The Largest University in Europe The Oldest University in Rome · 2015. 11. 27. · In 1896 Maria...

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Transcript of The Largest University in Europe The Oldest University in Rome · 2015. 11. 27. · In 1896 Maria...


The Largest University in EuropeThe Oldest University in Rome

Culture and Innovation through Research

Sapienza University of Rome carries out outstanding scientific researchin most disciplines, achieving impressive results both on a national andinternational level. It is in every regard a research and teachinguniversity. The campus, situated close to the city centre, is the largest in Europe -a real city within a city. Since its founding, over 700 years ago, Sapienza has contributed to thedevelopment of Italian and European science and culture in all areas ofknowledge. In the field of Arts and Humanities, Sapienza hosted someof the great masters of the twentieth century, including the poetsGiuseppe Ungaretti and Gabriele D'Annunzio, the film directorBernardo Bertolucci. The University is considered a true “school” in thefield of archaeological excavations and has achieved significant resultsin Syria (with the discovery of ancient Ebla in 1964), Turkey, Libya and

The entrance tothe main campus,located in the citycentre

The Universityexcels in many

areas ofknowledge

the Palatine Hill in Rome. In 2006, Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo wasawarded the laurea honoris causa by Sapienza.In the field of physics, the legacy of the “Panisperna” group, amongthem the 1938 Nobel Prize winner Enrico Fermi, as well as EdoardoAmaldi and Emilio Segrè, continues with the development of quantumphysics, physics of disordered systems and astrophysics. Medicine,psychology, biology and other sciences have also been substantiallydeveloped over the years, in particular studies about the human brainand its functions, seismology and robotics.In 1896 Maria Montessori became one of the first women to receive amedical degree.Sapienza enhances research by offering opportunities to academia ona global scale. Thanks to a special programme for visiting professors,many foreign researchers and lecturers periodically visit the Universityand contribute greatly to the quality of education and researchprogrammes. Professor Luigi Frati has been Rector of Sapienza since November 2008.

Between Past and Future

The origin of Sapienza can be traced back to 1303 when Pope BonifaceVIII founded Studium Urbis the first University of Rome. In 1660 it wasofficially named Sapienza after the inscription Initium Sapientiae TimorDomini placed over the door on the main entrance of its new building. Sapienza has played an important role in Italian history and has beendirectly involved in key changes and developments in society, economicsand politics.


During the Second Roman Republic in 1849 a battalion of Sapienzastudents fought against Napoleon III’s troops who were allied with thePope. In 1870 the unification of Italy was completed and the Universitywas taken over by the newly founded Italian State.Students took part in World War One and at the end of the conflictSapienza conferred honorary degrees to all of those who had fallen. In1931 the fascist dictatorship compelled all faculty to swear loyalty toFascism. Out of 1,200 Italian professors only twelve resisted, four ofwhom were from the University of Rome. A new impressive campus, designed by Marcello Piacentini, was openedin 1935.


The Minervastatue is the heartof the University

The student protest movement of 1968 ushered in a period ofinnovation that radicalized the organization of the University.With over 125,000 students, 4,000 professors and nearly as manyadministrative and technical staff, Sapienza represents a vast knowledgecommunity.Sapienza’s Governance is composed of the Rector, Vice Rector andDeputy Rectors, who support the Rector in managing particular areasof the University, with the assistance of ad hoc committees.The University offers a vast array of courses including 290 degreeprogrammes, over 74 PhD courses, 200 one to two year professionalcourses and 121 Specialization Schools in Medicine and Health, run by63 Departments, 11 Faculties. There are 59 libraries and 21 museums,as well as comprehensive student services, such as the twin info-points


Students meet onthe “pratone”, thegreen area at thecampus

The student bodyincludes over8,000 foreignstudents from allover the world

Ciao and Hello (the welcoming centre for foreign students), SoRT(Counselling and tutorship services) and assistance for disabledstudents. Some 8,000 foreign students are regularly enrolled at Sapienza. Inaddition to this, there are over 1,100 incoming and outgoing exchangestudents per year, thanks to several mobility programmes.The University has implemented ICT services for students, such as onlineenrolment, University email addresses and wireless hotspots aroundcampus. Sapienza is the only Italian university, along with Bologna Alma Mater,to be included in international university rankings. The University has anannual budget of 1 billion euros, one of the most important in theregion. The future of Sapienza starts today thanks to its rich past and thecontribution of the entire University community.For further information about Sapienza University visit:


Mission and Values

Sapienza University of Rome is a community whose main objectives areresearch, teaching and education. Faculty, students, technical andadministrative staff are part of the community and thanks to theirrespective skills and responsibilities, they all contribute to its reputationand growth.Sapienza aims to contribute significantly to the development of theknowledge society through research, high-quality education andinternational cooperation.Sapienza is an autonomous organisation, a main stakeholder in theinternational scientific community and a fundamental partner in thefields of quality education and research. Moreover, it is also a crucialpart of the local and national economy.

Fundamental values that define Sapienza’s identity are:• Freedom of thought and research, to guarantee pluralistic culture

and ideas;• Social responsibility, so that research and education contribute to

the social and economic development of Italian society, its citiesand the nation;

• Autonomy, in the fields of education, research and organisation; • Competition, within and outside the University system;• Participation of all faculty, students, technical and administrative

staff;• Close interaction between teaching and research to promote greater

integration; • Innovation in research and education as a form of future investment;• Transparency, especially between the University and its students;• Continual improvement as a guiding principle in its organisation and

management;• Development of professional abilities through educational processes;• Effective services for students and other members of the community.

Sapienza is morethan just auniversity

Academic Governance

Administrative Management




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School for Advanced Studies

With the 2011-2012 academic year, Sapienza inaugurated the Schoolfor Advanced Studies. The School, (that awards scholarships and freeaccommodation to high achieving students), is focused on scientificprogress and evaluates candidates on the basis of educational merit.The School provides students with courses and activities aimed atencouraging and developing their capabilities through scientific, culturaland interdisciplinary enrichment. Courses and activities are divided intofour academic areas: Law, Politics, Economy and Society; Life Sciences;Science and Technology; Humanities. Each academic area correspondsto a university degree. Enrolled students attend their degree coursesand other internal classes, both as an integration and as an extensionto the regular academic schedule. The School houses students in theuniversity residence, financially and logistically promotes, coordinatesand maintains research activities. Besides eminent visiting professors,leading faculty members from Sapienza as well as renowned foreignacademics are involved in the programme. The school is open to Italian and foreign first year students, under 21years of age, enrolled at Sapienza, who achieved a score of 95/100 intheir school leaving diploma or equivalent. Access is limited to thosewho pass the entrance exam.


Sapienza studentshave a passion forlearning

Libraries and Museums


The Sapienza University of Rome library system (SBA) comprises 59 fa-culty and department libraries. This recently integrated library systemhas streamlined and tailored library services to meet the needs of ourstudents, academics and the international research community. Over the course of the centuries the University Library’s collections havegrown to nearly 400,000 books and journals, as well as 25,000 rarebooks and manuscripts. The catalogue may also be accessed throughmobile devices and is consultable athttp://opac.uniroma1.itThe collections are augmented by an ever increasing availability ofonline resources, including journals, databases and ebooks that can beaccessed off campus thanks to the Sapienza proxy service:


The Universityprovides a vastamount ofresources

The University’s collection of full-text online Doctoral Theses are beingmade available on PADIS, that also hosts Open Journals Sapienza (Ojs):http://padis.uniroma1.itThe libraries are increasingly connected in an interactive, collaborativeenvironment using online videos, wikis, instant messaging, chat servicesand social networking to find new ways to acquire, deliver and manageinformation.


Polo Museale della Sapienza is an integrated network of universitymuseums created to coordinate activities and to rationalise and shareresources. The University houses 21 museums. These form a link with the recenthistory of Sapienza and seventeenth century culture when papal andprincely patronage allowed the opening of the first great museums. Exhibits include archaeological finds, instruments, materials, specimens,ancient texts and unique artefacts bequeathed to the University bysome of its most illustrious scholars. The museums offer students a


Over 400,000books and 25,000rare manuscripts

The Sapienzacampus houses21 museums

wealth of primary material which enriches the learning experience aswell as deepening research into various academic fields. The museum network carries out various activities such as training formuseum guides and operators, organising cultural events for theUniversity and wider community, requesting funding and deciding thedistribution of the museums’ pooled resources.Sapienza recently launched a self-guided tour for visually impairedpeople in a selection of its museums. This was the first step towardsopening museums to an even wider public and to enhancing theinclusion of differently abled people.


the network is divided into five sections: • Archaeology (Italian and Etruscan Antiquities, Classic Art Museum,

Museum of the Origins of Man, Near East Archaeology Museum)• Contemporary Art (Contemporary Art Museum Laboratory)• Medicine (History of Medicine Museum, Anatomy Museum)• Science and Technology (Chemistry Museum, Physics Museum,

Hydraulics Museum, Commodity Science Museum, Art and MineralDeposits Museum)

• Natural World (Mineralogy Museum, Geology Museum, Palaeontology Museum, Comparative Anatomy Museum, Anthropology Museum, Zoology, Museum, Botanic Gardens, Herbarium Museum).

The integrated network model has allowed PMS to create a singleinformation system for all its museums, with a unique cataloguingsystem. The network also works in conjunction with local organisationssuch as the Regional Schooling Office and the Ministry for Educationand Research to create custom-made educational tours in specific fieldsof study. It also works with tour operators and various tourismcompanies to increase the visibility of all its museums.

The museums offer the following services on location and/oronline:• reception• audio-guides• teaching spaces inside the museums• live demonstration areas• online newsletter

The museums are open to all staff and students of the University, aswell as to the general public. For opening hours and other information,check the individual museum websites.

International Collaborations

A wide range of cultural and scientific collaborations with otherinternational academic institutions are formalised through internationaland inter-university agreements. Their aim is to promote theinternational dimensions of teaching and research and facilitateexchange among faculty, researchers and students.

Agreements between Sapienza and other renowned internationaluniversities and research centres are signed by the Rector. Projectsregarding mobility and research are formalised in accordance withexecutive and additional protocols between the faculties and/ordepartments that indicate the area of activity and the scientific directorsinvolved. With 20% growth compared to 2008, today Sapienza canattest to 928 international cultural and scientific collaborationagreements, including: framework agreements, specific agreements,executive protocols, additional mobility protocols for students, andagreements of various typology. The International Office of Sapienza liaises with international universitiesand research centres, negotiating and drafting the contents ofagreements, as well as maintaining, monitoring and updating relevantdatabases.


Framework Agreements

Specific Agreements

Executive Protocols

Additional Mobility Protocols

Other Agreements








List of Agreements

A Research University

In accordance with its statute, Sapienza promotes excellence and fostersthe international dimension of learning, teaching and scientific research.Sapienza engages in national and international projects on a widevariety of themes and seeks to forge partnerships and harness financialopportunities.PhD research doctorates have grown to over 74 in all disciplines,committed to training the next generation of scholars.In 2010 the University formalised research and consultancy contractsexceeding 45 million euro, nearly 50% more than the previous year. A further 30% of this revenue is derived from private sector funding. The University’s Commission for Scientific Research, nominated by theSenate and composed of 6 representatives, one from each scientificfield, also awards funding. The University annually publishes the number and type of projects to befinanced that meet rigorous criteria of scientific excellence andinnovation. Some 883 projects were examined in 2010 and 598selected (107 of which were presented by researchers and professorsunder 40 years of age). Additional research funding comes fromdonations by the general public.Sapienza has begun a series of policy initiatives aimed at protectingintellectual property from commercial exploitation. The University also promotes the active management of its patentportfolio, securing licenses and development contracts in the pursuit ofinnovative entrepreneurship. By 31 December 2010, 206 patents wereregistered, with about 60% in the chemical, pharmaceutical and


Sapienza leadsthe way in manyscientific fields

biotechnology sectors. Sixteen patents were sold to national andinternational companies for commercial application. Between 2006-2010, 15 innovative start-up companies were launched,with a turnover of about 2 million euros per year, mainly in chemistry,energy and environment. The role of relational capital has been further consolidated and everyattempt made to ensure an effective and continuous link betweenresearch and industry. Hence, Sapienza has stipulated agreements with industrial associationsthat bring together thousands of businesses working at a local level. The latest novelty is the work carried out to promote the Sapienzabrand in research related activities. In two years Sapienza has stipulatedsix contracts that have generated significant income. The excellence and steady growth of the international dimensions ofscientific research at Sapienza is evident from the high level ofparticipation in the Seventh Framework Programme, by the variousUniversity structures.

The International Office is the point of reference for personnel from thevarious departments, research centres and faculties, who are seekingaccess to community or international funding for scientific researchprojects, providing information on funding opportunities, support forthe project proposal applications, and technical assistance with thefinancial and administrative management of approved projects.


Fonte: Elaborazione database Ripartizione IX Sapienza, marzo 2012

FP7 Sapienza’s project, per thematic Area

Student Services and Campus Life

Hello Welcome Office

Hello is the new International Student Welcome Centre created bySapienza to improve communication with the international community.It aims to welcome, assist, support and provide information to foreignstudents studying at the University.Hello is an information point and help desk that addresses the concernsof international students and guides them to wherever they need togo. Hello also welcomes international guests including professors,companies and tourists, providing basic information and pointing themin the right direction.The office is managed by two members of the Student Office andassisted by a team of students.Hello is located on the Sapienza main campus. The office can also bereached by email or the Facebook page.The involvement of students-helpers, most of them non-Italian, is a keyfactor that not only assures a student-friendly service and a largenumber of spoken languages, but also the sustainability of the project.


Sapienza helpsstudents get themost from theuniversityexperience

Faculty Infopoints (SoRT)

SoRT are infopoints located in every faculty building. They help studentsfind specific information about faculties and degree courses and helpthem choose the right educational

Public Relations Office (URP)

URP is the central information office for students and professors, aimedat resolving issues and problems on an individual

Services for Disabled Students

Disabled students can rely both on economic support and services de-signed to ensure integration into university


Students can findthe answers theyneed

Sapienza is open to all

University Canteens

Enrolled students can use any of the University canteens, located nearthe University campuses. The cost of meals are determined annuallybased on the student’s financial status.

Web and Interactive Services is the internet address for Sapienza.From the “Studenti” section, students can enter Infostud, a webpagethat allows them to enrol, pay enrolment fees, register for exams andcheck their records.The English version of the site provides a selection of the mostimportant news and information for foreign students, scholars andvisitors.

University Orchestra and Jazz Band

MuSa – Musica Sapienza is the university musical project. Students,professors, and staff play together in two orchestras and a jazz bandthat perform regularly at university and public events.

University Concert Foundation (IUC)

IUC organises an annual concert season, with both classical and modernmusic. Concerts take place in the University’s central auditorium (AulaMagna), on Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons. Students andprofessors can purchase a discounted season pass.


Sapienza has a long tradition of theatre studies, carried on by the TeatroAteneo, the only in-house theatre in an Italian university, whererenowned actors and directors have taught throughout the years. In2010 a new project was approved, “Theatron – Ancient Theatre atSapienza” which aims at promoting and sharing the experience ofclassical Latin and Greek theatre on-campus. Sapienza formed a theatrecompany, made up of students and staff, for innovative stagings basedon new translations of classical texts. Sapienza is also part of the “Teatro… 30 e lode!” initiative, promotedby the Agis Regional Union of Lazio, in collaboration with the City ofRome, the Province of Rome, the Lazio Region and the other threepublic universities of Rome. This initiative allows students and staff tobuy theatre tickets with a discount of up to 50%.

Athletic Activities

CUS is the University Sports Centre which offers a vast array of coursesin yoga, aerobics, swimming, modern and classical dance and manyother

Sapienzacombines culture,leisure andlearning


The Faculties



Sapienza University founded the first modern Faculty of Architecture inItaly. Today the Faculty is committed to innovation, technology, urbanliving and serving a rapidly changing society.

The new generation of architects being educated at the SapienzaFaculty of Architecture are dedicated to:

• Researching traditions and habitats for new forms of living;• Developing new strategies for reconciling the principles of nature

and man;• Consolidating and publicising the universally recognised

architectural qualities of Italian cities.

Studying architecture at Sapienza is a captivating and exciting experi-ence. Course content is divided between scientific research, studies inthe humanities and experimentation with old and new materials andtechniques. All this leads to the education of the modern architect, thesynthesis of a scientist and a humanist who is both an artist and a tech-nician.The Faculty also offers specialised courses in town planning, landscapearchitecture, interior architecture, industrial design and land planningand management.Our high-calibre graduates are equipped with the skills necessary tomanage, regulate and support sustainable designed environments, andlead the way in innovation, technology, visual communication and de-sign.

Architecturestudents shapethe future


• Architecture and Design• DATA - Design and Architectural,Territorial, Environmental

Technologies• Structural and Geotechnical Engineering• History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture



Civil and Industrial Engineering

The Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering has a long tradition ofteaching and researching. It has also an international reputation for ex-cellence and strong relations with industrial partners. The Faculty is lo-cated in the historic centre of Rome, directly overlooking the Coliseumand next to the ancient Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli, home toMichelangelo’s statue of Moses. The Faculty is also present on moderncampuses in Latina and Rieti.Today the Faculty continues its long academic tradition of providing stu-dents with a strong scientific grounding in core subjects. It also offers aninnovative syllabus with solid foundations in a wide variety of sub-disci-plines and focuses on the sustainability of both the natural and built en-vironments. Its undergraduates gain vital professional skills that can beemployed in both the domestic and increasingly globalised job markets.Some of the courses on offer include: Civil and Environmental Engi-neering, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Conservation andRestoration Engineering, Chemical and Materials Engineering, Man-agement and Security Engineering, Building Engineering and Architec-ture and other innovative programmes that provide students with theopportunity to explore new topics in the field of renewable energysources and power plants, nanotechnology, transportation and bio-engineering. Civil and Industrial Engineering’s graduates influence the future throughinnovative design and construction of new infrastructure in Italy andaround the world.

Sapienza offers aworld classeducation in civiland industrialengineering

The Faculty also organises the State Exams of Accreditation which islegally required in order to practice the engineering profession in Italy.


• Basic and Applied Sciences for Engineering• Astronautics• Electrical and Energetics Engineering• Chemical Materials• Environmental Engineering• Civil Engeeniring• Building and Environmental Engeeniring • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering• Structural and Geotechnical Engineering• Engineering Section


Alumni fromSapienza work allover the globe



The Faculty of Economics at Sapienza University offers a vast array ofdegree programmes, masters, postgraduate training and PhDs in Rome,Latina, Civitavecchia, Rieti and Buenos Aires. This extensive offer rep-resents the Faculty’s determination to provide a dynamic response to anincreasingly complex global economy and in particular to the changesin production and labour markets in the twenty-first century.Programmes in the Faculty of Economics entail study in different sub-ject areas outside the realm of economics. This breadth of study en-sures that graduates can look forward to optimal preparation andsatisfying career paths.The numerous students and alumni from the Faculty who collaboratewith institutions and companies in Italy are a testament to the impor-tant link between the Sapienza Faculty of Economics and Italy’s historyand future development. The substantial activity undertaken by the Fac-ulty and its students abroad demonstrates the international relevanceand global dimensions of an economics degree.A major contemporary graduate of Sapienza’s Faculty of Economics isthe former Bank of Italy Governor and current President of the Euro-pean Central Bank, Mario Draghi. Draghi graduated from the Faculty in1970 and the high standard of excellence has been maintained.Mario Draghi’s story is an example of the world-class formative experi-ence provided to students at the Faculty and the wide range of possi-bilities available to them on completion of their studies.

In economicsSapienza teachesboth theory andpractice


• Economics and Law• Management • Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance • Law and Economics of Productive Activities


Alumni from theFaculty of

Economics coverleading positions

in institutionsand companies


Information Engineering,Informatics and Statistics

The Faculty of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics wasfounded in November 2010 and is the result of the merger of the Fac-ulty of Information Engineering, the Department of Computer Scienceand the Faculty of Statistics. The new Faculty is devoted to the ad-vancement of knowledge and the education of students in all areas ofComputer, Information and Communication Sciences and Technologiesor ICT for short: Information and Communication Technologies.ICT enjoys an ever-increasing demand and is recognised as the hub ofinnovation. The Faculty teaches its students the scientific foundationsand the technologies needed to transform data and information intoknowledge and provides the logical and cultural tools for dealing withthe complexity of today’s world. The Faculty has a truly modern and in-terdisciplinary approach; it guarantees a high level of preparation in tra-ditional professions, and paves the way for new professional profiles; itsgraduates can look forward to becoming active leaders in contemporarysociety.ICT consists of around 250 professors, the same number of doctoralstudents and post docs all working within four departments. Its researchincludes everything from nanotechnologies, communication networks,mobile computing, theoretical computer and system sciences to com-puter engineering, web and social networks, artificial intelligence, ro-botics, automation, bioengineering, operation, research, statistics,management, and demography.

Sapienza is acutting edgeuniversity with thelatest technology

The degree programmes offer students a wide range of subjects. TheFaculty covers 10 undergraduate and 13 graduate programmes andhosts 11 professional master programmes and 14 doctoral pro-grammes.The Faculty is particularly keen on internationalization: it participates inseveral international research and educational projects, fosters studentexchanges, joint degrees with high ranking foreign universities, and en-courages the enrolment of foreign students.


• Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications • Computer, Control and Management Engineering • Statistical Sciences• Computer Science


In the area ofICT there areno limits towhat can bedeveloped



The Faculty of Law dates back to the founding of Sapienza Universityin 1303 and boasts over 700 years of history. After Italian unification,the course of study achieved particular excellence and an expansionthat is still a feature today. Many alumni, past and present, have had acrucial influence on the history of law both in Italy and abroad. Many contemporary laws are based on ones originating in ancientRome, and modern Faculty teaching is deeply rooted in tradition. Atthe same time, the Faculty opens doors to new knowledge and mod-ern interpretations of the law.Its educational programmes aim at providing the cultural tools and criti-cal and analytical skills necessary to fully understand the complex phe-nomenology of the legal system. The Faculty is very popular and withover 40,000 enrolled students is one of the largest faculties on campus. On completion of their studies graduates are highly sought after inmany important fields. Many graduates become lawyers or judges,while others work for important public and private institutions or inlarge national and international companies.The Italian legal tradition is unique and studying law at Sapienza providesgraduates with the level of preparation necessary for this profession.


• Legal Studies• Criminal, Philosophical and Canonical Sciences

The future of theFaculty of Law isclosely connectedto the increasingimportance thatlaw plays insociety


Mathematics, Physics and NaturalSciences

The Faculty offers graduate and PhD programmes in 10 disciplines(Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Industrial Chemistry, Biology, Biotech-nology, Geology, Natural and Environmental Science, and Art Restora-tion Science), spanning six departments situated on the Universitycampus. Faculty departments operate excellent laboratories and research facili-ties, libraries with a wealth of modern and historical books, readingrooms for students, and museums. They aim to provide the highestquality research and education in all the fields of science: several sci-entific prizes were awarded to the Faculty in 2011. Graduates and PhD members of the Faculty go on to work in researchinstitutions, public administration and private companies. Researcherstrained at Sapienza are highly regarded and often gain national and in-ternational faculty positions.


• Biology and Biotechnology “Charles Darwin”• Chemistry• Earth Sciences• Environmental Biology• Mathematics• Physics

Sapienza schoolshighly contributeto scientificprogress


Medicine and Dentistry

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry carries on a long tradition asSapienza’s first Faculty of Medicine. It is located inside Policlinico Um-berto I, Italy’s largest hospital and a centre for research, teaching andtreatment. This is where the country’s first organ transplant was suc-cessfully performed.Students have the possibility to study all branches of medicine and den-tistry. Over the past two centuries, the Faculty of Medicine and Den-tistry has set itself apart from the rest and consolidated its tradition ofscientific excellence. The Faculty is where Bignami, Celli and Grassi car-ried out their research on Malaria, Cerletti conducted his studies onNeurophysiology, Erspamer studied Neuropharmacology and Antoniniresearched protein molecular structure. Their contribution to scientificunderstanding of medical knowledge and clinical excellence is recog-nized around the world. Recently the Faculty has undergone substantial restructuring, phasing outobsolete courses and introducing new degree programmes for students.The Faculty’s international prestige ensures graduates can quickly reachtheir career objectives, both in Italy and abroad. The Faculty of Medicineand Dentistry trains professors, researchers, doctors, dentists and spe-cialists in every area of healthcare. Medicine remains of the outmost importance to all societies. Professionaltraining at Umberto I provides graduates with the opportunity to makea qualitative contribution to society through their chosen medical field.

A medical degreefrom Sapienzaopens unlimitedpossibilities


• Surgery “Pietro Valdoni”• Experimental Medicine• Clinical Medicine• Medicine• Neurology and Psychiatry • Sense Organs• Pediatrics and Pediatric Neuropsychiatry• Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Nephrologic and Geriatric Sciences • Surgical Sciences• Gynecology-Obstetrics & Urology• Oral and Maxillofacial Sciences • Radiological Sciences, • Oncology and Anatomical Pathology



Medicine and Psychology

This innovative Faculty combines the traditions of Italian psychologyand medicine into a successful academic partnership. The Faculty ofMedicine and Psychology gives its students the opportunity to partici-pate in complex but well organised educational programmes and ac-quire in-depth and up-to-date knowledge on theoretical, technical andoperational fields of medicine, biotechnology, psychology, education,social work, and health profession sciences.First level degree programmes provide students with the basics in dif-ferent subjects that, when appropriate, include teaching the operationaland professional skills necessary to begin exercising a profession. Forexample, in the programmes for the health professions, students learnclinical procedures, advanced practice nursing, occupational health anddisease prevention, advanced rehabilitation and laboratory/image tech-nology.Second level degree programmes provide students with advanced train-ing for the highest levels and qualifications. Subject areas include: clin-ical and health psychology; communication and marketing psychology;developmental psychology; diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive dis-orders; dynamic and clinical psychology for childhood, adolescence andfamily; health and community psychology; work and organisational psy-chology. The medical programme integrates biological, social, behav-ioural and clinical sciences over a six-year period, providing the skillsnecessary to manage common medical problems and procedures,health promotion and the values of professionalism. Particular atten-

Medical studentsreceive hands ontraining

tion is given to biomedical-psycho-social issues, with early clinical ex-posure and a longitudinal course of medical scientific methodologyand humanities. Master programmes for health professions are organ-ised into four different areas: healthcare, rehabilitation, diagnostic tech-niques and care, and prevention. The Faculty oversees the integrationamong the different health professions.Graduates from the Sapienza Faculty of Medicine and Psychology arewell prepared for work in these fields. Degrees provide graduates ana-lytical capabilities that allow them to operate in extremely complex clin-ical and social contexts. They are able to understand problems in humanhealth, individual behaviour and experiences, life developmentprocesses, interpersonal and working relationships. Connecting this un-derstanding to a wider social environment allows graduates to developthe best possible approach to both physical and psychological healthproblems.At the third level PhD programmes and Professional Specialty pro-grammes are offered in Medicine, Psychology and Education.


• Clinical and Molecular Medicine• Psychology• Developmental and Social Psychology• Dynamic and Clinical Psychology• Surgical and Medical Sciences and Translational Medicine• Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Organs



Pharmacy and Medicine

Studying at the Sapienza School of Pharmacy and Medicine requirescommitment, awareness, altruism, and a dedication to acquiring thetools and knowledge necessary to perform vital services, such as caringfor human beings and conducting specialized research.Choosing the School means having a constant commitment to studyand attend courses. Besides learning general and specialized subjectsstudents will need to be sensitive to ethical issues and learn the manycompetencies necessary for becoming medical and pharmaceutical pro-fessionals.

The School of Pharmacy and Medicine trains:

• Physicians and Surgeons, equipped with the scientific, theoreticaland everyday skills necessary to practice medicine and face thecomplex problems of modern healthcare. Students are educatedusing a holistic approach and trained to perform different functionswithin clinical, health and research environments.

• Biotechnologists, who innovate and use medical, pharmaceutical,molecular and cellular biotechnology for diagnosis and therapy aswell as scientific and industrial research.

• Healthcare Professionals, who autonomously conduct activitiesaimed at the prevention and individual and collective care innursing, rehabilitation, technical health and prevention.

• Pharmacists, with the understanding to work in the healthcare fieldas fundamental links between patients, doctors and the publichealthcare system.

At Sapienzastudents receivethe skills to facethe modernhealthcare

• Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technicians, who possess thetheoretical and practical abilities to conduct research, development,production and pharmaceutical screening.

The School consistently ranks among the best in Italy for quality, aca-demic offerings and scientific, biomedical and pharmaceutical research.

The advantages of the didactic method are:

• Multidisciplinary and interactive approach.• Efficient and practical educational and scientific facilities.• Contact with clinical and laboratory environment, and hands-on



• Drug Chemistry and Technologies• Cellular Biotechnology and Hematology V• Physiology and Pharmacology “Vittorio Erspamer”• Molecular Medicine• Public Health and Infectious Diseases• Radiological Sciences, Oncology and Anatomical Pathology• Biochemical Sciences “Alessandro Rossi Fanelli”• Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies • General Surgery, Surgical Specialities and Organ Transplantation

“Paride Stefanini”.



Philosophy, Arts, Humanities andOriental Studies

The Faculty of Philosophy, Arts, Humanities and Oriental Studies com-bines the four disciplines that form its name. Some of the great mas-ters of Italian humanities studied at this Faculty. Today this importanttradition is integrated with contemporary knowledge to form profes-sionals and give students opportunities relevant to modern society. Degree programmes range from archaeology and classical studies tomodern and contemporary history, from philosophical studies to eco-nomics and international cooperation, from oriental languages to de-velopment of fashion and social phenomena. This extraordinary interdisciplinary wealth can also count on an excel-lent teaching team and active student participation to make this Facultyone of the most popular with students. The Faculty is famous at Sapienza University and has always been atthe centre of important historical events in Italy. The Department of Philosophy is situated in a beautiful, historic build-ing called Villa Mirafiori, once home to the wife of Vittorio Emanuele II,the first King of Italy. It was renowned as the first specialised philosophy faculty establishedin Italy in 1925.The Italian Institute of Oriental Studies is one of the most importantcentres in Italy for the study of Chinese, Indian and other Asian culturesand languages. Literary, classical and archaeological studies have a veryimportant and world-renowned tradition in Italy. This Faculty provides students with the opportunity to be a part of a

Tradition andinterdisciplinarystudies are at thecore of humanisticresearch

long and continuing tradition of excellence in the field. Many of theFaculty’s graduates are in great demand in both the public and privatesectors, as their vast knowledge and lateral thinking make them thekind of problem solvers employers seek.


• Philosophy • Italian Institute of Oriental Studies• Ancient World Studies• Document Studies, Linguistics and Geography• Art History and Performing Arts. (Visual, Digital Arts,

Theatre, Cinema, Dance, Cultural Heritage)• History, Cultures, Religions • European, American and Intercultural Studies • Classic and Modern Studies• Law and Economics of Productive Activities



Political Sciences, Sociology,Communication

This faculty combines three fields of study in the social sciences: Politi-cal Science, Sociology and Communication Science. The oldest PoliticalScience Faculty in Italy, offers graduates professional opportunities ingovernance, political analysis, public administration and diplomacy. Sociology trains experts in the field of research of socio-culturalprocesses through an interdisciplinary approach. Communication Sci-ence prepares students in all fields of media production, distributionand consumption.The current Faculty combines all these fields of study in order to edu-cate and train its students. Graduates will become innovative next-gen-eration professionals, empowered to explore new frontiers andprepared to cope with the incessant evolution of technology and soci-ety. The old degree programmes remain the same; the advantage is anextended interdisciplinary subject base that gives students a more com-plete formative experience.This Faculty has produced journalists, ambassadors, sociologists, pro-fessors and many more professional figures. Graduates from the Facultyare prepared to confront the challenges of a rapidly changing societyand an increasingly globalised world, with insight into different politi-cal systems, new media and their social impact. Graduate core compe-tencies are highly sought after in many different fields both in Italy andabroad.

Students use whatthey learn tomake a difference


Communication and Social ResearchPolitical ScienceSocial Sciences



Academic Programmes and Degrees in the ItalianUniversity System


Academic Programmes andDegrees in the Italian Universitysystem

Laurea (L)

First cycle university degree, characterised by both theoretical and

applied studies. • Access: with the Italian Upper Secondary school Diploma,

or a comparable foreign one. • Workload: 180 ECTS credits. • Length: 3 years full time. • Degree: Bachelor, 1st cycle degree. • Further university studies: access to LM.

Laurea Magistrale (LM)

Second cycle university degree, characterised by strong theoretical and

in-depth studies in a given subject field. • Access: with a related L, or a similar foreign degree. • Workload: 120 ECTS credits. • Length: 2 years full time. • Degree: MA or MSc 2nd cycle degree. • Further university studies: access to PhD.



Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico (LM a ciclounico): Medicine,Architecture, Civil Engineering, Pharmacy

Second cycle university degree, characterised by strong theoretical and

in-depth studies in a given subject field. • Access: with the Italian Upper Secondary school Diploma,

or a comparable foreign one. • Workload: 300 ECTS credits for the 5 years degree and

360 ECTS credits for the 6 years degree. • Length: 5 or 6 academic years. • Degree: MA or MSc 2nd cycle degree. • Further university studies: access to PhD.

Dottorato di Ricerca (PhD)

Third cycle university degree. • Access: by a related LM, or a similar foreign degree in a

related subject area. • Admission: by public competition, organised locally by

individual universities. • Length: min. 3 years, depending on subject fields. • Course structure: PhD programmes mainly consist in

independent high quality research projects. Postgraduates carry out their research activities under the supervision of auniversity professor who is appointed as tutor.

In some cases attendance to seminars or subject courses is alsorequired. • Degree: Doctorate, Doctor of Philosophy PhD. • Further university studies: participation in post doctoral

(post doc) research projects.



General Managers:

Antonella Cammisa and Mattea Capelli – International Relations Office

Concept and Editorial Directors:

Alessandra Barberis and Barbara Sabatini – Rector’s Office/Public Relations and Press Office

Editing: Laura Gobbo

Language Review: Alexei Cohen

Graphic Design: Revelox snc -

Special thanks to student contributors: Maria Fossi, Gloria Novovic, Daniel Nicholas Salerno, Valentina Fedi, Marco

Pietrangeli and Elsie Olivier

Photographies: Costanza Bianchi, Alessandra Bomben, Corrado Bonora, Luca Borghi per Himetop - The History of

Medicine Topographical Database, Attilio Cristini, Augusto Frascatani, Laura Gobbo, Martina Mazzarini, Roberto Polli,

Harland Quarrington, Pablo Ruiz Marquiz, SSNLab-Cnis, Stefania Sepulcri, James Williams Jr.
