The grouping of objects or information based on similar characteristics.

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of The grouping of objects or information based on similar characteristics.

The grouping of objects or information based on similar


Branch of biology dealing with the identification, classification, and nomenclature (naming) of


How to Organize?Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.)

Plants Animals Trees Land Shrubs Air Herbs Water

Problem: Birds, bats, and insects were

grouped together

Classification based on physical and structural similarities

• Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)• Created binomial nomenclature (2 word naming

system)• 1st word = Genus (genera if plural) = a group of

similar species• 2nd word = species • Scientific name = Genus + species e.g. Homo sapiens

Rules for writing species names

1.Latin is the language of scientific names (Latin is no longer spoken, so it does not change)

2.Italicize in print and underline when hand written

3.1st letter of the Genus is CAPITALIZED & 1st letter of species is lowercase

Canis lupus = Grey wolf

Canis latrans = Coyote

Canis familiaris

Felis catus

Lynx rufus

Panthera onca

Smilodon fatali

What are the names of


• Canis familiaris domestic dog

• Felis catus domestic cat

• Lynx rufus bobcat

• Panthera onca jaguar

• Smilodon fatali saber cat

• Kingdom King• Phylum Phillip• Class Came• Order Over• Family For• Genus Good• Species


Classification Vocab1.____ - Grouping things that are similar

2.____ - The science of identifying, classifying, and naming organisms

3.____ - Uses descriptive statements to sort and identify organisms

4.____ - The Father of Modern Classification

5.____– Naming organisms using two-part scientific names

6.____ - The first name of an organism (capitalized)

7.____ - The second name of an organism (lower case)

8.____ - Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

9.____ - Monera, Protists, Fungi, Plants, Animals

10.____– Single-celled, mostly bacteria, no nuclei

11.____ - Single-celled organisms divided into 3 groups: fungus-like, plant-like,

and animal-like

12.____ - Multicellular organisms that absorb food from around them

13.____ - Multicellular organisms that make their own food

14.____ - Multicellular organisms that can move and most have a nervous system


WORD BANKanimals genus binomial nomenclature taxonomylevels of classification fungusCarolus Linnaeus moneraclassification plantsdichotomous key protistfive major kingdoms species

Research online to find the genus and species names of some familiar plants and animals.

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