The GWP Gender Strategy, the Process and the Substance by Mercy Dikito-Wachtmeister

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Presentation made by Mercy Dikito-Wachtmeister, Senior Officer Global Initiatives at GWP Regional Days Meeting, August 22-24,2012, Stockholm, Sweden

Transcript of The GWP Gender Strategy, the Process and the Substance by Mercy Dikito-Wachtmeister


Focus Area 8 : Setting the stage for the next GWP Strategy 2014-2019

The GWP Gender Strategy, the Process and the Substance

Mercy Dikito-WachtmeisterSenior Officer Global Initiatives


i. Why Gender in GWPii. Operational Framework for GWP Gender Strategy Elaborationiii. Draft Road Map- GWP Gender Strategyiv. TOR for Gender Focal Points v. Focus Areas of the GWP Gender Strategyvi. Youth Strategy



Pillars to poverty eradication and sustainable development-

It is economics… social and environmental security… it is equity balance within and across the generations and between men and women

Compelling evidence that women are powerful drivers of economic development.

Last year’s FAO report, this year World Bank’s Development report have single issue- gender- as organising principle

Research from the World Bank and United Nations demonstrates that gender equality reduces poverty and ensure sustainable growth.

In “Half the Sky” Nicholas Kristoff attributes the economic miracles taking place in China and Asian tigers to the empowerment of women in the workforce.

“Forget China, India and the internet: economic growth is driven by women” declared The Economist

Why Gender in GWP

The gender strategy as part of setting the scene for next GWP Strategy

Gender equity and women’s empowerment cornerstones of the Dublin principles . Essential pillars to poverty eradication and sustainable development-

Principle No. 3 - Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water

Recognition of women’s pivotal role as providers, users of water and guardians of the living environment. This implies:

role reflection in institutional arrangements for the development and management of water resources

introduction of positive policies to address women’s specific needs, to equip and empower them to participate at all levels in water resources programmes, decision-making and implementation, in ways defined by them

GWP taken decision to develop a Gender Strategy as part of its commitment to operationalize Principle 3 of the Dublin principles goals



Operational Framework for GWP Gender Strategy Elaboration

International Team of Gender Experts (GGRG) Set international team of gender experts who are supporting strategy elaboration

GWA, IFPRI, UN Water, SaciWATERs, IWMI, Pegasas; SIWI, NIAS, Women’s Rights, HISAAR Foundation; etc. Engagement on voluntary basis, experts contribute own staff time to support GWP

Regions & Gender Focal Points (RGGRG) Regions with Focal points :SA, Caribbean ,WA, CA,CACENA, SAS, SEA, EA, SAM

Regions without Focal Points:, Med, CEE, China., Central America- Please provide names


Names of Regional Gender Points

Dr Anjal Prakash of SaciWaters – South Asia- Dr. Bernadette P. Resurreccion - of AIT – Southeast Asia Dr. Fredricka Deare of Women, Gender and Water Network- Caribbean. Dr Lusine Taslakyan- Amenia . CACENA Musabaeva Kasiet Akmatovna- Kyrgyzstan-CACENA Eiman Karar – Southern Africa Dr. Karidia Sanon – West Africa Daniela Nogueira. South America Simon Thuo - East Africa Monique YGBEDEK- Central Africa



Focus this year has been Gender Strategy elaboration.

Process started October/ November 2011 with Road Map elaboration and agreement and identification of Gender priority themes and strategies

Now have agreed upon Table of Contents through interactive process with GGRG and RGGRG

Sept & October: Text writing of Gender Strategy , Chapters 1-4


Gender Strategy Road Map contin…

November : Third Consultative gender side event on Gender Strategy: “Bridging the Gender Gap

in Water Governance”: The International Freshwater Conference 5-7 November 2012, SA.

Incorporation of outputs from Natal Gender Strategy sent to Regions, TEC & SC for their Comments Comments incorporated into Gender Strategy

Other events which have been orgainsed Rio + 20; SIWW; IFWC Plan to have Women’s Summit sometime next year

December- Launching of the GWP Gender Strategy.


TOR for Gender Focal Points

To provide a regional consultative forum and sounding board on gender for GWPO during Gender Strategy elaboration

To originate text pieces on agreed upon topics of the GWP Gender Strategy- from a regional perspective

Act as focal point for gender in Regional programmes and operations. e.g. in mainstream gender issues in the design and implementation of WACDEP

To provide technical and other support in global gender programmes .

Participate in Skype conferences on specific topics during elaboration of the Gender Strategy from a regional perspective.



Water policy documents and IWRM plans mainstream gender

Legal documents for water management institutions of government and water user groups are :

gender sensitive and non discriminatory, women and men are given opportunities to participate in water management,

decision-making and employment; domestic use of water, which is often equated with women although it is of equal

importance for men, is identified as a legitimate and high priority need.

Gender equality through equal opportunities in education, training and employment in the water bureaucracy promoted

Gender equality integrated in the implementation of programmes to address critical current and emerging development challenges


GWP Gender Strategy Focus areas contin….

Gender integrated in GWP knowledge building products and the GWP communication strategy

Gender equality integrated in GWP structures, strategic alliances and partnerships built for gender equality advocacy, awareness raising;

Meaningful financial resources allocated to support gender mainstreaming in GWP programmes and operations and gender responsive budgeting introduced in GWP

A gender equality monitoring and evaluation system developed and implemented at the CWP, RWP and GWPO levels

Gender mainstreamed in Policies and implemented Gender

responsive budgetting

introduced in GWP

Programme approaches at all levels

gender sensitive

Gender integrated in

GWP knowledge

building products and

the GWP communication Strategy

Equal opportunities in education, training and employment in the water bureaucracy


Gender mainstreame

d in Legal documents for water

management institutions

GWP Gender Strategy

Gender Equality in WaterResources management Indicators

for Monitoring


Gender mainstreamed in GWP structures


Youth Strategy

Simon Thuo providing leadership in this area

Considerable progress over last 2 months

Youth Strategy Road Map has been developed

Google Group established for youth participation in strategy elaboration. Have started to elaborate the Strategy

Inter-regional Youth Strategy validation workshop in December


Youth Strategy

WaY strategy (Water & Youth)- input into GWP’s strategy for 2014-2019 WaY to gain recognition and secure young people’s participation in water

resources management, -DM

Prime movers: Young Water Professionals, World Youth Water Parliament, several advocacy networks of young people defining their challenges and solutionsSupporting cast: WaterAid, UNHabitat, UNEP…African Network of Water NGOs,