The Hunger Games Book Series - Will This Become the Next Harry Potter or Twilight?

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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The sudden spark of popularity that's struck The Hunger Games isn't unexpected. With the approach of the movie on the hori...

Transcript of The Hunger Games Book Series - Will This Become the Next Harry Potter or Twilight?

The Hunger Games Book Series

Will This Become the Next Harry

Potter or Twilight?

I began this particular journey with nothing special

in mind. I've heard about The Hunger Games. While browsing

Barnes and Noble and Borders, I've seen the book on the shelf

sitting next to "Waiting for Superman" in the best seller aisle.

I've wanted to read it. But I never got around to it.

Then I started hearing more and more. No special details, just

little blurbs here and there saying how great the book is. How

excellently written this book was. How amazing this book was,

but no special details were ever spoken. And I can understand

why now.

I recently received a copy in the mail. Yay! A new book for me

to read! This finally gave me the motivation to read through The

Hunger Games, and I am glad I did. As of now, I am anxiously

awaiting the other two books so I may finish the series.

The Hunger Games is set in the distant future after America

goes berserk. What follows is a corrupt and controlling

government surrounded by 13 districts. An uprising occurs and a

civil war breaks out. The capitol and controlling government

wins, wiping out district 13 in the process. As a reminder to the

remaining 12, the Capitol holds The Hunger Games.

I'm not going to give any more of the story than that. Even that

may be a bit much, but it's only a small piece of background

information that doesn't hold much to the story other then why it

exists. Ultimately why the Hunger Games exist, what they are,

and how they are held is what is important.

I fear writing any more of the story, giving small details and

information, because I don't want to ruin the shock value. The

author, Suzanne Collins, Paints a picture that is so utterly

shocking and unthinkable.

The brutality and nature of The Hunger Games supersedes

only the viciousness of what the Roman Empire was once

capable of. The imagery, details, and ideas of this novel paint a

graphic and grim time.

The first pages will leave a

person depressed. Never could I, myself, imagine the hardships

of the main character, and then it only gets worse. I feel sad for

the day that our society may ever reach this point.

Suzanne Collins writing style is very first person. It's as blunt as

a brick to the forehead. This kind of perspective is a little strong

for my taste, but after reading the novel I can't see any other way

of having it done. The strong first person perspective portrays

the emotion of the main character perfectly.

The read receives an absolute sense of her strength, hatred,

worry, terror, love, and confusion. There is a strong disconnect

portrayed between the main character, her followers, and the

Capitol, and through the eyes of her, you get a sense of how

desensitized the population of the Capitol is, and how lonely and

dread-filled the remaining 12 districts are.

The Hunger Games is a book that provokes strong and

confusing emotions. You want the main character to succeed

and to win, but at the same time, the acts she MUST commit are

so very horrible and repulsive. You begin to feel the love and

passion, the hatred and terror she feels, and the plot line will

leave you riveting for more.

Throughout the pages you'll be left wondering how

something as horrible as the Hunger Games can exist, yet you

won't be able to stop reading. I make the details of book out to

be perceived as horrible book. Yes, the content and plot line is

unthinkable, but the book is amazing.

The strong first person perspective does its job precisely

and exact. The author has provided an incredible story that

conveys more than a little amusement. I found it extremely

difficult to put down this book.