The Guzman Monthly, January 2016, v3 i1

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Transcript of The Guzman Monthly, January 2016, v3 i1

The Guzman Monthly

January 2016 | Volume 3, Issue 1


• Welcome

• About the author

• News (4 slides)

• Apps & Tools (2 slides)

• Online Learning (2 slides)

• Administration Issues (5 slides)

• Faculty Development (5 slides)

• Student Learning (1 slide)

• New Ways of Learning (3 slides)

• Upcoming Movie & TV Trailers

Welcome to the next issue of “The Guzman Monthly”. In this publication I will collect and list some recent articles on higher education issues, online learning best practices, deliver some tools/app suggestions and links to interesting news/videos on the web published in the past month. Planned release schedule is between the last week of the past month and the first full week of the current month.

To view previous newsletters please visit my slideshare page:

My name is Tony Guzman and I serve as the Director of Online Programs at the University at Buffalo (UB) School of Social Work (SSW).

I also oversee the UB SSW Podcast series: inSocialWork®, and the Technology in Social Work Resource Center. Feel free to listen to some of our podcasts and review our resources.



This article lists the Top 10 education systems around the world, based on the latest Programme of International Student Assessment (PISA) results.

So not only did Arne Duncan step down at the end of 2015, the Director of Educational Technology did as well.

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) will have its 4th president take charge on July 1st this year.

News (cont.)

This UPCEA article shares some of what can expect in 2016 around higher education. Agree or disagree?

What might a real running J.A.R.V.I.S. AI mean in todays world?

Some Federal Reserve economists are debunking the college grad barista myth.

News (cont.)

Ed. Dept. Inspector General taking a long look at Western Governors University and the role of faculty in competency-based programs. It will be very interesting to see the end result of this ongoing investigation.

NYU will be helping develop and test the next cellular level of service: 5G.

San Antonio’s Trinity University new Collaboration Hub is truly impressive and I hope many other institutions take the time and dedicate the dollars to mirror similar efforts at their home campuses as well.

News (cont.)

WOW! I need to sit with this for a while before I can share my own thoughts on it but on the surface this seems to be a very scary process to start.

This article shares some preliminary results from research on the connection between liberal arts education and success after college.

This article shares from the new Inside Higher Ed survey of Chief Academic Officers. Thoughts?

Apps & Tools

While this article is geared towards the K12 sector teachers, many of the technologies listed can be beneficial in the higher education arena as well.

The Lenovo ThinkPad X1 will transform into more with optional modules you can buy all under the price of the original ThinkPad laptops back in the day. Anyone looking to purchase this model?

This article shares results from a recent university study that shows that many users are unaware of the number of times data is being shared by the apps we download on our smart phones.

Apps & Tools (cont.)

This article lists some great iPad apps to help students with special needs in their learning.

panOpen is piloting programs at various higher education institutions to strive to provide a cheaper alternative to traditional textbooks. Hope to see this take off strong.

This article shares Google Forms as an alternative to clickers in your classroom.

Online Learning

UCF and EDUCAUSE partner to revamp the Blended Learning MOOC for its fourth version.

This article shares the 4 Ps we should be working with in the future of ed. tech.

What is the future of MOOCs?

Online Learning (cont.)

How more online programs are including virtual desktops into their services to provide easier access to expensive applications to their online students.

This article shares an interview with the new CEO at Blackboard. Time will tell if this improves customer perceptions of their suite of products and level of customer support.

This article shares ideas on how to best design team project work for your online courses.

Administration Issues

While this Guardian article shares results from the UK anonymous collection of faculty stories, I would suspect these concerns would hold true in the US and other areas as well.

This article shares five trends in higher education that will be impacted throughout 2016.

With the start of a new year come the predictions for said year: What is in store for higher education in 2016? Eduventures gives their take.

Administration Issues (cont.)

This article shares some results from a recent forum of campus presidents whose institutions are members of the Council of Independent Colleges, where they share key qualities they believe their schools need. Any surprises?

While this article references some initiatives being considered in the UK, many of the points raised have correlation here in the US. Thoughts?

This article shares the results from a recent EDUCAUSE IT Issues Panel and it indicates the 2016 top 10 IT issues and strategic technologies in higher education. Any surprises?

Administration Issues (cont.)

This article shares some “rankings” for teaching degree programs. Where does your alma mater rank?

This blog post shares one educator's ideal list of things to “un-invent” in education. I agree with most of this list, do you?

This article leads us to think there may be a divide among ed. tech being deployed in K12 and those for higher ed./corporate settings. Should this be the case? Wouldn’t ed. tech benefit the K12 sector in these times of tight budgets for public schools?

Administration Issues (cont.)

This article asks and answers the question: Where do libraries fit into the future of learning?

This article lists 7 strong ideas/thoughts to keep in mind as an educator always.

As Higher Education Act (HEA) is being reviewed for reauthorization, UPCEA, OLC, and WCET, the leading online and higher education organizations, have come together to offer recommendations and champion the interests of contemporary learners. Interesting to see where this “lands”.

Administration Issues (cont.)

This article shares the top 3 predictions regards to the future of higher education based on Moody’s recent results.

Faculty Development

This article gives some excellent tips for writing an academic CV.

This article shares some great tips on how to connect with your students from the first day of class.

This article shares some ideas on how to improve the syllabi training component in a faculty orientation. I love the Voices video idea, what about you?

Faculty Development (cont.)

This article lists some of the best TED videos any educator should watch. Enjoy!

This article shares an excellent twist for anyone needing to give feedback on papers submitted. I know many educators that have loved this move. Have you done it already?

This article shares some tips on how to improve your teaching. How many do you already use your craft?

Faculty Development (cont.)

This article shares the importance of “chunking” your materials “just right” for your students; it also gives you ideas on how to figure out what is the right size for these chunks.

This infographic shares a number of ways to get your students engaged within your courses. How many have you used already?

This article shares a number of tools to consider to help increase participation in your courses.

Faculty Development (cont.)

This article shares a great piece on our teaching persona and the persona a class develops throughout a semester. This has some excellent tips to help keep those as consistent as possible. Thoughts?

This article shares how we should be open to learn new ways of teaching even from other disciplines than the ones we teach.

A recent research study shows that more time is being “wasted” on their devices during class time than in the past. I know many who do not allow devices to be used in their classrooms but is that the best option?

Faculty Development (cont.)

This article shares some ways for faculty to improve their teaching by having colleagues be their coaches.

This article offers suggestions on how you might get students to do pre-work before your next class session.

This article lists some ideas on how to improve exam review class sessions.

Student Learning

This article shares about an interesting mentoring program that connects new college students with retired faculty.

This article shares some ideas on how to best use social media in higher education.

This article shares results from recent surveys on what works best when looking to attract prospective students to your institutions.

New Ways of Learning

This article may be “crying wolf” but if unbundling does continue its momentum, it certainly will be a disruptive innovation within higher education but long term, who knows. Thoughts?

This article shares 10 products showcased this week at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that can impact how you teach in the near future. What do teachers think?

Malware reverse-engineering being integrated into cyber security academic programs.

New Ways of Learning (cont.)

This article shares how virtual reality is slowly showing up in education. Are we ready for this disruption?

This article shares results from some student surveys regards to the benefits of game-based learning.

USC School of Communications and School of Engineering develop a new joint masters program in Communication Informatics.

New Ways of Learning (cont.)

This article describes what Alternate Reality Learning Experience (ARLE) is and how St. Leo University used it in a recent professional development session. Thoughts?

Utica College uses a “super” smart classroom for its flex MBA program.

Upcoming Movie & TV Trailers

Deadpool, Release Date: 02/12/2016

Better Call Saul (Season 2), Premiere Date: 02/08/2016

Full Favorite Movie Trailers playlist on my YouTube channel

Full Favorite TV Trailers playlist on my YouTube channel

Thanks for checking this monthly newsletter out and hope to see around again next time!