The Keeper of Secrets: The Dance of Community Leadership

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This talk was delivered as the closing keynote at the FOSDEM 2013 Conference. Video is available at This content is licensed CC-By-3.0, so please use, remix and share widely! Abstract: Leaders in communities that value openness and transparency are faced with a difficult challenge: people confide in you constantly, but your role as a leader is to promote positive change in your project; change only proceeds where information flows. How does one negotiate the need to maintain trust and harmony in the human sides of our interactions in development communities, while still ensuring that the social problems that may inhibit community progress are mitigated? How does one manage to do all this while keeping one’s commitments to one’s friends and to project values like transparency and openness? In this talk, Leslie Hawthorn will explore the role of secrets and disclosure in our open development communities. Specifically, she will explore how good leaders know when to discuss secrets, when to remain mum and, in particular, how to tell secrets "the right way". Drawing on six years of experience working with 100s of FOSS communities, she will discuss some of the most contentious and hilarious social problems she’s encountered and how they were addressed, with names and details omitted sufficiently well to keep her own commitments to confidentiality.

Transcript of The Keeper of Secrets: The Dance of Community Leadership

Leslie Hawthorn — @lhawthornFOSDEM 2013

The Keeper of Secrets

How to be an effective leader

when everyone talks to you

…but expects you not to talk to anybody else

These are my opinions only.

Your mileage may vary.Greatly.

There is No Cabal

…but there are a lot of people having

one to one ~ or ~

small group discussions

Isn’t that a Cabal?

one to one~ or ~

one to fewconversations

are not always harmful

When is something a secret?

We are social creatures, so it’s in our nature to talk about things that matter to us.

We talk about them a lot.

While we all understand that we’re not supposed to discuss certain topics, we do so anyway because we fundamentally require the input of our peers.

Some ‘Secrets’ are Really Great

Consider a donation to the OSUOSL Beer Fund


Use your favorite search engine to find OSUOSL beer fund

Full disclosure: is my former employer. I do not benefit from the beer fund for many reasons,

including my preference for whiskey.

Some secrets are relatively innocuous…

If we accept that discussing the things that matter to us is human nature,

how can we tell if something ought not be shared?

What about the thingspeople don’t say

…but are still blindingly apparent?

Ostensibly, if someone comesto you with information about something that bothers them,

chances are they want youto do something with

that information.

Capable leaders...

Creating empathy and inclusion requires understanding —

not just what to share,but how to share it

the right way.

Case Study:

When You Have to Share,but You Ought Not

Contributor in critical path is having a bad time,

…but doesn’t want to discuss it widely

Simple cases of difficult circumstances start to feel like deliberate discourtesy

Despite their irritations, few folks are willing to be direct about their concerns....

Why Your Community Leaders Deserve Combat Pay”

…will be the topic of a later presentation

How to ...1) Encourage disclosure

2) Ask for permission to disclose in such a way as to keep all parties comfortable

3) Encourage community to be direct but kind with their concerns

Case Study:

The Person Who Just

Doesn’t Get It

Some folks are quite good–hearted

…but their actions harm

the flow of the project

Project members understandably get cranky and waste cycles if they feel like they have to spend much of their time herding errant fellow volunteers

We have excellent and well documented processes

for sharing code.

( )

There is no manual to teach us how to share

our emotions, frustrations and concerns.

This is not entirely true, see the Resources section at the end of this presentation.

Despite their irritations, few are willing to be direct about their concerns…

This technique isineffective at best

Handling these situations quickly and effectively is

messy, uncomfortable

and incredibly necessary.

How to ...1) Correct education


2) Suggest other ways contributor can be effective

3) Be willing to ask people to move along

In Brief:

Negotiation Theoryfor Geeks

Negotiation Theoryfor Geeks

~ or ~

How to avoid project bankruptcy from community leader

combat payments(a.k.a. leader burnout)


Having conversations with your friends is easy


We needlessly assume other conversations must be painful

Be Willing to

Askfor WhatYou Need

● Ask the other party what they needto be successful

● Find common ground● Reach agreement● If you cannot reach agreement, find the

most optimal solution for both parties● It is OK to not reach agreement

Practice Radical Honesty

Radical honesty ! =

being a tactless jerk

Behaving Diplomatically

…is not the fine artof being disingenuous.

Do you want

to be right?

~ or ~

Do you want

to win?

A few bits of radical transparency from LH● I learned how to use vi and

Unix at the age of 3. I remember precisely squat about how either works, except ls and ls -a.

● Being an active listener, effective leader, and confidant is exhausting and sometimes painful.

● Having difficult conversations with people scares the every loving fsck out of me, too.

● I’m up to about 1,000 lines of Python now and I still don’t relish coding. I’d rather talk to the other humans so you don’t have to take the context switch hit.

● This is my second FOSDEM closing keynote where someone else prepped my slides. Thanks to Garrett LeSage & Pawel Solyga!

The Only

SecretYou Need

The secret to being an effective community leader is

genuinely caring about the health and well being of your project,

your community members, and your fellow human beings.

…even especially when they annoy the crap out of you.

Leslie Hawthorn —


Thank you!

The Legal BitsThis presentation is licensed CC-BY-3.0

Please reuse, remix and share widely.

Resources● Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture:

● David Eaves’ Blog:

● The Center for Non-Violent Communication:

● The Harvard Negotation Project: harvard-negotiation-project/

● Gabriella Coleman, Coding Freedom