The Growth Hacking Skill No One's Talking About

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of The Growth Hacking Skill No One's Talking About


Behind every great growth hack is a goal

GOAL User retention




User invites

Link distribution

User sharing

Why goals are so crazy-effective

Three Reasons Why Growth Hackers Use Goals

Hack your brainFocusLearn




If [Variable], then [Result], because [Rationale].


RJMetrics story






Goals align individuals and

focus attention


Growth Hackers story



Goal-setting theory

90% of laboratory and field studies involving specific

and challenging goals led to higher performance

than did easy or no goals.

- Edwin A. Locke, 1981

Hack your brain

The closer you get to a goal, the more dopamine you get.


Email Conversion Rate

6 Reasons Goals Go Wrong


1. Setting fuzzy, undefined goals


2. Goal-driven-to-the-extreme approach


3. Not adjusting based on new information


False Hope Syndrome =

The hope that setting a goal will generate motivation

4. Setting too many goals


5. Setting goals that are impossible


6. Measuring success with vanity metrics

How to Use Goals Like a Growth Hacker


Goal-Setting Framework


Find the “golden motion”

Know the metric you’re trying to improve

Analyze data to find influencing behaviors (logins, downloads, adding a user)

Replicate the behavior



1. Prioritize tests2. Build a healthy backlog3. Keep track of winners & losers4. Establish cadence of moving

tests from ideas to backlog


Track progress

Hack your brain. Every day you’re tracking progress and getting that dopamine boost

Focus. Every day you’re reminded of what is the most important thing for you to be working on

Learn. Every day you’re checking what’s working, learning, and adjusting

How short feedback loops increase goal effectiveness:


How to do this



- Slack channel, HipChat room- Weekly emails- Internal dashboards- Confluence- Large displays in the office- Lunch and learns- Office hours- Gongs and cowbells



of marketers don't share testing or growth wins with their team.


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