The Love's Project.pdf

Post on 10-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The Love's Project.pdf

Road book: The Love’s Journey

The following road book is what we will follow during your month in France My Love.

Of course, it could change, but at least this is almost all of what we will do when you will be here.

I join a small visual planning in where you can see the day off I will have, when we will go to Prague, or

for example where we will be at a precise date.

So let start the Journey…. I hope you enjoy and are impatient, as I am….

Friday the 3th: day you will arrive.

You will arrive at almost 16 o’clock in bruxelles. In the morning I will have exams, so I will be able to take

the direction of bruxelles only from 12 o’clock. I will certainly arrive before your plane.

So I will wait for you, and eat my fingers, and be stressed, and be anxious, and be excited….

When you will arrive, we will directly go to Lille, not Dunkerque, because cause of the end of my exams,

people of my school will certainly organise an apero, and I want that you meet some of them. So we will go

to see them one or two hours, and after come back to sleep. Don’t worry, we will have time before to go, for

enjoying each other alone. And I know you will be tired by the travel, that’s why we will not stay too much


Saturday the 4th until Wednesday the 8th: Dunkerque

We will go to Dunkerque, and stay all these days on Dunkerque. I will show you many things of my city, we

will be with my parents, introduce you some friends, and perhaps enjoy the beach too… if the sun is here…

I will not describe too much what we will do, I prefer you discover when you will here, and have the surprise.

So I will not say more things. I will show you the city I have in my heart and will always love. It’s far to be

the most beautiful city in all the world, but I don’t know why, I can’t leave this city… may be you will not

like it, but it’s very important for me to show you it…. A Brazilian girl in Dunkerque…. It’s very not

common ahah. We will go to some pub I have the habit to go. You will know my routine when I’m in

Dunkerque my Love, I hope you will enjoy.

Thursday the 9th: Bruxelles

So we will stay only one day, because don’t need more. We will stay the night too. Like that we will enjoy

the pub, be drunk, be romantic, I don’t know. But it’s better than we have to come back after in Lille or


I don’t really know the city, so I will not say to you, we will go here, we will go there… if you want to see

things, may be you can take time for checking that before to arrive.

Friday the 10th until Tuesday the 14th: Prague

One of the biggest travel we will do. So I don’t need to explain that to you. It’s you who will show me the

city, day and night. We will enjoy during this 5 day.

Wednesday the 15th until Sunday the 19th:

That I don’t really know where we will go…. Dunkerque may be…. And Lille too… I have things to show

you before to come back work…. Place I want

we enjoy together. After I’m not really sure

about where we will be. I will see the right

things in the right time, not now.

Monday the 20Th until the Friday the 31th:

I’m sorry of that, but I will have to go to work… so you will to be alone…. But don’t worry, I’m preparing

things for you… activity… Place to go… things to do…. I will try to do the best for you get not bored. I

will try hard, and I’m already thinking about that my love. I hope you will enjoy, and every time at lunch I

will come back home for eating with you…. And at night we will be together, will be able to walk in park…

in the city… have romantic moment in restaurant, prr prrr night in bed early… just hugging each other…

kissing… and looking at you in the eyes…. <3

After during the week end, I don’t have defined all… I will see where we can go Andresa… I will see that…

and check with you… for not having defined all on my own… like I’m doing now.

Friday the 31th until Monday the 3th of July:

So we will fly to Bordeaux my love! Your first time in the south of France my love! You will discover the

state of wine, the beautiful city Bordeaux and may be if we are lucky with the weather, we will go to beach!

You will meet one of my bestfriend who is François! And may be Florian, who should be my best friend….

But he forgot me…. So we will see…

And there is something important too… we will have our one year together, and I want to enjoy this special

day with you. Alone. With nobody. Only you & me

in a beautiful place.

So this is the end of this road book my love, I’m really impatient for you be with me… in France…

Totally impatient… I will try to do the best month ever with me for you… you will see a lot of surprises…

I think I told you inside of this road book, only half of things we will do… I hope you are ready for, Andresa.

Don’t forget… I love you Andresa. <3