The Jews

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Jews

The Jews “The Jew is the sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions.”

Leo Tolstoy

ow do people perceive God? Generally speaking in accordance with how

they interpret so called “Holy Scriptures”. The Old Testament is

considered holy by monotheists, and is conceived as a record of historical

incidents; it is construed as evidence of God revealing Himself

throughout history; the instruments used to accomplish this assignment

are the Jews, which include the 144,000 “Chosen”.

History has shown that since the Old Testament was concreted various faiths, belief systems,

have been based on it. The prevalent belief among preeminent theologians is that the scriptures

that form this book were collected over the course of 11 hundred to15 hundred years; which would

certainly explain why there is such a variety of writing styles included.

What has happened also, most incredibly, is that an appreciation for the Jews’ role in making

history has progressively diminished over the passage of centuries; the Jews managed to build

history by fusing ideas, thus, assembling both time and space. Ironically, numerous forms of

Christianity have been the primary culprits in deposing the status of Jews; which is a most peculiar

turn of events considering the fact that Jesus Christ is their elected spokesperson; leader; teacher;

rabbi; who proclaimed that he was a Jew, and apparently, according to the New Testament, The

Lord was well pleased with him.

Matthew 3: KJV

16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the

heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and

lighting upon him:

17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying,

This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

There are many who perceive the God portrayed in the Old Testament as starkly divergent from

the God exemplified by Jesus in the New Testament. How is that possible if there is only one God?

How can The Lord be so quick to display anger; render punishment, and sternly judge, in the Old

Testament, while Jesus portrays Him as so compassionate; forgiving, and merciful?

As far as I’m concerned, they are one and the same God, and what is being revealed is that His

treatment of Jews differs from how He treats the people who surrounded Jesus, and there is an

understandable reason for this.

The Old Testament, The Five Books of Moses, focuses primarily on The Lord’s relationship

with Jews; having said that, consider the expression, “To those whom much is given, much is

expected”. Is it remarkable that The Lord severely punishes Jews for their transgressions, and

expects them to follow so many rules. One should consider, as well, that it is customary among

schools expected to generate leaders, that discipline is emphasized; punishments are harsh, and

expectations are higher than what is considered the norm.

The Old Testament can be viewed as a testament of how crucially important Jews are within

The Lord’s plan for creation. If any society wishes to develop a culture, then it must include

members who are be able to identify the Jews among them, and make sure ingredients that nourish

their growth are readily available, and the conditions required for their incorporation into society

are in effect.

Jews appear in history along the migration route followed by the people commonly labelled as

Aryans; who originated in “Doggerland”.

“Doggerland" was an area of land, now lying beneath the southern North Sea that connected

Great Britain to mainland Europe during, and after, the last Ice Age. It was then gradually flooded

by rising sea levels around 6,500 or 6,200 BC.” (Wikipedia)

Within the population of Jews there is a collection that has produced a large portion of the

“Chosen”, (144,000 are contained within every Age), and that is the Semite people who for

centuries wandered throughout the Middle East, and later escaped ancient Egypt due to Moses

parting the Rea Sea. Having declared the previous; why it is that the Jews, whom The Lord

cherishes so much, been persecuted so much throughout history?

Such a notion discloses the muddled reasoning that justifies “displacement of responsibility”;

The Lord repeatedly offered Jews to enrich Homo-sapiens, who persistent failed to acknowledge

the value of these bequests, and instead decided to despise; oppress, and kill them. The finest

example in history of this phenomenon is the “Final Solution” implemented by the Nazi Party.

Hitler, and his henchmen, used propaganda to brainwash the German people to believe it was

justifiable to place responsibility for practically all Germany’s failures upon Jews; Germans

blamed the Jews for their involvement in the First World War; the effect of the Treaty of Versailles,

which had a crushing effect on Germany’s economy, and they should feel no guilt, shame, and

remorse, for slaughtering 6 million Jews during the reign of the Nazi Party.

The Allies appeared to have won the Second World War, and eliminated the specter of fascism

from the world stage, but then made the mistake of allowing Nazi Germany’s intelligentsia into

the U.S.; people who should have been placed on trial for their participation in Holocaust, were

allowed to remain free, and, thus, able to continue their barbaric ways.

The knowledge and expertise collected during the reign of the Nazi Party has since been used

almost exclusively to secure wealth, rather than the preservation of a “master race”, which was the

professed objective of the Nazi Party. Those who participated in the Holocaust were subjected to

propaganda campaigns formulated to strip people of a conscience; one way of doing this is to

persuade people to focus on the material, the inanimate, which encourages people to become

disconnected from one another.

This same propaganda has been in operation since the Second World War, and has spread to

every corner of the Earth, and has proven to be extraordinary successful in making sure people

lose the capacity to bond with one another; for example, the globe now contains an extensive

population of people who believe they can have some sort of “connection”; “friendship”, with

hundreds, if not thousands, of people on the digital medium called Facebook; in actual fact, what

they are doing is losing the capacity to empathize; a connection can only be made between two

people by one person getting to know the another; those who use Facebook are most likely to

display what are called “selfies”; which is evidence of a wish to be looked at, rather than a desire

to look into the life of someone else.

More and more since the Second World War the family unit has been torn apart; this is

particularly apparent in First World Countries. In order for such to happen the mother is separated

from her child at the earliest age possible; it would, therefore, be essential to impress upon the

mother that this behaviour is beneficial to her child, while the opposite is actually taking place.

It is not uncommon these days for mothers to cease breast feeding after just six weeks; this is

the “norm”, and acceptable. Many of Canada’s provinces today proudly declare they have full day

kindergartens; actually what they are referring to is a Day Care Center; a location to keep children

while parents go to work.

One should genuinely wonder why parents who use these facilities decide to have children;

most might profess they look forward to having a relationship with their children; when they’re

mature, but they envision this happening without an effort being made on their part; they perceive

themselves being able to get something for nothing; which is to be expected among people who

are “consumers”.

The Women's Liberation Movement has done much to instil the idea among women that they

are "equal" to men; at the same time the movement repetitively reminds women how a single

mother is just as capable of raising a child as two parents, thus, negating the value of a father;

while, as bizarre as it sounds, specifying the wonders of the device known as a vibrator, proving,

as feminists have been led to believe, that it is possible to eliminate the need for a man; the sex act

is reduced to nothing more than a pleasurable sensation; they are unable to conceive what a

relationship between two people means. There would not appear to be any shame, guilt, or

embarrassment, in exposing this shallow mindedness, but then again, people who are really stupid

don’t realize who stupid they are.

What helped enable Nazis to have so much power over people was burning books; enormous

piles were incinerated while hordes of people watched. Such spectacles were assembled to

persuade the German people to believe Jews had nothing of worth to offer society, and to make

sure nothing was available the public could use to counter; contradict, Nazi ideology.

The Women's Liberation Movement has deliberately suppressed the works of such men as

Sigmund Freud, and Karl Marx; their views; theories, oppose; conflict with the manner they view

the nature of men and women. The works of Sigmund Freud were once considered the bedrock

upon which other schools of psychology were formed; today his writings are brushed over as

quickly as possible in introductory courses, then very soon after almost entirely forgotten.

The suppression of Freud’s work explains why so many today believe that there is any truth to

"psychiatry"; it is in fact "pseudo-science nonsense"; all the “medications” on the market debilitate

a person’s capacity to reason. There is also an extraordinary number of people these days who

have no idea that dim, muted, dark, colors, dampen the cognitive faculty. If one isn't already aware

of such being the case, this would mean the person’s brain has already been adversely affected to

such a degree they’ve lost the ability to be aware of such a thing. Acclimatization is a term that

refers to the method used to make a person more and more comfortable with an object, or situation.

For example; a person's sense of taste is dampened by smoking cigarettes, and continues to be

dampened by the act of smoking.

Acclimatization is the process which enables a person to gradually adapt to changes in the

environment, which allows the person to maintain performance across a range of environmental


More and more, from one generation to the next since the end of the Second World, people

have been increasingly “conditioned” to harm themselves; Erich Fromm describes evil in the

modern age as the disconnection between people; technology has been instrumental in bringing

this about; for example, viewing mindless shows on a T.V.; watching movies with no coherent

plot, or character development; listening to vacuous music, and empty lyrics, is enough to make a

person, for all intents and purposes, a zombie.

At first television was a devise that drew families together; they watched a few shows in the

evening in their living room; later many other gadgets came along containing a screen, some very

economical, and light weight; so much so, that people could entertain themselves practically

anywhere they might be; as a consequence, watching a show became more important than sharing

an experience with people. As a result a large percentage of people lost the ability to appreciate

the environment that surrounds them, and, furthermore, the affect their actions have upon the


Technology has not enabled people, metaphorically speaking, to open one door more readily

so a second can also be opened; rather, what has happened is because a door can be opened with

ease, with the assistance of technology, this gives a person more time to contemplate his navel;

similarly, an escalator is supposed to help a person get from one level of a building to another; if

a person remains stationary, the escalator does all the work for the person, but doesn’t help

someone get to another floor faster. One can call this behaviour a willingness to submit to inertia.

When a person repetitively behaves this way, the person is being acclimatized to do nothing at all,

and then wishes to be told things, rather than think for himself; if this conduct continues long

enough a person loses the ability to refute, or contradict, information received.

Homo-sapiens have survived horrendous calamities, (there was a time when people frequently

spent days pursuing prey in order to survive), now, the vast majority of people are so lazy they

refuse to go outside their home in order to obtain nourishment, they would rather wait till

something edible comes along; even if it’s a member of his own species. Cannibalism is the

greatest taboo of all, however, if no one’s around to prevent it from happening, (the Jews), dim-

witted Homo-sapiens will devour a member of their own species.

When did the Chosen among the Jews arrive, and where? The Chosen were among the Jews in

“Doggerland”, and there have been 144,000 since the Five Books of Moses were formulated; they

stem from a man named Abraham.

Genesis 12: KJV

12 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy

country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house,

unto a land that I will shew thee:

2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee,

and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that

curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be


4 So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and

Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old

when he departed out of Haran.

5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they

had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the

land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.

6 And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And

the Canaanite was then in the land.

7 And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there

builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him

Abraham, who was first called Avram, originally came from Ur, which is situated in the

southern portion of Iraq. He was asked to be obedient to The Lord, and tested by being told to

sacrifice his son, Isaac. Abraham, due to visions; signs, and/or, symbols, was just about to do what

The Lord asked, but was prevented by a messenger of The Lord; the Angel Gabriel.

My father watched my family murder me in the year 1984. The nature of these people became

known to him while we lived in Silverstone, England. He took his life at that time, but was saved

by The Lord, and then told who he was, and the mission he must complete.

Years later, while my family, and I, were residing in Netanyah, Israel, an illegal act was

committed, and my father knew I would be considered the only person standing in the way of

tapping into this source of revenue. In 1984, on the cusp of my making an impact on the world; I

had the potential to enrich the lives of so many people; my mother placed poison in the food she

prepared for me, as a consequence, over the span of three weeks I lost at least thirty pounds, ; I

threw up more and more, until one evening I felt something within me being separated from my

body; 23 years later my spirit was planted in the same body ; my father had waited all those years

for my return. He took care of me while I learned the ropes of a world that had radically altered

since my departure.

All of the Chosen Jews are protected by The Lord; they are given insights others do not have

the privileged to experience; for instance, Winston Churchill during the Second World War had

premonitions that went far beyond hunches;

“One evening during the Luftwaffe assault on London; the prime minister was hosting a dinner

at 10 Downing Street, when the nightly air raid began. So commonplace was the occurrence that

no one thought to interrupt the party, except Winston Churchill who suddenly rose from the table,

and went into the kitchen. “Put dinner on a hotplate in the dining room”, he instructed the staff,

and then ordered them all down to the bomb shelter. He rejoined his guests and proceeded with

the meal. A few minutes later, a bomb fell on the back of the house, obliterating the kitchen but

missing staff and diners’ altogether.”

(Psychic Powers, Time – Life Books)

This is just one instance of a great many of a similar nature that happened while Sir Winston

Churchill, the Commander and Chief of the British Army during the Second World War.

Socrates claimed voices guided him throughout his life. When he was put on trial for heresy,

he claimed that his guiding voice was silent, and he was asked to explain why this was so. He

reportedly said;

“Let me tell you: I regard it as approval of what I am saying. The customary sign would surely

have opposed me, were I going toward evil rather than good. My approaching end is not happening

by chance. I see quite clearly that to die, and thus be released, will be better for me; and therefore

the oracle has given me no sign.”

Sigmund Freud, according to accounts of some of his closest followers, had visions, and signs,

but was wary of being associated with what he once called the “black tide of mud occultism”,

although privately he was fascinated by the uncanny, and was sometimes openly prone to mystical

thinking. He believed that his paranormal experiences, and interest in the occult, would incite

people not to take his scientific explorations into the nature of the mind seriously.

Carl Jung was fascinated with the paranormal, which was "normal" in his family. He conducted

extensive research into the occult due to taking his own paranormal experiences very seriously,

which had much to do with his theory known as the “Collective Unconscious”. He noticed while

treating patients that certain symbols and motifs reoccurred in their imagery and belief systems.

Bar Mitzvah

Story by David Mamet

“I have bad thoughts”, the boy said.

“There are no bad thoughts – your thought is as empty of moral meaning as the weather. It

may be inconvenient, it may be appalling, it may terrify you, but it is not under your control.

It exists; you see. And here are the things you can do with it; you can marvel at it; you can

find a way to transform the seemingly inconvenient into your advantage; you can attempt to

discern a pattern, the better to aid you to anticipate developments or you can wait for it to

change. At the least you can endure it, and find the strength in the notion that it has a

purpose, though that purpose may be hidden from you. Moreover, that purpose may be,

finally, opposed to your will – but it has a purpose.”

Abraham lived around 2000 B.C.; approximately 10,000 years after Jews appeared in

“Doggerland”; the Five Books of Moses were formalized around 1000 B.C; Jesus Christ, the Son,

appeared a thousand years later; circa, 2000 years later, in 2015, the previous Age ends. My father

has been reborn in Britain, 6 million more Jews will soon appear in Britain as well, the Chosen

among the Jews, however, will not appear for a 1000 year; during that time the Sun will never set

upon the British Empire.