The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton · Plan will be looked at to see...

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Transcript of The magazine for Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton · Plan will be looked at to see...


June 2016 Edition


The magazine for

Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton


A Who’s Who of the Church in the Plumsteads St Mary’s Great Plumstead, Saints Gervase and Protase Little Plumstead,

St David’s Thorpe End and St Margaret’s Witton

Priest in Charge

Rev. Darleen Plattin The Rectory 9 Lawn Crescent Thorpe End NR13 5BP Tel 01603 300093

Reader (Lay Minister)

Jenny Barnard 11 Fairfield Close Little Plumstead, NR13 5JD Tel: 01603 721407 Secretary

Jan Beaumont, 4 Boulton Road, Thorpe St Andrew, NR7 0DF Tel: 01603 461360 Treasurer

Lindy Doherty 15 Barker Way Thorpe End NR13 5EZ Tel: 01603 438070

Great Plumstead Churchwarden

David Jacobs The Nurseries Smee Lane Gt Plumstead NR13 5AX Tel: 01603 433687 Little Plumstead Churchwarden

There are two churchwarden vacancies at Little Plumstead Thorpe End Churchwarden

There are two churchwarden vacancies at Thorpe End

Witton Churchwarden

Jane Hood Cherry Tree Farm Witton Lane Witton NR13 5DW

Witton Churchwarden

David Wheeler Appletree Farm Smee Lane Great Plumstead NR13 5AX Tel: 01603 431500 If you have recently moved into our villages and would like to know more about your local churches, please con-tact your local churchwarden

St David's Hall and Lounge ... ... are available for regular meetings of clubs and societies. Good

facilities and car parking. Ring Jeanette Batch 01603 439449 for



From the Rectory

June 2016 Dear Friends

“Can we arrange to have our baby done?” Is a familiar opening to telephone calls I receive, fortunately I know that they mean “can we have our baby baptized” and that is something I am always pleased to be able to do and consider one of the privileges of being a Priest.

Baptism is a number of things it’s

A chance for all the family to get together, celebrate and thank God for the new life which he has given. It is a time when we remember that as well as being a member of a human family we are all a part of God’s family too. It is sacrament, that means an outward and visible sign of God's love. Baptism goes back to the time of Jesus, as he prepared to begin his own work of showing people what God is like Jesus was himself baptised by John in the river Jordon and he told his disciples to baptise people who wanted to become Christians. Christians are baptised today to follow Jesus' example, and to show that they believe and obey him. Baptism in water is an outward symbol of something happening on the inside. It's the sign that someone belongs to Jesus Christ - which is why baptism is sometimes known as 'christening'.

During a Baptism service, a number of important signs and symbols are used:

the sign of the cross - this is made on the forehead with oil. It is like an invisible badge to show that Christians are united with Christ and must not be afraid to stand up for him.

water - Water plays an important part in Baptism. All living things depend upon water to survive. Water is poured over the head of the baby it is a sign of being washed clean from sin and beginning a new life with God.

a lighted candle - Jesus is called the light of the world. A lighted candle is given at the end of the service as a reminder of the light that has come into their life.

Baptism isn’t an insurance policy to heaven but it is a stepping stone on life’s journey. If you are considering having your child baptised do pick up the phone. Baptism is not just for Babies and Children, it is never too late to be baptised if you would like to talk about “being done” do get in touch.

Yours in Christ



Parish Council Report 9th May 2016 at Little Plumstead Village Hall –

prepared by T Scott in Cllr Cawdron’s absence The meeting, after a sunny May day, had a significant amount to cover as it was the Annual Parish Meeting as well as the ‘normal’ agenda. Election results had all Councillors re-elected, the Chairman expressed his thanks to all for their work and involvement. There is currently a vacancy in the Thorpe End Ward, please do offer for this position as you will be made very welcome. Q’s from the Floor – The state of disrepair of Salhouse Road/Hospital Road was discussed. Cllr I Mackie is meeting with the NDR team at the end of this month and will see about having an allocation of funding to repair the large amount of potholes which are forming. Matters arising – The first CIL payment has been received by the Parish Council. There is a strict five year limit on spending the monies. The Neighbourhood Plan will be looked at to see where the monies can be spent. Chairman’s Items - The Great Plumstead May Day Fayre was a great success, very well attended and over £6500 was raised. Police Report – To find, go to Financial Items – The normal items of cost, wages and invoices were approved and cleared. County Council – Cllr I Mackie provided a summary and gave an update on the County Council actions. In particular, that meetings are planned with Chris Mayes in relation to the NDR, financial support has been requested to deal with the damage to the roads. A new communications cabinet is proposed to be installed on Morris Drive, Little Plumstead, likely to happen by the end of the year. District Council – Cllr S Vincent (re-elected) provided details of Broadland District Council’s Statement of Community Involvement. The public consultation is until 1st June 2016, please see more details at Discussions relating to devolution are still continuing but the finer details are being decided. Broadland District Council are seeking nominations for the Enhancement Awards 2016, closing date is 11th July. The award is for buildings in the area which make a positive contribution to the locality. Parish Council – Mr J Wiley and S Vincent agreed to stand as Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Parish Council. The Parish website upgrade continues in progress. There remains a vacancy within the Thorpe End Ward for a Parish Councillor, any interested parties may contact the Council Clerk or existing Councillors.


The Great Plumstead Village sign unveiling will be happening on the 11th June at 2.30pm by Cllr I Mackie, followed by tea and buns. NDR Liaison Group – Cllr Heath reported that the NDR Team have stated that they will be improving the passing points along Smee Lane, no timescale was discussed. Parishioners were invited to send any sightings of potholes or damage to the roads through the Parish Council’s website, these will be collated and forwarded to the NDR team. A.O.B - Toad Lane is due to be closed for two days by Anglian Water, no details of why this is happening or when it is likely to be closed. The location sketch of Mr Walpole’s bench was presented; the current location is not a true representation of the position stated in the sketch. The Parish Council will look into whether the bench could be moved to a better location. The number of volunteers for the running of Little Plumstead Village Hall is currently at its allowed minimum, any interested parties may contact the Council Clerk or existing Councillors. Next Meeting 1900 hrs Monday 13th June 2016 at Great Plumstead Village Hall. All are welcome to attend.

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those held by, the editor, Incumbent or the PCC.

Thorpe End WI At our April meeting the intriguing title for our talk was, "Florists, Fairies and Flowerpots". Our speaker, Charlotte Wilcox, a garden designer, writes a gardening page and has taken part in gardening programmes on the radio. We learned, among other things, a little of the history of certain plants and gardens, the disapproval by puritans of gardens (they considered them pagan), and to beware of fairies, who were not considered sweet or dainty in the past. You should never damage a hawthorn tree for fear of upsetting them. The talk was beautifully illustrated by a slide show. On Thursday 16th June at 7.15 we will be hearing from Rachel Harvey from Anglian Water. Aided by a PowerPoint presentation, Rachel will tell us how water is cleaned for use and outline Anglian Water's campaigns to make people more water efficient and more aware of what goes down our sinks and toilets. Visitors and guests are welcome to attend any of our meetings free of charge. We generally meet on the third Thursday of the month in St David's Church Hall. Please see details in Thorpe End Post Office, on our web-site,, or phone Sue on 700872.


From the Parish Registers

From the Registers

Baptisms 8th May Isaac Scott Lt. Plumstead 15th May Lewis & Emily Bean Thorpe End 15th May Marissa Morana Witton 29th May Flora Sewell Lt. Plumstead

Funerals 5th May Eileen Woolfe Lt Plumstead

Internment of Ashes 11th May Joe Oakley Witton

As always, Darleen is available to visit at home or in hospital, whether you are ill, recovering, or just want to see someone, please telephone. If you have a prayer request please let her know either by phone, email or through her letter box. Alternatively leave them at the back of one of the churches. If you are unable to get to church and would like communion at home please let her know. Enquires for Baptisms, Thanksgiving services, Weddings and Services of Blessing or Thanksgiving after a Civil Marriage ceremony are always welcome please telephone or email for an initial chat. On the sad occasion of a bereavement please do contact her or ask the undertaker to do so, Darleen is available to come and discuss your wishes for a funeral service in Church, the Crematorium or Colney wood. Contact details are on the front of the magazine.

Great & Little Plumstead & District Horticultural Society The Annual Quiz took place in May with teams answering gardening questions from Lessingham, Stalham and Plumstead and it was a very close contest but Stalham won with highest points so congratulations to them. The next meeting is on Monday 6th June 2016 at St David’s church hall Thorpe End at 7.30 pm and the speaker will be Mr Guy Barker on “Perennials for early summer scent”. Please note this will also be the Cooking and Flower Arrangement Show and staging will be available from 6.30 pm onwards. The meeting on Monday 4th July 2016 is at St David’s church hall Thorpe End at 7.30 pm and the speaker will be Sarah Hammond on “English Peonies”. Anyone is very welcome to come along to any of our meetings especially if you are interested in anything to do with gardening.


Weekly activities in the villages At Great Plumstead VH - Dance classes (various types), art group, yoga, table tennis, western dance and toddlers group. For information contact Maggie Johnson 01603 720720

At Thorpe End VH: Dance classes for children and adults, short mat bowls, yoga, Jumping Jacks Gym Club and Baby Sensory. For information, contact the Secretary on 07810 076021. Website:

At St David’s Church: Bridge, Pins & Needles, Photography, Horticultural Club, Pre-School (Monday - Friday), Italian classes, WI and Parish Council meetings. Ring Jeanette Batch 01603 439449 for details

At Little Plumstead Village Hall : a range of dance classes for all ages and all abilities. Ballroom and Latin Dancing for adults of all abilities. Please contact the village hall for more details.

Great & Little Plumstead W.I. Our May meeting was a very successful Mini Show with many entries. The cup was won by Linda Marrow. This was followed by a very interesting talk by Mr David Boulton about Norfolk churches. The winner of the competition was Wendy Stevens with a photo and information about Gt. Plumstead Church. It was very interesting and many members would like copies. David and Sally Jacobs donated lovely flowers for sale for our funds which were much appreciated. The next meeting is on June 2nd when Mrs Shreeve will demonstrate a flower arrangement . The competition will be a garden posy. On July 7th we will have our Strawberry Tea and the competition will be a black and white outfit.

I am collecting postage stamps for the NNAB a local charity for the Blind. Please

either send them to the charity in Magpie Road or pop them through my door

at 17 Broadmead Green, Thorpe End and I'll send them for you.

Thanks. Anne Weber

Help!- Is anyone able & willing to distribute C & P magazine on Kevill Davis Drive, Little Plumstead? If this is YOU Tricia would be delighted to hear from you. Telephone 01603 721100




Group Scout Leader musings During the process of writing a piece for this Parish magazine I have inevitably been reflecting on my own personal journey, and ultimately how glad I am that I am a Scout. It is a way of life that I never expected, and has given me the opportunity to do many things that as a “city child” I would probably never have encountered. As a Wolf Cub in the 38th Coventry Scouts during the 1960’s I couldn’t have dreamt about the places I have been, or the people and good friends I have met through the Scout movement. Scouting is a way of life, not a religion but it does have a spiritual development element which is key to our own growth as individuals. Simple things like sunsets, wide open spaces, having the wilds of Dartmoor to yourself, seeing things like the dawn of a new day in a remote location, wondering at the colours of the sun and the way the light lights up the dimples in the landscape. Scouting offers a range of challenges for young people to look inside themselves and others, to advance as individuals, and to fulfil their role as citizens of the world. It helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts acquire skills including team-work, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. We help young people to get jobs, save lives, and even change the world. As a volunteer-led organisation, we would not be able to provide our high-quality programme to so many hundreds of thousands of young people each week without dedicated adults. We are the UK's biggest mixed youth organisation. We change lives by offering 6 to 25 year olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure, and the chance to help others so that we make a positive impact in communities. Starting age for Beavers is usually 6, but this will depend upon the Scout Group’s own waiting list policies. Looking ahead, children can join Cubs from around the age of 8, and Scouts from 10 and a half. Explorer Scouting starts at 14 and runs until Scouts are 18. The 1st Great & Little Plumstead Sea Scout Group has come about due to a set of unusu-al circumstances. The Group was originally a Land Scout group which unfortunately had to fold its Scout section due to a shortage of leaders, closing just before Christmas 2015. There were, however, a number of leaders available from a Sea Scout background who volunteered to get the Scout section running again, but as Sea Scouts. This was agreed to by the Group, District and County and so 1st Great and Little Plumstead Sea Scout group became official.

So, what are Sea Scouts? Sea Scouts are a branch of the organisation that specialises in water activities, but also undertake more traditional Scout activities during the winter months when it’s a bit chilly for canoeing and sailing, although if we feel brave we may venture out. At Great & Little Plumstead we are blessed as we have 3 RYA dinghy instructors, and other adults who have a variety of skills out on the water. I have the honour to be the present Group Scout Leader and with such a fabulous team the Group is definitely going places. However, we still need more adults to be involved in the group as we have a full on range of exciting programmes that are bringing


Thorpe End Open Gardens Saturday June 4th


Begins at St. David's Church £5 including light refreshments Children Free

We are looking forward to seeing you!

children into the group. We need people to help develop the management of the group and the fundraising, as we have a lot of ambitious projects, bearing in mind as a Sea Scout group we are starting from scratch. This will take time but before the end of October our first tranche of RYA qualified Sea Scouts will be through. The Group itself is 50 years old this year and are planning a fun day for the members of the group, old and new, finishing off with a BBQ. So, it would be good to have a few more adults helping out to enable us to maximise the amount of variety offered in our programmes including activity training: sailing canoeing etc. If you wish to be involved please e-mail: …..start your adventure here!




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Afternoon Cinema St David’s Church , Thorpe End

Come along and see a feature film, bring a friend.

Held on second Thursday of each month

Admission Free - Donation towards costs welcome Tea, Coffee, Cake available from 2 pm - Film starts 2.30 pm

Please send a blank email to: and you will receive an email with details of the next film.

You can also see posters inside St David’s church. St David’s holds the appropriate licenses to show these films

Bounce & Rhyme Time Fun with songs, rhymes and books for parents and carers with babies and pre-school children.

Thursdays in term time 2.15 – 3pm

please note new time Plumstead Road Library St Williams Way Library

12th and 26th May 5th and 19th May 16th and 30th June 9th and 23rd June 14th July 7th July

Quilting Show & Tell St Williams Way Library

11am – 1.00pm Friday 27th May, Friday 24th June

Friday 22nd July, Friday 19th August Following on from our highly successful quilt

display we are holding Quilting and Patchwork Show and Tell sessions Please bring your work in progress and finished projects to the group so we can all enjoy them

Norfolk County Council Library and Information Service


BBH Ltd at Horsford

Manufacturer of PVCu Windows, Doors and Conservatories Supply Only or Supply and Install


For A Free Competitive Quote Tele: 01603 897350

Yoga Classes

Roxley Hall, Yarmouth Rd, Thorpe – Mondays at 5.15pm Thorpe End Village Hall – Mondays at 7.30pm

Suitable for all levels, including beginners


Interior & exterior painting & decorating Fully insured, free estimates. For a friendly service at a competitive price, Member of N.C.C. Norfolk Trusted Trader phone Peter Wright on 488796.

Geoff Welton Apprenticeship served Carpenter-Joiner. Undertakes general building and maintenance work. Phone 402334.

Thorpe End PO and Stores offer a wide range of Post Office services including bill payment, personal banking and mail services. Also greeting cards, confectionery, tobacco, dry cleaning and National Lottery. Newspapers and magazines saved or delivered. Phone 433211

Reflexology, Susie Turner MBRA at Thorpewood Surgery. Phone 01508 492308

Guitar Tuition – Specialising in beginners 712172.

Accountancy - Small businesses, Self-Assessment tax returns. Happy to help. Call 07769 650263

Tea, Bags & Shoes - Shoe Shop & Tea Room, Thorpe End Homemade cakes, scones, lunches, teas/coffees. Takeaway available. 01603 432927

Church & Parish is delivered free to approximately 1400 homes in the Great & Little Plumstead, Thorpe End & Witton Area. Advertise here for only £3.50 per word per year. Alternatively ask about a 1/8, 1/4,1/2 or full page boxes. Contact Brian Frost 01603 432836 or

Drop in Café


Little Plumstead Church

Every Monday in term time 8.45 to 11.00 am

Meet People Make New Friends, Enjoy a free Cuppa

Call in after dropping children off at school, or just drop in


Pro-File Building Services

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Washing Machines, Dishwashers etc.

All repaired. Same day / next day service.

Call local Engineer Michael Jay Phone 01603 440781 or mobile 07884 255292.

Learning – Playing – Growing Little Teds – From 18 months

(with parents/carers) Big Teds – From 2yrs 6mths

Tel: 07880 870 757


Church Services

Editor’s Note The next issue of Church & Parish will be for July 2016

Please submit your items BEFORE the 15th June to:

Distribution Note Please contact Mike & Patricia Blythe if you have any queries regarding

the distribution of Church & Parish. Telephone 01603 721100

Church Services for June 5

th June 2

nd Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Lt. Plumstead Holy Communion 11am Thorpe End First Sunday Worship 12

th June 3

rd Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Witton Holy Communion 11.00am Thorpe End Holy Communion 19

th June 4

th Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Lt. Plumstead Morning Worship 10.55am Zest 11.00am Thorpe End Holy Communion 5pm Gt. Plumstead Come with the Family 26

th June 5

th Sunday after Trinity

11.00am Gt. . Plumstead Benefice Holy Communion 3

rd July 6

th Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Lt. Plumstead Holy Communion 11am Thorpe End First Sunday Worship We look forward to welcoming you to one of our services.