The Journey of Great Lent - Holy Trinity Voice/2019... · 2019-02-28 · where Great Lent comes in....

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Transcript of The Journey of Great Lent - Holy Trinity Voice/2019... · 2019-02-28 · where Great Lent comes in....

The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church

The Voice Volume : 19 Number : 3 Month : March 2019

When a man leaves on a journey, he must know where he is going. Thus with Lent.

Above all, Lent is a spiritual journey and its destination is Easter, “the Feast of

Feasts.” It is the preparation for the “fulfillment of Pascha, the true Revelation.” We

must begin, therefore, by trying to understand this connection between Lent and

Easter, for it reveals something very essential, very crucial about our Christian faith

and life. Is it necessary to explain that Easter is much more than one of the feasts,

more than a yearly commemoration of a past event? Anyone who has, be it only

once, taken part in that night which is “brighter than the day,” who has tasted of

that unique joy, knows it. [...] On Easter we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection as

something that happened and still happens to us. For each one of us received the

gift of that new life and the power to accept it and live by it. It is a gift which

radically alters our attitude toward everything in this world, including death. It

makes it possible for us to joyfully affirm: “Death is no more!” Oh, death is still

there, to be sure, and we still face it and someday it will come and take us. But it is

our whole faith that by His own death Christ changed the very nature of death,

made it a passage — a “passover,” a “Pascha” — into the Kingdom of God,

transforming the tragedy of tragedies into the ultimate victory. [...]

Such is that faith of the Church, affirmed and made evident by her countless Saints. Is it not our daily experience,

however, that this faith is very seldom ours, that all the time we lose and betray the “new life” which we received as a

gift, and that in fact we live as if Christ did not rise from the dead, as if that unique event had no meaning whatsoever for

us? [...] We simply forget all this — so busy are we, so immersed in our daily preoccupations — and because we forget,

we fail. And through this forgetfulness, failure, and sin, our life becomes “old” again — petty, dark, and ultimately

meaningless — a meaningless journey toward a meaningless end. [...] We may from time to time acknowledge and

confess our various “sins,” yet we cease to refer our life to that new life which Christ revealed and gave to us. Indeed, we

live as if He never came. This is the only real sin, the sin of all sins, the bottomless sadness and tragedy of our nominal


If we realize this, then we may understand what Easter is and why it needs and presupposes Lent. For we may then

understand that the liturgical traditions of the Church, all its cycles and services, exist, first of all, in order to help us

recover the vision and the taste of that new life which we so easily lose and betray, so that we may repent and return to

it. [...] And yet the “old” life, that of sin and pettiness, is not easily overcome and changed. The Gospel expects and

requires from man an effort of which, in his present state, where Great Lent comes he is virtually incapable. [...] This is

where Great Lent comes in. This is the help extended to us by the Church, the school of repentance which alone will

make it possible to receive Easter not as mere permission to eat, to drink, and to relax, but indeed as the end of the

The Journey of Great Lent

Fr. Alexander Schmemann

Continued on Page 2

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The Voice March 2019

“old” in us, as our entrance into the “new.” [...] For each year Lent and Easter are, once again, the rediscovery and the

recovery by us of what we were made through our own baptismal death and resurrection.

A journey, a pilgrimage! Yet, as we begin it, as we make the first step into the “bright sadness” of Lent, we see — far,

far away — the destination. It is the joy of Easter, it is the entrance into the glory of the Kingdom. And it is this vision,

the foretaste of Easter, that makes Lent’s sadness bright and our lenten effort a “spiritual spring.” The night may be

dark and long, but all along the way a mysterious and radiant dawn seems to shine on the horizon. “Do not deprive us

of our expectation, O Lover of man!”

Matching Donation Fund

First, we would like to thank everyone who responded to last month’s article for their generosity. Our

Parish has moved closer to our goal of retiring our debt from the Community Center renovation. Starting

on March 1st, we will receive a matching fund commitment. Donations made to the Building Renovation

Fund will be matched up to $100,000. The matching fund donation will be available from March 1, 2019

through May 31, 2019. This is a wonderful opportunity for our Parish to raise the remaining funds

needed to pay off our loan.

This matching funds program is being offered in loving memory of †Helen and †Konstane Merianos.

May their memory be eternal!


40 Day Blessing:

Tsabika Vasilakis and son

February 17, 2019

Funeral: †Vassiliki "Bessie" Christopoulos, age 90, January 8, 2019

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The Voice March 2019

Fr. Mark’s Pastoral Post - Its

The Season of Lent is at hand. What are some of the things you can do to experience this God-given time more fully? Here are a few ideas to incorporate into your Lenten journey:

* Attend Lenten Services- Come and participate in the beautiful services that our Holy Orthodox Church prescribes for these days. The services of Great Compline, Pre-Sanctified Liturgy, and Salutations are conducted on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays during Lent. These are sacred opportunities to

intensify our relationship with God, thanking Him for the grace and mercy He so richly pours out upon us. We are encouraged to devote time in prayer and song to our loving Father.

* Participate in the Sacrament of Confession- The Sacrament of Confession offers the opportunity for us to repent of our sins and to reconcile ourselves to God and each other. During the Lenten Season, the Church encourages her faithful to be reconciled, restored and spiritually renewed.

* Practice the disciplines of Fasting, Prayer and Almsgiving- These spiritual disciplines provide the energy to sustain our walk through Lent. Make a sincere effort to pray daily and fast as directed by your priest or spiritual father. Donate your time, talent and treasure to the Church and those in need.

* Read the Scriptures and Spiritual Writings- Follow the Lenten Scriptural guide. The Season of Lent highlights the Books of Genesis, Proverbs and Isaiah. Ask your priest or spiritual father about spiritually edifying books.

May God bless our Holy Trinity – St. Nicholas Parish Family with a blessed, spiritually uplifting Season of Lent!

Καλή Τεσσαρακοστή!

Inside this Issue:

The Journey of Great Lent.................. 1

Matching Donation Fund.................... 2

Transitions......................................... 2

Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers............ 3

Fr. Mark’s Pastoral Post-Its................. 3

Parish Ministries & Organizations....... 4

2019 Scholarship Application.............. 5

Annual Blood Drive............................. 5

President’s Message........................... 6

Great Lent & Pascha Items.................. 6

Greek Independence Celebration....... 7

Youth Ministries................................. 8

Digital Bulletin Board.......................... 9

New Philoptochos Scholarship............ 10

Agape Luncheon................................. 10

Stewardship Message & List............... 11

Parish Announcements....................... 13

Parish Calendar ................................. 14

Church Information ........................... 15

Saturday of the Souls.......................... 16




Vespers begins at 6:00 PM Reception to follow

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The Voice March 2019

Parish Ministries and Organizations


Winter is officially behind us as we soon will “Spring

Forward” on March 10th.

We also prepare our spiritual minds and bodies as Monday,

March 11th begins Lent. This is truly a special time of year

as we cleanse our souls, make sacrifices and try to be the

kind of sons & daughters that God had hoped we would be.

It’s a perfect time to make positive changes (inside & out) as

we try to be better Christians.

**Save the Date April 6th for our guest speaker

Dr. Niki Karavasilis**

Dr. Karavasilis will spend a portion of the day with us giving

us a historical & educational talk on Greece. Specific details

will be shared in upcoming fliers and in our Sunday Voice.

You won’t want to miss her!!!

Our next Philoptochos Meeting is 3/17. Hope to see you.


SCS Families, as we look forward to a blessed Lenten Season, please note these dates and plan accordingly. March 3 ~ St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival following the Divine Liturgy. We invite all 7-12 graders to participate as Orators and we encourage all non participating students and families to observe this impressive competition. March 17 ~ Sunday of Orthodoxy. We will observe the Special Sunday schedule, with classes beginning at 9:30, then coming into church together. ***Please bring an Icon for the Icon Procession. March 31 ~ Veneration of the Holy Cross. We will observe the Special Sunday schedule, with classes beginning at 9:30, then coming into church together. April 21 ~ Palm Sunday. We will observe the Special Sunday schedule, with classes beginning at 9:30, then coming into church together.


Our February meeting was held at Bravo’s in Mason. It was very well attended. We had a brief meeting after enjoying a wonderful dinner. Our tsourekia chairman, Michele Sutherland Panagiotopoulos, is taking orders for tsourekia. You may contact her at 859-444-0933 to place your order. Please leave a message if she is not able to answer the phone. You may also stop by the Daughters table after church beginning March 17. Sixteen Bricks will once again be making the tsourekia. The price will be the same as last year, $6 per loaf. We thank you for supporting this important fundraiser to our community. Beginning in March, we will once again be having our meetings at the church on the first Tuesday evening of the month.

AHEPA…Mark Zigoris

Liberty Chapter #127 is proud to announce the remarkable achievements of the year 2018. Consistent with the objectives of AHEPA of promoting Hellenism and the Greek culture, Education, Philanthropy and Community Service, our chapter has made significant accomplishments in all of the above. The annual Greek Independence Day Dinner/Dance is the main celebration of this important Greek holiday. We take pride in commemorating this holiday with our annual dinner/dance. Not only does the chapter award $3,000 directly to local students through the church’s scholarship program, but we donate $1,000 to the Buckeye Scholarship Program. The chapter, through the Foundation, currently offers six scholarships, which is the most sponsored scholarships of any chapter. In the realm of Community Service, the chapter prepared and served dinner to the homeless at the City Gospel Mission three times last year serving over 150 people each time. AHEPA 127, Inc. chairman, George Karampas reports that the chapter’s two senior housing projects are fully occupied and provide quality and affordable housing for low-income senior citizens. The Mount Healthy and Milford

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The Voice March 2019

MAIDS OF ATHENA…Evanthia Sansone

Hello, everyone, the Maids of Athena would like to ask everyone to join us March 31st for our soup to go sale, which will be held following the Divine Liturgy! We would also like to invite any young ladies between the ages of 14 through 28 to sign up and join our family. The Maids of Athena stand for Hellenism, Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family/Individual Excellence. Our national charity is The Smile of a Child organization, which we are supporting this spring. We also will be focusing on mental health awareness and will be supporting the National Alliance of Mental Illness. We have positions available to become an officer if so desired. There are so many opportunities including multiple scholarships to apply for as well as making friends and growing as a person! We hope you decide to join us and become a part of The Maids of Athena!

projects have a of total of 98 units. In addition to the housing, social services are also provided by the facilities. Finally, Philanthropy has been the hallmark of our chapter’s accomplishments. In 2018, the chapter awarded $500 each to the following charities: Youth and Shelter Services, American Farm School, Milk For Flint Program, Dogs For Warriors, National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). We also donate $1,000 to Holy Trinity/St Nicholas Church annually. In addition, Michael Parthenakis, chairman of our Philanthropic Foundation, which receives proceeds from the AHEPA National Housing Corporation awarded $5,000 to 10 charities. In all, this amounts to nearly $15,000 that our chapter contributes to philanthropic, educational and community service projects. We are proud of dedication to the ideals and objectives of our organization. And more so, we are thankful for the support of our community in helping achieve these goals. Your support makes our good works possible and for this, we say a big and hearty THANK YOU! We look forward to your continued support for our projects, events and fundraisers.

Annual Blood Drive Saturday of Lazarus - Σάββατο του Λαζάρου

April 20, 2019 (The day before Palm Sunday) - 8:30am-1:30pm

Donors, it is time to prepare now for our Saturday of Lazarus blood drive. We are in need of new donors to boost this outreach to our local community. Consider calling a friend or relative to join you in our drive. Many medications are allowed to be taken and still donate blood. We can accept 3 donors every 15 minutes.

Donating blood takes about 1 hour. Appointments are encouraged. Walk-ins are allowed around the appointments. Snacks and drinks will be offered to you before and after giving blood. Let’s make it a family day with Divine Liturgy and palm cross making. If you have questions about the last 12 months travel or medications, call Hoxworth Blood Center (513) 451-0910. For an appointment call James Raptis (513) 375-5039 or Hoxworth. Minimum age is 16 with parental approval. No maximum age. Minimum weight 110lbs.

2019 Scholarship Application

Each year, our Parish offers scholarship opportunities to Holy Trinity – St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church’s graduating high school seniors and students continuing studies in higher education. Printed Scholarship Applications are available in the Narthex or Church Office. Fill-in PDF forms are available to download at Please read the application form thoroughly before completing. The deadline for scholarship applications is Monday, April 1, 2019. Late and/or incomplete applications will not be considered. The application form, along with all required documents and information, must be returned to the Church Office. If you have any questions, please contact the Church Office at 513-591-0030 or

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The Voice March 2019

Parish Council President's Message by Andy Stefanopoulos

The month of March is upon us. “In like a lion, out like a lamb” has always seemed a straightforward enough proverb: when March starts, it’s still winter, and by the end of the month spring has begun. We can only hope the severe winter weather we endured will fade away and a warming trend will occur.

On Monday, March 11, Great Lent will begin and we will begin the preparation of our oldest and most important holy days, Easter, through prayer, doing penance, fasting, repentance of sins, almsgiving, and self-denial.

Other holy days in March include Forgiveness Sunday (March 10), the first Saturday of Lent: The Commemoration of the Miracle of Kollyva wrought by Saint Theodore the Tyro (March 16), Sunday of Orthodoxy (March 17), St. Gregory of Palamas (March 24), and Sunday of the Holy Cross (March 31).

During this period we will also celebrate two historic events which coincidentally occurred on the same day: March 25.

On this day we celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation which marks the visit of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, during which he told her “the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child developing inside you will be called holy, the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35).

Also on this day in 1821 another significant event occurred. Greece, which had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire since 1453, declared its independence. The Greek revolution was precipitated when Bishop Germanos of Patras blessed the flag of the revolution at the Monastery of Agia Lavra in the Pelopennese. “Freedom or death” (Eleftheria I Thanatos) became the motto of the revolution. This motto symbolized and still symbolizes the resolve of the people of Greece against tyranny and oppression.

I look forward to our church’s annual recognition and celebration of the holy days in March and hope that each of you in our church community are able to attend these meaningful services as well.

I also invite you to commemorate our heritage by attending the annual Greek Independence Day Family Celebration to be held on March 23.

On behalf of the Parish Council, Blessings to all.

Prepare for Great Lent and Pascha

As our journey through Great Lent to Holy Week and Pascha begins on March 11th, we prepare to celebrate the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (April 28th). An important part of Great Lent is the need for flowers and other items at the many services conducted in Church. The following list includes items and flowers needed for the Divine Services of Great Lent, Holy Week and Pascha. Please consider sponsoring any of the items and contact Eugene Nicholas, Parish Administrator, at 513.591.0030 or

Thank you for your generosity!

† Flowers for the Salutations (Xairetismoi). $75 each. 3-15, 3/22 & 3/29

† Garland of Flowers for the Icon of Palm Sunday. $175 for 4/21

† Garland of flowers for the Icon of the Bridegroom. $200 each 4/22 & 4/23

† Floral arrangements for the Icon Screen (3 vases). $100 each for 4/27

† Floral arrangements for the Altar Table (2 vases). $150 each for 4-28

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The Voice March 2019



Holy Trinity – St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 7000 Winton Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224

Live Greek Music by

George Karras featuring the Kakias Brothers

Time: 7:00 pm - 11:30 pm

Attire: Casual

Cost- $30 Dance Only After 9:00 pm - $15

Children 12 & Under Free All Maids of Athena, Sons Of Pericles &

GOYAns Invited FREE of Charge

Mezethakia, Drinks & Desserts included

Sponsored By AHEPA & Daughters of Penelope

For Reservations Contact: Nick Sarakatsannis 859-835-5549

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The Voice March 2019

Youth Ministries

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The Voice March 2019

Guidelines for Digital Bulletin Board Submissions

Complete Artwork (Either photo or video files)

Parish ministries are encouraged to submit complete artwork for the digital bulletin board. Artwork should be either a graphic (.jpg, .png) with the dimensions 1920x1080px

OR a video no larger than 5gb. A good place to start is to create a presentation on the website

Text for Default Graphic

Alternatively, groups may submit three lines of text that will go onto a basic announcement slide. Please note that we will not be creating custom designs. We will drop the text onto a standard slide.

Title (no longer than 30 characters) Subtitle (no longer than 40 characters)

Body Text (no longer than 320 characters and/or 8 lines)

Please submit artwork/text along with start and end dates to Mr. Nick at

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The Voice March 2019

Agape Luncheon April 28, 2019

Fr. Mark, Mr. Nick, President Andy Stefanopoulos and the members of the Parish Council invite you to attend our annual Community Agape Luncheon, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Date & Time: Pascha Sunday at one o’clock in the afternoon, following the Agape Service.

Meal catered by Montgomery Inn: Lamb or chicken, roasted red potatoes, green beans, salad and dessert. Soft drinks, coffee, wine & beer will be provided. Children’s meal available: Chicken fingers, mac’n’cheese and apple sauce.

Activities: TBA

Cost: Adults (13 and over) $25, Children (3-12 yrs) $10.00, Children (2 and under) Free

Reservations are required, call the Parish Office at 591-0030 or reserve online at by MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2019.


Introducing the


Sponsored by the Stefanou Family


The Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos Board

For more information and a scholarship application, please contact your local Philoptochos

chapter or the Metropolis of Detroit Philoptochos Chapter or The Metropolis of Detroit

Philoptochos webpage on the Metropolis of Detroit website.

Applicants must be related to a Philoptochos member

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The Voice March 2019

Stewardship Message By Peggy Kehayes

As we begin Great Lent, I have been asked to reflect on what stewardship means to me. When I think about what it means, this definition comes to my mind: “the job of supervising or taking care of something.” Christ showed His love to us by giving Himself up for us and our salvation with His Crucifixion and Resurrection. We show our love to Christ by taking care of His Church. As we all prepare for Great Lent, we have an opportunity to clean out our “houses” and leave behind our sinful nature and tendencies. It is a great opportunity to make our own personal commitment of offering our time, talent, and treasure to Christ. During Great Lent we turn our attention to prayer,

fasting, and almsgiving. When we pray more, we offer more of our time to God. In choosing to fast from watching too much TV or eating our favorite foods we deny ourselves and our wants and can instead focus our God-given talents on ways to help others. When we help others, we enrich our spiritual lives and strengthen our relationship with God. In offering alms, we glorify Christ. We give more of ourselves to the less fortunate around us. We offer a portion of the many gifts and blessing which God has given us. Stewardship is a way of living our faith in action. During this Lenten season, I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to discover how you can live your faith in action. “Stewardship is caring for the needs of others. Stewardship is offering oneself to God as He offered to us. Stewardship is what a person does after saying ‘I believe...’ as proof of that belief.” (Williams and Mckibben, Orthodox Christian Leadership)

Aamodt, Peter & Karen Alexandrou, Eirene Andreadis, Paul Andreadis, Sophie S. Andrews, Evan & Terry Apostolides, Vasso A. Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra Assaley, Lewis & Patricia Bakiri, Keti & Andrew Murray Barnhart, Thomas & Sylvia Rombis Bates, Justin Batsakis, Pantelis & Eleni Beish, Andrew Beish, Karen Belitsos, George P. & Peter Q. Wolfe Benard, Matthew & Sophia Kissopoulos Bender, Robert & Kathy Bertok, Christina Borcoman, Tate & Nicole Bottomley, Stephen & Stephanie Boumis, Peter & Kimberly Brown, Bryan & Nickie Brown, William Bujnoch, Digger & Lindsay Burton, Matthew D. & Kathy Caddell, Chris & Eleni

Calamari, Andrea & Mitchell White Callos, Triffon & Stacey Carey, Lee & Tula Caneris, Adonis & Ana Maria Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette Caneris, Dr. Onassis A. Cassis, Eli & Christine Chachoff, Nada Chantilas, James & Dr. Lydia Chichura, Marcus & Michelle Christoforidis, Alexander Christon, Angelos & Deanna Chryssovergis, Chris & Cara Claffie, Sean & Angela Colak, Tony & Joan Colyer, Jeff & Laura Colyer, Keith & Diane Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D. Cook, Barbara Crawford, Jonathan & Sharon Diaz, Chris & Stephanie Economacos, Tom & Jennifer Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou Elias, Nicholas Emroll, Fr. Mark & Presvytera Ginny Emroll, Maria

Emroll, Theodora Farmakis, Thomas Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann Fillios, Alexandra Fillios, Elias & Mary Fillios, Nicholas & Amy Fillios, Philip & Sherry Firman, Nancy & Jerry Fotopoulos, Christine Francis, Dean & Kathy Freeman, Maria Furkas, Louis & Olympia Gaier, Dean Gaier, Jeff & Chris Anne Gaskins, Mark & Kristin Gelis, Anna Gelis, James & Kathy Gelis, Maria Georgakopoulos, Konstantinos & Angeliki Georges, Pete & Anna Georgeton, John C. & Ann Georgostathis, Gus & Connie Georgostathis, Gus & Eleni Georgostathis, James & Lillian Georgoulakis, Sofia Ghiz, Leslie

2019 Stewardship List Through 2-20-19

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The Voice March 2019

Glaser, Brian & Stella Gregory, Thomas & Pamela Gregory, Victoria Haralamos, George & Eleni Haralamos, Mike G. & Akrivi Harner, Ryan & Melissa Hart, Julie & Jonathan Herrmann, Stacy & Dennis Hill, Ann "Tasha" Hill, Charles Hodges, Nick & Millie Hodson, Thomas Hollister, Carl & Cynthia Jones, James A. & Jo Ann Jonson, Chris C. & Loy Jonson, George N. & Sophia Jonson, Luke & Lauren Jonson, Thelma Kahle, John & Nickie Kambelos, Dr. Peter J. Kambelos, John P. & Erato Kanaris, Christos Kanaris, Kostantinos & Katy Kanelopoulos, Bill Kanelos, Dino & Julie Karakatsani, Marianthi Karampas, George & Diane Karas, Adrian

Karas, Bill J. & Lynn Karras, Giorgio & Erene Kaviris, Athena & Ron Collins Kehayes, Peggy Kellaris, Dr. James & Janice Kelley, Michael & Pauline Kessis, Nick Kessis, Paul Kevin, Patrick & Diane Kladakis, John & Teddi Konstantinou, Chrisanthi Kontopos, Pete & Katerina Koros, Kostas & Dina Kranias, George & Litsa Kranias, Stratos & Amanda Kunkemoeller, Thomas & Janice Kyrios, Irini Kyrios, Maria Lagos, Thomas & Matina Lambrinides, Nicholas & Diane Lambrinides, Ted & Kim Lambrinides, Thomas J. & Mary Ann Landers, Devin Landers, Lauren Lazares, Gus J. Lazares, John K. & Patricia LesChander, Scott & Alexandra Leslie, Wayne & Peggy Levenderis, Bill & Jill Liston, Robert & Eleni Loukoumidis, George & Stacey Love, Beryl Love, Kara Lustig, Elaine & Lowell Lysko, Bob & Stacy Makris, Thomas & Ellen Makrozahopoulos, Dimitrios & Joanna Manolakas, Vera Margaritis, Ioannis Marinakis, Dr. Bill D. & Evonne Marinakis, Panagiota D. Maris, George & Tricia Masella, Ron & Christine Mavridoglou, Konstantinos Mavridoglou, Michael & Laura Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica McCotter, Greg & Sofia McNulty, Robin & Melanie Megois, Lee S. & Stephanie Merianos, Andy & Kelsey Merianos, Ted Meyer, Andrew & Maria Meza-Ashley, Kacy Mikesell, Marco & Aphrodite Mirkopoulos, Nicholas

Mirkos, Marilyn Mirkos, Steve & Edyta Misali, John P. & Deborah Mitchell, Nickolett Mohler, David & Angel Morgan, Paul & Mary Morris, John Mortensen, Danny & Cheryl Moulas, Dean & Catherine Moyer, Gabe & Maria Muennich, Sam & Melissa Murnen, Eric & Christina Murray, Stella P. Naser, Jacoub & Dina Neuendorf, David & Patricia Neuendorf, Matthew Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy Nicholas, Nick & Helen Nicholas, Tyler Nicholas, Zachary & Nikolia Nichols, Ron & Philanthy Nicolaou, Kaitlin Nicolaou, Pete & Holly Nikias, Charles P. & Vicki Nitsis, Dimitrius & Leisa Orphanos, Peter & Angela Pagdadis, Sotiris & Stephanie Palassis, Nick & Maria Palioyras, George Panagiotidis, Pantelis & Anastasia Panagis, Nick & Maria Pandilidis, Peter & Elsie Pantel, Nicholas J. Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary Paparodis, Bess Papasavvas, Nektarios & Sally Papathanas, Allison Papathanas, Harry & Joyce Pappas, Steven & Jolene Pavlakis, George & Suzanne Peck, Eric & Evangelia Perdikakis, George C. Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann Perdikakis, Lynn Peters, Claire Petkos, Joannis & Christina Petrillo, Brandon Petrou, Evey Phillips, Joshua & Katherine Pilipovich, George & Cynthia Pirkey, John & Dena Polen, Stephanie & Joe Politis, Michael & Carmen Polychroniou, Helena Poneris, Constantinos & Tara

The Parishioners listed here have made a commitment and/or contribution towards 2019

Stewardship. If you have not made your Stewardship Commitment for 2019, we encourage

you to do so today. Commitment Cards are available through the Church Office or can be

obtained by contacting any member of the Parish Council or the Clergy.

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The Voice March 2019

Ponticos, George D. Prasinos, Jim & Nicki Priest, Daniel & Christina Psihountas, Mary Quill, Kevin & Mary Raptis, James & Maria Ralles, George Ralles, Paula Raptis, John J. Retzios, Thomas L. & Angela Riber, Sam & Filio Richardson, Josh & Nicole Riemann, Christopher & Blanca Riggs, Adam & Athena Rodish, Pete & Sue Rogozinski, Athena & Wayne Romanos, Michael & Carla Rombes, Tom & Angie Rombis, Petros & Sofia Saba, Youhana Sakellariou, Eleni Z. Sakellariou, George Sampson, Michael G. & Roxanne Sampson, Tony & Mary Ann Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke Sansone, Craig & Susanna Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla Sarakatsannis, Panny Sargeant, Silvana Sarlis, Nikolaos & Vaseleke Sarros, Harry J. Savas, Dionysia & Martin Wilz

Schlimm, Joshua & Katina Schmalz, Mary Ann Schmitz, Thomas & Cathy Schooley, Barbara Schuler, Bill & Julie Schulte, Nick & Ianthe Schultz, James & Sarah Seremetis, Afrodite K. Seremetis, Stratin & Marjory Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy Sideris, Mina Sideris, Nick & Jane Siegel, Gus Singleton, Kayla Singleton, Steven & Sandra Snider, Luke & Dacia Snyder, Milan & Elaine Spanorigas, Nicholas Stanifer, Randy & Eleni Stathis, Angelos & Aspasia Stathis, Lee & Evie Stavros, Cathy Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol Stefanou, Peter & Biljana Stelzer, Ryan & Anntonia Stenger, Lauren & Doug Stephan, Charles M. Stephan, Melinda Stephan, Michael Stergiopoulos, Janis Stergiopulos, Anna Strike, Louis Suhar, Sylvia

Takacs, Daniel & Evie Thomakos, Artemis Trennepohl, Mike & Tina Trester, Ron & Maria Triantafillou, Nicholas & Melissa Triantafillou, Tilemahos Tsiominas, Tom J. Turner, Kent & Carolyn Tzetzis, Mr. Nick & Ivey Valcarcel, John & JoAnne Varnell, Charles & Krista Vasilakis, Theologos & Mary Veres, Helen Veres, Leon Vessey, Lenie Vidas, Cynthia Vidas, Ethel Vidas, Michael T. Vidas, Victor & Alexandra Vlahopoulos, Helen Watson, Doug & Akrivi Weckenbrock, Michael & Elizabeth Weis, Daniel & Anastasia Weisenborn, Cary & Maria Williams, Jacinta "Jay" Wilson, Wallace & Michelle Zaferes, Eleni Zaferes, Katherine Zaferes, Patricia P. Zaferes, Toula Zagorianos, Kristos & Kathy Zaharopoulos, Dimitra

Parish Announcements

Panegyri Baking: March is the kick off for our Panegyri pastry baking. Listed below is the March baking schedule including the prep days. Many volunteers are needed on assembly days. If you would like to help with the prep, please contact Gus Poneris at 513-222-8135 or Please mark your calendar and join us.

Baklava — Prep on Monday, March 4, Assembly on Tuesday, March 5 & Tuesday, March 12 Galaktobouriko — Prep on Monday, March 18, Assembly on Tuesday, March 19

Christina Economopulos Bender is honored to announce that her grandson, Drew, son of Andy and Jeanie Edrich, has been awarded a four-year academic scholarship to Elder High School. Drew will graduate from Our Lady of the Visitation in May. Congratulations Drew, Love Yia-Yia

“Let us observe a fast acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. True fasting is to put away evil, to control the tongue, to forbear from anger, to

abstain from lust, slander, falsehood and perjury. If we renounce these things, then our fasting is true and acceptable to God.”

-From the Aposticha hymn in Vespers of the first Monday in Lent

March 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



1st Saturday of the Souls 9:30 am Divine Liturgy and Memorial


8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

St. John Oratorical


7:00 pm Reading Group: Beginning to Pray


7:00 pm DOP Meeting


7:00 pm STS-Parish Bible Study

Choir Rehearsal


6:30 pm HOPE & JOY Fellowship



2nd Saturday of the Souls 9:30 am Divine Liturgy and Memorial


8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

Spring General Assembly

6:00 pm Vespers of Forgiveness


Great Lent Begins 7:00 pm Great Compline


6:30 pm AHEPA Mtg.


6:00 p.m. Presanctified Divine Liturgy Pot - Luck Lenten Lessons

7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal



7:00 p.m. 1st Salutations to the Theotokos


3rd Saturday of the Souls 9:30 am Divine Liturgy and Memorial

12:00 pm Over Fifty


Sunday of Orthodoxy 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Philoptochos Meeting

6:00 pm Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers


7:00 pm Great Compline



6:00 p.m. Presanctified Divine Liturgy Pot - Luck Lenten Lessons

7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal


6:00 pm Parish Council Dinner & Mtg.


7:00 pm 2nd Salutations to the Theotokos

23 7:00 pm Greek Independence Day Family Celebration


2nd Sunday of Lent 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy Greek Independence Day Program Maids of Athena Mtg

6:00 pm Vespers in Dayton, Ohio


Feast of the Annunciation 8:30 am Matins and Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Great Compline



6:00 p.m. Presanctified Divine Liturgy Pot - Luck Lenten Lessons

7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal



7:00 pm 3rd Salutations to the Theotokos



3rd Sunday of Lent Veneration of the Holy Cross 8:15 am Matins 9:30 am Divine Liturgy

Maids of Athena Soup Sale

For an always up-to-date calendar, visit Find us on Facebook at

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The Voice March 2019

Clergy Presiding Priest: Rev. Father Mark Emroll

Staff Pastoral Assistant: Mr. Nick Tzetzis

Parish Administrator: Eugene Nicholas

Building Maintenance Technician: Craig Sansone

Parish Ministries and Organizations

Philoptochos Society: Carrie Petrou, President

Parish Choir: Janice Kellaris, Director

Cantors: James Raptis, Philanthy Nichols

Altar Boys: Father Mark Emroll, Mr. Nick Tzetzis

Sunday Church School: Religious Education Team, Peter Aamodt, Chairman

Greek School: Alexandros Laftsidis, Director

GOYA, HOPE and JOY : Father Mark Emroll, Mr. Nick Tzetzis,

Youth Ministry Teams

College Students, OCF: Presvytera Ginny Emroll, Mr. Nick Tzetzis

St. Sophia Mothers Club: Sally Papasavvas, President

AHEPA: Nicholas L. Sarakatsannis, President

Daughters of Penelope: Patricia Neuendorf, President

Over 50s Club: Maria Freeman, President

Adult Religious Education: Father Mark Emroll, Mr. Nick Tzetzis

Outreach/Samaritan Fund: Father Mark Emroll, Mr. Nick Tzetzis,

Eugene Nicholas

The Good Shepherd Food Pantry: Stephanie Diaz, Maria Freeman,

Mary Morgan, Elaine Snyder, Matina Trivett Agios Demetrios Society: Jim Grammas, Maria Panagis

Panegyri: Peter Zaferes, Leadership Team

Parish Bookstore: Christina Polychroniou

Office Hours: Weekdays 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Worship Schedule: Matins, 8:15 am; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 am

Other Services as scheduled.

Our Mission

THE VOICE is the official monthly

newsletter of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas

Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati,

Ohio. Our Parish was founded in 1907

and serves Orthodox Christians

throughout the tri-state area. Our mis-

sion is to reach out to all members of

the Community by providing relevant

information on the religious, spiritual

and cultural life of the Parish; news on

the accomplishments of Parish mem-

bers and organizations, and editorial

points of view.

The next deadline for submitting

news to the "Voice" is

March 10, 2019

Submissions can be dropped off or

mailed to the Church Office or

e-mailed to

Our Church website can be

found at


Officers Members

Andy Stefanopoulos, President Eli Cassis

Gus Lazares, Vice– President William “Buzzy” Gaz

Kim Lambrinides, Treasurer Gus Koutsogiannis

Peggy Kehayes, Asst. Treasurer Ron Nichols

Matthew Neuendorf, Secretary Gus Poneris

Bill Kanelopoulos, Asst. Secretary Sylvia Rombis

Jacinta “Jay” Williams

Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Tel: (513) 591-0030 Fax: (513) 591-0043 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED




Saturdays of the Souls (Psychosavvata)

“For Thou, O Christ our God, art the Resurrection, the Life, and the blessed Repose of all those who have fallen asleep in the Faith and unto Thee do we offer up glory, to the Father, the

Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen”.

March 2, 9, & 16, 2019

Let us pray for the eternal memory and blessed repose of:






Requested by:__________________________________________________

Parishioners wishing to have the name of their departed loved ones read during the Saturdays of the Souls are asked to fill out

the above form and return it to the Clergy as soon as possible.