The Lady or the Tiger

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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this is an elternate ending to Frank Stockton's The Lady or the Tiger. Ite was written for a school assignment I had in 9th grade and I thought I should post it for you guys to see. It was written from the princess's POV so to understand it you have to have read the story. It was awarded an A by the way :) It puts a new twist on and older tale so... hope you all enjoy!

Transcript of The Lady or the Tiger

The Lady or the Tiger: alternate ending

To watch him die at her own hand or to have him love another? This was the choice she had to make, lying here in her chambers she would decide. Why did this have to be? Why was she to lose the one she loved more than her own life?

Agony ripped though the princess like a thousand piercing blades. In a mere few hours she would lose him, either to her cousin or through death. She didn’t know which caused her more pain.

One the one hand, he could live a long happy life with Rosaline. She was the incarnation of pure beauty. With hair flowing to the middle of her back the color of milk and honey. Rosaline’s skin was the color of cream with just enough blush in her cheeks to catch any man’s eye.

She’d seen it all before. How many men had looked over her just to get a glimpse of perfection in looking at her cousin?

Her lips that put even the reddest of roses to shame should be enough for any man to be mesmerized into her will. Even her deep sapphire eyes, hidden behind dark lashes have always entranced men in there presence.

Why should any woman possess two or more of such qualities? But no, Rosaline had all of these. It didn’t matter that she was cruel and heartless. Men only see external beauty, and her cousin bested her in every aspect of physical beauty.

She laid there on her bed for what seemed like an eternity. Just seeing him looking at Rosaline the way he used to look at her. Even behind her lids the pain was excruciating.

As much as that option hurt, the second hurt just as much. So in that, she made her decision…and closed off her heart, for it

would never again be used. That night the princess cried herself to sleep.

The next morning she awoke to complete silence. It was as if the world knew what was about to happen, as if it knew who was to die and was in mourning.

The sentence was to be carried out at noon when the sun was at its highest point. The morning passed in a blur around her.

By the time she entered the balcony above the arena, she was so numb she couldn’t feel her body. Anxiety pulsed off of her like waves beating against the shore.

Damon walked to the center of the arena, her heart beat faster and faster until it felt like it had stopped altogether.

He turned to the king as was customary but their eyes never met for Damon’s eyes were focused, locked only on her. Even without words she knew what he asked of her…‘Which one?’ in that moment she locked up any part of heart that was still alive. She raised her arm ever so slightly and flitted her fingers to the right.

Time seemed to move slowly as if to let her savor the moment. He walked toward the door to the right so slowly she was sure he was torturing her. She couldn’t bear to watch him any longer. She jumped out of her chair and ran as fast as her feet could carry her, back to her room.

As she ran she heard the people cheer and music play.Tears streamed down her face as she ran to her room. She slammed

the door and threw herself on her bed. Music continued to play as she cried. She had done what was best for him and now she would pay the price. An hour as had past and still the tears fell.

The sun was beginning to set through the open window. She pulled herself off the bed and walked over to her table. She opened the drawer and took the dagger she had hidden and with her last breath plunged it into her already dead heart. She drifted away in the cool breeze of night.