The idea of family

Post on 20-May-2015

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Transcript of The idea of family

The idea of a family The idea of a family

Family defintions: Oxford dictionary noun (plural families) 1 [treated as singular or plural] a group consisting of two

parents and their children living together as a unit: she moved in with her boyfriend’s family[as modifier]:the family home

 a group of people related by blood or marriage: friends and family can provide support, could not turn him away, for he was family

 the children of a person or couple being discussed: she has the sole responsibility for a large family

Yourdictionary says that:

- Family is defined as a specific group of people that may be made up of

partners, children, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.noun

- The definition of family is the group of people who share common ancestors.noun

Webstrer dictionary adds this:

 - all the people living in the same house; household

- a social unit consisting of parents and the children they rearthe children of the same parents

one's husband (or wife) and children- a group of people related by ancestry or marriage; relatives

Family values – values learnt in a family setting

Love for yourself and for others gets learnt in a family!

care sharelove



thus, never GIVE IT UP!

Family -
