The Hive - Honey Creek Presbyterian hive.pdf · The Hive Publisher...

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Transcript of The Hive - Honey Creek Presbyterian hive.pdf · The Hive Publisher...

Pastor's Column:

The days are almost here! The first HCPC mission trip to Haiti starts on October 19th. The gracious outpouring of support from the congregation for this work trip has been a testament to your faith and love. It is my hope that the six of us going on this trip will be of great use to and inspiration to the people of the St. Joseph Family in Haiti, and that all of you who are supporting us back at home will feel yourself extending into the world because of our trip. It is true that we don’t have to travel to another country to be of service to Christ’s mission in the world, but putting ourselves in the context of some of the world’s poorest people does help us to understand our own blessings in a new way. There is a lot of information coming up in this newsletter about the trip itself, but for now, please know that I give thanks to God for all of you: for the five people traveling with me, and for everyone else in this church and in this community. We take you with us as we go, truly living as part of the world-wide body

of Christ.Blessings,Shelley

Haiti Mission Trip: St. Joseph Family

Solidarity Work Team

First, the details:When: October 19-25Who: In the picture above, Marilyn Perkins, Jon Vanderglas, Mary Quinn, Kay Harshbarger, Shelley Wiley, and Jay PetersonWhere: The St. Joseph Home for Boys in Port au Prince Haiti, with a day trip up to the Wings of Hope Home for Children with Disabilities in Fermathe, Haiti.What: At St. Joseph’s we will be working on rebuilding the main family home. We won’t know exactly what we will be doing until we get there: digging foundations, mixing concrete, hauling construction stuff and building framing supports are all options! We will help the local workers, and do whatever the builder asks us to do. At Wings of Hope, Mary will work with the teachers there to lead us all in a craft project with the children. After the project, we are hosting a pizza party for all the children and staff at Wings! This is a first for them, and they are looking forward to it.Next, the needs:Many of you have already brought in some of the items that were published in the September Hive for us to take. We can accept items until October 17th. We still need 3-4 large suitcases that tip and roll on wheels. We leave very early the morning of October 19, and Gil Doggett and Ted Teach have already volunteered to drive us to Columbus to catch our flight. We are scheduled to arrive home at the Columbus airport on Monday,

The Hive Publisher HCPC Volume No. 010 Issue No 09 Date October 2010

October 25, at 8:25 pm. Who can come and pick us up? One car is already arranged, so we probably could all fit into one additional car, if there is plenty of room in the trunk for suitcases. If you’re willing to pick us up, please let Shelley know.The schedule of events:Sunday, October 27: the team will be commissioned during the regular morning worship.Sunday, October 27: after worship, we will be packing all the large suitcases with the donated items.Tuesday – Monday: the actual trip.Sunday, November 7: a pot-luck lunch after worship for the team to share our stories and pictures.What else can you do?Please keep us in your prayers.Shelley will try to post pictures every night in Haiti on the Honey Creek Presbyterian Church Facebook page. You do not have to be a regular user of Facebook to visit this page. Check it out at!/pages/Honey-Creek-Presbyterian-Church/123006177749011

BIRTHDAYSOct. 6 Kay AllinghamOct. 7 Marie SabecOct. 16 Tom IrwinOct. 16 Teresa MirelesOct. 18 Ruth M. YoestingOct. 19 Glenna GrahmOct. 22 Taymont ButtOct. 26 Bonnie HawthornOct. 27 Jane FowlerOct. 29 Brooks LoebOct. 31 Bob BatemanNov. 6 Elizabeth RuhrmundNov. 10 Dot HatcherNov. 11 Rosie Chaffins


for the transforming work of your Spirit within, among and through us, for your comforting presence with: Mary Webster and all of Leroy Smith's family; Carol Bicknell, Ann Peters and all of Jim's family; Marge Slanker and all of Don's family; Stu Cummins and all of Gerry's family; Barb Meyerhoeffer and all of Roger's family:for renewed health for: Ruth Yoesting, Elaine Brubaker, Ted Flora, Bill Hatcher, Tom Irwin, Jerry Irwin, Bev Rath, and Loretta Allen.for those homebound and in nursing homes: Lucille Estridge, Howard McCullough, Geneva Slanker, Ann & Floyd Stahl and Lester Weinland. for family and friends: Herbert Shau, Mae Lee Smith, Bev Smithey, Andrew Raeburn, Jo Dusko, Charles Keller and Jim Keller. for those in military service: James Rath and Jesse Daniel

SESSION HIGHLIGHTSThe following actions were taken by the

Session:1 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to accept the recommended budget for 2010.2 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to accept Pat Paul into the membership of Honey Creek Presbyterian Church on a reaffirmation of faith.3 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to continue Rev. Wiley's contract with the church as a Stated Supply Pastor with the only change to the contract being 5 weeks vacation (instead of 4).4 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to consider Rev. Wiley's week in Haiti with the mission trip to be work and not vacation.5 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to split the Shafer Scholarship funds evenly between the two applicants (Andrew Brubaker and Aleici Mireles).6 -- It was moved, seconded and passed to

have Ron Sterrett continue as our state statutory agent.

Respectively submitted,Cindi Cook, Clerk of Session


MOM Committee met on Sept. 30, 2010.Honey Creek has collected about $400 for the CROP walk, and BCU about $5400. People can still donate until the end of October, so we won't have an accurate count until then. Cindi Cook and Shelley Wiley walked for HCPC.

The work team going to Haiti met at Shelley's for final plans and enjoyed dinner together. Gil Doggett and Ted Teach have volunteered to take them to the airport in Columbus on Oct. 19th (in the middle of the night!). We still need someone to pick them up from Columbus on Oct. 25th. Large, rolling suitcases are still needed to take our donations to Haiti. If you have one for them to use, contact Shelley.

BCU-- any checks given to BCU should be made out to Bethel Churches United instead of the Food Pantry. That money is used for things other than just the Food Pantry and this allows them to use it where it is needed (they also give to people who need temporary help with things like rent or utilities).

Beds for Babies-- We applied for a grant to help buy more cribs, but had to reapply to give more information before a decision could be made. Hopefully, we will hear soon.

Oct. 17th there will be a special part of the church service to commission those who are going to Haiti. Then on Nov. 7th we will have a potluck after church to hear about their trip and to see the pictures taken.

BCU will have sign-up for Christmas baskets

on Nov. 9th from 11 a.m. till 8 p.m. if anyone would like to help with this they need to contact Wes Jeurgens. Pick up for Christmas baskets will be on Dec. 22nd this year.


The Finace Committee presented the 2011 buget.


The Worship Committee met September 9, 2010. We discussed World Wide Communion and decided to serve several kinds of bread to represent various areas of the world.

We also looked ahead to see what we must do in preparation for the upcoming holidays.

The ushers for September were:

Doug Chaffins and Larry AllinghamMildred and Gil DoggettDottie and Ted TeachMarilyn and Don Perkins

The Christian Education Committee hosted the coffee hour.

Thanks to all!

Respectfully submitted,Imy McFarland


Sunday School is up and running - well up! The children's class is being taught by Mary Quinn (Miss Mary from Vacation Bible School). There are three little girls - ages 3-7. They are studying the Old Testament. Last Sunday they made apple trees. (Sounds like Adam and Eve). On to Noah's Ark this week.

The Adult Class is using a new curriculum - Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding. Bonnie Hawthorn is teaching the first session on John Calvin. Anyone interested in teaching, Please contact Bev Quinn. Volunteers are welcomed!

The committee is still looking for ways to increase this learning time together. Suggestions encouraged! Thanks.


The big project for this period was to provide a lockable closet on the first floor of the CE building for use by the Clark County Health Department. They needed a place to store some equipment for use each week during their clinics. We decided on a small (mostly!?) unused closet on the first floor that only needed a lock. Thanks to Ron Sterrett it now has a dead bolt lock and is ready for Health Department use.

Just for your information the church monument in the New Carlisle Cemetery has had a face lift of sorts. The pavers have been removed, the foundation reworked and the pavers reset. It looks great although there are a couple of pavers still in the process of having new lettering installed. Stop by and take a look at it. This project was spearheaded by Bill Hatcher.Having had the pleasure of working with several committees over the past couple of years on a wide variety of projects I could not resist sharing with you the following bit of Presbyterian humor that I found on the internet. “The Building is on Fire”During a recent ecumenical gathering, a secretary rushed in shouting, “The building is on fire!” The Methodists gathered in the corner and

prayed.The Baptists cried, “Where is the water?”The Quakers quietly praised God for the blessings that fire brings.The Lutherans posted a notice on the door declaring that fire is evil.The Roman Catholics passed the plate to cover the damages.The Jews posted symbols on the door hoping the fire would pass by.The Congregationalists shouted, “Every man for himself!”The Fundamentalists proclaimed, “It’s the vengeance of God!”The Episcopalians formed a procession and marched out.The Christian Scientists concluded that there was no fire.The Presbyterians appointed a chairperson who was to appoint a committee to look into the matter and submit a written report.The secretary grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out.Gil


Women’s Association (Presbyterian Women of Honey Creek)

Election Day is FAST approaching!! There will be a slight shift in our bazaar this year. We are having an Election Day Dinner, Bakery and Raffle. The time will be from 4 – 7 on Election Day. Dinner will be Baked Steak or Chicken with side vegetable, salad, dessert and drink for $8.00.

The Bakery will include Home Made items. Barb Meyerhoeffer is in charge. Call her at 882-6576 to let her know what you plan to bring. She can also suggest items that sell well.

The Raffle will also include handmade items

as well as some original items. Please call Sue Nichols at 845-1315 to let her know what you plan to bring.

As always we need everyone’s support – and we always get it! We will need: Table set up on the Sunday before Someone to call for pies Pie cutters Beverage servers Help at Bakery and Raffle (call Barb or Sue) Table clearing Dishwashers General cleanup afterward Please volunteer for whatever you are able to do! Someone recently referred to us as “the little church that could” – we can and we do!!!2011 Mission YearbookThe Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study is a daily devotional with 365 inspiring mission stories that come from next door and all across the globe. It inspires thousands of Presbyterians daily as they uphold the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) in intercessory prayer. The stories for the 2011 Mission Yearbook were collected around General Assembly Mission theme "Grow Christ's Church Deep and Wide" based on Matt. 28: 18-20 and Mark 9:35. Each yearbook page bears witness to the abundant possibilities of the church because of the leadership of Christ. The books are $10.50 each. Let Shelley know by October 15th if you'd like one, and we'll get our order in. Food PantryThis is Honey Creek's month to bring in donations of food for the Food Pantry. They are serving more and more people, so our donations are very important. You can take donations directly to the Food Pantry or bring them to church and I will see that they get there.

New Addresses:

Ruth YoestingForest Glen Health CampusRoom 5232150 Montego DriveSpringfield, OH 45503Her direct phone is 937 346-0294Assisted Living general # 937 390-991

Beverly Rath 4726 Security Drive, Apt. 303, Springfield, OH. Her phone no. is: (937) 342-1860.

Book ClubThe Book Club is reading Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay, and the meeting is Wednesday, Oct 27 at 6:30 pm. There is also dessert!

The HiveDo you want to get the Hive just online, or do you want a printed copy too? Let Sara in the church office know if you want both! You can leave a message on the church phone.

Church WebsiteHave you checked out our website lately? We're still working on it, and could use suggestions. Thanks to Teresa Peters! See www.honey

Pastoral Care EmergencyIn case of pastoral care emergency, please contact Rev. Shelley Wiley at her cellular phone (937-654-0078). Shelley will be here at the church Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

___________________HIVE INPUT

Please submit inputs and suggested articles for the HIVE to The deadline for submission for the November Hive is November 3.