The Jungle Borneo - Ovingham Middle School · 2021. 1. 20. · Dangers of the jungle Borneo In the...

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Transcript of The Jungle Borneo - Ovingham Middle School · 2021. 1. 20. · Dangers of the jungle Borneo In the...

The Jungle Borneo

The Jungle BorneoThe purpose of this guide is how to survive in the jungle, particularly the jungle Borneo. This guide will include information like how to find food and water, what equipment you will need and much more. To start the guide off the jungle Borneo is in South Kalimantan.

Dangers of the jungle BorneoIn the Borneo jungle, there are a lot of dangers. For example there are 24 venomous snakes, 19 of which live in the water, so be careful whatever you are doing. Did you know that the most venomous snakes are the yellow- lipped sea krait. Snakes are usually shy and will get out of sight very quickly if they hear heavy human footsteps approaching. Sun bears are also very dangerous, sometimes they are also known as honey bears, Sun bears also weigh anywhere between 30 and 70 kilos. They are muscular with large teeth and claws, they live in trees and hunt by night.They use their long claws to tear open bark and snaffle termites. Other dangerous animals include bearded pigs, saltwater crocodiles and slow loris.

FoodOne of the main things about surviving in a jungle is that you need food to survive, so you will need to try and find edible plants, fruit, insects and fish. It can be deadly to eat a plant you are not sure about so instead try finding food elsewhere than risking eating deadly plants. Avoid eating plants with white or yellow berries. Do not eat mushrooms, some could be safe but many are highly toxic or deadly so do not risk it. Avoid plants with thorns, spit it out the plant if it is bitter or soapy and do not go anywhere near shiny leaves. Milky or discolored sap is a warning sign and avoid anything with an almond smell.

How to build shelterSince you will be staying in the jungle for a while until you find your way out, here are some tips for sheltering.1. Find the right location.2. Stay on high grounds away from water.3. Find an area surrounded by trees to block the wind.4. Look around the area for signs of danger.5. Find a tree and some wood to lean your shelter on.6. Cover the structure with dead leaves and bark to shield against the elements.7. Lay more branches on top so the leaves do not blow away.Your shelter should end up looking something like this:

How to light a fire without matches If you want to build a fire without any matches here is how you do it.1. Build a tinder nest ( Things that burn easily) this will create the flame.2. Make a notch this makes the wood stronger.3. Place bark underneath the notch.4. Start rubbing sticks together and then you have your fire.

Staying hydratedWater is another one of the main things you need to survive in a jungle. Make sure you have enough water to last you for three days or find some water because a human can only go 3 days without drinking any water. But if you need to look for a liquid to drink, here are some tips. Avoid unnecessary water loss through sweating, follow animals downhill as they will probably lead you to water, you can get water from plants such as vines, roots and palm trees.

EquipmentSince you are in the jungle you will need some sharp objects so you can kill animals to eat or defend yourself from predators. If you do not have any knives or other sharp objects do not worry as you could sharpen a stick off a flat stone. But if you do have knives keep them on you at all times in case of an emergency and if you kill any animals with your knife or stick make sure you take it out of the animal so you can still use it. If you have a bucket or have seen a bucket take it as you could use it to store water or food.