The IFT Presentation

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The IFT Presentation

+The Independence created By Shay, Aidan, Rochelle, Dan, Precious, Ishmael & Dammy


Independent Film Trust Logo (Above)

The Independent Film Trust is a UK registered charity which was founded by Elliot Grove to help bring social awareness to independent film making.

The Independent Film Trust has funded a lot of films tha

+Competitors/Similar OrganizationsThere are other organizations that do similar work that the Independent Film Trust are well known for. Other organizations such as the BFI, The NFT and Film4 also support the Independent Film Making genre in the UK. Both organizations

+Design Developments/Mood BoardWe split our group into 4:•Aidan, Dammy and Ishmael•Rochelle & Shay•Dan•Precious

Each team was given a task to complete. Aidan, Dammy and Ishmael were assigned the task of creating the raffle tickets. We used Photoshop to create the raffle tickets. Rochelle and Shay were assigned 2 tasks. The first was to create the DVD sleeve and the DVD’s and the second was to do the IFT campaign proposal. They also used Photoshop to create the DVD sleeve as well as the DVD’s. Dan was assigned the task of creating the promotional poster for Night Music. He used Photoshop and Illustrator to create the poster. He also screen grabbed the images that are in the poster from YouTube. Precious was given the job of creating the mood board.

Mood Board

+Design Outcome: DVD Sleeve

+Design Outcome: Raffle Tickets

Raffle Tickets which feature such iconic Hollywood stars as Marilyn Monroe & Rita Hayworth.

+Design Outcome: DVD’s

+Design Outcome: Poster



+Thank You for Watching Our




PreciousDammy & Ishmael