THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. The male reproductive system is designed to: 1. produce male gametes...

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. The male reproductive system is designed to: 1. produce male gametes...


The male reproductive system is designed to:

1. produce male gametes (sperm)

2. for the insertion of viable sperm into the female (intercourse)

Once the sperm are inside the female they can swim to find the female egg (ovum) and fertilization takes place

Male anatomy

The vas deferens carries the sperm from the epididymis to the urethra

The seminal vesicles produce sugars to feed the sperm on their journey to the ovum

The prostate gland produces an alkaline (opposite of an acid) solution.The alkaline solution neutralises the acid in the woman’s vagina

The bulbo – urethral gland produces a liquid containing mucus for the sperm to swim in


Semen is a milky white fluid produced when a man ejaculates

It contains:

1. Sugars from the seminal vesicles provide food for the sperm.

2. Alkaline fluid from the prostate stops the acid in a woman’s

vagina from killing the sperm before they get to the egg.

3. Mucus from the bulbo - urethral gland gives the sperm s

something to swim in, and helps to dilute the acid in the


4. Sperm from the testes

The testes produce the sperm and they produce testosterone

The epididymis is a tube at the end of the testes. This is where the sperm mature after the are made in the testes.

The scrotum is a skin bag surrounding the testes.It acts as a temperature control for the testes, hanging away from the body when the body is hot, and close to the body when the body is cold

The role of the penis is to enable the sperm to get into the woman’s vaginaTo do this it is able to become hard and erect if it is stimulated.

To enable the penis to become erect two special tissues are needed.1. Spongy erectile tissue fills with blood and expands so the penis grows bigger.

2. Erectile muscle contracts when a man becomes sexually excited, allowing the penis to become erect

The pubic bone

The bladder stores urine till the man is ready to expel it from his body

The urethra is the tube that connects1. the bladder to the outside of the body2. the vas deferens to the outside of the body

This picture shows the position of the rectum relative to the man’s genitals


• Sperm are made in the testes• They mature (and are stored) in the epididymis• They travel to the urethra through the vas deferens• At the urethra the sperm is mixed with the semen (the sugars,

alkaline liquid and mucus)• When a man become sexually excited the spongy erectile

tissue fills with blood, making the penis bigger• The erectile muscle contracts making the penis erect• At orgasm the prostate, vas deferens and epididymis contract

pushing the semen (with the sperm) out of the man’s body along the urethra. This is called ejaculation

• During ejaculation the bladder seals closed so that urine is not mixed with the semen