The growth of the raisin trade

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The growth of the raisin trade



Raisin trade in Xàbia.

At the end of the Spanish war, our town started trading raisins with other

countries. Great Britain, the USA or Canada wanted our raisins and that

attracted lots of steamed ships to the port of Xàbia.

The importance of raisin production.

In the “riuraus” the villagers dried the grapes to make raisins. An extension of

the town was planned so the exportation of raisins was easier.

The riuraus are rectangular buildings made of standstone. Their purpose was to shelter the grapes laid out to dry on the “cañizos”. One of our biggest

“riuraus” is “Riurau dels Català d’Arnauda”.

The riuraus:

The first picture is Xàbia’s Iberian treasure.The second one is the church fortress of St. Bertomeu. The third is the harbour.The fourth is a typical “Riurau”.The fifth are our 14th-17th century windmills.And the sixth picture is the beach.