The Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, and Night

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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The Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, and Night. Auschwitz. Timeline. 1933 – Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany Hitler given “emergency powers” 1933- 1 st concentration camps opened. Throughout 1933 Jews begin to be stripped of their rights: owning land, health insurance, etc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, and Night

The Holocaust, Elie Wiesel, and Night



• 1933 – Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany

• Hitler given “emergency powers” • 1933- 1st concentration camps opened.• Throughout 1933 Jews begin to be

stripped of their rights: owning land, health insurance, etc.

• Hitler orders sterilization of people with genetic defects.

Adoph Hitler

• 1935 – Nuremburg race laws passed against Jews.

• Nazis force abortions on women who might pass on hereditary diseases.

• Jews can no longer serve in the military.

• 1936 – Olympics begin in Berlin – Hitler sought to use Olympics to support his theories of racial superiority.

American Jesse Owens at Berlin Olympics

• 1937 – Jews are banned from many professions including dentistry.

• 1938 – Nazis enter Austria

• Jews cannot “front” their own business, ordered to register wealth and property.

• Krystallnacht – Night of the Broken Glass

• Herman Goring – placed in charge of handling the “Jewish Question”

Prisoners at Auschwitz

• 1939 – Nazis invade Czechoslovakia and Poland

• Jews are placed in “ghettos” near railway stations awaiting “final solution.”

• Nazis begin euthanasia on the sick and old

• Nazis force Jews to wear yellow star.

Map of Concentration Camps

Dr. Josef Mengele – The Angel of Death


• Major concentration camps – Auschwitz, Buchenwald, etc. – become operational

• U.S. enters the war – Dec. 7, 1941• Mass killings of Jews begin in 1942 using

Zyklon B gas.• June 6, 1944 – D-Day – Allied Victory• Allied forces begin closing in on Germany

in late 1944 and begin liberating camps in Jan. of 1945

The Battle of the Bulge (1944-1945)

Mengele’s Infamous Twin StudiesNow 84, these women survived.

Zyklon B Cannisters

• April 30, 1945- Hitler commits suicide.

• An estimated 6 million Jews were executed in concentration camps.


Liberated Jews

Americans Liberating Concentration Camps

Americans Liberating Concentraiton Camps

The Yellow Star

Holocaust Shoe Exhibit

Gold Fillings Taken from Jews

Elie Wiesel

• Born in Romania

• Sent to Concentration Camp

• Wrote Night about his experiences there.

Elie Wiesel