The Impact of Internet of Things on Everything

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The Impact of Internet of Things on Everything

What Exactly Is Internet Of Things?

Internet of Things (IoT)’, one of the raging technologies, is luring

end users with its captivating benefits and features.

The internet of things (also known as IoT) connects people, data things and

Process in networks of billions or even trillion of connections. These connections

Create vast amount of data , that when analyzed and used intelligently

Creates possibilities to realize countless innovations and efficiencies.

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● MOBILITY, CLOUD AND BIG DATA are each game-changers for government individually - when they are tapped collectively, the result convergence can revolutionize the way government conducts business.

-There will be 50 billion mobile connected devices by 2020.

-By 2020 the amount of data created and copied annually will reach40 trillion GBs.

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