The History of Westminster School Now and Then Year 2 Society & Environment Unit

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The History of Westminster School Now and Then Year 2 Society & Environment Unit. SUBJECT - SOCIETY&ENVIRONMENT: YEAR 2 TERM 1 2010 STRAND - Time, Continuity & Change TOPIC - My School Community History WESTMINSTER CURRICULUM DOCUMENT Society & Environment: Scope and Sequence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The History of Westminster School Now and Then Year 2 Society & Environment Unit

The History ofWestminster School

Now and Then

Year 2 Society & Environment Unit

SUBJECT - SOCIETY&ENVIRONMENT: YEAR 2 TERM 1 2010  STRAND - Time, Continuity & Change  TOPIC - My School Community History  WESTMINSTER CURRICULUM DOCUMENT Society & Environment: Scope and Sequence   SACSA Key IdeasChildren explore their family, community, local environments and society, in order to understand the common threads in human experiences which shape individual and collective identities. Id In C KC1 KC6 relating to Outcome 1.1   SACSA Outcomes1.1Identifies differences between their life and the lives of other generations in their society and explains some reasons for this. Id In C KC1 UNIT DURATION – 10 Weeks SUBJECT MATTER FOCUS Explore the history of the school Understands significance of names of school buildingsKnowledge of school house history and recognition of house symbolsConsiders changes in the school over timeTalks with Grandparents and compares differences in technology then and now

LEARNING OUTCOMESContributes to class discussionsWorks collaboratively on group tasksPresents information gatheredCan recognise and name significant places in the schoolCan identify past and present features of the schoolProvides examples of the differences between school in the past and presentCan identify and name school houses and their symbolsCan label parts of the school emblemAble to write and understand meaning of school motto  LEARNING SEQUENCEStarting Point – Introduce photos of significant buildings in the school. Children to identify and label buildings. School tour to see unfamiliar places.  School Video - watch and look at differences between then and nowOpening of school - notes on the school opening Then and Now - list of differences between opening of school and present timeSchool Photos – match pictures of significant buildings and names(refer names to past important people)School Houses – symbols and history of each houseSchool Motto & Emblem – explanation, meaning Extension- list of places to find emblem Grandparents Questionnaire – questions relating to differences in school then and now (uniforms, subjects, lunch box contents, sports, hobbies, teachers, TV, Schooling Then and Now- summarise unit and compare schooling from grandparents point of view and now and relate back to changes at Westminster  ASSESSMENTStudents will be assessed upon completion of bookwork and assessment booklet.  RESOURCESArchival material including – DVD of School opening, collection of historical photos, examples of earliest school uniforms, memorabilia, references to School publications

Ideas for Integrated Studies UnitsTerm 1

Time, Continuity and Change Health of individuals and communities

Order and Organisation

School History Heart Central, the circulatory system Introducing organisation

Can recognise and name significant buildings in the school

Can identif y past and present features of the school Provides examples of the diff erences between school in

the past and present Can identif y and name school houses and symbols Label parts of the school emblem Able to write and understand meaning of school motto Contribute to discussions, present information

I dentifies human body’s need for oxygen, nutrients and water to stay

Explains how body systems, circulation, respiration, nervous, digestion are interrelated

Recognises passive smoking is health risk I dentifies range of strategies to maintain

personal saf ety and recognises then resistes pressure f rom others

Sort collections of objects into two groups Understand that diff erent criteria can be used

to sort objects Use stated criteria to sort objects Select criteria f or sorting objects Practise team skills

1. School tour to see unfamiliar places 2. Photos of significant buildings.

Children to identif y and label buildings. 3. School video. Watch and identif y

diff erences between then and now. 4. Then and Now- list diff erences

between opening of school and present time

5. Venn diagram of diff erences in past and present

6. School Houses- symbols and history of each house

7. School motto and emblem-explanation, meaning, list of places we find the emblem

8. Grandparents questionnaire- questions relating to diff erences in school then and now(Unif orms, subjects, lunch box contents, sports, hobbies, teachers)

1. Participation in Life Education Van 2. Discussion of the ways in which

diff erent body parts work together.p9 3. What goes in? I mportant things that

go inside body p.7 Celebrity heads then worksheet

4. What comes out? P. 8 5. Medicines and our body p.11 and 12 6. Respiratory system, main parts, eff ect

of pollution, cigarettes-stop the smoke p. 13

7. Going in around and out again, circulatory system p.24

8. I nterrelation of other systems to circulatory system

9. Under pressure- peer pressure and feeling unsaf e p.14

1. Paper shapes- working with partner to assemble picture of a fish BLM 2.3 Prim I nv. Team skills

2. Sorting our world- natural and constructed landscapes, sorting pictures, group work

3. Sorting our World-beach sort(individual work) K-3 Class I deas Term1 2002 I ssue 20

4. Float or sink- sorting on the basis of floating or sinking(bring objects f rom home)

5. Lets sort leaves- sorting leaves using OWN criteria

6. Animal characteristics- sorting using own criteria f rom collection of pictures

7. Mini beast sort- collect mini beasts around school, sketch and label. As a class sort into groups according to students criteria

8. Rock sort-bring collection of rocks f rom home, sort as a class

Society and Environment Science Health



Key Objectives

Learning Activities

We are learning about the history of Westminster


Additional Activities•Design a new school uniform•Design a new school crest / flag•Create a self-portrait (as in portraits of past principals)•Take photographs of the new buildings (and the process)•Make rubbings of the tiles around the stone of progress•Visit the school archive•Bring in family school photographs (in sharing time)•Share memories from their time at school already•Build up a display of old uniform, merit cards, etc.