The Messenger August 2020...The Messenger August 2020 Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association “The...

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Transcript of The Messenger August 2020...The Messenger August 2020 Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association “The...

The Messenger

August 2020

Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association

“The Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association is a network of Churches committed to evangelizing, teaching and

ministering to our World.”

“We give no offense in anything, that our ministry may not be blamed. But in all things we com-mend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowl-

edge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dis-

honor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as

having nothing, and yet possessing all things. . . Do not be unequally yoked together with unbeliev-ers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?

And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be

My people.” II Corinthians 6:3-10, 14-16

No matter what you are facing, the ministry of Jesus Christ that every one of us is involved in must con-tinue. Do you want your life and ministry to make a difference and be fruitful? Then remain faithful and trust the Holy Spirit to work in and through you despite the circumstances and situation that surrounds you. Remember, you ‘are the temple of the living God’ and He dwells within you!

Paul lists some of the things that he had faced in the ministry: “hard times, tough times, bad times; when we’re beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating. . . slandered. . . distrusted; ignored by the world. . . beaten within an inch of our lives. . . immersed in tears. . . living on handouts. . . having nothing.” (vv. 4-10, MSG)

As Paul lists his challenges throughout his ministry life it should put the tests and trials that we face into a new perspective. How did Paul survive and continue to be faithful through the ministry God had given him? Well, he makes another list: “in purity, understanding, patience and kindness; in the Holy Spirit and in sincere love; in truthful speech and in the power of God.” In ministry, Paul remained genuine and al-ways rejoicing. His secret should be no secret to us. We are the temple of the living God! He dwells within us and walks among us.

The world of ministry today is changing rapidly. We face challenges and tasks that have never existed be-fore in ministry. It’s difficult to make plans in the ever shifting world that we live in. There is Covid – 19, civil unrest, political turmoil, racial conflict, and much more to come as the return of Christ draws nearer and near. And yet, God, who is faithful, has called us to be faithful.

Let me encourage you with words that Paul had already written in I Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my be-loved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your la-bor is not in vain in the Lord.”


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Submitted by Yolanda Heuser

August 2020




TIONAL WMU Through Christmas in August you can directly help a

North American missionary with items needed for minis-

try and outreach.

Christmas in August is a program sponsored by

WMU and the North American Mission Board. It allows

members of WMU organizations to participate in the

work of North American missionaries by supplying them

with items needed in large quantities in their ministries.


♥ Pray. Begin with a time of prayer for your Christmas

in August missionary(ies).

♥ Choose. Pick which missionary(ies) you will gather

supplies for and which supplies you will gather. You

may send several of the same item, a few of the

items, or some of all of the items. You may select

one missionary or more than one. The number of

items you send and the number of missionaries you

help will depend on the size of your group.

♥ Promote. Tell everyone about the project. Give out a

list of the items. Tell when and where to leave the


♥ Gather. Send the missionaries only those items

specified on their list. Send new items only. You

don’t have to include everything that is on the list

because other churches will take part too.

♥ Pack. Gather the items your group collects and pack

them to be shipped. Consider placing items that

could leak inside plastic sealable bags. Do not wrap


2020 WMU Missions Emphasis Meetings

► NOVEMBER 19TH. –Oaklawn Baptist-3977 HWY 70E Church-Speakers: Ben & Julianna Wilson, Ben Ameri-can Ninja Warrior contestant 2019

ALL MEETINGS START AT 6:00 PM AND ARE 60/65-EAT MEETINGS- [last no longer than 60/65 minutes, then we EAT.] MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN


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♥ Organize. Label the outside of the package with the names of items inside. This will help

missionaries sort through packages more quickly.

♥ Prepare. Address your package to the missionary at the address listed. Include a

self-addressed, stamped postcard for the missionary to acknowledge receipt of your


♥ Write. Give the missionary your email address. Explain to your missions group that the

missionaries may receive hundreds of packages, and may not have time to respond to

each group individually.

♥ Mail. Find out the exact postage to pay for your box(es). If you select the missionary in

Canada, take note of the special instructions for mailing to that country.

♥ Pray (again). Pray for the missionary, his or her ministries, and the people served. Pray

they are able to use your items to reach people with the gospel message.


Note any particular packaging needs any missionary might mention.

If you send your package by regular US mail, be sure to have the package weighed at the

post office and have the proper postage affixed. (You don’t want the missionary to have

to pay postage-due charges on your gift!)

If you send the package by United Parcel Service (UPS), use the physical street address. UPS

will not deliver to a post office box.

This is one of the missionaries, visit National WMU web-site for more featured missionaries

for the 2020 North American Missionaries, also available in the Missions Mosaic magazine.

Frederico Castro

Church Planter

Redemption Church Long Branch @CrossPointNJ

Long Branch, New Jersey

(857) 540-0025

We have been serving the Lord as church planters in Monmouth County, New Jersey. Our vision is to reach

second-generation Brazilians and other cultures in the Long Branch area through the gospel of Christ.

God called us to love and serve the Brazilian community in the United States. We didn’t realize how big the

community was until we started working with it in the Brazilian church in Boston. After almost 3 years of working

there, God opened an opportunity and we moved to New Jersey to plant a new church in Long Branch.

We are connecting with the community, attending to its needs through Bible-based English as a second

language (ESL); music programs; events like Latino Fest; workshops with immigration lawyers, nurses, and counsel-

ors; and connecting with local business owners, which is key.

We’ve been in Long Branch for 6 months and launched 3 Bible-based ESL classes in the area, 1 Bible

study in a barbershop with a majority of Hispanics, and 1 Bible home group at our house with ESL students.

We are very excited to see how God is changing our community through the love of Christ!


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ALL MEETINGS ARE 60-65/EAT MEETINGS @ 6:00 PM. —————————————————————————

►NOVEMBER 19th. Oaklawn Baptist Church

►THEME: “Just as I am”

►VERSE: May you always be joyful in your union with the

LORD. I say it again: rejoice! Philippians 4:4 (KJV)

►Speaker: Ben & Julianna Wilson-Ben…Pharmacist, American Ninja Warrior contestant2019 and hopeful 2020-, Julianna...Mrs. Tennessee United States 2019, Publicist, Writer, Model, Pur e Barre Instructor, American Ninja Warrior contestant hopeful 2020

►MISSION PROJECT: CANS-Spaghetti Sauce, BOXES-Spaghetti noo-dles, POP-TOP CANS of soup-any variety- except Cream of mush-

room ANNUAL OFFERING MISSION PROJECT: Christmas Meal & More Box 2020– a complete Christmas meal for one student’s family per Cumberland County school. The guid-ance counselor from each of the 9 elementary and 3 high schools, will determine a student in need for each of box.

Don’t allow the World’s perception of the Covid-19, as

doom and gloom be your perception. Yes, there have been

so many amazing blessings that have come out of this

dreadful virus. Yes, there has certainly been some devasta-

tion and certainly some very real sickness; but there has

been some good as well. I choose to believe we must look

through the eyes with a new perception, a perception of

“let’s see where God is leading us in this pandemic.” Is it

to our neighbors, our neighborhoods, and our community?

To help our missionaries, Let this new perception be with a

prayerful heart and a willingness to serve where God leads.

I am looking forward to our Fall Mission Emphasis Meeting

at Oaklawn on November 19th

, at 6:00PM. Don’t forget to

wear your tennis, (ten-ia) shoes, sneakers or whatever you

choose to call the shoes that will allow you to MOVE. Stay

tuned for a fantastic time of worshiping and seeing how

God has used a couple of American Ninja Warriors to share

about His goodness.

Let’s be on mission-regardless of the world’s perception,

let us serve where God leads. Always, seeking His wisdom

and discernment, He will give us direction, let’s always

seek and heed His will. To God be the glory, yes, truly He

has done GREAT things during this time!


PLEASE pray for wis-dom, and discernment for the TBMB staff, the WMU staff, Executive Board, our pastors and church staff, that God will be glorified in all the hard decisions that weigh so heavy on their shoulders at this time. Pray we the church will use this time to share the Gos-pel with the world through our words and actions. May we be the church in this dark time.

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Steaks with all the fixins!

August 11, 2020

6:30 p.m. Cumberland Fellowship

Guest Encourager

Matt Tullos

Matt Tullos is a writer and minister who has written

over 700 dramatic sketches for worship, 10 books and numerous video projects.

He has served in various roles at LifeWay Christian

Resources. Tullos is now on staff with the TBMB in

the area of Stewardship Development.


RSVP AUGUST 4, 2020 AT 484-1858









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In Tennessee, 22.4% of children live in pov-erty. For some of these children, a backpack from Tennessee Baptists may be all they re-ceive for Christmas.

TBMB is once again asking for churches’ support for their Christmas Backpack Drive.

More than 6500 backpacks have been requested for 2020.They need churches to register

for their intention to donate Christmas Backpacks. You may sign up at or contact Joe Sorah at 423-895-1481 or for further information.

Tennessee Baptist Mission Board


Fairfield Glade First Baptist Church in Crossville, TN is seeking a full-time Associate

Pastor of Youth and Education. Resumés will be accepted through August 31. This person would be

responsible for:

assisting the Pastor in areas such as pastoral care, preaching, outreach, and evangelism;

planning and coordinating all aspects of a comprehensive youth program. This is the primary role for this position; and

working with the Discipleship Team and Sunday School leaders to maintain vibrant programs in those areas.

We are seeking a person with a strong SBC background and a graduate of an SBC college, university, and/or SBC seminary. Please send resumés or questions to or FG FBC, 130 Towne Centre Way, Crossville, TN, 38571. For information about the church, visit our web-site at

Pastoral Counseling Center of the Cumberland Plateau

A serving ministry of the cooperating churches of the Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association

That no one might say: “No man cared for my soul”. Psalm 142:4

Anyone in need of counseling please contact Carolyn Scott at 931 787 9033

Associational Directory

Office Hours Mon.-Thurs.

9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.



Kirk Casey, Associational Missionary

Cell: 931-787-6565

Alta Wagner, Ministry Assistant

Office: 931-484-1858

Fax: 931-484-0203


Carolyn Scott, Pastoral Coun-

selor, PCCCP Counseling

Phone: 931-787-9033


291 Sparta Hwy

P. O. Box 2508

Crossville, TN 38572

August 3 Pastors’ Conference 10:00 a.m.

August 10 Pastors’ Conference 10:00 a.m.

August 11 Pastors’ Appreciation Dinner

August 17 Pastors’ Conference 10:00 a.m.

August 24 Pastors’ Conference 10:00 a.m.

August 31 Pastors’ Conference 10:00 a.m.

Sept. 21-22* Love Packages Mission Trip

October 4 * Annual Meeting and Worship Service