The Greek Gods and Goddesses

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The Greek Gods and Goddesses

By: Felicia Blackwell, Meghan

Coyle, Melina Behnke




Zeus is the god of the sky and thunder. He is also said to be leader of the gods.

Hera is the goddess of marriage and child birth.

Hades is the god of the dead and the underworld.

Poseidon is the god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses.

Ares is the god of war.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy.

Artemis is the goddess of the hunt and the moon.

Apollo is the god of the sun and brother of Artemis.

Hercules was a Greek hero known for destroying many monsters, therefore making the world safe for mankind.

The Greek hero, Perseus, was known for slaying Medusa.

Achilles was a Greek Hero known for helping the Greeks win the Trojan war. He was said to be strong and brave and wore immortal armor.

Where do we see the heroes, and gods/goddesses name’s mentioned today??

What were the MAJOR events that the Greek gods/goddesses were involved in???

Their roles?

They listened to the prayers of the people…

Took care of the people and their problems….

and accepted sacrifices

Poseidon got his name from the Greek word for


Some say that Artemis got her name because it is

based on the Greek words meaning safe and sound…..

while others say it is derived from an older culture

Athena was said to be the guardian of Athens

hence the name Athena…

Hestia’s name is derived from the word for hearth

and she is the goddess of the hearth

How Zeus got his

name is…


The ancient Greeks…

Had so many gods…

Because they wanted to explain the world around them

How many Olympic gods/goddesses were there??

How did the Greeks find out they had gods/goddesses?

They combined…

Their mythological tradition


Their moral concepts…

And came up with…

Supreme beings!!!

What stories and myths did they tell???

They created many stories about gods, and goddesses, and other mythical creatures

Some of these stories tell when mythical beings meet mortal man…..

and they also told stories of their brave heroes

Odysseus and his loyal band of men

was a popular one.

It was told over and over again during the dark ages.

The Greek Gods and Goddesses were obviously very

important to the ancient Greeks.