The key learnings of the Adderall XR® suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005

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Transcript of The key learnings of the Adderall XR® suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    Our purpose

    We enable people with life-altering conditions to lead better lives


    Suspension and Re-instatement of NOC

    in 2005

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    Presentation Outline

    The facts



  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help



    After being marketed for one year, the Notice ofCompliance (NOC) forAdderall XR was suspended by

    Health Canada on Feb 9, 2005

    After a review involving independent experts following aprocess vaguely described in the Food and Drug

    Regulations, Adderall XRs NOC was re-instated 6

    months later

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    Impact on operations

    The product was primary focus of one sales force

    Impact on the US operations

    Immediate stop of promotion

    Impact on patients and physicians

    Redeployment to second product

    Other actions

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help



    Adderall XR was first approved for the treatment ofADHD inchildren 6 and over in Canada in January 2004.

    The immediate-release formulation ofAdderall, available in the US,was never marketed in Canada

    US Package Insert forAdderall XR was revised in Aug 2004 Based on post-marketing adverse reaction reports of sudden death,

    serious cardiovascular and cerebro-vascular events with immediate-release Adderall and Adderall XR

    Warnings regarding sudden death in relation to drug misuse/abuse andpre-existing structural cardiac abnormalities were added

    On review of the same proposed labeling changes and supportingdocumentation, Health Canada suspended the Adderall XR NOC onFeb 9, 2005

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    Health Canadas Reasons for Suspension

    20 cases of sudden/cardiac death & 12 cases of

    cerebro-vascular accident reported globally forAdderall IR and Adderall XR over 9-year period

    Adderall XR is associated with risk of sudden/cardiac

    death and cerebro-vascular accident

    Preliminary Health Canada analysis suggested that

    signal for sudden/cardiac death appears to be higher for

    Adderall IR/XR compared to other stimulants

    Reporting rates at or above background rate forsudden/cardiac death

    Risks cannot be adequately managed through labeling

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    NDC process

    Shire appealed Health Canadas decision immediately,

    under C.08.009 of the Food and Drug Regulations

    Old regulation, not implemented in last 30 years

    according to Health Canada Involves appointing a New Drug Committee to consider

    Health Canadas decision and make recommendations

    to the Minister

    Independent 3-member New Drug Committee (NDC) appointed

    by Shire and Health Canada

    No guidelines, process or timelines available other than what is

    in C.08.009

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    NDC Review

    Month 1: Request and receipt of Health Canadas reasons for the


    Establishment of process / timelines:

    Meeting with Health Canada to agree on NDC process

    Submission of Shires NDC nominee, Health Canadanominated a member, and a third member (the Chairman of

    the NDC) was selected

    NDC consisted of:

    pediatric cardiologist

    specialist in pediatric development and behavioral problems, and pharmacoepidemiologist

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    NDC Review

    Month 2: Preparation of Shires NDC Briefing Package:

    Creation / finalization of five expert reports (cardiology, neurology,

    pharmacoepidemiology, clinical data summary, benefit/risk)

    Health Canada also prepared an extensive Briefing Package for

    submission to the NDC

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    Materials reviewed by NDC

    In addition to complete background clinical and post-marketing information:

    Comprehensive review of background rate and profile of

    sudden/cardiac death in general age-matched population

    Comprehensive review of background rate of stroke in general

    age-matched population

    Additional, more comparable, analyses of relative estimated

    reporting rates of sudden/cardiac death and stroke forAdderall

    versus otherADHD drugs.

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    NDC Review

    Months 4-5: Preparation and submission to NDC of rebuttal to Health

    Canadas Briefing Package

    Health Canada also prepared and submitted a rebuttal to ShiresBriefing Package

    Questions from, and answers to, NDC members

    Meeting with NDC:

    Presentations by experts representing Health Canada and Shire

    Month 6: NDC recommendation with suggested reinstatement conditions

    Health Canada final decision / NOC re-instatement

    Reintroduction communication:

    Press release


  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    Conclusions of Health Canada and NDC


    The reporting rate for sudden death and stroke in patients takingAdderall (IR and XR) is not greater than the general unexposed

    population, even when accounting for underreporting of adverse


    There is insufficient evidence to support Health Canadas concern

    that there is an increased risk of sudden/cardiac death or stroke withAdderall XR compared to otherADHD treatments.

    Theoretically, there exists a pharmacological potential for all ADHD

    drugs (stimulant and non-stimulant) to increase the risk of

    sudden/cardiac death.

    Adderall XR NOC should be reinstated immediately concurrent withlabeling changes previously proposed by Shire

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    Recommendation of the NDC & Health Canada

    The NDC recommended ; immediate reinstatement of NOC with labeling changes previously

    proposed by Shire

    Re-instatement conditions proposed: Dear Healthcare Professional Letter be distributed by Shire

    Continuing Medical Education be sponsored by Shire regarding the

    profile and predictors of sudden/cardiac death in the general population

    Health Canada adopted the NDC recommendations, and NOC wasre-instated on August 26, 2005

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help



    (1) Where the Minister has decided

    (a) to notify the manufacturer of a new drug for veterinary use that the sale ofthat drug to qualified investigators is prohibited, or

    (b) to suspend a notice of compliance issued in respect of a new drugsubmission or an abbreviated new drug submission or a supplement to eithersubmission,

    the manufacturer, if dissatisfied with that decision, may require the Minister toprovide him with the reasons for the decision.

    (2) Where the manufacturer has received the reasons for a decision of theMinister pursuant to subsection (1), he may require the Minister to refer thatdecision to a New Drug Committee and thereupon shall provide the Ministerwith a statement of the reasons for his dissatisfaction and any information andmaterial upon which he relies in support of those reasons.

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    C.08.009 (contd)

    (3) Where the Minister has been required to refer a decision to a New Drug

    Committee pursuant to subsection (2), he shall appoint a member of the NewDrug Committee, the dissatisfied manufacturer shall appoint a member of theNew Drug Committee and the two members so appointed shall appoint a thirdmember of the New Drug Committee who shall be chairman, or, if they areunable to do so within a reasonable time, the Minister shall appoint a thirdmember of the New Drug Committee who shall be chairman.

    (4) Any person who is in the full-time employment of the Department or in the

    full-time employment of the dissatisfied manufacturer shall not be appointed amember of a New Drug Committee.

    (4.1) A member of a New Drug Committee shall, on appointment, sign anundertaking not to disclose or use any information, material, data, evidence orrepresentations considered pursuant to subsection (6).

    (5) The Minister shall pay the reasonable fees and costs incurred by themember of the New Drug Committee appointed by the Minister, and the

    dissatisfied manufacturer shall pay the reasonable fees and costs incurred bythe member appointed by the dissatisfied manufacturer, and the Minister andthe dissatisfied manufacturer shall each pay half of the reasonable fees andcosts incurred by the chairman.

  • 8/6/2019 The key learnings of the Adderall XR suspension and re-instatement of NOC in 2005


    To be as brave as the people we help


    C.08.009 (contd)

    (6) The New Drug Committee formed pursuant to subsection (3) shall consider

    the reasons for the decision of the Minister, the reasons for the dissatisfactionof the dissatisfied manufacturer and any information or material in support ofthe reasons of the Minister or the dissatisfied manufacturer and may considerother evidence, material, information or representations.

    (7) The New Drug Committee formed pursuant to subsection (3) shall report itsfindings and recommendations to the Minister.

    (7.1) No member of a New Drug Committee shall disclose or use any

    information, material, data, evidence or representations considered pursuant tosubsection (6).

    (8) Where the Minister has received the findings and recommendations of aNew Drug Committee, he may reconsider the decision to which those findingsand recommendations relate.