The Middlesex Company

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of The Middlesex Company

The Middlesex Company

Brendan Ryan,

“Living Power, Living Energy”

Gasoline can be compared to the crudest development of what doctors refer to as blood.

Blood is a specialized bodily fluid in animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients

and oxygen to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.

Energy is essentially power. What is power? In general, power is the usage of materials that

provide energy to a machine in order for it to operate.

In the very close future robots will most be treated like machines, mainly used for industrial

purposes with some varying degrees of contemporary ones as well. Soon mechanized robotics

will require the manufacturing of engines, batteries, and circuitry to reach industry standards

because of market demands. Quickly the robotics industry will become a multibillion dollar

industry with many companies competing against each other within it. The robotics industry will

establish itself as a 21st century superpower.

Together, 21st century robots and what are referred to as cyborgs will form special

relationships with already existing industries. Mankind will become somewhat dependent on the

robotics industry for many reasons, and this will begin the cycle of how we as consumers can look

at the future of technology and engineering.

What will help make a ‘better robot’ as innovations begin to happen? Ideally, a ‘better robot’ will become less an less mechanical and more and more living. This will be the responsibility of scientists and companies in Silicon Valley, to design robotics in ways that imitate the basic structures of life as we know them now.

The differences between man and machine are beginning to deteriorate, yet at the same time are still unbelievable. The word robot was introduced to the public by the Czech writer Karel Čapek in his play Rossum's Universal Robots, in 1920. The word robota means literally “corvée”, “serf labor”, and figuratively “drudgery” or “hard work” in Czech and also (more general) “work”, “labor” in many Slavic languages; robota was the work period a serf (corvée) had to give for his lord, typically 6 months of the year. The origin of the word rabota means “servitude” or “work.” By examining the roots of the word robot one can imagine a day when robots replace man in the workplace. If this is the case, how should we picture ourselves being substituted by machines? Will these machines walk, talk, breathe, and sleep at night? Will they even have the power to think for themselves? Most scientists agree that all of these are capabilities robots will exhibit in the 21st century.

The robotics industry can learn a valuable lesson from its famous 20th century counterpart the automotive industry, and that lesson is there must soon be an alternative to using fossil fuels, internal combustion engines, and using too much electricity. Innovation will be one of robotics greatest challenges. The Middlesex Company supports robotics become part of nature’s own and that these machines, beginning at the nanoparticle stage will resemble life the way we observe cells from plants and animals under a microscope and less like an internal combustion engine that could be harmful to the environment perhaps even on the planet Mars.

In nature, the most important trait to consider is that living things survive over time through

evolution processes.; therefore, modern science must begin its period of evolution, not only for convenience, but instead to determine its own mortal chances of survival and glorious fate.