The History and Monuments of Ancient Rome

Post on 10-Jan-2017

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Transcript of The History and Monuments of Ancient Rome


UCLA TRAVEL STUDY Classics M114A and B

cross-listed with History M112C and E EIGHT UNITS

limited to 36 students

The History and Monuments of Ancient Rome

Professor Robert Gurval (Department of Classics)

TA: Maya Maskarinec (Department of History)


July 1-25

Aventine Hill: View of the Vatican

(The Dome of St. Peter’s Basilica)

WHERE? Colonna Palace Hotel Piazza di Monte Citorio in the center of Rome

View of the Hotel Obelisk erected

by Emperor Augustus originally the gnomon of sundial

on the Campus Martius

Forum Boarium and Tiber Island Caravaggio and Raphael in Rome

Villa Giulia Aventine Hill

Musei Nazionale Romani Trastevere

Republican Temples Ara Pacis and Mausoleum of Augustus

The Roman Forum and Palatine S. Ignazio and Gesù

Imperial Arches Colosseum

Column of Antoninus Pius Imperial Fora and Monuments

Castel Sant’ Angelo Hadrian’s Villa

Pompeii Santa Pudenzia

Santa Maria Maggiore The Vatican Museums

WHAT? Some of the Highlights of the four-week program

WHO? Professor Robert Gurval Department of Classics

“The Mouth of Truth” La Bocca della Verità

Santa Maria in Cosmedin

Constantine’s Foot Capitoline Museums

TA: Maya Maskarinec Ph.D. candidate Department of History

VIA DEL CORSO (Roman Via Lata) runs North to South

street in front of the PIAZZA COLONNA


Pantheon 2 minute walk

Pizza Navona 10 minute walk

Arrivederci Roma!

Contact: Professor Robert Gurval Dodd 240B Office Hours Mon/Tues 2-3 TA: Maya Maskarinec