you are able next weekend, August 7-8. See the opportunity to provide for our Order and those who we support in need.

The cost of providing the care for our Residents far exceeds the income from private pensions, Social Security, Medicaid and other sources. Our homes are not directly funded by the Church. We rely on the generosity of the larger community to make up for the budget shortfalls we regularly experience. Each day at Mass, the Residents and Little Sisters remember all of our wonderful benefactors in our prayers in gratitude and thanksgiving for their support.

In the words of Saint Jeanne Jugan, “God will help us; the work is his.” All in all, this is God’s work, and we are the instruments; whether we are those who give, or those who ask, so that the elderly in our care receive what they need to live their last years with dignity and security, in comfort and peace.

Blessed be God for His goodness! Now and always!

Mission Cooperative Weekend — August 7-8, 2021 The weekend of August 8, 2021, will be our opportunity to support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor who provide care at St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa, NJ. This weekend we continue providing information about the Mission, Vision, and Values of the Order and how the Little Sisters of the Poor support and care for the poor at St. Joseph’s.


Continuing the work of Saint Jeanne Jugan, our MISSION is to offer the neediest elderly of every race and religion a home where they will be welcomed as Christ, cared for as family and accompanied with dignity until God calls them to himself. Our VISION is to contribute to the Culture of Life by nurturing communities where each person is valued, the solidarity of the human family and the wisdom of age are celebrated, and the compassionate love of Christ is shared with all. Our VALUES begin with REVERENCE: for the sacredness of human life and for the uniqueness of each person, especially those who are poorest and/or weakest. This is reflected in care that is holistic and person-centered.

FAMILY SPIRIT: a spirit of joyful hospitality embracing all with open arms, hearts and minds; fostering participation in the life of the home and rejecting all forms of discrimination. HUMBLE SERVICE: the desire to raise others up and to put their needs before our own; an appreciation of simple, everyday tasks and experiences and humble means in accomplishing our work. COMPASSION: empathy for sharing the weaknesses and sufferings of others; eagerness to relieve pain in all its forms and to make the elderly happy. STEWARDSHIP: the recognition that life and all other goods are gifts from God and should therefore be used responsibly for the good of all; trust in God’s Providence and the generosity of others to provide for our needs; just compensation for our collaborators; a spirit of gratitude and sharing.

Extending The Hearts and Hands of Little Sisters of The Poor

St. Jeanne Jugan told us that making the elderly happy is what our mission is all about, but we can’t do it alone. We welcome the collaboration of people from all walks of life in our work of hospitality.

Our staff members and professional consultants are the first extension of our hands, assisting us in the care of the Residents and the upkeep of our homes on a daily basis. They have the privilege of helping our Residents to experience their last years as a time of joy and personal fulfillment. Our employees are an essential part our family at St. Joseph’s Home.

Volunteers of all ages offer invaluable support in every area of our home. They assist in various departments from office work to food preparation to animating Resident activities or just lending an ear to someone in need of a friendly visit.

Our advisory boards, auxiliary groups, fund raising committees, individual professionals and members of the Association Jeanne Jugan, offer their time, talents and expertise on behalf of various projects in support of our mission. From our beautifully tended grounds and the inviting atmosphere of our home, it is easy to see the love which is put into everything that is done for our Residents and that even after forty plus years, the spirit of St. Jeanne Jugan is alive and well in Totowa!

To support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor, please use the envelope in your packet with the design to the right during the weekend of August 8th. Thank you!

Mission Cooperative Weekend — August 7-8, 2021

The weekend of August 8, 2021, will be our opportunity to support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor who provide care at St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa, NJ. This weekend we share with you the ideals of Accompanying the Elderly Until the End of Life

How great is your name, O Lord my God, through all the earth When I see the heavens, the work of your hands, The moon and stars which you arranged, What is man that you should keep him in mind? Mortal Man that you care for him? Yet you have made him little less than a god. (Psalm 8)

As Little Sisters of the Poor, our readiness to face the possibility of Voluntary Assisted Dying, consists in bearing witness to respect for the life of every person, made in the image and likeness of God, and in supporting those who carry a burden that is seemingly too heavy and which could lead

to the thought that it is “better to finish it all.”

Accompanying the person who is dying is an integral part of the mission of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Accompanying the person who is dying is an integral part of the mission of the Little sisters of the Poor. It is the summit of our apostolate, which consists in providing a Home for the elderly poor, where they feel part of a family, loved and respected. Perhaps it would be good to pose a little on the meaning of home.

From our experience, the challenge of facing a new beginning in one’s life by entering an aged care facility is a daunting one; the woman who began the work of the little sisters of the poor in France in the 19th century was aware of this and so her encouragement to the young people who followed her, and her encouragement to us today, is to make a place that is really Home to the elderly, where they feel loved, respected and accepted as they are and where they can still use their talents and gifts, make choices and decisions: “To make the elderly happy, that it is all that counts.” And so we look on the homes that we share with the elderly more as homes rather than facilities.

The serenity of old age, in our experience, increases by having the security of being loved and cared for until death. Many of the elderly people who come to live seek a place that will ensure that this is possible. We provide this through skilled, quality care . In our Home, the person is accompanied. When we may hear a is in pain, we provide skilled palliative care in which comfort is given.

With our staff, we value our tradition of providing a constant, prayerful presence to those who have entered the dying process and we invite all through wh collaborate with us to participate in this most sacred moment of a person’s life.

To support the efforts of the Little Sisters of the Poor, please use the envelope in your packet with the design to the right during the weekend of August 8th. Thank you!

Saint Augustine of Canterbury Roman Catholic Church 45 Henderson Road, Kendall Park,

New Jersey 08824


August 1, 2021 Reverend Canon Robert G. Lynam, KCHS, Pastor

Deacon Denis F. Mayer, KHS Deacon James Rivera

Sister Ruthann McGoldrick, SCC, Pastoral Associate Sister Mary Louise Shulas, MPF, LHS, Principal/Superior

Mr. Edward Modzelewski, Vice Principal Sister Barbara Takacs, MPF, Director of Religious Education

Sister Parish Mary, Mother of Mercy, Mongolia

Year of St. Joseph, Patron Saint of the Universal Church


12 NOON 5:00 PM Weekdays: Monday through Saturday: 9:00 AM Holy Day: See Schedule in Bulletin

COMMUNION TO THE SICK is taken by Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist on a regular basis to those confined to their homes. Please call the Parish Center.

THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM is celebrated on most Sundays at 1:30 PM (not during Lent). A family must be registered in the parish, attend the baptismal preparation class, and cooperate with the regulations established by the parish. Our baptismal class is held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 8:00 PM, in the Augustine Room. Please call the Parish Center to register any time during your pregnancy.

THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION is celebrated on Saturday between 11:30 AM and 12:30 PM in the Chapel or by appointment.

THE SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION is celebrated once a year, here at St. Augustine. A candidate must successfully complete our Religious Education program. Adult Confirmation is held on Pentecost Sunday and any interested adults should contact the Parish Center.

THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK is administered at home to any Catholic who is seriously ill. Please call the Parish Center. Any parishioner admitted to a local hospital should contact the Catholic Hospital Chaplain through the hospital. A family member should contact the parish when someone is admitted to the hospital. We will gladly pray for any members who are sick, whether at home or in the hospital, at our Sunday Masses; however, it is necessary for the family to “request” it.

THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY is celebrated by the Pastor or one of our deacons. Weddings may be scheduled on Friday evening, Saturday, or Sunday afternoon. Only a ceremony is permitted on Sunday. The pastor will confirm the date so couples should contact the Parish Center at least ONE YEAR in advance. All the necessary information will be sent to you. The attendance at Pre-Cana or an Engaged Encounter Weekend is required. One must be a registered member of the parish.

THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY ORDERS and RELIGIOUS LIFE: If you are considering serving God as a priest, deacon, or religious, you may contact your parish priest, deacon, or religious; or phone the Diocesan Office of Vocations at (732) 562-1990.


The Liturgy of the Hours is prayed Monday through Saturday at 8:45 AM prior to Mass.

Eucharistic Adoration/Devotion is held Monday at 7:00 PM (not on national holidays or during the summer)

Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is prayed on Saturday following the 9:00 AM Mass in the chapel.

Devotion in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is prayed on the First Friday of the month following the 9:00 AM Mass.

St. Elizabeth’s Guild Prays the Rosary after daily Mass.

PARISH CENTER: (732) 297-3000 Monday—Friday Hours:9 AM- 12 NOON & 1 PM-3 PM CATHOLIC SCHOOL: 297-6042 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 297-3011 OUTREACH MINISTRY: 297-9713 PARISH CENTER FAX: 940-1746 SCHOOL FAX: 297-7062 WEBSITE:

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August 1, 2021

The Eightteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

SATURDAY 5:00 PM Matthew Golubieski: req. Rose Kraft

SUNDAY 8:00 AM Ruthann Weaver: req. Linda Andrejewski

10:00 AM Michael Vincent McGann: req. The McGann Family

12:00 Noon Esther Hart: req. Barbara Corio

5:00 PM Brittany Berrios: req. The DiPane Family

MONDAY 9:00 AM All Living & Deceased Members of St.


TUESDAY 9:00 AM Dalreen Patrao: req. Sunil & Vanessa Lobo

WEDNESDAY 9:00 AM Richard Scimeca: req. His wife, Anna

THURSDAY 9:00 AM Rufina SP Marcelino: req. Mell Marcelino

FRIDAY 9:00 AM Purgatorial Society

SATURDAY 9:00 AM Intentions of St. A’s Parishioners

5:00 PM Elizabeth Golubieski: req. Rose Kraft

SUNDAY 8:00 AM Burgos Abarientos: req. Maria Abarientos

10:00 AM Dolores R. Reyes: req. Corazon Aguinaldo

12:00 Noon Linda Cooper: req. The Family

5:00 PM Michael Vincent McGann: req. The McGann Family


August 2 - August 7, 2021

Monday: Nm 11:4b-15; Mt 14:13-21

Tuesday: Nm 12:1-13; Mt 14:22-36

Wednesday: Nm 13:1-2, 25–14:1, 26a-29a, 34-35; Mt 15: 21-28

Thursday: Nm 20:1-13; Mt 16:13-23

Friday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14; Mk 9:2-10

Saturday: Dt 6:4-13; Mt 17:14-20

Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:4-8; Eph 4:30—5:2; Jn 6:41-51



FOR AUGUST 1, 2021

John Madden Donated by His Family

MEDITATION FOR August 1, 2021

Do not work for food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life.

As we listen to the Discourse on the Bread of Life, we are reminded that on the journey of life, no matter its twists and turns, the Lord continues to travel with us and to care for us, nourishing us with heavenly food as He once fed the Israelites in the desert.

As the Israelites wander through the desert, the Lord hears their cry and feeds them with bread from Heaven. Saint Paul challenges the Ephesians to walk in the way of righteousness and holiness of Truth so that their lives are different from nonbelievers. In the Gospel, Jesus tells the people not to work for food that perishes, saying, I am the Bread of Life, whoever comes to me with never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.

Welcome to Our “Little Ones” who were Baptized into Christ

July 25, 2021

Tia Ngoc-Anh Nguyen

Iyana Masewge Fernando

Signs of a Vocation and Steps to Take

Many people wonder how one could tell if they are being called by God to serve as a priest, religious brother or sister. Here are aspects to consider as possible signs of a religious vocation:

• Love of God that manifests itself in a desire to give one's life in service to God's People

• Love of the Church, and its rich tradition

• Love of the Sacraments, and a desire to celebrate the sacraments with the community

• Love of God's Word and a desire to proclaim the Gospel to God's people

• Desire to model holiness as Christ's representative among the People of God

• A heart that can listen to others and reach out in healing

• Desire to deepen prayer and relationship with God

• Willingness to live simply

• Ability to be happy without the intimate companionship of a wife or husband and family

• Ability to relate with a variety of people, to be happy alone or in a group

• Desire to love expansively rather than needing an intimate relationship with one person

• Joy in serving others in any outreach or parish involvement

• Generosity

• Ability to listen to others and accept direction when needed

• Desire to grow in union with God through prayer and service of the needy

Steps to Take

If you are thinking about priesthood or religious life, these are some of the things you should do:

Prayer - always pray, but not just with words, take the time to listen. Listen that God can make His will known. Know that you are not alone in this process, there are others who are contemplating a similar path.

Find a Spiritual Director - someone who can assist you in your prayer life and discernment. A spiritual director can be a priest or religious. Consider asking someone from your parish, or asking at a local retreat house. It is possible to interview the person before actually asking them to be your director. Be sure you are comfortable with this person first.

Contact with the Vocations Office - We are here to help you and to continue the dialogue or answer any questions you might have. It is also possible to approach any priest or religious you may know, just to ask questions or to become more familiar with their life.

Be active in your parish, your community, or some sort of service opportunity. This will help you to see if you are able to do the work of ministry and be comfortable in this life. It will also give you some sense of what the life of a priest or religious might be like.

Join a discernment group. Our Diocese has a group for men ages 16-45 who wish to discern the Lord's calling in a serious way with others.

Visit a seminary or Religious Community. A visit could be planned with the help of the Vocations Director.

Speak with the Vocations Director of the diocese or Religious Community. They can help you with the discernment process and answer any questions you may have regarding the life of a priest or religious, the formation program, the application process.

In all you do, listen for the Holy Spirit speaking in your life!

About me: My name is Ivan Yorobe, and I have been a parishioner at Saint Augustine’s since I was 4 years old! I attended elementary school and CCD for middle school with the parish, and during high school I served as an usher at the 12pm mass.

I graduated from Seton Hall University with a double major in nursing and Catholic studies this past year!

Some of my hobbies include basketball, playing musical instruments, boxing, and video games. For the next two years, I will be serving as a missionary at Florida State University!

Why Saint Paul’s Outreach (SPO) exists: College campuses are battlegrounds for the minds and souls of young people and many are leaving the Church. Only 10% of Catholic students attend Sunday Mass. Many are lonely, isolated from God and lacking authentic friendships. Students are hungry for truth, for meaning, and for relationship (taken from

The mission of SPO: to be a transformational community that lives deep relationship. SPO seeks to evangelize individuals through inviting them into a community of believers that love the Lord and each other. The ministry relies on the fact that the Lord uses the people around us to show us his love for us. SPO is bringing about a renewal in the Church across the US, where young people have personal relationships with God and are saved from the pandemic of loneliness that ravages college campuses.

Why I wanted to serve with SPO: in my four years of SPO at Seton Hall University, I witnessed countless people encounter the love of God through the ministry. During my senior year, I felt that God was calling me to put aside some time to continue to do this work full-time.

I knew that the Lord had equipped me to do this work, and it was just a matter of being willing to put aside my own plans for my life. Ultimately, God gave me the grace to take a leap of faith and put my professional career on hold for a few years. He has worked powerfully in my life and in the lives of my friends, and I felt like I had to do something to allow others to experience him as well!

How to support the mission: pray for all SPO missionaries and students across the country! To donate, go to - Please specify my name: Missionary Ivan Yorobe. Or send your donation to Fr. Bob in my name with the form on the preceding page. Each missionary is responsible to raise their own funds to cover our living expenses. Several years ago, the parish generously supports Daniel Chedid as a missionary for Saint Paul Outreach.

To get involved with SPO locally at Seton Hall University and Rutgers University, reach out to these missionaries:

Rutgers Juan Villasana: (512) 965-9069 &

Emilie Miller: (360) 286-3172 Seton Hall

Paul Stucker: (513) 746-9144 & Julia Carmedelle: (904) 293-9778 To learn more, please visit

God bless you all!

“Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’” John 20:19

Take a moment when you see someone new and say “hello” to them. This may be the new neighbor moving in, the new work colleague on a Zoom call, or a new parishioner you see here at Mass. Let us also live a life pleasing to God as we provide blessings to others through the gifts and talents given to us by God.

Sunday Collection July 25 $ 17,030.15

Weekly Envelopes Collections

We remind all parishioners that we are not taking up collections at this time. Instead, please place all donations in the baskets in the Gathering Area. The bulletins are there as well. Most likely, after Labor Day we will return to normal collections. So at this time please place all donations in the baskets in the Gathering Area as you enter or leave Mass.

INTENTIONS OF OUR HOLY FATHER FOR AUGUST We are invited to unite with our Holy Father, Pope Francis, for this universal intention during the month of August.

The Church

Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.

Bishop’s Annual Appeal

To date, the Development Office has received pledges totaling $136,393.04 and payments totaling $130,250.54 from 420 parishioners. This represents 93.4% of your $146,000.00 goal. Thank you for your efforts.


… perhaps you are a baptized Catholic, but have not completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Confirmation and Eucharist). The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is just for you! Gather with others who desire to know the Lord Jesus Christ in the truth of the Catholic Faith, as we undergo catechesis, reflect on the scriptures, and contemplate our call to faith in Christ in preparation for Baptism and/or reception and completion of the Sacraments of Initiation. Meetings are held on Sundays at 8:30 am in Father McGivney Hall (followed by 10AM Mass). If you are interested in getting connected, please call the Parish Center 732-297-3000.

Deacon Denis



Mark your calendars for 2021 and 2022!

Advent Confessions will be held on Thursday, December 16, 2021.

Lenten Confessions will be held on Thursday, April 7, 2022.

We look forward to seeing you & your family!

Our church is electro-statically cleaned every Friday. This makes certain that any virus are eliminated

and ready for the weekend of worship.


Please note the Parish Office Summer Schedule.

We are open Mondays through Thursday,

9AM to 12Noon and 1PM to 3PM.

On Fridays through August 27, the Parish Center

will close at 12 NOON.


Monday August 2 8:00 PM AA Meeting Outreach Ministry Meeting

Tuesday August 3 2:30 PM Manna Ministry 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting

Wednesday August 4 No Events Scheduled

Thursday August 5 No Events Scheduled

Friday August 6 12Noon Parish Center Office Closes 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting

Saturday August 7 11:30 AM Confessions

Sunday August 8 No Events Scheduled

St. A's Bereavement Meetings Our Parish Bereavement Workshop will be starting on Saturday,

September 11th from 10AM to12:30PM and will meet in the Parish Center in the Augustine Room.

Each workshop is 8 sessions long.

If you feel that you need some extra support during this time of grief, please call Sister Ruthann at (732) 297-3000 by

September 5th to reserve a place.

God bless you and bring you inner peace in every way.

Individual Grief Counseling... available through the year. Please contact Deacon Jim Rivera at (732) 672-3636. He is available on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month for evening counseling sessions.

“The Christian meaning of death is revealed in the light of the Paschal Mystery of the Death and Resurrection of Christ in whom resides our only hope. The Christian who dies in Christ Jesus is ‘away from the body and at home with the Lord’ (2 Cor 5:8).” Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 1681

Scriptural Readings to Reflect Upon for Bereavement

Job 19:23-27 Psalm 23

Psalm 91 Psalm 121

1 John 4:16 Revelation 21:1-7

Matthew 25:1-13 Luke 22:39-46

Luke 23:44-49 Luke 24:1-8

John 6:37-40 John 14:16, 23, 27

Prayers for the Deceased

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. May Perpetual Light shine upon them. May the souls of the Faithfully Departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters. In this life you embraced them with your tender love; deliver them now from every evil and bid them eternal rest.

The old order has passed away: welcome them into paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain, but fullness of peace and joy with your Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.


In Memory Of: Requested By: Carmella Valentino Our Parish Family Domingo R. Martin Joy Gina & Family Dariene Inacio Adam & Peg Ksiazak Robert Kramp Our Parish Family Louis Sullivan Our Parish Family Charles Lyon Our Parish Family Dolores Scism Anne Pearce Mary Krause Anne Pearce Helen Nyers Anne Pearce Joseph S. Meszaros Anne Pearce Steven Meszaros Anne Pearce Lona Nyers Patane Her Aunt


In Memory Of: Requested By: Joseph & Dorothy Lynam Sophie Benzinger Fr. Ed Flanagan Jadwiga Mario D’Angio Karen Wagner & Jane Todisco– Staguhn Frank Wiley, Jr. Deacon Denis & Carol Mayer Maryann Weachock Terry Nemergut John Vanderheden Anthony Bavaro Arnold Aanonsen Bill & Marilyn Rosetta Pasqua The Barsky Family Stephen Falotico Dorothy Wiley Carmella Valentino Gino & Rosaria Espisito Maria Toth Rose Kraft Shane August NancyBalogh Eliabeth Striano Michelle & Mike Casale Mark Cortelyou Michelle & Mike Casale Margaret J. Gaffney Ben & Bonnie Tommasino Ann Biancamano The Seymour Family Felicitas V. Delmores Fidelio & Tessie Lim Fr. Edward Vilkauskas, Adam & Peg Ksiazak C.S.SpD Mrs. Baby Ranjitham Rany & Ruben & Family Mary Jeannette Weachock Maryann Lesko Daniel Andrel The Cappella Family Arnold Frahman Peter Frein Rachelle Russo Joseph LaDuca & Family

For the Intentions Of: Requested By: The Bethsamy Family The Family Mary Lesko Mary


If you recently moved into the area and have not yet registered in the parish, we encourage you to become a registered member. Ask an usher for a registration packet after Mass or stop by or call the Parish Office to obtain a registration packet.

Once registered, you will receive quarterly mailing of parish offertory envelopes. The use of an Offertory envelope helps us to track Mass attendance which affects your status as an active or inactive parishioner. Mass attendance, not the content of the offertory envelope, is reviewed twice a year and a letter is sent to those who have not used their envelopes in a specified time period.

Be advised, once an individual reaches the age of 18 (even if still living in the Family home), they are considered to be an adult and need to register in the parish as such.

Thank you for being alert to this important matter.

Do you know of a family member who is homebound? Is there a fellow parishioner you know is unable to attend Mass, but wishes to receive

the Holy Eucharist?

Take a moment to call the Parish Center. Provide the name, address, and phone number of the person. Sr. Ruthann will schedule a time with them to visit.

Should you or another family member be in the hospital, please let Sr. Ruthann know and she will arrange to pay them a visit if possible. Call 732-297-3000

A Dessert Fit For The Pope!

Thursday, July 29 is the Feast of Saint Martha, the name sake of the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican.

The Vatican has accepted my offer Of sending the dessert Millie Foglie from the best pastry shop in Rome—Pasterceria caveletti.

So Pope Francis and 90 guests at the Casa Santa Marta will be enjoying the desert after Pranzo (lunch).

The blessings of Saint Augustine!

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