The Keeble Legacy: Chapter 68

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Keeble Legacy: Chapter 68

The Keeble Legacy

Chapter 68: Heart to Heart

Welcome back to the Keeble legacy! In the last chapter, quite a bit happened. Joss and Morgan became teenagers. Ender confessed to Carmen about how he knows that Brittany is a serial killer. Fanny ended up getting pregnant again and she had twins named Jordan and Ethan. Joss sneaked out with Megan and they got caught. Joss got a mysterious visit from a teenaged girl named Jaiden Keeble. Kazimiera died finally and we found out that Bree’s Choir had stopped singing. Then, at the very end, a plot development was made. Nel Reid aka Penelope Keeble was introduced as being the daughter of Gracian and Darren Keeble. But, oddly enough, she’s from an alternate Lush Canyon. Jenieve Keeble called her to this Lush Canyon to help out with something. What that something is, is still unknown.

Ender Keeble figured that it was time to really explore the campus of Academie Le Tour. He went to the Library de Livre, a building that had recently been totally remodeled to look more up-to-date. Of course, he went there quite early, so there weren’t very many people up and about.

The first thing that Ender noticed when he walked into the library was a giant fish tank to the right of the door. Then he saw a young woman examining the fish. He got an odd feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Ender walked over and pointed at one of the fish. “I’ll call you George. Does that sound good?” He said. The young red head beside him laughed. “I already named that one Fred,” she replied grinning. They straightened up. The woman took a good look at Ender and he gazed at her like she was an angel.

It was the red haired woman that broke the silence between them. “So, what’s your name?” She asked. Ender could feel his heart pounding in his chest. “My name is Ender Keeble. And you are…?” He answered. “Oh. I’m Karen Ryan,” the young woman responded. There was an awkward silence.

Eventually, Ender started making jokes about pirates. Then the two of them got to talking. They were never told to be quiet either. No one really cared if they got a little loud at some points of their conversation.

Karen quickly came to the conclusion that, not only was Ender incredibly hot and fun to be around, but that his personality was just plain awesome. Of course, she didn’t know that this was the first time that Ender had come out of his shell in a long time. Although, she could tell that something was wrong with him. His eyes gave him away. Karen figured that it wasn’t her place to ask about it, though.

Of course, they eventually got bored of being confined in the library. Ender and Karen wandered outside. Karen immediately headed over to one of the giant fountains.

They both put soap in the same exact fountain. It was then that Karen realized that she had already fallen in love with this handsome young man.

She walked over to him and she gently caressed his cheek. “I think I’m in love,” she declared. Ender seemed a little shocked at her touch and her words. But he didn’t smack her hand away. They stood there for a long time, staring into each other’s eyes.

He had asked her out on a date. Something inside of Karen told her to say yes, so she did so. He’d been thrilled. It was obvious by the look on his face. Although they had only just met, they felt like they had already connected in some way.

Of course, Karen knew that she shouldn’t wear jeans on her first date. At least, she figured it would be better to dress up a bit. She wanted everyone who saw her and Ender to know that they were on a date.

The first outfit that Karen tried on definitely didn’t work. “Wow. This dress is too short,” she muttered. She made a face in the mirror and then she went to try on the next outfit.

“This could work. I mean, it’s long enough and it looks nice. But I want to try on one more thing,” Karen said to herself. She noticed that the register girl was giving her a strange look. “Note to self: Stop talking out loud,” Karen thought.

Karen already knew that she didn’t like this last outfit. The color of the shirt clashed with her hair.

“Is that all for you, miss?” The register girl asked. “Yeah. I think so. I mean, do you think that I should change my hair or something? I have a date and I’m rather nervous,” Karen answered. “Apparently,” the girl mumbled. “You could always go with a shorter hairstyle. That’s what I’d do,” the teenager replied. “Thanks!” Karen said. She paid and then left. But she probably wouldn’t take the girl’s advice.


Once Ender got home, he joined Carmen for a game of chess. Carmen noticed something was different about him right away.

“You sure look bright and happy. Did you finally take some happy pills?” Carmen commented. “Uh…no,” Ender replied. Carmen raised an eyebrow at him. “Did you pull the stick out of your—” She began to say. Ender glared at her and she chuckled. “I’m just teasing you. But you really do look happier,” Carmen responded.

The smile appeared back on Ender’s face. “I met someone,” he started. “Who is he?” Carmen teased. “Her name is Karen. She’s quite…wonderful and amazing,” Ender answered. He chose to ignore her rude comments. “Oh? Did you get her pregnant? Propose marriage? Throw her off of a bridge?” Carmen said.

Instantly his smile disappeared. Ender crossed his arms over his chest and he grumbled, “What is your problem?” “I don’t have one. You just have a short temper,” Carmen remarked. Ender stood up so fast that the chair he’d been sitting in tipped over. “You know what, Carmen? Don’t talk to me anymore if you can’t be truly happy for me!” He shouted. Carmen was rather taken aback by his statement. But she couldn’t let it bother her. After all, her little brother had a lot on his mind.


It amazed everyone how different Megan and Morgan were from each other. Megan was outgoing and she loved the outdoors. She made friends faster than she caught bugs. But Morgan didn’t make friends as easily. He was a socially awkward teenager even though he’d been much more gregarious as a child. Megan was a hurricane and Morgan was the quiet rain shower.

Then there was Mari. She was the total opposite of her older sister. Fanny wondered what Marianne was going to be like once she was a teenager. Fanny didn’t have to wait much longer, though, for her youngest daughter to grow up.

Megan had invited Joss over just because she could. It wasn’t because Mari, Ethan, and Jordan were growing up. It was because she needed to talk to her best friend. “I was hoping that you’d be the one to bring this up,” she started out. “But shouldn’t we go to college soon? Y’know, take Morg and blow this popsicle stand? I seriously doubt that my parents will be able to handle three teenagers at once without going totally nuts. So, what do you say? College or stay here in this boring place?” Megan finished.

“I was going to ask you about that. Yeah. I think that it’s about time that we go to college. After all, we can’t be teenagers forever,” Joss agreed. “Good. I’m hoping for lots of parties. What about you?” Megan said. “I’ll probably be searching for romance,” Joss replied. She winked at her friend and Megan rolled her eyes. “He will never get any of your hints,” Megan declared.

Once Morgan got off of work, it was time for a triple birthday in the Keller household. While the parents were getting the babies, the teenagers were cheering Mari on into teendom.

“You blow a horn in my ear and I will shove it up your nose, Joss,” Fanny warned. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Keller, I promise not to do that,” Joss assured. Marianne glanced over at them and then she leaned over her cake. She considered for a moment, took a deep breath, made her wish, and then she blew out her candles.

Mari decided to wait before she changed her clothes. Ethan and Jordan were finally growing up.

Marianne had definitely inherited most of her father’s facial features. She decided to go for Fortune as her aspiration.

Ethan (left) and Jordan (right) were both adorable toddlers. Ethan is the first of the kids to inherit his mother’s nose. Jordan looks a little bit like Morgan.

“Nice suit,” Joss remarked as she and Morgan played red hands. “Thanks. I have to wear it for work,” Morgan replied. Joss smiled at him and he felt his stomach fill with butterflies. “So, what’s work like?” Joss inquired. “It’s…uh…interesting,” Morgan stammered. “Hey, guys. What are you doing?” Marianne said suddenly. “Nothing,” Morgan responded quickly.

The teenagers gathered in a group circle. Morgan started talking about aliens but Megan interrupted him to tell Mari how awesome her outfit was. Mari seemed a little frustrated that her sister had done that. It was nice that Megan liked her outfit but it was rude to cut someone off when they were trying to talk. Mari really hoped that Megan would stop doing that once they were in college.


Ender had told her specifically where to meet him. She was standing on the bridge at the Academy Park. She had been standing there for ten minutes now and her feet were beginning to go numb. Luckily, it wasn’t cold outside. But Karen could smell rain on the air.

Of course, Karen had decided not to take the register girl’s advise. She just fixed her up in the best way that she could.

Karen paced up and down the bridge to wake up her feet. She crossed the bridge and noticed a rather creepy tree. “All that needs to happen now is for it to rain,” she grumbled.

Of course, Karen remembered that Ender had said that this would be his first date. But she was bored. She wanted him to be there, to make something happen. Karen flopped down on one of the benches. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

If her eyes had been open, she would have seen Ender running over. He was crossing the bridge when she scooted over on the bench, like she knew he was coming.

When he sat down beside her, Karen opened her eyes. “I’m sorry. My sister held me up. Wanted to make sure I didn’t scare you off,” Ender apologized.

Karen looked right at him and he tensed up. A small smile appeared on her face and she said, “It’s alright. I just had a little scare for a moment.” They sat in silence and then Karen suggested that Ender kiss her. He stared at her for a moment. Then he stood up and pulled Karen to her feet.

He kissed her passionately. Finally, his outgoing side was showing. Karen was bringing him out of his shell or, rather, his steel protective armor.

Even as it began to rain, the two of them danced. Ender twirled Karen around until she finally declared, “It’s raining. Perhaps we should end our date here.” But Ender had another idea.

Ender took his girlfriend to his house. She didn’t seem to mind much. Oddly enough, though, Carmen and her friends weren’t there. So, they had the house all to themselves. It was as though Carmen had known Ender wouldn’t be coming home alone.


“Oh!” Fanny Keller cried. She looked down at herself. “Whoa. I’m pregnant again. Awesome,” she added.

Fanny’s pregnancy would probably go exactly like her other ones. She’d spend most of her time playing her guitar. Although, she would also have to keep an eye on the twins. And think of a baby name.

Megan couldn’t wait to go to college. Before she went, though, she befriended a cat named Moonshine. “When I’m older, I’m going to adopt you. And rename you,” Megan told the cat. It mewed up at her. “I’ll take that as a, ‘Yeah. My name is odd,’” Megan translated.

Morning quickly came and a mysterious woman dropped off a lamp on the front porch. Morgan was the one that found it and he picked it up. “Wonder what this is? Oh, well. I’ll find out later, I guess,” he muttered.

Clearly, he had never heard of genies.

Of course, Megan headed straight for college once everyone was awake. Joss and Morgan would join her in college that afternoon.

The cab driver looked over at Megan. She was hesitating outside of the cab. “You sure you want to leave this house?” The driver asked. “Not really. I rather like the ocean. But I have to grow up eventually,” Megan answered. “Good answer. Now climb in. You’ve got a lot of fun to look forward to,” the driver replied. Megan beamed and she got into the cab. As it sped away from her home, Megan couldn’t help but look back. She vowed to get a house by the ocean after she graduated.

Due to a crisis involving traffic, cursing, and other things, Megan didn’t actually get to the house at Academie Le Tour until night had fallen. Once she got there, she immediately went inside to change her wardrobe since there was no way she was going to wear a dress.

She quickly found a suitable outfit and then she changed up her hair. Finally, she called her mother. “Hey, Mari. Put mom on the phone, will you?” She waited a few minutes before Fanny’s voice cried, “Sweetie! Are you alright? Did you find the house alright?” “Yes and yes. When are Morg and Joss getting here?” Megan answered.

“Oh. They should be there soon enough,” Fanny replied. “Excellent. I only wish we’d gone on more adventures,” Megan said. “Adventures?” Fanny repeated. “Oh, it’s nothing, mom. Absolutely nothing. Well, I’ll see you later. We’re having that event…reunion…thing in three weeks, right?” Megan declared. “Yes. Bye, sweetie. Try to get some rest,” Fanny responded.

Megan hung the phone up. When she turned around, Carmen was giving her some weird gesture. “Uh…can I help you?” Megan inquired. “I’m just here to welcome you to the house. Val and Tracy are too immersed in their chess game. Ender and his girlfriend are busy. Actually, I think that I need to officially introduce myself to her,” Carmen explained. “Okay then,” Megan muttered.

Carmen accosted Karen in the living room. “Salutations, my future sister-in-law,” Carmen greeted. Karen stared at her. “So, I decided to formally introduce myself. I’m Ender’s older sister, Carmen. Our younger sister, Joss, will be joining us shortly. I just want to make sure that you don’t reek of skank. You don’t, just as an FYI. So, there we go,” she continued.

Karen put her hands her hips. “Um…nice to meet you,” she said. Carmen laughed and cried, “You’ll get used to me!”

Megan had heard the whole conversation while she was pretending to read a book (she was actually reading comics). Megan realized that living with Carmen was going to be interesting. Perhaps Carmen would accompany Megan, Joss, and Morgan on some of their adventures. That is, if they didn’t get overwhelmed with assignments and exams.

Just after midnight, Morgan and Joss arrived in front of the house. Joss snickered as she looked Morgan over. “At least I don’t look like a brown paper sack,” he snapped. “At least I don’t look like a pimp or a pink cheetah,” Joss retorted. “We need to buy new clothes. I don’t want Megan to see me like this. Can you imagine the jokes she’d make?” Morgan suddenly worried. “You almost sound like a girl,” Joss teased.

At the store, the register girl wasn’t all that subtle about what she thought of Morgan’s outfit. “Will that be all, pink—sir?” She asked. “Yeah,” Morgan grumbled. The girl snorted as she opened the register. The moment that Morgan’s back was turned, she burst out laughing. Joss was grinning from ear to ear. “Look at that, you made her happy,” she remarked. Morgan gave her a look that clearly said, “Shut up.” But that just made Joss smile wider.

They both quickly changed and they both cut their hair shorter. “Wow. You look great,” Joss commented. Morgan felt something flutter in his stomach. “You…uh…look wonderful,” he stammered. “Oh? You like my hair shorter?” Joss asked. Morgan nodded slowly. She grinned at him. “Let’s go see if anyone else is awake,” she said.

As they walked inside, Morgan cursed himself for not acting more like an adult since, after all, he was now a young adult, not a teenager.

The moment that he was through the front door, Megan engulfed him in a hug. “Finally!” She cried. Morgan was slightly taken aback by the fact that she was so glad to see him. She released him from her death grip and said, “Wow. You look a lot like dad.” Then she wandered off. “That was…weird,” he thought.

“Hey, hey, little sister. You look great,” Carmen greeted Joss. Joss grinned at her older sister and replied, “You look nice too.” Morgan looked at both of them and he caught himself thinking, “You both look stunning, especially Joss.”

It was then that everyone settled into the mostly normal college life. Valerie taught them how to slap dance. They met their professors for the first time. College was going quite well.


Some things happened to Pandora’s brothers. Tyler and Lynn’s three daughters, Holly, Snow, and Ruby, grew up into teenagers. Now, it was time for three of Adam and Patricia’s children to grow up: little Isaac and the twins, Brody and Cassandra.

Isaac looked much like his older brother, Brody. He was the youngest of generation twenty-two.

Holly is a Family Sim. Ruby is a Popularity Sim. Snow and Cassandra are both Pleasure Sims. Brody is a Fortune Sim. Snow is the nicest out of all of generation 22 with 10 whole nice points.

Brody and Cassandra both dressed themselves in green without realizing it. But they didn’t really care if they wore the same color. “We’re finally old enough to stay up late,” Brody remarked. “Joys of joys. Well, we’d better get back to the party,” Cassie replied.

All in all, things were going wonderfully well. ------------------------------------

Karen had finally decided on a look for herself. She wondered what Ender would think of it but he was at class. Suddenly, a water balloon flew by Karen.

Joss and Karen got into an all-out water balloon fight. Luckily, it was a warm day or else they would have frozen.

Of course, Karen wasn’t the only one waiting for someone to get back from class. The second that Megan arrived home, Joss accosted her best friend. “I want to ask Morgan out,” Joss declared. Megan started laughing. Joss gave her the ‘I’m-serious-stop-laughing’ look. “Why are you telling me this?” Megan asked. “I just want you to know,” Joss answered. “Well, knock yourself out. I know that you won’t cheat on him or anything,” Megan replied. Joss grinned at her best friend.

As usual, Megan went off to hunt bugs. As usual, she was attacked by bees.

Ender approved of Karen’s new look, as she figured he would.

Joss decided to hold off for a bit before she asked Morgan out on a date. While Carmen, Joss, and Megan danced, Karen showed off how well she knew the slap dance now.

I’m hoping that the slap dance doesn’t spread like the sea chantey did.

Later that night, Joss found Morgan outside. This was her chance. She boldly walked up to him and said, “Uh, hey, Morgan. Can I ask you something?” “Um…sure,” Morgan responded. He wondered where this conversation was going.

Joss reached out and grabbed his hand. Morgan felt his heart speed up. “Morgan, I would absolutely love it if you and I were to go on a date right now,” Joss said.

For a second, Joss thought that he was going to reject her. He had this strange look on his face. But then he muttered, “Yes.” Joss beamed at him.

He pulled her close and they slowly danced back and forth. “Remember when you taught me this?” Morgan inquired. Joss grinned at him. “You were so adorable,” Joss answered. “Am I not adorable anymore?” Morgan asked jokingly. “No. You’re handsome now,” Joss replied.

Joss put her head on his shoulder. It almost didn’t feel real. “Let me kiss you,” she whispered.

If Megan had been around, she probably would’ve cheered. Joss and Morgan kissed at long last.

“I never knew that a date could be this much fun,” Morgan remarked. Joss rolled her eyes. “What? I really didn’t know,” Morgan replied.

As they sat together on the couch studying, Megan noticed how Morgan was staring at Joss. “Careful, little brother. She might regret ever asking you out if you keep looking at her like a stalker,” she teased.

“Huh?” Morgan said. “Nothing,” Megan mumbled as she slammed her book shut.

Upstairs, Ender was crawling into bed. “No nightmares tonight, okay?” He muttered patting the bed. As expected, the bed didn’t reply.

Ender settled into bed. He did dream but it was not a nightmare. But it was an odd dream indeed.

He dreamt about Karen. Her memories were his now. He saw her past, how her heart had been broken. But she didn’t become a crazy psycho like a certain other person.

The dream continued on with a young woman telling Karen, “The future is rather bleak.” “Is it, Jenieve? But why?” Karen asked. “Events have been set into place. That is all that I can tell you for now,” Jenieve answered. Then they both faded away.

This next dream was short. Ender remembered this as his own memory. It was when he’d tried to sneak out of their cabin at Three Lakes. Carmen had stopped him. She’d broken down sobbing, telling him that he couldn’t leave.

The rest of the night, Ender tossed and turned in his sleep.

Early the next morning, Morgan went outside to place a dozen roses by the front door. They were obviously for Joss. He let out a happy little sigh. He was content with life.

“Nice, jimjams, Tracy. Hey, did you change your hairstyle?” Megan said over breakfast. “Thanks. Yes, I did change it. Um…don’t you have class soon?” Tracy replied. “Yep. I’m wearing my nightie to class. It’s supposed to nice outside,” Megan responded. “It’s raining,” Tracy pointed out. “Yes. It is. I’ve noticed that the weather here is rather bipolar, though. So, it’ll be sunny by the time I actually leave,” Megan said. Tracy chuckled and shook her head.

Karen accosted Ender the moment that he was awake. “Tell me what you’re keeping from me,” she demanded. Ender was taken aback by her statement. “Don’t think that I haven’t noticed that something is wrong,” she said. Ender sighed. “Let me start from the beginning,” he muttered. He told her everything; about Brittany, about his strange ability of absorbing other’s memories after he kisses them, and about his odd dreams. She listened intently, an unreadable look on her face. When he finished, she said, “You have a lot on your mind. I understand now…”


The cauldron boiled red water, the color of blood almost. A mouse squeaked and scurried away. An eerie silence filled the whole house. Then maniacal laughter filled the lot.

This laughter belonged to Brittany Parker the Atrociously Evil Witch. She had finally mastered every spell. She had also just figured out that, with the deaths of Chandler and Kazi, she was able to freely attack the Keebles. But how? When? Where? Who? That was all that she needed to know.

She whipped out her wand and purred out a spell, “Apello Cattus Amicus.”

A cat, Nemesis, appeared at Brittany’s feet. The cat rolled around on the ground until Brittney bent down and scooped it up.

Nemesis’s eyes narrowed at the witch. “Who said you could touch me?” The feline growled. “Who created you?” Brittany retorted. “Touché, human,” Nemesis replied. Her eyes flashed and she said, “Ah. You want guidance. Well, first off, put me down. Second, don’t ever touch me again. Third, if you scold me, I shall claw you. Understood? I hope so.” Brittany put the cat down.

Nemesis stared up at the human. “Your intentions are clear to me. You want revenge. Well, you shall have it. My idea is that you should murder someone close to the heir of the ones you so despised and that are now dead. I know who it should be. Yes, I also know where they live,” the cat explained. “Who is it?” Brittany demanded. Nemesis appeared to smirk and then the feline answered, “The one you know for sure. He has his father’s eyes.”

Brittany thought for a moment and then she muttered, “Oh. That man. Yes. You are a wonderful cat, Nemesis.” “But,” Nemesis added, “wait until the festivities are over. After they all see him again, his death will be more devastating. Why not throw in his wife too? But leave the children to discover the tombstones.” “I can wait until then. But my blood is already boiling. Finally, I shall make my impact on the world,” Brittany said. She grinned evilly. “It will be fun,” she sneered.


First off, this chapter took aaages to come out because A) School is evil and B) I am very easily distracted. Secondly, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I loved playing and writing this chapter. Of course, here’s some things to think about: Who is Brittany going to kill? Why did Nemesis tell her to wait? Does Ender really have some weird ability? What will the Keller reunion be like? Speaking of them, what will Fanny’s next child be like? What is Penelope going to do to help the Keebles? Basically, what will the next chapter consist of?