The harms of fast food

Post on 07-May-2015

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Transcript of The harms of fast food

The Harms of fast food.

The purpose

1) to define the term "fast food." Brief History of fast food.

2) What food can do harm to your body.3) Warn against possible diseases connected with food.


What is junk food?

Fast food (English fast food, [fɑst ˌ fud] - fast food) - class fast food, usually offered by specialized institutions. The term "fast food" refers to food that can be cooked quickly and provide the client.

The history of fast food

It turned out that fast food dates back to ancient Rome. It was called with the Latin word "thermo". The ancient Romans called this type of service, as an inexpensive fast food. In every Roman town mass diners markets existed, where all sorts of foods were sold. Almost modern food courts!

In Rome there even was some kind of burger - beef cake, nuts mixed with nucleoli, which they ate with bread. Also very popular was bread dough, tossed with olive oil, they were

conveniently used as edible plates. Many centuries later, the cake, covered with baked cheese, sausages and vegetables

was called an Italian pizza.

A particularly interesting and illustrative Roman fast food available in Pompeii. The guides there show ruins that were once fast foods and out storefronts or anything like them on the street. In the stalls are

built premises large vats, where and preparing food. Instead of windows in the "old fast food" was boarded sliding partitions, tightly closed at night, but they were only used at night and during the day

they didn`t used doors.Names old fast-foods, history has not preserved.

But that's not all. It turns out that the Romans coined yet this type of service, as delivered meals at home. This conclusion was reached in the course of numerous archaeological excavations have proved that many Roman buildings in general was found kitchens. Probably

because most of the houses were made of wood, trying to cook a meal over an open fire in the hearth, and even could result in a fire.

(According to the website

And now the most inportant thing: How harmful

fast food is?

Fast food – is the cause of many diseases. Of course, if you have a hot dog once a month, it will not affect your health

(although the risk of poisoning, even after eating a hot dog is quite possible!) But regular consumption of "street" food is connected with increased levels of cholesterol, implies the occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system and

gastrointestinal tract.

Fast food contains a lot of fats and preservatives, but as for the nutrients - vitamins and minerals - it is virtually none. For the

preparation of fast food margarine is most often used - unnatural product, containing large quantities of synthetic

isomers of fatty acids-saturated with hydrogen. They are also the cause of health problems, such as severe heart disease (coronary artery disease), cancer, problems with the nervous

system, infertility, diabetes.

Among other things, fast food contains large amount of salt, which prevents spoilage, and can hide the real taste of tainted food. According to statistics, it is because of the high content of

non-natural fat and salt in fast food. And as a result about 40 thousands of British people end their lives every year.

Disorders of the stomach over time lead to serious illness. Among the most common problems of the gastrointestinal tract

caused by the regular intake of fast food, the doctors called pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

Fast food - high-calorie food, so do not be surprised if the result of the regular consumption of donuts and Big Macs you will

start gaining weight. Just look at the average American - has long been proven that the cause of weight problems in the American nation was the overreliance on fast food. Obesity

contributes to the imbalance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the use of "fast food." "Traumatized" as a result of these experiments with his own body endocrine

system responds immediately the appearance of extra options.

It is known that in summer fast food is more popular than in any other seasons. Eating junk food during the summer time, you

take the risk of becoming a victim of food poisoning. If consumption of fast food can not be avoided, be sure to have plenty of water after eating a sandwich or a burger - liquid will

help your body to cope with poisoning better.


In addition, street fast food sellers do not bother about health standards. Making food using bad products, "mask" it with a lot of spices, sauces and mayonnaise. These sellers often have no

health books, cooking takes place in conditions far from sanitary standards.

Some people suggest that the passion to fast food for them is similar to drug addiction. In fact, this has some truth: fast food is rich in various food additives - flavor enhancers - that "force"

people return again and again to the use of such food.

Of course, completely refrain from eating fast food in the modern pace of life is impossible. However, you should try to avoid eating it so much.