The Kingdom of Shadow- Jonathan Monks

Post on 11-Mar-2015

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Example of work using TES 4 Construction Set to create unique levels and environments for a portfolio piece.

Transcript of The Kingdom of Shadow- Jonathan Monks

The Kingdom of Shadow

A Mod for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Authored by: Jonathan Monks

Disclaimer/ Info/ Everything To Say Hello Everyone. First off, these meshes/textures/animations/etc are not mine. They are the property of Bethesda Softworks.

Knowing that, I can now explain that I decided to take on this project because it allowed me to use the toolset and the models/textures and the overall engine to create my own environments, areas of interest, quest line, characters, and items. The main goal of this project was to take the known and familiar from the game "The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion" and create unique areas and environments. In this way, it allows me to demonstrate elements of design by creating areas that become different yet familiar at the same time.

When creating environments and game play levels, a lot of things have to be taken into consideration, such as: continuity between zones, paths that the player will take, and how they interact with both the environment and what inhabits it. For example, in this type of game where the player can have multiple play-styles, you must acknowledge this and provide the options required that fit into those styles of play. Only in very certain and precise circumstances can you force the player to behave in the way that you want, otherwise the element of choice is removed and can lead to very boring and unfulfilling game play.

Through the following pages, I have everything that I had planned for this project, as well as the edits, and finally the screenshots of the finished project. I tried to include as much information as possible not only for you, but also for myself as this served as a documentation tool alongside my process.

As far as actual game play is concerned to give you an idea of game length:

Myself doing a play through, knowing exactly where everything is and skipping the dialogue, took me approximately four and a half hours to complete. Two friends of mine not knowing where things were and being of various levels for different difficulties, averaged ten hours, and eleven and a half hours.

Please keep in mind, the text other than "EDIT" is my base idea and thoughts while the screenshots were added last to show the completion of the idea.

TLDR- My dream is to be a level designer for videogames. I used this mod to demonstrate that I can successfully apply my knowledge of game design into a project and complete it using those elements.

Contents 4- Storyline and Quests

12- Characters and Their Backgrounds

15- Seal Items and Magical Effects

16- Set Bonuses and General Ideas for the Mod

17- Area and Location Ideas

24- Kingdom of Shadow Dungeon Entrances and Places of Interest

28- Magic Items Found Throughout the Mod

30- Dialogue

45- Images and Descriptions of Gameplay Space, Events, and Implementation

77- Images and Descriptions of the Implementation of Traps

79- Height-map of The Kingdom of Shadow and World Locations

80- Contact Information and About The Author

Storyline + Quests

1. Player triggers plug-in and receives a quest log entry. a. “ I have heard rumor that a woman from the north wants to speak with me” b. Player then travels to Attana’s House, and speaks with Attana.

2. Player finishes speaking with Attana and receives a quest log entry. a. “I have spoken to a woman named Attana. It seems that her dying father is the last of

an ancient order charged with protecting the lands of Tamriel from the oldest Daedric Prince, Vlys. Attana has tasked me with locating and obtaining the sacred seals so that she can perform a ritual and use the seals to create a strengthened barrier to hold Vlys. She has told me of a scroll that her father gave her before he slipped into unconsciousness. I should take a look at the scroll on the desk.”

3. Player locates and reads the scroll about the ancient seals. It depicts the location of the first seal as well. a. Scroll Text- “To whoever is reading this, know that I have failed in my quest. I too

sought out the sacred Seals that were said to bind Vlys to the everlasting Void. I however, did not possess the courage nor the cunning to retrieve even the first of them. My order has searched for centuries trying to uncover the locations of the mystical Seals, but to no avail. During my time of service, it was said that the man known as Kentril was an expert on Seal lore, and was the one helping our grandmaster in discovering the location of the first Seal. At the time of this writing, Kentril is living in a shack out in the wilds near Cheydenhall. I pray for whoever now holds this scroll, that he still lives, because he is the only one who now knows where the first Seal lies. My order was sadly betrayed by the Shai Jere dogs. They worship Vlys and are his disciples, trying to recover and destroy the Seals to release Vlys upon Tamriel. One of their mages, Quov Tsin, hunted us down and killed many of my order. Beware, for they are surely still searching and Quov Tsin is still out there. I pray that he has not discovered Kentril yet, for if he has, we are lost.”

b. Quest Log Entry- “It seems that I am to travel to a shack in the wilderness and talk to a man named Kentril, who is supposedly an expert on ancient Seal lore. I should see if I can discover the location of the first Seal.”

4. Player travels to Kentril’s Shack. a. Talks with Kentril b. Quest Log Entry- “ I have spoken to Kentril, he seemed like an honest sort, and I

have discerned the location of the first seal to be hidden deep within Xaxax, a cave named after the demon that joined forces with the Necromancer Zael, who originally imprisoned Vlys. I should travel there and keep my eyes open for anything out of the ordinary that could hold a mystical energy, as Kentril did not know exactly what form the Seals are in.”

5. Player travels to Xaxax in search of the first Seal. a. The first seal is deep within this cave (Two levels, Standard enemies. Seal is a scale) b. Quest Log Entry- “This must be the first Seal, I’m surprised that it is this object. I

didn’t know scales could hold energy. There is an inscription on the bottom of the scales, It is in some weird language, I should take it back to Kentril to see if he can decipher it.”

6. Player travels back to Kentril’s Shack. a. Kentril identifies the language is that of the Ancient Aedra. He is stumped and tells

you to check with Attana. b. Quest Log Entry- “Kentril was stumped by the Aedric Language and told me to check

with Attana. Maybe she knows of someone or something who could decipher it for me.”

7. Player travels back to Attana’s House. a. Player speaks with Attana about the language. She mysteriously knows about it, and

states that her mother taught it to her when she was a girl. b. Aedric Language Reads- “The sun shines brightly, such a large size. But the true goal

is the Lost Zenith, upon which rests the second prize. Look to the North East, at the Dragon’s Claw, and find what is waiting in the deep maw.”

c. Quest Log Entry- “This mysterious language led to a mysterious riddle. Attana has no clue, so maybe I should check back with Kentril to see if he has any insight to shed on the subject.”

8. Player travels back to Kentril’s Shack. a. Player speaks with Kentril about the riddle. He soon guesses that the “Dragon’s

Claw” refers to Dragon Claw Rock. b. Quest Log Entry- “I have spoken to Kentril about the riddle, and he suggests heading

to Dragon Claw Rock, outside Bruma to see what I can find.” 9. Player travels to Dragon Claw Rock.

a. Quest Log Entry- “I have traveled to Dragon Claw Rock, perhaps the next lines of the riddle “Look to the North East, at the Dragon’s Claw, and find what is waiting in the deep maw.” Suggests that I should head North East of here and see what I discover.”

10. Player heads North East to a cave that looks like a mouth, or giant maw. a. Quest Log Entry- “I have found what appears to be a giant maw, or gaping mouth,

that seems to lead into a cave. I should investigate the cave and try and discover if the second Seal lies within.”

11. Player then descends into the cave in search of the second Seal. a. Player retrieves the second Seal, which is a paintbrush jar. (Name- Jar of Ghosts) b. Quest Log Entry- “I have discovered another oddity. A paint brush jar. It appears to

be the second Seal, as it is emanating a strange sensation as I hold it. Just like before, there is writing engraved into the base. I should return to Attana and see if she will translate it.”

12. Player returns to Attana’s House to speak with her. a. Attana translates the artifact. b. Translation says- “You seek the third, but you shall have nothing. In the realm where

even the frailest are strong. Where the small are giant, and where the unconsciousness rules. Look to yourself and you may yet have it.”

c. Quest Log Entry- “I have obtained the new riddle, and should pay a visit to Kentril.” 13. Player returns to Kentril’s Shack.

a. Kentril is baffled by this riddle as well. b. He states that there has been one book on the ancient Seal lore that he could never

obtain. It was said to be guarded by horrible creatures and locked within a mystical chest in a fort to the South East of Cyrodiil.

c. Quest Log Entry- “Kentril is baffled by this riddle as well, but has divulged the information about a book on Seal lore that he has never encountered. I am to travel to the swamps of Southern Cyrodiil and locate a fort that holds a magical chest. Inside, supposedly, is the ancient book.”

14. Player travels to the ruins of Fort Talyls. a. Quest Log Entry- “I have arrived at the fort. I should proceed inside and locate this

mystical chest.” 15. Player travels inside and locates the chest.

a. Chest will be the riddle chest. Something about the history of Vlys or something. b. Player receives the book “Kstavir Uknastival” Which details some of the history of

Vermina and her realm, the realm of dreams. c. Quest Log Entry- “I have recovered the book and should make my way back to

Kentril’s Shack” 16. Player travels back to Kentril’s Shack.

a. Kentril figures out that the realm is Vermina’s, the realm of dreams. He tells the player that he will put them to sleep so that they may visit their own dreams and try and recover the Seal.

b. Quest Log Entry- “Kentril has figured out the riddle and it turns out that I have to venture into my own dreams. Kentril has prepared a concoction to put me to sleep so that I may retrieve the third Seal. When I am ready, I am to speak to Kentril.

17. Player speaks to Kentril and selects the topic to be put to sleep. Is teleported into the Realm of Dreams. a. Quest Log Entry- “I have entered my own dreams with my consciousness. Time to

see how messed up I really am.” 18. Player travels through the Realm of Dreams and recovers the third Seal.

a. Third Seal is an Alembic with 125 Power. b. Quest Log Entry- “I have recovered the third Seal and have awoken from my

nightmare. I should speak with Kentril.” 19. Player speaks with Kentril.

a. Kentril says that you have been out for almost a week. He thought you would never wake up. Because of this, Quov Tsin and the Shai Jere have obtained one of the Seals. He has spoken to Attana about what must be done, and decides to send you out after the people holding it.

b. Quest Log Entry- “It appears I have been out for almost a week. In my absence the Shai Jere have obtained one of the Seals. I don’t know how that is possible without the Aedric writing that has been engraved in them. Kentril says that he and Attana have decided that I must recover this Seal before they destroy it. I am to travel to the West, North of Kvatch, and meet an informant living by the source of the river that flows into the sea. This informant should be able to lead me in the direction of the Shai Jere that are in possession of the Seal.”

20. Player Travels to Informants Hut. a. Player talks to the informant. b. Informant tells player about a nearby fort in which the Shai Jere are taking refuge

until their leader gives them new orders. c. Quest Log Entry- “The informant has told me that the Shai Jere mages are taking

refuge in a nearby fort to the East. I should enter, kill them off, and retrieve the Seal. 21. Player travels to Klor Streman in search of the Seal.

a. Player enters and fights or sneaks their way through. b. Player Retrieves the Fourth Seal, which is a Lower Class Pitcher (Water Breathing) c. Quest Log Entry- “I have recovered the Fourth Seal from the Shai Jere Battle mages.

I should return to Attana to have her translate the writing on both of the latest Seals.” 22. Player receives a message from Quov Tsin Magically.

a. Message Reads- “I have heard of you, young one. It seems that we search for the same things, you and I. But you stay one step ahead of me at every turn, as if your quest was fueled by the power of Vlys himself. You seek to save the world, rid it of evil, and think that I wish to destroy it? But you are severely mistaken. I only hope to liberate Tamriel. To create a balance that has always existed. One day, mark my words, I will catch you, and I will put an end to your treachery. Signed Quov Tsin”

23. Player travels back to Attana’s House. a. Player has Attana translate both Seals. b. Third Seal reads- “Without the Fifth I am but dust. But together we fuse as Bone.

Beneath the Waves, the sun shines bright….” (The fifth seal will continue the riddle) c. The Forth Seal Reads- “On the road paved with gold, where the loop is found, look to

the North and find Old.” d. Quest Log Entry- “Attana figures that the path paved with gold can only be the Gold

Road, and suggests that the loop is the only place along the road where if forms a circle. I should head just North of it and see what I can discover.”

24. Player travels to a cave just north of the Gold Road’s loop. a. Quest Log Entry- “I have arrived at a subterranean path. I should make my way inside

and search for the fifth Seal.” 25. Player enters the cave and searches for the fifth Seal.

a. Player discovers the fifth seal. It is a crumpled piece of paper. b. Quest Log Entry- “I have discovered the fifth Seal. I should return to Attana to have

her translate it for me. 26. Player returns to Attana’s House.

a. Attana translates the fifth Seal- “I have given to the world, and the world I take. Look to the bay, and revel at the sight.”

b. Attana then tells you about her father. He has taken a turn for the worse and she sends you on a task to find a very rare ingredient so that she may attempt to heal him.

c. Quest Log Entry- “Attana’s father has lost some of his grip on life. She has asked me to travel to a far away cave and search for a very rare ingredient so that she may attempt to heal him. I am to do what I can for Attana and her father.”

27. Player then travels to a far away cave that leads to an underground forest. a. Player searches through this forest, fighting off monsters and eventually comes upon

an altar that begins a speech conversation from Attana. She is under attack from Quov Tsin. EDIT- I changed this to a trigger box to make it seem like a natural event.

b. Quest log Entry- “While searching for the ingredient, Attana's voice appeared in my head. It sounded as if she was under attack by Quov Tsin. I should return immediately to her house.”

28. Player then travels back to Attana’s House. a. Player enters Attana’s House to a destroyed area. Signs of a struggle are present.

29. Player travels to Kentril’s Shack. a. Player tells Kentril of Attana’s murder by Quov Tsin. b. After a loud and angry reaction, Kentril finally figures that the last Seal is in Topal

Bay, hidden under the water. c. Quest Log Entry- “Kentril was devastated by Attana’s death, but eventually came

around and helped solve the final riddle. He believes that the sixth Seal is a pearl and lies within Topal Bay under the water. I should head down there and find it.”

30. Player travels to Topal Bay and discovers a fort under the ocean. a. Player enters the fort and searches for a giant clam. b. Player fights off a bunch of drough and fish and retrieves the sixth Seal from the

clam. (A Pearl) EDIT- I changed the enemies to Daedric beasts (See page 53) c. Quest Log Entry- “I have found the sixth and final Seal. I should take them to Kentril

to figure out where the altar is located.” 31. Player returns to Kentril’s Shack.

a. Player talks to Kentril about the altar at which they should take the Seals to use its power and lock Vlys away forever.

32. Quest Log Entry- “Kentril has told me the location of the altar at which I can use the Seals to lock Vlys away in the Void forever. I should travel there and perform the ritual. If Quov Tsin appears to stop me, I should kill him, finish the ritual, and be rid of the evil.”

33. Player travels to Slortrof’s Caverns. a. Player fights their way through a two part dungeon of Ayleid architecture. b. Player reaches the altar and performs the ritual (interacting with the altar) c. Vlys’ voice appears, telling you that you have been a wonderful disciple and thanks

you for freeing him. He says that your deeds will be written in his sacred book, which will be published all across Tamriel. It is bound with human skin and it's spine is children’s teeth. The voice then disappears.

d. Quov Tsin appears screaming at the top of his lungs (Like Lucean Lachance when he finds out about you killing the dark brotherhood people. “NO! NO! I thought I could stop you! Etc.”) that you were deceived and betrayed by Attana who was actually a deadra disciple serving Vlys. He continues on to tell you that Vlys has retreated to his Kingdom of Shadow to recuperate his powers of his physical being before invading Tamriel. He tells you the only way to stop Vlys now is to travel after him into the Kingdom of Shadow and search for the ancient artifacts of Zael the necromancer. He has no idea what you will find in the kingdom, but to be prepared for anything.

e. Quest Log Entry- “I have been betrayed! Deceived! Attana and her father were disciples of Vlys, while Quov Tsin and the Shai Jere were working towards actually sealing Vlys away. I have unknowingly unleashed him upon Tamriel. Quov Tsin arrived just afterwards and explained everything to me. Vlys has gone to his Kingdom of Shadow to wait for his physical form to manifest. I still have time before he can

become truly unstoppable. The only way to stop this madness is for me to venture into the Kingdom of Shadow and seek out the ancient artifacts of Zael the necromancer, who originally imprisoned Vlys. Quov Tsin has no idea what to expect, but I should speak with him again when I am ready to go, and he will transport me there using the Seals’ power.”

34. Player talks to Quov Tsin and teleports to The Kingdom of Shadow. a. Quest Log Entry- “I have been teleported to The Kingdom of Shadow. It seems that

the power in the Seals has shaped my consciousness so that I can now read and understand the ancient Aedra Language. I should look around this mysterious place and see if I can find any mention of the ancient artifacts of Zael the Necromancer.”

35. Player looks around and explores the run down town inside the Kingdom. a. Town consists of shacks and crazy people to the right of where you start. There are

oblivion caves, Alyeid ruins, and Oblivion Towers. The main central core fortress is a huge Alyeid Ruin where Vlys resides. The player must find all the artifacts before being able to enter the central Ruin.

36. First location is found out by talking with the insane townsfolk. a. One line from a certain townsfolk that will trigger a quest- “HehehehHAHAHA…

The land is filled with lilacs, did you know that? The old warrior wanders west towards the Setting Sun, but how does a sun set in a place like this? Hahahahheheh!”

b. Quest Log Entry- “I have spoken to a townsman who appears quite insane. He muttered gibberish, but I managed to gather something about a warrior wandering west. It could be the ramblings of an old man delirious, or it could have something to do with Zael. It’s worth checking out to make sure.”EDIT- Changed this to a normal NPC that lost her son to the monsters, and then gives you information on the artifacts.

37. Player travels west towards an Alyeid Ruin named “Setting Sun”. a. Quest Log Entry- “I have reached an old ruin named “Setting Sun” it seems that

perhaps the ramblings of an old man were worth checking out. I should proceed inside and see if I can find any hint of the ancient artifacts of Zael.

38. Player enters “Setting Sun” and ventures for the first artifact. a. Player finds the first artifact (Boots) b. Quest Log Entry- “I have found the first artifact. It turns out that it is a piece of

armor. I hope the rest are the same. With the new understanding of the Aedric Language, the writing on these boots is clear to me. “In each of the six other locations you will find, a willing and able rind. But only in order will you find, for the key to the next lies with the one behind.” It seems that there are six other artifacts to be had before I may face Vlys, Prince of Trickery and lord of deceit. It also stated that I will need to go in order to collect them all, as the key will lie with the one behind it in order. I should look around for a key to the next area and then systematically check the remaining ruins to see if I can eventually locate the remaining artifacts.”

39. Player searches out and finds the next artifact (Greaves) a. Quest Log Entry-“I have discovered the second of the artifacts. I should look around

nearby for a key to the next area, and then proceed on with my quest.” 40. Player searches and finds the next artifact (Gloves)

a. Quest Log Entry- “I have discovered the third of the artifacts. I should look around nearby for a key to the next area, and then proceed on with my quest.”

41. Player searches and finds the next artifact (Helm) a. Quest Log Entry- “I have discovered the fourth of the artifacts. I should look around

nearby for a key to the next area, and then proceed on with my quest.” 42. Player searches and finds the next artifact (Chest)

a. Quest Log Entry- “I have discovered the fifth of the artifacts. I should look around nearby for a key to the next area, and then proceed on with my quest.”

43. Player searches and finds the next artifact (Shield) a. Quest Log Entry- “I have discovered the sixth of the artifacts. I should look around

nearby for a key to the next area, and then proceed on with my quest.” 44. Player searches and finds the last artifact (Sword)

a. Quest Log Entry- “I have finally located all of the necromancer Zael’s ancient artifacts. I should now venture into the ruins and defeat Vlys to seal him away forever. It seems that I may be the last ray of light in this Kingdom of Shadow.”

45. Player ventures into the final ruins in search of Vlys. a. Halfway through, the player encounters Attana in her true form(Dremora). She talks

with you, telling you that you will never hurt her master and begins to fight you. b. Player kills Attana and continues onwards. c. Player encounters Vlys in a huge chamber where the player has a short dialogue with

Vlys and discovers that they have been too slow. Vlys then imprisons the player inside the Void.

d. In the Void, the player wanders a bit, then Quov Tsin's voice emanates around and the player listens as they travel the Void, eventually being rescued by the Shai Jere and teleported back to Tamriel.

46. Player talks with Quov Tsin and the final pieces are put together that Vlys grew too powerful and is now creating an army to invade Tamriel. The mod ends with Quov Tsin giving the player a key to the Shai Jere fortress and the Shai Jere gearing up for a "Second Game" situation. EDIT- For quest stages 37-44 I separated them into their own quests that tied back into the main quest once they were all finished. Very similar to the nine divines method. I felt that having to go in a certain order restricted the players' choices and freedom of movement through the Kingdom World Space.

Characters + Background

Vlys- Daedric Prince. Brother of Jygalag. Prince of Trickery. Lord of Deceit. Is the oldest of Daedric Princes. He was admitted into princedom just after the splitting of the world by the Eight divines. He broke the laws of the Eight, just as Merhunes Dagon did, by invading a realm of Oblivion that was not his own. (Tamriel) Azura, with the help of Akatosh, summoned a chosen warrior known as Zael, to quest and create six Seals to forever bind Vlys to the Void in between Oblivion Realms.

Attana- Woman that wants to talk to you about her father and his order. Daughter of Kintor. She is actually a Dremora in disguise working under Vlys to help set him free. She is leading you down a path of deceit and trickery. Her fake past is that of the daughter of Kintor. She lived in the north, on an island above Skyrim, tending to the house and garden while her father went on quests for his order. She would take care of everything for when he returned. Her mother died when she was very young. Her mother had been a scholar and researcher of ancient languages, as well as alchemy. Her father had taught her the language of the Aedra after her mother had died. She farmed their land and prepared for the winters. While her father was away she read and taught herself about alchemy and alchemical ingredients. She also liked to practice telekinesis because it allowed her to sweep up the house while she could sit and read, although she never was much good at it. She usually knocked stuff down and had to spend even more time cleaning that up, then the house. Attana charges the player with taking up her father’s quest to locate and gather the Seals to perform a ritual that will seal Vlys away forever and be unable to be broken, saving the world from the Shai Jere’s plan.

Kintor- Attana’s Father. He was part of a questing order that sought out the Seals that Zael had created to lock away Vlys. He often went out and left Attana at home for months at a time, while he and his order scoured all across Tamriel for any hint of these Seals. Just recently, they were attacked by the Shai Jere and her father fell into a coma from one of their mages spells. Many of his order did not survive the attack, and now she is caring for him down here in Cyrodiil as she could not return him to their home in Skyrim. Edit- This is all a lie that she tells the player. She doesn't have a father. This is just to create a more believable back-story.

Quov Tsin- Battlemage working for Shai Jere. High ranked leader. Lies that Attana will tell the player about him- He has been working with Shai Jere since as long as she can remember. Her father used to tell her stories about how the Shai Jere would constantly hinder their progress as they are trying to find the Seals to destroy them and allow Vlys to walk the land again.

Shai Jere- Evil order that is constantly pursuing the sacred Seals in the hopes to gather them together and destroy them to unleash Vlys upon the world. They were the ones that attacked Attana’s father and his men. This order is actually the good one that seeks to lock Vlys away forever.

Dumont- Informer that gives you info on the location of some Shai Jere battle mages.

Kentril- Scholar living in the mountains behind Cheydenhall. Seal historian that dedicated many years of his life to the study of the Seals and the legend of Vlys and Zael.

World Bosses Inside The Kingdom:

1. Ikstra- Brother of Zael. He was trapped and bound by the Chains of Remorse. Unable to free himself or leave the Kingdom, he wanders the world space for the player to find.

2. Husk of Xaxax- Shell of the former Xaxax. Vlys separated his soul from the mortal body.

3. Layrce- Undead hound.

4. Ymiyr- Ancient demon that took refuge near the heat of the Lava Pools after Vlys was sealed in the Void.

5. Ylnasp- Guardian of the Labyrinth. Biding its time until the right moment to strike inside the Kingdom.

6. Pylra- Undead necromancer that was the apprentice under Zael. Was corrupted by Vlys and now drags people from Hauklin back to his lair where he can reanimate them.

Ikstra Husk of Xaxax

Ymiyr Pylra

Layrce Ylnasp

Seal Items and Magical Effects

1. Scales- Name: Scales of Remorse a. +1 to strength, intelligence, wisdom, endurance, agility.

2. Paint Brush Jar- Name: Jar of Ghosts a. +5% to resist normal weapons

3. Alembic- Name: Alembic of Utility a. +10 Alchemy

4. Lower Class Pitcher- Name: Pitcher of a Thousand Waters a. Underwater Breathing

5. Crumpled Piece of Paper- Name: Paper of Charisma a. + 5 to Personality

6. Pearl- Name: Lucky Pearl a. + 5 to Luck

Zael Artifacts and Magical Effects

1. Zael’s Boots- a. + 5 Speed b. Waterwalking c. +5% Resist Disease

2. Zaels Greaves- a. +5 Agility b. +5% Resist Disease

3. Zael’s Gloves- a. + 5 Strength b. +5% Resist Disease

4. Zael’s Helm- a. + 5 Intelligence b. +5% Resist Disease

5. Zael’s Cuirass- a. + 5 Endurance b. +5% Resist Disease

6. Zael’s Shield- a. + 10 Block b. + 5 Endurance c. + 5% Resist Normal Weapons

7. Zael’s Kriss- a. + 10 Blade b. + 5 Strength c. + 10 Destruction

Set Bonus for wearing all of Zael’s Armor: Zael’s Vengeance

1. + 35% Resist Disease 2. + 25% Resist Normal Weapons 3. + 30% Reflect Damage 4. + 30% Resist Magic 5. + 30% Spell Absorb 6. + 10 Conjuration 7. + 10 Illusion 8. + 10 Mysticism 9. + 10 Destruction 10. + 10 All Stats

Ideas- Quotes, Quests, Anything, put them here

Dream Realm Ideas-

1. Quote- “It’s like drinking unicorn giggles” For the insane dream area. 2. Table and Chairs on Ceiling. 3. Butcher room for people. 4. Grotto that is an outdoor landscape area but it forms rooms. For example- outdoor area.

Trees and shrubs around a small pond but then on one side of the pond there are some chairs/table and a bookshelf. Outdoor library room that is secluded and serene. Maybe throw in a couple statues or non hostile animals/trained monsters.

5. Pools of lava or something. Sunken area beings how the Kingdom is suffering from seismic activity. Area where the ground has sunk down to the lava. Maybe throw in a town nearby that got partially destroyed when it sunk.

Area Ideas

Throw tiny statues around. Put things that normally don’t go together, together. Such as oblivion realms with towns. Do everything you can to create a place that has its own unique feel and gives it life. Doing this will draw the player

in farther, and create a much better, longer lasting experience.

The Kingdom of Shadow- A normal town, inside an oblivion zone. Broken down shacks and a few ramshackle buildings. Very Similar to the Fringe area. Those shacks and houses. With some crazy statues. Trees and shrubs litter the landscape. Have a shrine or two out in the lava as if it were water. Create a forested area on the way to each of the ruins where the player goes to gather zael’s artifacts, but have all of this be inside one oblivion zone so the rocks are all crazy, lava everywhere, and the sky is weird.

Shai Jere Fortress- High up in the mountains where you cannot reach until you are teleported there from defeating Vlys. Outside appearance is just a tent up in the wilds. Have it locked and Key only to enter. Have Quov Tsin give the player the key after the defeat of Vlys as well as reward player with the Shai Jere Fortress command. Inside is an entire castle/house/living area that has many different structures. (Somewhat like noscosto Isles’ places.) create a living area that is the style of a house, then an entire barracks of a castle, as well as an indoor arboretum full of trees, a little pond, etc. Create a room that is so awesome, no one could refuse living there to display all their character’s items and things they have obtained from questing.

Arboretum Area (Inside Shai Jere Fortress)- Door to Arboretum leads to an outside area of my own making. Surrounded by walls so the player cannot leave. Japanese garden sort of architecture and placement. Its background is that it is really inside the building, but just like the fortress, it is magically made to appear as if it is outside. Have cool pathways winding through trees and shrubs with some waterfalls and statues. Have rock overhangs that the paths lead underneath, into secluded areas with little ponds or something. Make sure to at least create the feel of an arboretum. Walking along a path through a place that was designed for display and serenity. Absolutely 0 people in this area. Towards the middle of the area, have a building like Noscosto Isles’. Completely open building with actual windows that are see-through to give it more of a hut or pavilion feel. Possibly have it be two stories and have the second story be the bedroom with a waterfall coming down.

Main Bedroom/Display Area- MUST be the coolest displaying area possible to allow for people to want to have their home there. Possible to have the arboretum building bedroom area be the main one. Have it be two stories so that up in the bedroom you can look out over the arboretum areas. Try and get some sort of miniature display going on that is enclosed. Have tiny waterfalls coming off rocks and very small trees surrounding the area. If possible, enclose it and add super tiny deer to have a little deer (Ant) farm going on.

Attana’s House- Make an extravagant living area for Attana’s house. Outside have cool things like vamp’s summer retreat. Tiny mushrooms and things leading up a pathway to the entrance. Some water or pond nearby. Throw some statues and such around the place.

Tamriel Dungeons- Have some of them be the architecture of shivering isles’ dungeons. That way it’s not like some familiar area. It will throw the players sense off when it isn’t just some cave. Split it up.

1. Seal 1- Cave Xaxax 2. Seal 2- Cave Gaping Maw

3. Book- Fort Talyls

4. Seal 3- Realm of Dreams

5. Seal 4- Fort Klor Streman

6. Seal 5- Cave Writers Slumph

7. Ingredient- Cave that is a forested area. Monkshood Prism.

8. Seal 6- Fort underwater in Topal Bay. Fort Pearly Tongue

9. Altar/Shrine - Slortrof’s Caverns

The Kingdom of Shadow Dungeons-

1. Setting Sun Ruin- Standard Ayleid ruin. At the end of a forest in oblivion. 2. Tomb of Sentai- Oblivion Tower- Zael armor at the spot the sigil stone normally is. Start

in a Cave/Tomb that leads to an oblivion cave underground and then into the tower. At the transition from tomb/OB cave, have a NPC Ghost/skeleton that tells you he is Sentai and a little background on him then you have to fight him to free his spirit and pass. The OB Cave door won't open unless his spirit is at peace or something.

3. Lezanti- SI Dungeon Style 4. Gnashing Teeth- Shivering Isles Ruin- Base of a giant tree as the entrance. But this tree

has spikes (teeth) creating a mouth to enter. EDIT- Changed this area to an oblivion encroachment zone. See page 65 for more information.

5. Raithlen- Ayleid Ruin 6. Tymballa- Ayleid Ruin

-EDIT- I decided to create an outdoor maze/labyrinth area instead of just another ruin. Through thought testing it seemed pretty clear that although the transition into a gear hunt once you reach the Kingdom is a good one. That needed to be broken up a bit through either questing, or very unique areas. This quest area when searching for Zael's artifact now requires that you enter a giant labyrinth maze and activate three orbs before the way into Tymballa will open.

7. Vizjerei Halls- Shivering Isles area. Similar to Diablo 2 desert cave. High columns run the length of a giant hall. Zombies and skeletons inhabit the area. Lots of broken down/old stuff inside. Tables/chairs/chests. Perhaps have some crystals or something that wouldn't normally be there, growing/wrapping itself around the columns.

8. Nymyr Tower- Giant Tower from Oblivion Citadel. Make this thing a huge castle tower, that reaches as high as the imperial city tower. Maybe heighten the land around it for a volcano or something.

Extra Places in the Worldspace of 'The Kingdom of Shadow' 1. Lava Pools- Environmental area where the land has sunk down into a pit and pools of lava are all around. Kind of like a swamp area. Cattails and small reptiles wander around. 2. Old Hauklin- Old town that was destroyed from Vlys' minions as well as the sinking of the ground into the lava. 3. The Boardwalk- Basically an outside dungeon. I want this to be just bridges and platforms suspended up in the tree canopies. Have some large platforms where enemies will be located. Maybe a few areas with furniture and the like, but the main focus of this is to have an outside dungeon that allows nature to be the surrounding emphasis. 4. Stone Desert- I think it would be a different experience to have an area that instead of being forested or grassy plains, to have an area that is just a desert filled with rocks and alcoves. Might be tough to do AI path nodes, but we will see.

Kingdom of Shadow Entrances and Areas of Interest Screenshots

The Boardwalk

Entrance to The Kingdom of Shadow

Vizjerei Halls Entrance

Raithlen Entrance and Stone Desert

Old Hauklin

The Lava Pools

Lezanti Entrance

Gnashing Teeth Entrance

The Labyrinth

Nymyr Tower

Misc. Magical Items Found Throughout the Mod -- These items are hidden throughout the mod and if found and used provide significant permanent bonuses to the character. This allows for lower level players to feel like they are getting stronger and stronger as they progress through the mod. (Not just through leveling up, but the extra stats and increases in skills can be minor, but when combined together have a significant effect.) One thing that games in general don't do enough is have more character development. This allows high or max level characters to not only experience content, but also to continue their character development. Experiencing content is fun and enjoyable, but when combined with even more ways to increase your character, it makes the experience that much richer. 1. Kentril's Brew Book: Increases certain stats based on which path the player reads. Path of Carnage: Strength +2 Speed +2 Blade +2 Heavy Armor +2 Blunt +2 Path of the Snake: Speed +2 Agility +2 Sneak +2 Security +2 Light Armor +2 Path of the Contemplative: Intelligence +2 Destruction +2 Willpower +2 Conjuration +2 Restoration +2

2. Lactrilyl Tomato: Magical Tomato that increases skills by 1 Blade +1 Blunt +1 Marksman +1 Athletics +1 Destruction +1 Restoration +1 3. Vlys' Razor: Items spread throughout the mod that increase all attributes by 1 permanently. Currently 16 of them scattered throughout the areas visited during the storyline.

Kingdom Of Shadow Dialogue Characters of The Kingdom of Shadow and their dialogue. (Needed for recording) This is currently all in the mod, just text based supported by silent MP3s. Attana: *GREETINGS* -Hello! You must be the great adventurer I am hearing about. I desperately need your help! -Welcome! How have you faired in your travels my friend? Excellent I hope! Please, tell me about it. -Welcome. -I have not seen you in ages, friend. Pray tell me, what has transpired of late? -You've returned! Does this mean you recovered the Seal? -Let me see the seal so I can translate it. But first, I am in need of your help. *TOPIC "WOAH! SLOW DOWN. TELL ME EVERYTHING"* -I'm sorry, I forgot myself, but it is just so important that they fail! I'll start from the beginning, at least, as far as I know. -Long ago, after the creation of the Adamantine Tower, the eight divines sought a way to best create our world of Nirn. -After their counsel had convened, the world of Tamriel became populated. Some believe the hist trees of Black Marsh to be the first living things. -Eventually, as most historians know, the provinces were originally controlled by the Ayleid. Our ancestors then came and began a war against them. -This war was known as the great war of the third era, and one of the most influential in the worlds history. This was because of Tiber Septim. -The Chimer king at the time was known as King Nerevar. The look on your face says you recognize it. -Yes, this is the same Nerevar that rose up, and freed Morrowind of its Tyranny and oppression. Well, the reincarnated version of the Nerevarine. -Which brings me to my main point. We all know that the Nerevar that rose up in Morrowind defeated Dagoth Ur. But what exactly was he doing? -Dagoth Ur did betray his general, Lord Nerevar, but for what purpose. Why would someone betray one of their best friends to rule a land of sickness? -The answer to that question, is Vlys. -Vlys is among the oldest of the Daedra Princes. He is the Prince of Trickery and the Lord of Deceit. And it was he who swayed Dagoth Ur. -Dagoth Ur was defeated, but what of Vlys? The answer lies with an ancient necromancer by the name of Zael.

-Zael was one of the most powerful men to walk Tamriel. Albeit he did have help from the Aedra Azura. With her help, he crafted artifacts of power. -With these artifacts, he fought against Vlys, and imprisoned him in the emptiness between Daedric Realms. -He was able to lock Vlys away with Azura's help. She forged him six magical Seals to hold him prisoner forever. -This is what my father and his order were questing for. The sacred Seals that are holding Vlys prisoner. The Shai Jere are also looking. *TOPIC "ATTANA"* -Yes, I am Attana. What would you like to know? *TOPIC "EVENTS"* -It seems like Quov Tsin has beaten us. The only option remaining is to track the Seal down and steal it. -I do, however, know of a certain informant that my father would use. I'm not sure if he still lives, but he is our only hope of recovering this Seal. -He lives in the Colovian Highlands, at the mouth of a river, North of Kvatch. Tell him Attana, the daughter of Kintor sent you and you need his help. *TOPIC "WHAT'S GOING ON?"* -It's my father, Kentril. His body is rejecting the medicine I have been using to sustain his life. *TOPIC "WHAT CAN I DO"* -I need you to gather a very rare ingredient for me, as I need to tend to him. This plant is even more rare than Nirnroot. -The only place that it remains is in underground caves, many of which have been ransacked or have collapsed. -I know of one that may not have been touched yet. I need you to travel to the Transcendent Gardens and look for Lai Tuncheq. -It looks almost exactly like a pile of slime. You can't miss it. The cave is South East of Skingrad. Here is your translation for the Seal. *TOPIC "FIRST SEAL"* -Ah, so Kentril suggests the engraving is Aedric does he? Hmm, well, it looks like he is correct.

*TOPIC "HAND ATTANA THE FIRST SEAL"* -Hmm. Yes, there is definitely a code here, but it seems to be in the form of a riddle. -"The sun shines brightly, such a large size. But the true goal is the Lost Zenith, upon rests the second prize. -"Look to the North East, at the Dragon's Claw, and what is waiting for you inside the Deep Maw." -That's all that is written, however it means nothing to me. Maybe Kentril can figure it out. *TOPIC "QUOV TSIN"* -He is a high ranked battle mage working under the Shai Jere order. He has been working with them as long as I can remember. -My father used to tell me stories of how he and his brethren would constantly hinder their progress. I only hope that we can avoid him. *TOPIC "WHAT? HOW DO YOU KNOW FOR CERTAIN?"* -Haha! My friend, you have a lot to learn about me. I told you my mother was a scholar of ancient languages. -I taught myself a bit about the Aedric Language while my father was out on is travels. Let me take a close look and I'll see if I can translate it. *TOPIC "SECOND SEAL"* -Ah, so you figured out the clues then. Good, let me see what this one says. I'm sure I can translate it. -Ah, yes. It says "You seek the third, but you shall have nothing. In the realm where even the frailest are strong. Where the Small are Giant. -"And where the unconsciousness rules. Look to yourself and you may have it yet." -I would suggest talking to Kentril again and hope he has any clue as to what it means. *TOPIC "SEALS"* -Wonderful! let me see them and I'll translate both for you. -Ok, the third Seal reads "Without the Fifth I am but dust. But together we fuse as Bone. Beneath the waves, the sun shines bright..." -I'm afraid that's all there is on that one. Perhaps like it says, when you recover the fifth, it will match up and finish the riddle. Now the other. -The fourth reads "On the road paved with gold, where the loop is found, look to the North and find the Old."

-Well, we don't need Kentril for this one. The path paved with gold can only be one thing. The Gold Road. -If you follow it West from the Imperial City towards Skingrad, you will happen upon a spot where the road makes a loop. Head north from there. -Luck be with you, my friend, and thank you for everything you are doing for us. *TOPIC "SHAI JERE"* -They are an evil order that is constantly pursuing the sacred Seals in the hopes to gather them together, and then destroy them. -They were the ones that attacked my father and his men. My father is the only one alive, and barely. *TOPIC "BACKGROUND"* -I grew up on an island north of Skyrim. My father, Kintor, would often travel, which led to me tending the gardens and tidying up the house. -My mother died when I was very young. I am told that she was a scholar and researcher of ancient languages, as well as alchemy. -While my father was gone on his travels, I farmed and prepared for winter, although in Skyrim, it's like every day is winter. -I love to read. While my father was away, I read and taught myself a bit about alchemy and ingredients. -I used to sit at the table and practice telekinesis while I read, that way I didn't have to sweep up the house myself. I never was good at it though. -I usually knocked things down or spilled stuff, and had to spend more time cleaning that up anyway. I gave up on that a long time ago. *TOPIC "WITH WHAT?"* -My father was part of a sacred order charged with protecting the six sacred Seals. Another order is now challenging his. They seek to destroy them! *TOPIC "KINTOR"* -Kintor is my father. He would leave me during the summers and venture out all across Tamriel with a sacred order. They were hunting for the Seals. -Just recently my father and his followers were attacked by members of the Shai Jere, and he has fallen into a coma. -Everyone following him were slain, and I came down from our home in Skyrim to care for him, as I could not risk moving him such a great distance.

*TOPIC "SHAI JERE"* (2) -This is the order that is seeking to destroy the Seals, and unleash Vlys upon the world of Tamriel once again. *TOPIC "WHY IS VLYS SUCH A THREAT?"* -Even Merhunes Dagon is afraid of Vlys. He may not be as strong or powerful as some of the Daedric Princes, but he is the most clever. -He can persuade and sway people to his side or point of view, creating a myriad of followers, while bolstering his power. -If Vlys were free to walk Tamriel again, the end would come, I am sure of it. Not even Mundus could stop it, in his own realm! -I implore you please! You must locate the Seals and use them to reinforce the barrier containing Vlys. We must preserve everything that we love! -When my father was attacked, he carried a journal on him. It's over on that stand. I believe it has something to do with where the Seals are located. -Please, I'm begging you, you must not allow such great evil to be unleashed upon us all! Take my father's journal and continue his sacred quest! *SPECIAL SPEECHES* *ATTANA DEATH SPEECH* -Adventurer, it's Quov Tsin, he's found us! Help me! He must not succeed... -You must stop ... Ugh... freeing Vlys... save... world. (Happening while searching for the ingredient to save Kintor)

Kentril: *GREETINGS* -Hi there! What can I do for you? I've got wines and beer, which do you prefer? -Ah, you've returned! Did you find it? Did you find the Seal? -Welcome again friend! Err. Uh. Hmm. What brings you out here? -Welcome! -You return! Did you obtain the book? It may be our only way of deciphering this riddle. -Are you ready? -You're awake! Amazing! I thought you would never wake up. You have been out for almost an entire week! -Yes? -What is it? Your face is grave. What has happened? -You've returned! Was it there? *TOPIC "I KNOW BUT WE MUST REMAIN ON TASK"* -*Sigh* You're right. We cannot get deviated from our goals. The imprisonment of Vlys must be of the highest priority. -Alright, let me see those seals. They should help us find the final Seal. -When I combine the third and fifth Seal together, they read "Without the fifth I am but dust, but together we fuse as bone. -"Beneath the Waves, the sun shines bright. I have given to the world, and the world I take. Look to the Bay, and revel at the sight." -Hmm... So the first part was just letting us know that we needed the fifth Seal. It states "Beneath the waves" that most likely is the ocean. -If we take a look at a map of Cyrodiil, we can see that it is touched by the sea in only two places. Abecean Sea, and Topal Bay. -I believe that you should start your search at Topal Bay, perhaps underneath the waves. Good luck friend, I fear you will need it. *TOPIC "ATTANA'S DEATH"* -What! That murdering bastard! We must hunt him down and kill him! He can't get away with this! *TOPIC "GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!"* -Oh, err, hmm, yes. I have only been able to figure the location of one of the seals. My whole life I've done this, and only a hint of one!

*TOPIC "..."* -Anyway, through ancient tomes I have figured that the first seal lies in Xaxax. A cave named after a demon that Zael summoned. -I would make my way there, It is located somewhere between the Orange road, and the Red Ring Road. Err, hmm, yes. Happy travels! *TOPIC "WHAT? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?"* -You venture into a dream realm, and you ask me how that is possible? I don't know, but in any case, I have some dire news. -While you have been gone, we have learned that Quov Tsin and his Shai Jere brethren have somehow managed to obtain a Seal. -How they did this without knowing the engravings is beyond me, but none the less, we must act swiftly. -Please, return to Attana. Tell her of the recent events, and decide on a plan of action. I shall await your return friend! *TOPIC "BOOK"* -Excellent! This is wonderful news. Let me browse through these pages. -*Cough* Hmm. Aha. Err. Hmm Yes. If they become stronger... -Ah! Yes. Quite! I do believe I have figured this here puzzle out my good friend. -It would seem that the realm that the riddle speaks of is Vermina's. Or, in other words, the Realm of Dreams. -I believe if you were to be put into a subconscious state, you could venture forth and receive the third Seal. -I think I have just the thing. Some of my Special Brew. Talk to me again when you are ready. *TOPIC "NO, NOTHING, BUT THERE IS AN ENGRAVING"* -Ah! Err, hmm, yes, let me see. Hmmm. Ah! I do believe this to be err.. hmm.. yes that is right. Hmm. Yes, it does appear to be that of the Aedra. -Ahha! Err.. Hmm.. Yes, the Aedra. They were the ancients that were first conceived by the Divines during the creation of Nirn. -Unfortunately, I myself cannot even comprehend something as this. This is a dead end for me my friend, I only hope Attana has better news. *TOPIC "RIDDLE"* -Hmm... Err. Yes, maybe... Hmm.. So, if we assume that the Dragon's Claw is Dragon Claw Rock, then maybe.. Hmm... -Then maybe you need to travel to Dragon Claw Rock and then travel North East, looking for something looking like a maw? Err... Hmm...

-That would be my guess, although I have no clue as to what the "deep maw" is referring to. -Hmm, so the third we are seeking. Err. Hmm. What is this about realms where it seems like people are changing? The frailest are strong? Hmm. -Err. Um. Hmm. You see, Err. There was this book that I could never find. Err. Hmm. Yes, it is a very old book. The last remaining dealing with Seals. -Unfortunately, I have no clue of its whereabouts. I gave up searching for it millennia ago. I would check with the First Addition Bookstore. -The book was entitled "Kstavir Uknastival" and houses many dark secrets. Be wary of what you encounter on the path to obtaining this. *TOPIC "YES I AM READY"* -Ah! Very good. Um. Err. Yes maybe. Aha! This may feel a bit odd... *TOPIC "NO I AM NOT READY"* -Well, Come back to me when you are. *TOPIC "WINES AND BEER? I'M HERE FOR ATTANA"* -Ah, pardon me, I am terribly sorry about that. Don't let the atmosphere fool you either, it's my cover. -For you see, I am truly a sophisticated scholarly chap that loves delving through the odd manuscript or two. Now what can I do for you? *TOPIC "FIRST SEAL"* -Ah, ahmm, yes, sorry. I just get so caught up in it. I can't help myself, it's better than Skooma! -Amazing! I never thought that I would see the day... This is extraordinary! Was there anything else with it? *TOPIC "YES, I HAVE THE FIRST SEAL"* -Wonderful! You must get them to the Altar and use them to lock Vlys away. The altar was built just after the Ayleids came to power. *TOPIC "SO WHAT DOES THAT HAVE TO DO WITH IT?"* -Everything M'boy, everything! The altar was built under where the Imperial City is located today! -I don't know where exactly, but it is underneath the city. I wouldn't expect it to be in the sewers though. -It was said that it is resting deep in the winding and twisting catacombs of the ancient Ayleid ruins.

-The city's excavation foreman just uncovered the entrance to a ruin under the city. See if you can get in and search for an entry into the catacombs. *TOPIC "SEAL LORE"* -Ah, why yes! I am a Seal historian. Did you know that Zael had such a fear of drowning, that it was said he had a Seal imbued with underwater breath? -Imagine it, Him... fear drowning. Ha!

Shady Figure: *GREETINGS* -Well, hello there! What can I do for you my friend? -I've already told you what you need to know. Leave me be. *TOPIC "Kstavir Uknastival"* -You must be careful to whom you speak that name, Mortal. The words of my lord shall not be uttered by those of unworthy tongues. -My friends and I have guarded the secret of this book for generations. It has passed hands from my father's father, to him, and unto me. -We have traveled all over Tamriel obscuring its presence from prying eyes. I am reluctant, but if it will help with what must be done, then so be it. -It lies now in an ancient fort along the border of Cyrodiil and the Black Marsh. -Be wary, my people have taken certain... precautions, to keep the book safe. If you venture into this place, know it is of your own doing. Dream World Phantom: *GREETINGS* -Hehe! Hahaha! You've come! Did you drink it? Did you taste it? It was good, wasn't it! What did it taste like for you? Everyone is different. *TOPIC "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"* -The Brew! Kentril's Special Brew! He must have given it to you too! So, what did it taste like? Mine tasted like Unicorn Giggles. Hehehe! *TOPIC "I'VE COME FOR THE SEAL"* -Ah! You too huh? It's a shame that I got to it before you did though. Too bad I'm not going to give it to you. *TOPIC "THIS IS MY DREAM ISN'T IT?"* -Why, yes it is. Why? *TOPIC "THEN I COMMAND YOU TO GIVE IT TO ME!"* -This is not your Realm! This is my Realm! You think you have power over me, Vermina? You will not have it until I deem you worthy!

First Edition NPC: *GREETINGS* -What do you want? -Get out of my face! I don't even want to speak with you. *TOPIC "Kstavir Uknastival"* -Aye. I know of it. Well, of what it is said to be. It is a fictional book. Written by some deranged mage well into his years. -I don't feel comfortable talking about this with you. If you really want to know more, check over at Chorrol. Quov Tsin: *GREETINGS* -NO! NO! I thought I could stop you! Thought I could get here in time! What have you done! You've doomed us all! -Are you ready to venture into the Kingdom? *TOPIC "WHAT'S GOING ON?"* -You were deceived! Betrayed! All along you were fallowing her plans, her orders. Did you not even question them? *TOPIC "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO HER!"* -Ha! The blood you saw was mine! She is Vlys' companion! I went to attack her and end it, but she was more powerful than anticipated. -She fought me off with tooth and nail. I recuperated and headed here to try and stop you, but it was too late. -You freed Vlys! You used the very Seals that were meant to lock him away, and you released him. There is only one remaining option left. *TOPIC "AND WHAT IS THAT?"* -You unleashed this evil, and it is your duty to end it. You must venture into his realm and put a stop to it. -Vlys has retreated there to build up his physical power before he invades Tamriel. The only hope is if you can locate the artifacts of Zael.

*TOPIC" ARTIFACTS OF ZAEL"* -They are the ancient items of power that the necromancer Zael used when he fought against Vlys. -Legend has it that Zael placed them in Vlys' very kingdom so that if this were ever to happen, whoever ventured there could retrieve his power. -You must go there, retrieve the artifacts, and strike down Vlys before he regains the strength that was sapped from him in the Void. -Speak to me again when you are ready. And make sure you are. There is no coming back until Vlys is dead, and I don't know what you will encounter. *TOPIC "YES"* -Very well. Be expected for anything, and Akatosh be with you. *TOPIC "NO" -Very well, return to me when you are. *SPECIAL SPEECH* *QUOV TSIN VOID SPEECH* - Hero, it's Quov Tsin! Vlys has tried to imprison you in the Void. We only have a few moments before the window of opportunity closes. - You will be sealed inside forever unless we can get you out! The presence of Zael's artifacts are reacting within the Void. It is becoming unstable. - You must keep moving. There is no telling what will happen. We are trying to bring you out, but it will take time. - Kentril, keep that seal still! We must keep the link open! Come on! Keep running! - This is it! We won't have another chance. Everyone get ready! Kentril, open the portal! Do it! Pull! Channel the energy! We must save.....

Dumont (informant): *GREETINGS* -Who are you? What are you doing here? *TOPIC "ATTANA SENT ME. SHE IS THE DAUGHER.."* -I know who she is! What do you want then? *TOPIC "I SEEK THE LOCATION OF THE SHAI JERE"* -Huh, those dogs eh? Well, what have you got? Information is a commodity. I'm going to need some serious payment for that information. *TOPIC "IT'S ATTANA ASKING YOU FOR THE FAVOR."* -Humph, well, in that case, the Shai Jere battle mages are taking refuge in a fort to the East until they get their next orders. -I'd make my way over there right quick to get to them in time. *TOPIC "COOKING FIRE"* -I don't use the chimneys because I'm secretive. Someone in my line of work doesn't like to be noticed. Think I want all that smoke giving me away? -And before you ask, I'm rarely here, that's why there isn't anything in here Hauklin Smith: *GREETINGS* - What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here! They burned our home and killed my son, and now you have brought them back! Leave this place! *TOPIC "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"* - Vlys! He has returned, and has picked up right where he left off, turning this world into a nightmare. - First our homes, and now he has released some of his most fearsome creatures onto the land. - You'd best stay clear of them, and if any of them manage to spot you, run! *TOPIC "I'M SORRY ABOUT YOUR FAMILY... BUT I"* - I know why you've come! I wouldn't help you 'cept my boy would've wanted it. What little I know of the items you seek was passed down to me. - My father would tell me the stories of how Zael and Xaxax would battle their way into Nymyr Tower felling Deadra and Dremora alike.

- What little I know is that after the battle, Zael placed each item at its own shrine, located all over the Kingdom. - I will give you what information I can about where each piece is located, but I'm afraid it's all just a guess. You will have to work things out. - Please, leave me. I need to be alone. Attana True Form: *GREETINGS* - Hello again. It's so wonderful that you've come. - I see you have gathered Zael's artifacts, but it doesn't matter. Once my Prince gathers his strength, he will destroy Tamriel. - Thank you, friend, for helping me in my time of need, but this is where we must part ways. Farewell.

Vlys: *SPECIAL SPEECH* *VLYS ALTAR SPEECH* -Ah! Yes! This is wonderful! I am finally free to walk the land of Tamriel once more! All shall tremble before me! They will beg for death! -But! I have not forgotten about you, my faithful disciple. For it was you who collected those cursed seals and freed me! -May hap's your deeds will be written in my book. But first, we must collect the children. They are needed to write copies of it. -For you see, its leather is human skin, and its spine is infants teeth. I can hear them now, screaming as they watch the slaughter! -Ah, the sound is so soothing. Perhaps I will reanimate some to adorn my bedchambers. -Make your way to my kingdom disciple, and you shall be rewarded beyond your dreams. *VLYS THRONE ROOM SPEECH* - Ah you've come! My faithful disciple. How great your rewards will... WHAT! You have Zael's artifacts! - No matter. You are too late. I have my power back, and not you nor anyone else will stop me. - I applaud your dedication, but it wasn't enough. Now, if you please, I have an army to build. - Goodbye

Images and Descriptions of Gameplay Space, Events, and Implementation

In this section, I will be taking you through some of the major areas and game play events and explaining my thoughts of why I did certain things, and how I implemented them to achieve my ideas. This will be linear starting with the beginning of the mod. 1. Attana's House- When I was thinking how to properly create the very first area that the player will go to, I really wanted to just make it incredible. By that I mean I wanted to put things into the space that either made the player go "Whoa!" because it was so out of ordinary and out of place. So I thought a bit about progression and if I was going to successfully create a memorable and fun quest line, I couldn't do that. If you let the player experience the biggest and best stuff right away, it can be awesome for the reveal and for a short time afterwards, but eventually they get used to it, and that amazing place you've created now becomes the norm. I needed to dial it back a little bit and just make a place that bordered that line of being alien. I ended with a Shivering Isles building that had a few foreign plants hanging off the windowsills and growing on the walls. It is located just off the Orange Road in the forest. It draws the players attention but doesn't seem completely out of place. The inside is pretty standard for a house. A table and some chairs take up the center section, while a couple shelves filled with some journals/clutter line the walls. A wastebasket with a few pieces of paper and a scroll hide a Vlys' Razor inside, allowing the player that searches to begin to find those little things that make them think "this is going to be awesome".

2. Gaping Maw Dungeon- This is the second dungeon the player visits, and by timings, I felt that this was a good point to show the player something substantially different. This is located Northeast of Bruma/Dragon Claw Rock up in the mountains. I felt that this area should feel like a long lost ruin that was constructed long ago. The player travels from Dragon Claw Rock Northeast to this area, and I felt that the reveal of the entrance being a giant face that has been broken and worn down suited it perfectly. The player has to scale a small hill before being able to get a full glimpse of the entrance. They can see the towers and overhangs from a distance, but have to actually reach the peak of a small slope before seeing the actual entrance, which is beginning to get overgrown with different flora.

The inside of this area is of Shivering Isles Ruins architecture. The player enters and immediately can tell that the area is old. Some busted columns and rubble covers the right hand side, while a broken statue leans from its pedestal on the left. A door is at the end of this short hallway that opens into a slightly larger area where the player can immediately see enemies gathered around some statues up a small flight of stairs, directly in the middle of this room. Once this area is clear, the player then has two choices. They can either continue straight through a door into the next cell/level of the dungeon, or they can take a right and proceed up some stairs, into a small chamber where another enemy is located, and then onwards to the next level. This was where I decided to connect the two

areas. The player can either choose to take the lower door, or venture upstairs to that door. Both doors lead to the same cell of the dungeon. The choice however is that the bottom door leads to a more stealth oriented approach. With only one enemy in a main corridor that leads upwards, and a trap in the floor that drops the player down to another enemy, they then have to climb back up and out a secret passage to get back to the main path. The top door however, starts at the top and works its way down, passing through a few enemies and coming upon a room with enemies behind closed gates. In order to pass, the player must open the gates and fight the enemies. Both choices eventually lead to the middle area where a small room opens into a room with three switches. Each switch opens the floor directly below it, making the player fall down into a small room with either a trap, nothing, or an enemy. This is where they get to choose which way they proceed down. You cannot get back up top to try a different path unless you complete the dungeon and go back in the entrance. This acts as a sort of very small maze where the player can drop down into one room, drop through that, and move to a different one, rather than just dropping straight down, they can move left and right. At the bottom is a medium sized room that just contains some clutter and the door to continue onwards into the room with a Seal Item.

3. Realm of Dreams- With this space, my goal was to create just a completely weird environment. Something that would continually change and wouldn't be consistent. I wanted it to feel how dreams are, where one moment you are in a cave or on a building, and the next that you realize you can be on a beach or up in a plane. I felt that skipping around and constantly changing environments was the key here. The player starts out in a giant cavern space with emptiness below them. Starting on a rock floating in the emptiness with a single bridge extending outwards. There are floating crystals that keep brightening and dulling while furniture floats around at different angles. This particular area has three different doorways. The player must traverse the bridges to reach the doorways, and all but one of them is locked. This keeps the player going in a certain order as they progress. The first two areas are just floating traps and walkways amid darkness, but the third opens up into a small world space that has a creek running through it. A few trees and small shrubs line the banks, while a little bridge crosses in the middle. At the end of the area is a giant tree with a small overhanging architecture and some plants. Little fireflies are all over this space and provide a serene feeling to the space. This is where the player runs into a crazy person. The point of this was to allow an interaction with something supposedly in a dream world that has a connection to experiences in the past for the player. It mentions some events that they previously played through, and gives that element of the subconscious. I'm not entirely sure it was as successful to what I imagined it to be, but some friends that have played through it caught on to that aspect.

4. Klor Streman Dungeon- When I was planning out what I wanted for this dungeon, I thought back on the purpose of why the player is going here, and what it was for. This dungeon is a small stronghold area for the Shai Jere faction, and the player goes here to locate a stolen Seal Item. That being established, I realized that I should not use any traps, and it is a perfect place for a stealth character to just go steal it back rather than fight their way through. The game space is a standard fort dungeon in architecture, with two separate paths. The player can either choose to come in from up top and fight their way through, or they can drop off of a bridge to the lower levels and then sneak their way back up and around, eventually both paths lead into an area where the Seal Item is located. The NPC's have patrol packages to move small areas back and forth allowing the stealth characters to bypass most of them if they chose.

5. Monkshood Prism Dungeon- This dungeon is for the quest stage where the player must search an underground dungeon that is supposed to be this underground grotto area. I wanted it to feel like the caves that the player has been through in the normal game, but then add in flora that isn't ever in them. It is meant to be some magical grotto where even though it's underground and these types of things shouldn't grow there, they are still somehow there. The player starts out in a normal cave with very little that is different. As they progress downwards, more and more plants start to appear, and in the big caverns, even some trees are growing. Eventually the player reaches the final level of the dungeon where it is the most alien. The player emerges from a bushy area into a medium sized room and can take in the view of plants all around, some vines and mushrooms hanging from the ceilings. As the player moves through the space, fighting a few enemies and progressing through some traps, (I will go in depth with my trap placement and usage of traps in the next section) they eventually come upon an altar where the ingredient should be. At this point they trip a trigger box that starts a Speech conversation from a static NPC that is for reference so it is like a person is talking to you through magic from a distant location. In essence it works just like Daedric shrines. During this time, it is Attana speaking to you through magic, who is under attack by Quov Tsin. I haven't recorded any sound yet, so it is all text is done with silent MP3s, but the goal was to have the player trip this trigger, and listen as she comes under attack, to make the player further believe that the Shai Jere faction is the one they should be fighting against. At this point the quest abandons the ingredient and the new objective is to rush back to see if Attana is alright.

6. Underwater Fort In Topal Bay- This is the last area where you obtain a Seal Item, and as such, I felt that from a players perspective, if they have believed the story so far and understood that this is the last thing they need before they seal Vlys away, it would make sense to have this area be a little different and a bit more difficult so that it draws the player in that much more. Hopefully they are now thinking that they must be or could be near the end of the quest because it's a different area and a harder one. The start of this dungeon is underwater. As the player has already collected a Seal Item that gave them underwater breathing, it allowed me to make an area without enemies that was just an underwater cave system that the player moves around in. I found that this was a unique experience as it felt a lot like being at a perfect weight underwater when SCUBA Diving. Being a certified Open Water diver, it matched almost perfectly to what I have experienced. The cave has a ton of curves and angles and turns that seem to rotate around you as you swim in this environment. When you are perfectly balanced underwater, you can be at any rotation angle, and still feel that below your feet is down, even though they could be pointing directly to the surface. I think I succeeded in taking that feeling and creating this short area that lets one experience that. Once the player emerges from this underwater area into the next level of the dungeon, they begin their climb. Constantly moving upwards, the player fights through lower level Daedric beasts (Scamps/Clanfears/etc) as cave ins happen behind them as they progress. I placed the trigger boxes linked to the collapses from where the player was, and through playing it, it feels like it is a very unstable underground passage. The cave in traps fall outside the visible play area, so only the effect of a shaking and blurry screen can affect the player. In terms of architecture, this dungeon is a standard cave system. Nothing is very different from the norm, other than it being inhabited by Daedric beasts and caving in. However, when the player eventually makes their way through and comes to the exit, they emerge in an enclosed space that is unique to its Seal Item. For this space, everything was tied to a giant Pearl. Underwater entrance, some underwater movement, and eventually, when the player enters this space, they finally can realize what the seal will be. In keeping with it being a Pearl, I felt that it couldn't just be an altar with a pearl on it, or a clam you open and find a pearl. It needed to be a place that feels like the environment idolizes the Pearl. When the player emerges from the underground tunnels, they enter a small space enclosed by high walls. There are a few trees directly in front of the player, and they open up to a small pond with a sort of mini peninsula extending into the pond. Out at the end, there is a small altar with the Pearl Seal Item floating above it, and all over, the ground is covered with clams. The player must make their way across them to reach the Seal. Although nothing happens other than walking, it changes the way a person behaves. When a player gets used to an environment, they bypass details. But when something like this is thrown into the mix, a person is not used to it, so they might not know what it could be. Could it be a sort of trap? Or is it just a cool area? Regardless

of if it is a trap or not, it can have an impact on play style. They may take it slow thinking something will happen, or they might not want to even touch the clams, they would try and walk around and then swim out. Small things like that, even though nothing may happen, can have an impact on the way a player experiences a game play space. 7. Caverns (Final Dungeon Before Entering the Kingdom of Shadow)- At this point, the player has collected all six Seal Items and is now ready to use them to seal Vlys away. If the player still believes that they are doing just that, they expect this to be the final area and then usually some sort of boss fight or event. In terms of keeping the continuity between areas, this is just standard Ayleid dungeon architecture that has a little bit tougher Daedric beasts for enemies. Keeping the mindset that the player will have at least bought a little bit into the story, they expect this area to be the last place. If it is too short, they may get suspicious, and if it is too long, they may grow tired of going through dungeons. This is the point where the tension is at its peak, and the player realizes it. They have the items they need, and they are on their way to use them. The length of this area must be perfect. I cannot let that tension and excitement level die down, or it won't be as big of a reveal as I want. This dungeon is a standard ruin where the player just fights or sneaks their way through two levels to reach an almost empty room. The only thing in this room is Vlys' Altar. The point of this is to let the player know that this is the place they need to be. This is the last spot where something will happen. They don't know what, and that makes it that much better. In the middle of the room is the altar with some candles on top. Mini

statues of the nine divines are placed along the backside and a baby skeleton is laying on top, in between the candles. The legs and arms are switched, giving an eerie feeling to those who take the time to inspect it.

This draws that tension out just a little bit longer, as some people may inspect the room and environment thinking that it could be a trap, a boss fight, who knows. At this point, the player readies themselves for the confrontation, wherever it may come from, and then they activate the altar. This works exactly like Daedric shrines where a voice from nowhere speaks to the player. In between lines of dialogue, reference lightning and swirling mist is activated and deactivated as if something is happening while Vlys talks to the player. This is the point where the reveal happens. Where it is now 100% clear that the player has been deceived into actually releasing the evil rather than sealing it away. If the player has been invested in the story and in the progression, this can be a very powerful moment, and following it, a disabled NPC becomes enabled and then runs a script to walk up and talk with the player. This NPC is Quov Tsin who explains to the player what just happened in case they somehow didn't understand, and pieces together some elements that may have been missing. This is the time now where the player can see that the quest/story definitely isn't over, and that they now have new allies, new enemies, and an entirely new area to venture to, which is at this moment, completely foreign to them. The player knows nothing about it, only that it is there, building an even greater excitement to travel there.

8. The Kingdom of Shadow Landscape- This is where the real challenge for me came into play. This is not just a small game space or an oblivion zone. It is an entire small world. It contains points of interest, multiple dungeons, a medium sized cave system that runs under lava and connects land masses, some small settlements, and a few natural formations. For those who have not played the game, having my character run straight, from the West to East side of this zone, takes about 5 to 8 minutes, depending on your character's speed. For those who have played or even made this style of area, it is 22 Cells wide, by 14 Cells High, respectively. The main goal of this area is to provide the player an entirely new world to explore and discover. The history behind it dictates that it is now sinking into the ocean of lava that surrounds it. There are many examples of areas struck by either seismic activity or just sinking down, taking buildings, statues, and land alike. I also wanted to combine oblivion architecture with normal game architecture and land space. As if the Oblivion architecture is spreading death and corruption through the land, slowly encroaching on what was there, taking over the areas it invades. I felt like it should act like Creep from Blizzard's Starcraft universe. When these areas take control, they start to branch out and take over the surrounding land, giving many of the areas a very unique feel to them. I also absolutely had to have the sky be something different. I feel that I succeeded in creating a world space that is both familiar in objects, but very alien in layout and exciting with prospect of discovery. 9. The Lava Pools- The Lava Pools is a landscape area located almost directly in the center of the Kingdom. Eventually, no matter how the player travels, they will run into it on their way to the dungeons. I was really inspired by swamps and those pools that have gas pockets underneath that release little bits at a time, creating bubbles that rise up and burst at the surface. I wanted to create an area that was sunk down into the ground from the normal height, and made the player very curious as to what was down in it. The area consists of many different pools of lava with lava rock in between. Some small groups of cattails have managed to grow around the edges of some of the pools. Small reptilian creatures wander around and a little hut outpost had been constructed recently for someone to stay. On the Southwest side, a section of Old Hauklin has sunk with the ground leading into the Lava Pools. One very strong goal for me was to create not just a unique area, but also for these landmarks, an actual major landmark area that acts as a waypoint. By that I mean if two people are talking, and one is describing an area to the other, but the person listening does not know that location, they can find a location known to both of them and proceed from there. The goal for these landmarks was to create that way finding location to be used in quest log entries and in general descriptions. (Next page for screenshots)

10. Old Hauklin- This environmental location is part of a quest where you must travel here to retrieve a soul fragment. The history of this little town was that it was the main area in the Kingdom, and had lived peacefully for years until the player freed Vlys. Upon making his return, Vlys unleashed strong demons and monsters across the land to bring destruction and chaos. This town has been burned to the ground and now Daedric enemies inhabit the area. This place has sunk into the Lava Pools on the backside, and was just meant to be an overall area that can show the player that there is some interaction in the world. Stuff is going on, even though they may not experience it or witness it firsthand. It also provides great areas to place chests and containers, as well as Vlys' Razor Items for those that take the time to explore.

11. Stone Desert- Another landscape area that is absent of trees and most foliage. Desert of different sized rock. There are rocks that are twice as tall as the characters, all the way down to ones you can step over. It makes for a very interesting play style. The player can run in between the rocks, jump on top of them, but the enemies can't get on top for the most part. Obviously you run into problems when it's a melee enemy and the player is up on a rock shooting it with arrows or magic. Therefore, every enemy in the area is some sort of ranged, be it bow, magic, or summons, that way the AI paths worked correctly, and if a player was up on the rocks shooting the enemy could fire back, and if the player was a melee character, they have to drop down and fight anyway. With this fix, the player can always be reached for damage, and the enemies can always be killed by all three of the combat styles. 12. The Boardwalk- This area spawned as an idea when I was thinking that all throughout the game Oblivion, there is an incredible amount of outside space, but the only places where you actually run into enemies is either random spawns of forest creatures (Tolls/wolves/mountain lions/ etc) or it is at the entrances and points of interest. There are no outdoor "dungeons" if you will, where the landscape or environment provides a dungeon like experience. I grew up with a boardwalk running up a mountain behind where I lived, and thought that it would be pretty cool to have something like that in game.

The Boardwalk has one major entrance but through natural formations such as rocks and raised hills, has roughly three. The Boardwalk consists of just different bridges and platforms that are suspended and placed throughout the forest. If you think of a cave or dungeon we can say that it needs walls, a ceiling, and multiple passages and adjoining rooms, otherwise it obviously becomes very basic and most likely un fun. I decided to try and take those elements of main rooms, sub rooms, and passageways in between to create a dungeon layout, but out in the Worldspace. The player can enter at the main entrance and take the stairs leading up to the first platform. Once they reach this point, they come to the split. where they can choose which way they would like to proceed. Each way continues to move throughout the forest at the treetop level, looking down on the forest floor. It continues to have different branches and levels as it moves uphill or across the valley. The objective of this area is to create the feel of a dungeon in an outside space, using the natural connection of trees and sky to simulate walls and ceiling. On the platforms the player finds that they are inhabited and populated with beds, shelves, books, food, paintings, etc. Yet they are still outside and can drop off and go anywhere they want at any time. However, on that same note, if the player is knocked off, from blocking and recoiling, or missteps, they will also fall and have to go back to the entrance or find another way up.

13. Lezanti Ruin- Entrance to a Dungeon Ruin. It was on top of a small mountain that has slowly sunk down towards the lava, taking the ruin with it. It was just an old ruin until the releasing of Vlys. Now undead roam the area and an alchemist set up a portal so he could explore the tower. Inside, the tower is very old and run down. The first level of the ruin is slanted as if it were on the slope of the hillside as well. High columns with trigger boxes control when they will play an animation to collapse, lending an almost urgent feeling to the player's actions. Rubble piles are everywhere, some passages are even blocked by cave ins, forcing the player to explore everywhere in order to proceed. Switches to hidden walls let the player pass around caved in areas and blocked doorways. Trigger boxes continue to make pillars crumble when the player explores the environment. I really felt that this ruin should feel old and frail, as if it could crumble at any point. Its base is already sinking with the landscape and the inside should be as well.

14. Gnashing Teeth- Cave system that leads into an underground ruin. The entrance is an oblivion style cave and near an encroachment point where it is starting to take over the nearby forest. The cave system is oblivion cave architecture that as the player goes deeper, eventually comes upon an area where an entrance to a long lost ruin has broken through one of the walls, allowing the player to enter this ruin.

15. The Labyrinth- This was a huge focus for me. My goal was to create a giant maze that the player had to pass through in order to enter the next dungeon. I started to lay out the paths and the areas the player could travel and came up with three major routes that all led to the entrance. Looking over it, I realized that if I had left it alone like that, it wouldn't get explored to the full extent, and a player would progress through it way too quickly. To fix this situation, I decided that in order to progress into the ruin, the player would have to activate three different orbs that would then disable one of three gates blocking the entrance. This forces the player to make their way through not just to the end of the maze, but also to three nodes located throughout it, causing the player to explore more, spend more time in the environment, and have a better appreciation when they finally get the last gate down. Being in a few giant mazes myself, it seems like a solid idea to put up two towers that the player can enter a portal and appear on top, allowing them look out over the maze and find where they need to go. This worked quite well, but through testing I found myself wandering some and realized that a player needs more than just the one or two reference points to understand the layout. That is where the themes came in. For each of the different sections that contain paths to each orb and to the end of the maze, I chose a theme. One being ordered architecture and environmental objects, the other two being Shivering Isles Mania, and Oblivion/Daedric styles. This allows the player to be able to recognize roughly where they are located, as well as being able to look up over the walls and see the giant mushroom or the Daedric claw sticking up over it to know where they need to head towards. The game play space consists of hallways roughly 4-5 character spaces across, allowing for plenty of movement throughout for either sneaking by or fighting, as well as summoning creatures to help. On the Ordered side, dead mushroom tree branches and roots hang over walls and split holes in some. Giant rock overhangs create mini caves to pass through to different paths. Ash storm FX's provide a different environment than the mania or Daedric sides. Low level chests are scattered throughout the entire labyrinth in locations that dead end. There are two areas that are "hidden" where a Vlys' Razor is placed. Each orb is guarded by a mini boss creature relative to the theme. The entire maze is enclosed except for the entrance, the entrance into Tymballa, and a small area where the player can jump across some rocks and enter a cave to fight one of the world bosses. I used a sigil stone activator and re-scripted it to display a message for the player knowing that something has happened, and disable one of the gate references, as well as remove the quest target marker for that orb.

16. Cave System Under Lava- Oblivion architecture style. Pretty standard. There isn't anything that shouldn't belong. Normal Daedric beast enemies. This was just to create a system of caves that stretched from the Northwest of the Kingdom to the Northwestern Island. Consists of three main caves to go from mainland to island, and then in the middle another two caves to go northeast to another section of the mainland. Two entrance points. Inside the northeastern system is another branch that leads to a two level cave where another world boss is located. Total of eleven different cave cells combined. that stretch out under the lava and connect the mainland to the islands. The game play space is pretty standard to a normal Oblivion Cave. Small compact tunnels that lead into wide openings with little higher ceilings. Some citadel ruins are placed so parts of them are exposed along the walls and corners so that it isn't just some empty tunnel with monsters. Some occasional Oblivion Cloud FX's are placed around, giving spots where there is lava, and lava breaking through the rock on the ground, a nice red flame/cloud effect. Leveled containers for leveled loot are placed around at the ends of hallways that dead end, and some corners or in the wide rooms where enemies are.

17. Vizjerei Halls- The outside of the previous cave system is the start of the entrance to Vizjerei Halls. The idea behind this area was that it was originally attached to the mainland, and extended much further. It has since then sunk and broken off from the mainland. The sinking of the land has toppled small citadel towers and up heaved many of the structures. The player must work their way uphill and around many of the toppled structures and broken columns to reach the entrance to Vizjerei Halls.

The player fights their way through Deadra and Dremora, passing the destruction the sinking land caused, eventually reaching the entrance to an ancient crypt. There are few trees, and the ones that are present have died. A mist hangs above the ground gives this area a very foreboding and eerie atmosphere.

Inside, the main hall seems to have withstood the test of time. Some old chairs and pews are scattered about, while a statue stares down from the left. Through the hall a chamber has begin to collapse. Rubble piles up, and pillars are beginning to lean. The player descends through two levels of ruin architecture before entering the catacombs.

Inside the catacombs, it is a standard cave architecture, but with fort ruins inside as if the walls had fallen and the ground had sunk down, creating a more natural cave out of the existing area. The player descends constantly, going through tunnels and passageways with larger rooms in between full of enemies. Eventually coming to the main space; an old staircase that has started to get taken by the land. I was really inspired by Diablo 2 in this area. I loved the idea of an old cave that was a very ancient crypt or tomb that had been taken over by the earth. Pushing down columns and creating spaces where the ceilings stretched high and giant columns created open spaces like it was a mixture of Gothic architecture and Romanesque. Then throw in some mummies and zombies and it turns into a very enticing area.

18. Nymyr Tower- This is Vlys' Tower. The final area. I had this idea stuck in my head that I wanted some tower comprised of all the different architectural styles and some magnificent platform where you would fight the end boss and all this crazy stuff. When I finally got around to planning out exactly what I wanted, I looked at what this character is supposed to be. He is some evil villain who wants to take over and destroy everything and everyone. I didn't need tons of different architecture or styles of buildings to make the tower ominous and evil. I just needed something that would stand out and be recognized and easily distinguishable between a dungeon or special area, and THE final place. After collecting all the armor pieces for the main quest, a script runs checking that the player has them all, and if so, proceeds to the next stage of the quest, Enabling oblivion gate references that act as teleport doors to cross the chasm of lava that separates the tower and the mainland.

The inside of the tower is a standard Citadel Large tower. It has tons of different doors and routes to take to eventually reach the top, Throughout these areas are switches to deactivate barriers that let you reach the Throne Room where Vlys is located. The player must activate four switches, traveling through a small cave system, up the slanted towers, and in Attana's quarters where after activating this switch, a script runs to not only deactivate one of the barriers, but also to enable the Attana NPC and have it talk with the player, pretty much exactly like the Vlys' Altar and Quov Tsin. After talking with the NPC the player then fights and has the closure and revenge aspect by killing this NPC, and then continues onwards. After fighting through multiple levels (12 in total) of this citadel tower, the player finally deactivates all the barriers and can teleport to the throne room. This is the point where another small twist comes. instead of fighting the end boss, the player finds out that they were too slow and they now have failed what they set out to do. I accomplished this by teleporting the player to the throne room with a door marker directly into a trigger box that begins a speech conversation through a static, disabled, NPC and using a normal creature to stand there and move around a little as they breathe making it seem like a creature is speaking. After the timings for speech run out, it activates a moving cloud effect that also hurts the player and pushes them backwards for a few seconds until just after the speech ends, and then teleports them to a new cell.

19. The Void- At this point, storyline wise, the player has found out that everything they tried to do was useless, and they were teleported and trapped in this weird area that they cannot get out of. The quest is basically over, but this is kind of the wrap up section. This zone is supposed to be an empty void with a few areas but one that is now unstable as these magical artifacts that the player had collected are messing with the area. As the player is teleported there, they spawn on a small pedestal. In front of them extends an Ayleid bridge with some busted columns and statues at weird angles. There is a heavy cloud that does not allow for very far vision and turning around the player can see many things floating in the mist. As they begin to move forwards, a trigger box beings to play a voice. This is done exactly how all the rest have been done so far, with a static, disabled, NPC as a speech reference and calls different speech lines based on how long it has been playing. From there, the player begins to move about the small area looking for a way out as the speech continues, and there are trigger boxes that teleport you around the area, as well as trigger cave ins where the player cannot see them, so it give them the blurry and shaking screen effect but doesn't hurt the player. As the player moves they are constantly being teleported around to different areas of this space and the effect on screen is to make it feel like this area is very unstable, and without help the player will be trapped forever.

From here, the player is teleported out back to Tamriel after the speech ends by Quov Tsin and some others. Things wrap up through normal dialogue between NPC's and the quest ends, leaving the player back in Tamriel where they started.

Images, Descriptions, and Implementation of Traps

In this section I will be covering previously mentioned dungeons and areas to showcase my use of traps. I feel that when placing and using traps it is important to allow the player to see either the trap or the trigger even if it is only a moment before they trip it or get hit by it. The reasoning behind this is because as a player, if you are moving through an environment and suddenly just take damage and don't really know where it came from. (getting hit in the back by a trap, or retractable blades, or even a ball and chain) it will make you jump probably because you weren't expecting anything, but then after that you just heal up and continue on your way and probably don't really think about it much after that. If you allow the player to see either the trap or the trigger and do something about it, be it move out of the way just in time, or disarm it, it gives a stronger sense of fulfillment for the player. They can feel good that they caught sight of a trap and barely avoided it, or that they disarmed a trap and can safely pass. A trap's purpose isn't just to do damage, it is to allow the player to interact with it in a way that brings fulfillment to that player. Even if the player gets hit by a trap and takes a ton of damage, if they can see it as it is coming, or just before, for a split second before they avoid it or get hit, it makes them think "aaa get out move move move aaa run dodge gogo". For example, in this first picture, as the player enters the space and their eye is drawn upwards with the flora, they miss a floor trigger, but both sides of the cave draw your eye straight to the trap right in the middle of the screen, waiting to swing down into the players' face.

In this example, the trap is hidden from view by woodwork, but the trigger is clearly distinguishable on the ground as it slopes downwards. (Left hand side) If the player trips the trigger, logs roll off and down the incline where they are headed. This one is one of my favorites, as when moving from left to right, the player can clearly see the right log trap, as well as the trigger. This is kind of a trapped trap, where when the player slowly moves up to deactivate the trigger, when they do, expecting the right log trap to drop, the left one does as well, sandwiching them. Keep in mind that the player does not have to trigger this. They can easily move around it or jump over it in this area.

Height-map of The Kingdom of Shadow and World Locations

Contact Information Name: Jonathan Monks Phone: 208-946-6106 Location: Idaho Email:

About Me Interests: SCUBA Diving, Swimming, Camping, Hiking, Biking, Environments, Video Games, Movies, Animation/Modeling, Designing and Creating Worldspace Levels, Reading, Photography, Music, Computers, Creating and Learning. I am an Eagle Scout, a leader, an only child, a mentor, role model, certified SCUBA Diver, and a team player. I am passionate about what I love, ambitious, outgoing, caring, kind, intelligent, and strong willed. I have a good sense of humor, am very open minded, work great with others, and am a strong leader with a very high desire to succeed.