THE MARS OASIS - MARS OASIS.pdf · concepts including solar domes and...

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Transcript of THE MARS OASIS - MARS OASIS.pdf · concepts including solar domes and...


The Mars Oasis is part of the Tricolonization concept being developed by the

“Humanarium Project!” Looking toward the day when man actually colonizes

space many earthbound prototypes of the possible habitats will be developed right

here on Earth. We want our prototypes to be both self-sustaining and

economically viable. Governments don’t worry about the money factor because

they only use other people’s money but the private sector needs to have a return on

investment to motivate them properly.

The private sector always does things better and faster so our “Mars Oasis” will

have to meet this requirement while demonstrating its practical use in hostile

environments. One of the most hostile lifestyles is life in the desert. While it is

true that Mars is not exactly like our knowledge of earthly deserts it is also true

that when we do finally get to some of those exoplanets they may be very much

like our earthbound environments.

We are using an area in the remote areas of Borrego Springs for many practical

reasons. Its proximity to both San Diego and Los Angeles makes it a great tourist

attraction that can showcase many of the new innovations in sustainable

development at a very reasonable price.

The concept is to build a standard five thousand square foot rectangular mansions

with a highly designed use of solar voltaic for all exterior walls and some

underground mansions with the surface development done in a food park motif. A

fully sustainable housing community with standard grid connections as back-up!

The sustainability includes utilities, food, shelter, transportation and homeowner’s

fees. The homeowner’s fees include taxes, insurance and maintenance so once you

own one of these units you have a sustainable lifestyle built in. Furthermore if you

purchase two or more you will have a lively income and a permanent residence

with all of them fully sustainable without outside income.

Sustainable Utilities: Use of both solar and wind power with the latest design

concepts including solar domes and solar and wind trees and some artsy designs to

liven up the park atmosphere. The project will conform to all the current rules for

the standard way of developing utilities but these utilities will only be used as a

backup in case the homeowner’s systems have any kind of problem.




Sustainable Food: By placing the living space underground as much as possible

the cost of construction will go down and the square footage can even increase but

one of the most important benefits is the ability to use the ground to create a food

park. The displaced dirt will be used to make mounds over utility and battery

storage buildings. This will increase the surface area for the food park design and

create intense sun areas and shaded areas for different types of plants. This will

increase the diversity possible. The park design will be aesthetically designed so it

doesn’t look like a working farm but have more of park atmosphere. Hydroponic

methods will also be used and maintained by the association.

A special fish farm plan that grows tilapia and fancy guppies as food sources.

Miniature meat sources will be given priority under tricolonization rationale.

Sustainable Shelter: General Steel gives a fifty year guarantee on the structure and

has a minimum maintenance factor. Use of 3D printers will allow for interior

recycling of all plastics and some other materials as the technology evolves. High

definition windows can keep the views as interesting as is possible using web cam

scenes and other preplanned programs.

Sustainable Transportation: Each owner will own their own RV for vacations and

long distance travelling hopefully from one location to another with these kinds of

amities for the serious mobile lifestyle. Each unit has four doors to provide a

circular indoor drive through of the unit for the both the RV and for an electric

vehicle supplied by the homeowners association for local transportation.

Sustainable Homeowner’s Fees: With a built-in utility company the homeowner’s

general services will be offset by in house technologies owned jointly by the

homeowners. All food will be sold at the current market prices with the profits

used to offset taxes. Insurance and maintenance for the general benefit of the


NASA has done extensive hydroponic research for their Controlled Ecological Life

Support System or CELSS. Hydroponics intended to take place on Mars are using

LED lighting to grow in different color spectrum with much less heat.

“bioregenerative life support system”


Some of the reasons why hydroponics is being adapted around the world for food

production are the following:

No soil is needed for hydroponics

The water stays in the system and can be reused - thus, lower water costs

It is possible to control the nutrition levels in their entirety - thus, lower

nutrition costs

No nutrition pollution is released into the environment because of the

controlled system

Stable and high yields

Pests and diseases are easier to get rid of than in soil because of the container's


It is easier to harvest

No pesticide damage

Plants grow healthier

It is better for consumption

Aeroponics is a system wherein roots are continuously or discontinuously kept in

an environment saturated with fine drops (a mist or aerosol) of nutrient solution.

The method requires no substrate and entails growing plants with their roots

suspended in a deep air or growth chamber with the roots periodically wetted with

a fine mist of atomized nutrients. Excellent aeration is the main advantage of


Aeroponic techniques have proved to be commercially successful for propagation,

seed germination, seed potato production, tomato production, leaf crops, and

micro-greens. Since inventor Richard Stoner commercialized aeroponic technology

in 1983, aeroponics has been implemented as an alternative to water intensive

hydroponic systems worldwide. The limitation of hydroponics is the fact that 1 kg

of water can only hold 8 mg of air, no matter whether aerators are utilized or not.

Another distinct advantage of aeroponics over hydroponics is that any species of

plants can be grown in a true aeroponic system because the micro environment of

an aeroponic can be finely controlled. The limitation of hydroponics is that only

certain species of plants can survive for so long in water before they

become waterlogged. The advantage of aeroponics is that suspended aeroponic

plants receive 100% of the available oxygen and carbon dioxide to the roots zone,

stems, and leaves, thus accelerating biomass growth and reducing rooting times.

NASA research has shown that aeroponically grown plants have an 80% increase

in dry weight biomass

(essential minerals) compared to hydroponically grown plants. Aeroponics used

65% less water than hydroponics. NASA also concluded that aeroponically grown

plants requires ¼ the nutrient input compared to hydroponics. Unlike

hydroponically grown plants, aeroponically grown plants will not suffer transplant

shock when transplanted to soil, and offers growers the ability to reduce the spread

of disease and pathogens. Aeroponics is also widely used in laboratory studies of

plant physiology and plant pathology. Aeroponic techniques have been given

special attention from NASA since a mist is easier to handle than a liquid in a zero

gravity environment.

Several tools exists to help anyone prepare their own solutions without extensive

knowledge about chemistry. The free and open source tools HydroBuddy and

HydroCal have been created by professional chemists to help any hydroponics

grower prepare their own nutrient solutions. The first program is available for

Windows, Mac and Linux while the second one can be used through a simple Java

interface. Both programs allow for basic nutrient solution preparation although

HydroBuddy provides added functionality to use and save custom substances, save

formulations and predict electrical conductivity values.

ECHOTec Watermakers / Watermaker - Reverse Osmosis Desalination Systems

Specifications, System Features and Prices:



gallons hr. -day


liters hr. -day

Pressure Vessels


115/230V 60Hz


230V 50Hz

Prices US$ Semi Modular System

Prices US$ Vertical System

500 - PRO - 1 20 - 480 75 - 1810 1 x 40 " 8.4 / 4.2 5.4 $ 6,750 (1) N/A

700 - PRO - 2 (3) 30 - 720 114 - 2730 2 x 40 " n/a 5.4 $ 7,280 (1) N/A

780 - PRO - 2 (3) 32 - 768 120 - 2880 2 x 40 " 8.4 / 4.2 n/a $ 7,280 (1) N/A

900 - PRO - 2 38 - 912 143 - 3450 2 x 40 " 16.4 / 8.2 9.2 $ 7,550 (1) $ 7,850 (2)

1200 - PRO - 3 50 - 1200 190 - 4540 3 x 40 " 16.4 / 8.2 9.2 $ 8,660 (1) $ 8,960 (2)

1500 - PRO - 4 (3) 60 - 1500 227 - 5670 4 x 40 " 16.4 / 8.2 9.2 N/A $ 9,850 (2)

SmartLight redirects sunlight into "light-locked" building interiors

Jason Heikenfeld who developed the

system with Anton Harfmann.

This would eliminate the lighting energy costs by brightening up rooms with

natural light. The SmartLight system is designed to direct sunlight into dark, dingy

rooms located within the bowels of buildings without requiring the installation of

new wiring, ducts, tubes or cables. It also allows excess light to be harnessed and

centrally stored to provide energy for electric lighting on cloudy days.

This same system can be used to direct sunlight to plants underneath a solar voltaic

patio in a “Food Park” i.e., fruits, nuts and veggies. A drip system would provide

the water and nutrients to maximize this saturation. A professional landscape

architect will design the “Food Park” to maximize both the visual appeal and the

nutritional value of the food plant grown based on the scientific facts for each

plant. This will maximize the sustainability of the community.


Plants require nutrients to grow. Aquaponics uses a closed loop ecosystem

composed of a fish tank and a garden. The fish produce the nutrients that feed the

garden, while the plant roots act as a bio-filter – soaking up nutrients and cleaning

the water for the fish.

Hydroponic gardening replaces fish with pre-bottled nutrients that promote

vigorous plant growth. All that’s plants filter and purify the water for the fish.

While no specific species of fish is needed, we recommend tiger barbs, neon tetras,

and other smaller fish which can be purchased at your local pet shop. The healthy,

vigorous root systems of the needed is a small amount of nutrients a few times a


Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification technology that uses a semipermeable

membrane. This membrane-technology is not properly a filtration method. In RO,

an applied pressure is used to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property

that is driven by chemical potential, a thermodynamic parameter. RO can remove

many types of molecules and ions from solutions and is used in both industrial

processes and in producing potable water. The result is that the solute is retained

on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to

the other side. To be "selective," this membrane should not allow large molecules

or ions through the pores (holes), but should allow smaller components of the

solution (such as the solvent) to pass freely.

In the normal osmosis process, the solvent naturally moves from an area of low

solute concentration (High Water Potential), through a membrane, to an area of

high solute concentration (Low Water Potential). The movement of a pure solvent

is driven to reduce the free energy of the system by equalizing solute

concentrations on each side of a membrane, generating osmotic pressure. Applying

an external pressure to reverse the natural flow of pure solvent, thus, is reverse

osmosis. The process is similar to other membrane technology applications.

However, there are key differences between reverse osmosis and filtration. The

predominant removal mechanism in membrane filtration is straining, or size

exclusion, so the process can theoretically achieve perfect exclusion of particles

regardless of operational parameters such as influent pressure and concentration.

Moreover, reverse osmosis involves a diffusive mechanism so that separation

efficiency is dependent on solute concentration, pressure, and water flux

rate. Reverse osmosis is most commonly known for its use in drinking water

purification from seawater, removing the salt and other effluent materials from the

water molecules.

Please print this coupon for a $20 Discount off of our standard prices on RO

Systems. With this discount, our RO Systems are now starting at $329

Installed including 5-stages of filtration and 50 gallons per day rated purification.

ProJet 4500 3D printer creates multi-colored plastic items

Although the things that can be done with 3D printers are certainly amazing, many

3D-printed plastic items still have a certain "look" to them. This is largely due to

the fact that each item is all one uniform color. That apparently no longer has to be

the case, however, as 3D Systems has unveiled its ProJet 4500. The company

describes it as "the industry’s only continuous tone full-color plastic 3D printer."

The 4500 utilizes a plastic build material known as VisiJet C4 Spectrum, which is

said to be flexible and strong. Items are built on a pixel-by-pixel basis, with each

pixel potentially being any of "almost one million" colors. This means that the

finished one-piece item can consists of multiple colors of plastic, those colors

either sharply bordered or blending into one another.

Additionally, it is claimed to be two to five times faster than other plastic 3D

printers, plus it incorporates an automatic recycling system for the waste plastic. It

can be operated remotely using an app on a smartphone or tablet, and prints objects

up to 8 x 10 x 8 in (203 x 254 x 203 mm) in size, at a resolution of 600 x 600 DPI.

Details are still scant on exactly how it works and how much it costs. Judging by

its size and weight (600 lb/272 kg), though, it's clearly an industrial machine ... so

don't go planning on putting one on your desk.

If you do want to a multi-color plastic 3D printer of your own, however,

botObjects' ProDesk3D model should be shipping soon.

Solar Trees:

Properly designed solar trees not only create energy but allows the ground

underneath to be part of the “Food Park” with the right amount of sunshine.

One of the newish owners will be our in house provider of all or most of the plastic

products needed for sustainable elements of this development.

Baldwin Manufacturing

List of some of these construction Items:

Wall to Wall Aquaponics for the interior of the units designed to augment shelves

and electronic.

Solar Trees

Solar Patios

Solar cell tower

South facing walls on the perimeter of the property

3D printers for small items


Sol-Char: Producing Char from Waste using Solar Energy

University of Colorado

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Contact CU About This Technology

Research group with a test fiber optic bundle transmitting light from test


Technology Marketing Summary

A recent “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” put forth by the Bill & Melinda Gates

Foundation called for researchers to develop sanitation solutions that are affordable

and desirable to use, render fecal waste harmless within a short time-span, are self-

contained without the need for flush water or electricity, and produce valuable end

products. Current waterless toilets – such as dry pit latrines, ventilated improved

pit (VIP) latrines, and composting toilets – fall short of these ideals. Dry pit

latrines and VIPs are plagued with difficulties associated with the removal of

contents from full pits, and the need to treat the waste offsite once it is removed

poses additional risks to public health and the environment. Composting toilets

require an external power source or intensive user input in order to properly

maintain the compost, are often associated with undesirable odors, and require

extended lengths of time before the waste is rendered safe and suitable for use as a

soil amendment in agriculture.

A University of Colorado research group led by Alan Weimer has taken on the

challenge of “Reinventing the Toilet.” In September of 2012, this group (with

Principal Investigator Karl Linden) received funding from the Bill & Melinda

Gates Foundation to develop a novel toilet that produces char from waste using

solar energy.


This toilet, the Sol-Char, is a waterless, self-contained toilet that can function

completely off-the-grid by capturing readily available solar energy. Concentrated

sunlight is delivered to fiber optic bundles located at the focus of parabolic

concentrators; the fiber optic cables are fed to the reaction compartment of the Sol-

Char where the various individual cables are terminated at an outer or “solar” lid

positioned over the waste collection container. The innovative transmission of

solar power illuminates the inner collection container and disinfects the waste

though convection and radiation heat transfer. The reaction compartment

comprises two containers that are alternated between “collection” and “reaction”

modes via a simple carousel system that can be automated (powered with

photovoltaic energy) or manually controlled. The reactor is designed to achieve

high temperatures with minimal heat loss due to specially designed insulation and

produces a safe and useable product. The Sol-Char toilet can be developed for

virtually any number of users with solar power input scaled accordingly. Means for

innovative odor control and final product storage/collection (for later use as a soil

amendment) are also being developed as a part of the Sol-Char.

Growing Food in Sand:

The hydrogel technology is the invention of Waseda University Visiting

Professor Yuichi Mori, who has years of experience in developing polymeric

membranes for use in medical technologies such as blood purification and oxygen


But Mori saw the greatest need was in desert farming in a future world faced with

explosive population growth, but diminishing potential for traditional soil-based

agriculture due to soil degradation, erosion, and drought.

His hydrogel membrane–based plant cultivation technology has a unique

membrane technology. The simple system is much more portable than traditional


Mori has launched a company, Mebiol, to commercialize the technology, which

solves many of the farming problems found in deserts, the age-old agricultural

problems due to the unpredictability of water supplies.

Blue Diversion toilet is flushed with success

Two years ago, an off-grid closed-system toilet known as the Diversion won an

award at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's "Reinventing the Toilet" fair.

Created by the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag)

and now called the Blue Diversion, it recently also won the title of Most Innovative

Project (Europe/West Asia), as bestowed by the International Water Association.

So, what makes it so special? Well, for one thing, the same water that flushes it is

subsequently used in its hand-washing sink.

Thermoelectric Refrigerators, Koolatron

Financing provided by:

Alan Mandelberg, Ph.D., REALTOR®

Approved Finance


California Real Estate Broker #01105710

National Mortgage Loan Officer #330951

President, Real Estate Investment and Exchange

(C) 1996/2014 by Barry Bowdidge. All rights reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced,

translated, transmitted or stored in a retrieval system for public or private use without the written

permission of the publisher. e-Mail:

Barry Bowdidge 619-581-8666

CA Real Estate Lic # 00306122