The Important of Water in Our Life

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of The Important of Water in Our Life

  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    The Important of Water in Our


    By : Andy Santoso Hioe (6)

  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    What is water?

    Wateris a chemical substance with the chemicalformula H2O. Water is a liquid at ambient conditions, butit often co-exists on Earth with its solid state,ice,and gaseous state, water vapororsteam.

    Our bodies are composed of about 75% water. Waterallows our blood to flow through the blood vessels thussupplying the body with vital nutrients. Also water allowswaste matter to be eliminated from the body via theexcretory system. Our need for water becomes veryapparent when we are thirsty. We drink glasses of thisprecious transparent liquid everyday. It is vital to our life.

  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    Who makes the water important?

    The first civilizations of

    man started near rivers.

    The Nile, the Tigris and

    Euphrates were whereman began to establish

    themselves on the earth.

    In all parts of the world,

    the major rivers played a

    major part in the evolutionof man.

  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    The use of water

    Water is used for drinking,washing, cleaning and just aboutany activity we care to do. Withoutwater, living is virtually impossible.

    Water covers about two thirds ofthe total surface of the earth. The

    vast expanse of seas and oceanshas long been our major sourcesof food and means of travel.Millions of fishes live in the sea.The majority of mankind willcontinue to eat fish. The rivers,seas and oceans provide manwith an important means of travel.In ancient times, man explored theearth via the sea.

  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    Where water could be found?

    There are 2 type of water resources. They are:

    Surface Water

    Surface water is water found above ground. Storage is necessary to makesure that the town has enough water so water is diverted from well wateredareas to dryer parts.


    nd water Underground water is very important in Australia. It is found in rock layerswhich are called aquifers. There are three main types.

    Surficial - layers of clay, silt and gravel soaked with water found near thesurface.Sedimentary - porous rock soaked with water, and is found around 100mbelow the surface.Fractured rock - formed by rock layers shifting and breaking, and is hard toget out.

    Underground water is rain water that goes through layers of dirt and rock.We access underground water by dirlling drills. Underground water is mainlyused for irrigation.

  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    When we dont need water?

    Today the waterways of the world are still of majorimportance to mankind. When there is shortage of watersuch as when there is a drought, then we know howterrible the consequences can be. Plants, animals and

    human beings perish. The affected land becomesparched and dry. Nothing grows.

    As long as there is life on this planet, water will be here.Without it, life as we know it is impossible. Thus it isimportant for us to know how precious water is. We

    ought not to waste it or pollute it by any means. Water isjust too precious.


  • 8/7/2019 The Important of Water in Our Life


    How to keep our waterclean

    Everyday household activities are a major contributor topolluted runoff, which is among the most serious sourcesof water contamination. Here are some ways you canhelp reduce polluted runoff.

    In Your Home: 1. Correctly dispose of hazardous household


    2. Use nontoxic household products wheneverpossible.

    3. Recycle and dispose of all trash properly. 4. Conserve water.

    In Your Yard:

    5. Use natural fertilizers.