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Transcript of THE LOST PARADISE -




Friends, I come to speak of the Garden of the Hesperides, the wonderful Champs Elysees, where rivers of pure water of life, flowing with milk and honey ....the extraordinary region where the Prince of Fire, the Aires, the Water and Earth live ...

That I have come tonight to invite all of you to enter MILTON Paradise Lost at will ....


Samael Aun Weor

I have come to speak you about the Garden of the Hesperides, of the marvellous Elysium Camps, in where the rivers of pure water of life spring milk and honey; I come to speak you about the biblical Moses.

The tradition says that in the mount Nebo he spoke to the Jewish multitudes... His face shone tremendously, before the whole Hebrew people, afterwards he disappeared in presence of all of them. His cadaver was never found. Obviously

Moses had obtained the access to the "Promised Land,"and he did it with his physical body.

What does Gnosis wants? To teach you the path that will lead you to

Samael Aun Weor


1.The lost paradise

2.The Nontrabada island

3. JINAS phenomena

4.The Omeyocan

5.The Gospel of Philip

6. Alcyone and the Pleiades



The lost paradise


the terrestrial paradise; we have methods, we have the key, so you can visit the terrestrial paradise each time you want. To this I have come tonight, to speak you frankly; if the truth is what you want, we are passing it to you; but first of all, we have to be sincere with ourselves.

Let us think in that island, in front of the Spain's coast, that called the attention of the catholic clergy, in the epoch of the 18th century. I am talking emphatically about the "Non Trabada" or "Veiled," an island located at forty leagues of the Island of Palma, in the North East region. This island was visible; the giants walked everywhere, the Gods thunder and lighting and it is say that the multitudes that lived there were terribly divines.

Yes, on that island lived under the light of the Sun the divine humanity, from there they contemplated the stars and made extraordinary calculations like the ones made by the astrologers of the ancient Atlantis; from this island they made their prophecies. The inhabitants of

the "Non Trabada" knew very well that an epoch of the most crude materialism was coming.

One day a catholic priest, while officiating the mass, felt astonished: a devotee have had to speak about the "Non Trabada" or "Veiled." The priest, immediately, talking to the clergy, said: "We have to exorcise this island; we can see it through the window; it is a magical island, demoniac!" So, everybody kneeled down assisting the priest in his exorcisms; the island disappeared little by little, among the extraordinary enchantment of the Four Vertical.

Later it appear the disgusting materialistic atheism, it appeared the Huxleys, the Darwins and many others, enemies of the Eternal. It was then when humanity became totally sceptic, incredulous, materialistic and unfortunately the senses of the alive creatures drained off; the Veiled" or "Non Trabada" was not longer visible.

Since then, the scepticism and incredulity is inherited from father to children; the inner senses are destroyed: people cannot see the enchanted lakes of the ancient times, cannot contemplate the Palaces of Gold, that are described in the tales of the one thousand and one nights, cannot see the tempestuous oceans that exists within our world.


The centuries have passed by and the children are not educated with fairy tales already; it is say that we have to be practical and from the first years of childhood are taught to use pistols, they receive cannons as gifts and are distracted with games of thefts and bandits.

Today, dear friends, the humanity has degenerated frightfully, the physical senses have become ruined. It is rare to find somebody that has perfects sight or earring, sense of smell, etc; people has involutioned, and goes toward a huge world war. In truth, I want to say you that nothing will last of this perverse civilization, not even the stones will survive!

I will continue my explanation about the Jinns, about the worlds of the one thousand and one nights, about the extraordinary lands of the fourth vertical. Here, in Mexico, in the mere capital

we have the Temple of Chapultepec, a Temple in Jinn state, a temple in where the wisdom of our ancestors of Anahuac is cultivated, a temple in where it shines the Aztec Calendar of pure gold over the blessed cross of the world's saviour.

That temple is in state of Jinn, it is invisible, but visible to the initiates. I am an active member of that temple, which exists and will continue existing and never somebody will be able to discover it.

There also are many other Jinn temples, in where the flag of Gnosis is active, other extraordinary and divine temples in where shines the Inner Christ. So my dear friends, according one advances, we realize what the fourth vertical is.

In these times, the Bermuda's Triangle is very known, more than one hundred ships have disappeared into the fourth vertical in the Bermuda's Triangle. Not long ago, an escadrille of five plains was devoured by the Bermuda's Triangle, it were swallow by the fourth vertical, rescue teams were sent but it was useless. Let us remember the rescue plain that went in search of these five plains: that plain was swallowed by the fourth vertical!

What could we say about the innumerable passengers that not longer lives over the face of Earth but that continue living in the fourth co-ordinate? We investigated the Bermuda's Triangle; in that zone there is a tunnel open to the fourth dimension; the day will come when humanity will know that secret, the code that


exists in the Bermuda's Triangle. According with the pass of time, the science will have to become closer to the fourth dimension, that is obvious.

The men of ancient times did not ignore the lost paradise of John Milton; they never forgot the Garden of Hesperides, still exists in the traditions the presence of a paradise. The men of ancient times knew how to put their physical body within the fourth dimension voluntarily.

It comes to my memory the science of Kung-Fu, that in the past was esoteric and magic. The initiates in the science of Kung-Fu, in the ancient China, could take the physical form of a tiger or a serpent, etc., voluntarily. Let us remember my friends that legend that exists in our country about the famous Nahuales.

Undoubtedly, there are two "nahualisms" and this is known by the investigators of the esoteric Christic Science. The negative one is formed by the black Jinns, by the tenebrous of the left hand; but the positive flow is formed, as a matter of fact, by the white Jinns that do not cause damage to anyone, those creatures like the Tuatha of Danand are just concerned in the study of the divine wisdom, in the healing and blessing.

In ancient times, in the times of the one thousand and one night, in the country of Ameca, in where exists some semitic tribes, hidden within the Earth, it was known the key that let penetrate

into the unknown dimension... "Impossible!" Will say some of you. "How can be possible that the human body could penetrate into the unknown dimension?"

Friends, as a matter of fact, the physical body is not what some ignorant scientists believe. The physical body is a mental form crystallized, as well the planet Earth, therefore the willpower can act over the physical body changing its form or placing it into the fourth dimension.

The day we accept the physical body is a mental form, obviously we will have resolved the problem of the fourth dimension. The entire Earth is just a mental form that surged from the Omeyocan, from the very "navel" of the universe, in the dawn of creation. That mental form called Earth, crystallized little by little, to finally take its actual form; the crystallization was attained according the Law of Octaves.

As a matter of fact, the day will come when this Earth or the mental form called Earth, will initiate a movement inwards and upwards, to finally lose itself or to dissolve itself once again in the Omeyacan.

The human body is a mental form crystallized and all the secret of the Jinns consist in knowing how to act over the human physical body using the willpower. If we accept that it is a form of the mind, a crystallized form, then we are in the correct way to act over the physical body and to place it into the unknown


dimension... Is it possible this? Yes, it is possible; all what one needs is willpower and imagination, united in vibrant harmony; through that path we will reach the final success.

Let us remember that within ourselves there exist the twelve disciples who are mentioned by the Christian Bible. Let us remember that there also exists within ourselves the famous Philip who baptized the eunuch, and that later disappeared "taken by the hurricane of the storm."

That Philip has powers over the physical form, which as I said, is a crystallized mental form. If somebody has faith in Philip, he will be able to put his physical body into the fourth dimension... I am not talking about the historic Philip, I am not talking about that serene mystic that appeared and disappeared like by magical enchantment; I am talking about the Internal Philip. It happens that the twelve apostles, the twelve fundamental parts of our Being are within ourselves and one of them is called Philip.

If someone invokes his own Philip in the moment of dozing, he will attain extraordinary prodigies. It would be enough to get up from his bed in the opportune moment, in the moments in which one feels "like fat," "like obese;" in the moments in which one is in a state of extraordinary spiritual voluptuousness and with faith in Philip, getting up, he would immediately penetrate in the Garden of Hesperides, in the Terrestrial Paradise.

But it is necessary to comprehend that the physical body is a machine, a mental form that can be used to pass from one dimension to another. When one accepts that the body is a mental form, then that mental form obeys; but meanwhile we are identify with that form, obviously it will never be possible to penetrate in the lands of the one thousand and one nights, in where live in majestic manner the Moses, the Tuatha of Danand and all of those ineffable beings of the ancient times.

So my dear friends, tonight I have come to talk you about the lands of the Jinns, of the enchanting paradises, of the holy places in where all of us can live.

In this time people, plains, ships have disappeared; they have been swallowed by the fourth dimension! However, humanity seems not to realize that one can live happily in the superior dimensions or at list to visit that dimensions to fill our hearts with blissfulness.

Extraordinary and unusual events are coming! Precisely, in these moments Earth is almost in point of entering into the majestic belt of Alcion! My friends, you have to understand, we are inhabitants of The Pleiades and that this Sun that illuminate us and gives life, is one of the Seven Suns of The Pleiades; those Seven Suns revolve around Alcion! Alcion has rings like the ones of Saturn but radioactive, not just chemical- physical as the rings of Saturn.


Every 10.000 years Earth has to pass through the rings of Alcion and now is on the point of entering on them. Since February 4th, 1.962, between 2 and 3 p.m., we have been getting closer to the rings of Alcion; it is a radioactive ring that brings many surprises to the men of Jinns Science.

Incredible things will be seen at the moment when Earth enters into the Ring of Alcion: all the matter will become phosphorescent and the molecules will alter their movement, therefore, the mathematical formulas in the field of biology, chemistry, physics, will be altered; medicine will have to change its formulas because they will be useless; new species of animals will appear and this

is something unavoidable... Matter will be strongly radioactive, many people will not resist the radiation of the Alcyone's Ring and will die.

I repeat, we are about to enter in that ring. As a matter of fact, if the Sun enters first, there will be darkness that will last 110 hours. If Earth enters first into the ring of Alcyone, it will happens that Earth will seem to be burning, but it only be fires of colours. Earth can enter anytime into the ring of Alcyone.

We travel through the unalterable infinite on this Earth and obviously there will be unusual events that will even amaze the scientists. Not long ago, some astronauts saw an extraordinary radiation and communicated that information to their base; it was the radiation of Alcyone.

As a matter of fact, a very long day which will last 2.000 years is coming, this means that night will disappear and the luminous radiation of Alcion will penetrate all the tenebrous caverns of Earth and cover the planet everywhere, shining miraculously; its emanations will amaze the people of other inhabited worlds of the unalterable infinite. In this manner will come the marvellous resplendence of the stars which will come accompanied by the melodies of the Macrocosm... Very soon, an estrange world will appear: that world is called Earth!


It is good to understand that extraordinary events are coming; before the great coming catastrophe, Earth will have to enter in the ring of Alcyone.

As a matter of fact, our world would not have any base if the fourth dimension would not exists, that fourth dimension in where still live many Elohim that works for humanity, that help the human beings... Friends: this Sun that illuminate and give life to us, this Sun that shines in the space with its infinite splendours, is not all!

Beyond that Sun, is the Spiritual Sun, the Sun of The Pleiades. Our Earth revolves around the Seventh Sun of the Pleiades; this means my dear friends that in truth, we are inhabitants of The Pleiades.

In the entire incommensurable infinite there exist Pleiades which are visible by the astronomers and their telescopes, and we the inhabitant of Earth, live in a small insignificant world called Earth, that revolves around the seventh Sun of The Pleiades. And a Sun which is located in the fourth vertical, the Spiritual Sun of The Pleiades is the one that govern us. Therefore, our world is governed from the fourth vertical, but it not the only one, this includes all The Pleiades.

There also exists another Sun that we have to comprehend, I am talking about the Central Sun. That Central Sun which directs all the activities of this spiral galaxy is full of ineffable splendours and

unfolds itself within this extraordinary Cosmos. Obviously all the galaxy revolve around the Central Sun Sirius, we do not deny that; we do not deny that the regents of this constellation live in that world neither.

As a matter of fact, in last synthesis, the entire Milky Way is governed by the Central Sun, which is an spiritual Sun, a not physical Sun. You can observe that there are worlds, Suns that are not located in this three-dimensional region of Euclid.

What could we say about the Central Spiritual Sun? We well know that all of these galaxies are governed by the Central Spiritual Sun. There exists an infinite, we do not deny it, however, this splendid and marvellous infinite in where we live, move and have our Being, has a limit.

Let us remember when E inste in said "the space is curve," when he said "the infinite has a l imi t . . ." Cer ta in ly, th is i n fi n i t e h a s 100.000 galaxies app rox ima te l y


The Pleiades

and each galaxy about 100.000 Suns. However, all this infinite in where we live and have our Being, has a limit; much beyond the limit there is an empty space and much beyond that empty space it appears another infinite, and much beyond that infinite there is another empty space and then another infinite, and this is for ever after.

My friends, you have to understand that all this unlimited infinite in where we live and have our Being, is governed by the Central Spiritual Sun, by the Sacred Sun Absolute, which is not physical; in that Sun live the Divine Intelligences that govern the cosmic space. So, as a matter of fact, he that learns to place his physical body in the Garden of Hesperides, will be able to verify by himself and directly, the existence of those majestic Suns that illuminate extraordinarily the unlimited space.

He that learns to travel with his physical body in Jinn State, will be able to meet with the ineffable Gods of the Aurora of Mahamanvantara; he that learns to travel with his physical body, will be able to speak, face to face, with the Elohim, with the Prajapatis, with the Rishis of the ancient Vedas; he that learns to travel with his physical body, will be able to contact our Lord Quetzalcoatl, and to verify by himself that Quetzalcoatl is a Platonic Logos, is the Greek Demiurge, is the Verb, the Word.

Precisely, John is his gospel says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..." "All

things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

The time for you to fight in order to escape from this three-dimensional world of Euclid in where only prevail the bitterness, has come; the moment for you to learn to visit the Elysium Camps has arrived, so you at the feet of the Master could listen the lost word of the first instant; the time for you has come to know again the Mysteries of the Ancient Mexico and the wisdom of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the divine and heroic flow which spring in the ancient mysteries of the Rishis in India.

Friends, everywhere shines extraordinarily the Spiritual Sun; remember that the physical body is just a mental form; learn how to use that mental form, to place it in different locations voluntarily, to move as the Tuatha of Danand used to in the

ancient Eleusis, over the majestic oceans of the fourth dimension!

Friends, the time has come to know the Genie of Earth, that extraordinary Melchizedek that governs our world... One day, if you learn to manage the Jinn's science, you will be able to enter into the Earth, afterwards you will verify directly that Earth is hollow; you will also know many survivors from Lemuria and Atlantis, venerable


ancient that cultivated the divine mysteries in their temples; venerable priestesses that like the Cleopatras of Nile, gave their teachings to the people who loved them.

The day you were capable to enter where Melchizedek lives, you will be able to know the wisdom of the ancients, you will verify by yourselves that in other times the hermetic wisdom shone over the face of Earth; the day you were capable to visit with your physical body the interior of our world, you will be face to face with Melchizedek, King of Salem, of whom Jesus of Nazareth gives testimony; the King of our world.

Sometime ago, and extraordinary event happened: it was a military parade, in honour of the King George VI. That King George, so extraordinary in his knowledge, received a surprise... In truth, the parade was splendid; how proud he felt of the life of his empire!

But something extraordinary happened... One white elephant. Who was mounting that elephant? An estrange oriental personage! The troops saluted the King George and that estrange rider, mounted in the elephant, leaded the battalions... The soldiers were not astonished, it seemed very natural, because they knew very well the life in the India; in other times that precious jewel of the Indic was just one of the territories of the English Monarchy.

It seemed perfectly normal to see a Hindu mounted over an elephant, but something happens: the rider does not salute the King George. "What happens?" Asked the King. "Who is that person?" And the answer was: "It is the Genie of Earth, sir!"



Miraculously, that monarch did not fall dismayed! The elephant disappeared as by enchantment...

So, the Earth has a fourth vertical and a King; the name of that King is Melchizedek, and even Jesus of Nazareth gives testimony of him. The day you were capable to manage the Jinn states, that is to say, when you know how to enter into the fourth dimension, you will be able to visit the Kingdom of Melchizedek.

To this I have come tonight: to say you how to do it, so I repeat the clue: lay down with the head towards North, afterwards concentrate in Philip, ask him to place you into the fourth dimension; drowse yourselves a little bit and when you feel the body full of extraordinary spiritual voluptuousness, when you feel "like fat," as you were "inflated," get up from you bed begging to Philip to take you to the Sacred Land of the Ancients, to the Lost Paradise of Milton, to the Garden of Hesperides, in where the rivers of pure water of life spring milk and honey; to the extraordinary region in where live the Princes of Fire, of Air, of the Waters and Earth... To this I have come tonight: to invite all of you, to enter voluntarily into the Lost Paradise of Milton...!






All cultures of the world have paradises and hells arranged in overlapping layers together.






Christian earthly paradise





In this part of the compilation of Samael Aun Weor’s conferences we included those ones which were given to people who did not have prior knowledge of the Gnostic studies. (EIKASIA).

Since the spread of the Gnostic knowledge is an altruistic and nonprofit work, the open reproduction of written content is allowed, provided it is done under the same conditions of altruism and non-profit benefits. If the complete work is used, you must cite the source.

The images that accompany these texts were obtained from many sources; therefore, if someone holds the copy rights of them and wants us to stop using them, please let us know to take them out of this work.

The definitions contained in the "GLOSSARY" were taken from different unrestricted Internet pages and then summarized only for the purpose of using them as general reference.



The terms "death", "revolution", "extermination” and others are part of the context of personal psychological development alluding to Gnostic knowledge and have nothing to do with politics. The translations were made by several people, so any doubt about the contents and interpretations should be clarified at the original in Spanish, at this same internet page.

The topics in this collection will be published in several languages, so if you are interested in helping to translate these texts into the language of your choice, please contact us at this email address:



•EIKASIA: Lectures to the general public.

•PISTIS: Talks given to students Second Chamber.

•DIANOIA: Lectures imparted to students of third chamber.

•NOUS: Congressional conferences, special recordings and informal talks


It is a star in the sky representing one of the seven Pleiades. The ancient Arabs called this, "the central" star Al Wasat, and Al Nair, "bright". In this star Babylon marked the fourth ecliptic constellation, called "TEMEN", meaning "the First Stone." In India this star was the union of two gods and individually AMBA was, "Mother."

The Maya used in their sacred calendar "TZOLKIN", the annual cycle of the Pleiades, and believed to be the place of origin of their culture. These are called Tzab-EK or tail Rattlesnake, and also known as the Seven Sisters.

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Demiurge literally means master craftsman supreme doer. Greek mean creator.

According to Plato puts in TIMEO, work in describing the origin of everything in the universe at the beginning there was only:

• Subject report and chaos.

• Ideas that are perfect.

• The demiurge, the creator deity

• Space

Plato uses a universal Demiurge or craftsman that would have caused the cosmos, leading from disorder to order. This explained the separation between the world of ideas that are perfect and the real world (material) being involved as an imperfect copy of perfection.

Since then it has become common expression: "The Demiurge Architect of the Universe" to refer to the author of creation.

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Gnosticism encompasses several philosophical and religious currents that reached syncretic blend with Christianity in the first three centuries of our era, and was eventually declared heretical by the Catholic Church, exerting a great influence until then.

Scholars refer to a pagan Gnosticism and Christian Gnosticism, although the most significant Gnostic thought was reached as heterodox branch of early Christianity.

The term comes from the Greek Γνωσις (gnosis): 'knowledge'.

Despite the great diversity of current or Gnostic schools is possible to identify some common elements, especially its secret or initiatory character.T

It also highlights the dualistic nature, whereby a distinction between matter and spirit are made. Evil and destruction were linked to the matter, while the divine and salvation belonged to the spiritual. Man can only reach salvation through the tiny spark of divinity that is the spirit that dwells within. Where mortality is an essential experience for that achievement. This empirical experimentation almost divine gnosis is an internal experience of the incarnate spirit, all of which is part of what became known as the "Gnostic myth."

The Gnostic Myth consists in a complementary manner, by:

1 - The existence of a supreme dieta

2 - Lighting and fall pleromatic

3 - The Demiurge architect as creator

4 - The evolution of the Pneuma in the World

5 -The dualism of existente

6.-The role of savior Christ.

7 - The cyclical return of souls to matter through reincarnation.

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In Theosophy, it is said that in the beginning of a maha-manvantara after a Maha-pralaya (downtime), the cosmos is "awakened" to a new cycle of activity.

In the first moments of the new cycle of activity of the Universe, this emanates from the principle or "Cosmic Ideation" and the primary substance. Thus the "FOHAT" becomes the divine ray of creation Cosmic Ideation is applied within the primordial substance, which is converted into orderly universe or cosmic substance.

A MANVANTARA MAHA is a "cosmic day" a PRALAYA MAHA is a "cosmic night," which occur in endlessly, the universe is actually being active universes and universes that are at rest.

Upon reaching the Big Night, the Universal Spirit of Life, dives between Absolute Abstract Space for seven eternities.

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John Milton (1608 - 1674) was an English poet and essayist, best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost (Paradise Lost).

His political treaties were consulted in the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America.

Poetically, Milton is one of the most important figures in English literary scene, sometimes being located at the same level as Shakespeare.

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Mexico is known, among other things, by their Shamans, sorcerers and healers (doctors of the tribe), also called Nahuales.

In all peoples of Mexico it is known nahuales. The Aztec word for NAHUAL is nahualli, meaning what my clothing or skin, and refers to the ability to transform into an animal creature (wolf, jaguar, lynx, bull, eagle, coyote ...).

For prehistoric peoples, the nahualli was one of sorcerers called TLATLACATECOLO literally "Owls men", indicating that only appear at night.

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In Nahuatl mythology the sky is up and is composed of thirteen levels.

At the highest point the creative duality dwells composed "Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl" double pupil radiant entity is the creator of all that exists.

Omeyocan is also the residence of the creative partner, source of all generation of gods and the creation of the universe, where the generating principle of all that exists is conceived.

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In Hindu mythology, Prajapati is a generic name of various deities who preside over generations and are life savers.

Etymologically is 'lord of progeny', being Praya 'progeny' and pati 'leader, master, lord'.

In the Rig-veda and the Brahmana texts appears as a creator deity or supreme god of the Vedic deities. "Praya [n]-pati" ('progeny-own') is etymologically and phonetically equivalent Protogonos, the Greek god of Oracle.

In some versions Protogonos (aka Fanes) is described with four heads, and Mr. Brahma and Prajapati are attributed four heads, each of which was devas (gods), Rishis (sages), Pitris (ancestors) and naras (human) as the Brahmânda-purged.

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Quetzalcoatl (Nahuatl: Quetzalcoatl, 'the feathered serpent' ("QUETZALLI" plumage; COATL snake ') represents the duality inherent in the human condition: the "snake" is the physical body with its limitations, and "feathers" are the spiritual principles .

Among the Mayas is KUKULKAN whose symbolic and literal meaning is the same, which is also a way of referring to the Cosmic Christ.

Quetzalcoatl is also the name of the Mesoamerican NAHUATL Messiah and the title of the high priests of the Toltec religion. Manifested in various historical prophets, the last of which was CE ACATL TOPILTZIN king of Tula who lived between the years 947 and 999 AD.

Summarizes his doctrine in the Madrid Codex, "God is one, Quetzalcoatl is His name. Nothing asks only snakes and butterflies you will offer him. "Independent of any other interpretation actually is a typical metaphor of the Mesoamerican people offer God which means the body (snake) and soul (butterfly).

The Nahuatl religion was based on the myth of Quetzalcoatl, one of whose highlights parts says walking towards the sun disappeared from the world because it came down to Mictlan ("the place of the House of the Dead") and refers to the underworld. The chronicles say that after burning himself, the god disappeared for 8 days (just long that lasts Venus between last appearance as the morning star and reappear on the horizon as evening star). In that aspect is Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli Quetzalcoatl "the morning star".

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In the context of Hinduism, rishi ('wise, holy') refers to one of the great sages of medical antiquity.

In the Vedas (sacred texts of Hinduism), the term RISHI, generic refers to a priest who sings the sacred hymns, an inspired poet or a wise man, or anyone who invokes the gods through a mantra repeated rhythmically or sacred song. In particular, RISHI refers to the authors of the hymns of the Rig-veda.

Later generations saw the Rishis as heroes and patriarchs of other countries, constituting a particular type of beings in the first mythical system, as distinct from asuras, devas and mortals.

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In Greek mythology, the Hesperides were a caring NINFAS a wonderful graden (the garden of HERA), where the trees that provided giving golden apples of immortality.

Apple trees were planted with fruit branches GEA (the earth goddess) had given HERA (the legitimate wife) as their wedding gift with ZEUS.

That wonderful garden was guarded by LADON, a fierce dragon with a hundred heads by spitting fire.

Appropriating the precious apples from the Garden of the Hesperides was one of the twelve labors of HERCULES, another character from Greek mythology.

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This myth originates from the authors of classical Greece, and is known in Europe as "island of St. Brendan” since it was drawn by medieval cartographers.

Due to its characteristics and strange behaviors, such as come and go or hide behind a thick layer of fog or clouds, has been called "the inaccessible", "the Non Trabada', “Covert”,' Lost '," the Encantada ", Etc.

San Borondón Island is a popular legend in the Canary Islands on an island that appears and disappears for several centuries, with origins in the legendary voyage of St. Brendan of Clonfert (" San Borondón ').

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The Tuatha Dé Danann ("People of the Goddess Danu") were the fifth group of inhabitants of Ireland in the tradition of the "Book of Invasions".

The pagan tradition, considered the Tuatha De Danann as gods coming from heaven. They arrived in Ireland, fought with the original inhabitants, and became for a time the only lords of Ireland.

According to Celtic mythology there were two principles that the world fought. The first and oldest of these two principles is negative and evil represented by the second born of the first, is all positive, the day, life, science and the fine. The Tuatha de Danann were the expression of the second of these principles, since they emanated, for example, the science of the Druids.

It is one of the mythical peoples living in the fourth dimension.

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