The growth of the raisin trade in Modern Xàbia

Post on 31-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The growth of the raisin trade in Modern Xàbia



Rasing trade in Spain.

At the end of the Spanish war, Spain started trading raisins with other countrys. The whole of Europe whanted more raisins and

that atractted more steamd ships to the port of Xàbia.

The importance of raisin production.

The local bourgeoisie selected the area near the Church to build the riuraus. (To product more raisins). In these buildings (riuraus)

the villagers (ciutadans) dried the grapes to make raisins. An extention of the town was planed so the exportation of raisins

was easier.

Buildings (riuraus).

These are rectangular buildings made of standstone (tosca). Their purpose was to shelter the grapes laid out to dry on

«cañizos» one of the biggest «riuraus» is «Riurau de los Català d’Arnauda. Other aspects (aspectos) was the semi-circular arch

(arc de mig punt) and the fan shaped window panes (alféizares).