The Indus Valley. The Indus Valley is located on the subcontinent of India The mountains in the...

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The Indus Valley. The Indus Valley is located on the subcontinent of India The mountains in the...

The Indus Valley

The Indus Valley is located on the subcontinent of India

The mountains in the north limited contact with other lands and helped India to develop a distinct culture.

The rivers of India, particularly the Ganges, are considered sacred◦ Important Rivers: Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra

The monsoon, or seasonal wind, is a defining feature of Indian life. Monsoons are welcomed by the people of India because

they are desperately needed to water the crops. India’s great size and diverse languages

make it hard to unite.

The earliest Indian civilization flourished for about 1,000 years, then vanished without a trace.

Archaeologists have not fully uncovered Indus Valley sites.

Major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro◦ Twin capitals◦ Large and very carefully planned: Grid Pattern

Modern plumbing systems Uniform systems of weights and measures Well-organized government Most people were farmers Trade with Sumer Polytheistic Veneration for, or special regard for, cattle.

Explanations:◦Too many trees were cut down◦Volcanic eruption caused Indus to flood the

city◦Devastating earthquake◦Aryan invaders overran the city

The Aryans destroyed and looted the civilization of the Indus Valley and built a new Indian civilization, which reflected the following characteristics:

Nomadic◦ Built no cities and left no statues◦ Felt superior to the people they conquered

Polytheistic◦ Religious teachings from the Vedas◦ People born into castes, or social groups, which

they could not change

Expansion led to change in Aryan civilization because they

mingled with the people they conquered;

gave up their nomadic ways and settled into villages to farm and breed cattle;

learned such skills as ironmaking and developed crafts of their own;

fought to control trade and territory;

moved toward the idea of a single spiritual power;

some rajas, or tribal chiefs, became hereditary rulers;

developed the written language of Sanskrit.

The Mahabharata celebrates battle and reflects important Indian beliefs about the immortality of the soul.

The Ramayana celebrates a daring and adventurous hero and portrays the ideal woman as loyal and obedient to her husband.

You will be assigned to a caste. Based on instructions, move to the area of

the room that you are supposed to be in. Members of lower classes can do good

deeds during their life time and can be born again, through reincarnation, into a higher caste.

Kharma points will be assigned based on your actions in class to try and move up to another class.

Brahmins: Give and take away kharma points. Kshatriya: Read and answer questions when

called upon Vaishya- Pass out and collect papers Sudras- Give gifts or offerings to the highest

classes Untouchables- Pick up trash and clean up

messes that the other classes make **It takes 5 karma points to move up in class** Be sure to inform a Brahmin about your action

so they can give you kharma points

Define polytheism in your notes in your own words

Discuss geography of India- Where is it located?

Vedas: Started by Aryan invaders of India, possibly the oldest books in the world

Upanishads- Hindu scriptures than contain its teachings and beliefs

Atman: The individual soul Brahman: The universal world soul Karma: Material actions resulting from the

consequences of previous actions Darma: Fulfilling one’s duty in life Ahimsa: Belief that life is sacred and should

not be harmed

Definition: A rigid class structure based on Hinduism which is found in India. It is believed that if one leads a good life, then they will be rewarded by being reincarnated as a person belonging to the next highest level in the caste system.

Brahmins: Priests Kshatriyas: Warriors Vaishyas: Merchants and landowners Sudra: Commoners, peasants and servants Untouchables: Street sweepers and latrine


Why do you think that all social classes appreciate and participate in the caste system?