The GPS Cookbook -

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Transcript of The GPS Cookbook -

The GPS Cookbook

Bruna Olson and Reid Vancelette 2/12/2014


*for more detailed information about any of these processes, please refer to the GPS Manual

Setting Environment via Terminal:

Download and save all the files within the GPS folder that can be found at :

Go to Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal

Once Terminal is open, type: gedit ~/.cshrc

Once the file is open, at the end of the document type the following:

alias GPS source /cluster/dgow/setup_GPS

Save the file and return to the Terminal command line

Opening up Matlab via Terminal:

Enter the Terminal command line and type GPS

The command GPS will set the necessary environment to run Freesurfer and MNE commands,

and additionally will open the version of Matlab specified within the .cshrc file

Opening up GPS via Matlab:

Type in the following in your Matlab Command Window: GPS

This will open up the GPS suite and provide you with four different options:

Analysis – GUI that contains the commands to pre-/post-process your data

Editor – interface that allows you to edit the structure of a pre-existing study

Regionator – GUI that enables you to create Regions of Interest (ROIs) based off of

Maximal Activity, MNE, and other metrics

Plot Drawer – GUI in which you can plot your Granger computations for already

determined ROIs

Adding a Study in GPS

After typing in GPS into the Matlab Command Window, click on the Analysis button. This will

open up the GPS1.8's Analysis GUI.

Under the Studies box, click on the button labeled New. This will open up a dialogue box that

contains lines for three types of necessary information: Name; Base Directory; Block Names.

Type in the name of your study in the Name box.

Under Base Directory, type in the path to your study's directory. This will be the folder in which

all of your data and analyses will be saved. If you do not have a folder for your base directory

yet, at the end of the path type in the studies name. The GUI will automatically create a base

directory for you the first time you import your data. For example, if your study is called BMD

and its base directory will be located on the cluster under dgow, the path would be:


Under Block Names, type in the name of each block the same way it was saved in your raw data

files. Usually, we name our blocks: B1; B2; B3.

Once all of this information has been added, press OK and your study will be added to the


Studies list.

Setting up the parameters for your Study in GPS

GPS automatically applies default settings for your study. If your study contains different settings, you

are free to change them. You can change them on three different hierarchies: Studies; Subjects;


Studies: contains the settings that will be used for every single subject for each study.

Subjects: contains the settings that will be used specifically for each subject. For

example, if you cannot use a block for one of your subjects, you can delete that

condition from the subject's list.

Conditions: contains the settings that will be used specific to each condition. Items that

need to be changed are:

the event codes – within your study's event extraction program (Extract

Events under Stages and MEG Preprocessing) it will change the triggers of

interest from your raw.fif file into event code numbers. These numbers

should be added to each condition in order to process these conditions

separately and properly;

the level – use the number 1 for your primary conditions, 2 for your

secondary (sub-) conditions, 3 for your tertiary (subsub-) conditions. This

will allow you to do higher level and more detailed analyses with your data.

If you do not have any secondary conditions, then simply use the number 1

for all your conditions. For example, in BMD the condition All is considered

the primary condition and Correct as the secondary condition. The primary

condition(s) will always show up in bold.

Subjects- you can select what subjects you would like to use in a specific

condition. This is important because when averaging MRI, the average brain

will be done only among these subjects.

the Brain – this parameter can be found within cortex. This field allows you

to specify how you want the average brain for that condition to be named.

Furthermore, all the analyses within that condition will be done using the

brain you chose. For single subject analyses, once you input the subject name

on the Subject field within the condition’s parameters, the GUI will

recognize that is does not need an average subject brain.

the ROI set - this field allows you to specify what ROI set you want to be

used for the analyses of this condition. For secondary conditions, the ROI

set is usually the same as the ROI set of its primary condition. This is done

so comparisons between conditions can be drawn. For example, in BMD the

ROI set for the primary condition All is named “All” and the ROI set for the

secondary condition Correct is also named “All”. For single subject analyses

the ROI used will have the same name as the condition.

Once finished with your changes to the three hierarchies, press the Save & Exit button and all

your changes will be saved.

Checking the status of your stages

It is very important to check the stages of your data processing. This will allow you to know

what has been done and what still needs to be done. On the bottom of the screen, check the box

next to Refresh Status. Green means that the stage is ready to go. No coloring means that the


stage isn't ready to be processed. Blue means that the stage has already been finished and was

successful. If a stage needs to be repeated, you can check the box next to Override. This will

allow you to repeat any stage that is in blue. Be very careful with Override. You do not want to

Override a process that has been finished and does not need to be redone.

MRI Processing

Importing your MRI data

Make the correct subject is selected.

Under Stages, click on the MRI button. This will give you access to all the MRI related

processes. Click on the first stage Import and a dialogue box will open up with the two opens:

Bourget; CD/Select Dir. The first open, Bourget, will automatically find your subject's data on

the Martinos MRI server. If you have a CD and did not save the raw MRI data on the Bourget

server, select the second open CD/Select Dir. If you are using a Linux computer, follow the

following steps:

Go to Look In and go a few levels below to /. Once you are in here, find the folder

Media. Within Media, go within the Subject specific folder, go within the folder

labeled dicom, then within the next folder and the next folder. This will bring you to

the place in which all MRI related material is located. Press the OK button and GPS

will automatically import the raw MRI data for you and copy it into your Subject's

MRIraw directory.

Processing your MRI

If you are processing the MRI for a single subject, check the boxes next to the following

buttons: Find MPRAGE; Organize; Build Surfaces; FS Average; Source Space; Setup Coreg; BE

Model; BE Model to .fif. To process all of these sequentially, once each box is checked press the

Batch button. The processing of the routines for an average subject will be explained later. Also,

each specific step is explained in great detail within the GPS Manual. Please note that these

steps might take over 3 hours to be completed.

MEG Preprocessing

Importing your MEG data

Under Stages, click on the MEG button. This will give you access to all the MEG related processes.

Click on the first stage Import and a dialogue box will open up. Please type in the MEGraid in which

you saved your data. This will change depending on the system. Once you type the MEGraid in, it will

automatically find your subject specific data on the Martinos server. If it isn’t able to find the right files

it will prompt the user to locate the correct directory containing the MEG recordings.

Extract Events

Extract events will take the timing, sampling rate, and trigger codes from the raw .fif files saved

during your MEG scanning session and save them in a separate .eve file. To do so, click the

Extract Events button.

Process Events

Press the Process Events. This will run a routine specific to each experiment to extract the

trigger numbers and replace them with specific condition codes. These codes should be


specified before doing any MEG data processing. The program will take the .eve file created

during the Extract Events process. Once the Process Events process has been done, GPS will be

able to properly extract each event and relate it to each condition that you have. To change the

manner of processing your events, you will need to 1. change the event processing Matlab

program, and then 2. change the condition codes located within the Edit structure for Conditions

on the top of the GPS GUI.

Bad Channels

The button Bad Channels in the MEG Preprocessing stream only accepts a list of bad channels

detected for both MEG and EEG. In order to find out what are the bad channels within the raw

data file, click on Utilities under Stages and then on mne_browse_raw.

Once the mne_browse_raw program is open, go to File, then Open. Make sure you are in the

subject's folder that contains the raw.fif files that were imported over during the Import stage of

MEG Preprocessing. Select one of the block's raw.fif files and then press OK. This will open up

the raw MEG and EEG data, alongside the EOG data.

Scroll through all the channels and determine whether or not each channel is conspicuously bad.

Write down the bad channels as you proceed through this checking process. Make sure also that

the channels that were determined bad during the data acquisition process are indeed bad.

As an additional check and also should be done with extremely high-frequency data, look at the

raw.fif emptyroom file. This will give you the bad channels affected by tuning issues or

introduced by the environment.

If the MEG/EEG data are too high-frequency, you will need to apply MaxFilter-ing. You can

refer to the instructions written on the Wiki.

Once all the bad channels have been identified and written down, close the mne_browse_raw

program by going to File and then Quit.

Return to the MEG Preprocessing stage and click on Bad Channels. A dialogue box will open

up. Please enter both the Bad EEG and Bad MEG channels in their respective boxes and then

press OK. This will create a .txt file within the subject's directory under the MEG folder that

contains the bad channels and additionally will mark these channels bad (as can be seen by their

black color in mne_browse_raw) in each of the blocks' raw.fif files.

EOG Projections

The EOG Projections button under the MEG Preprocessing stage requires a file that contains all

saved EOG projections. To begin and create this file, go to Utilities under Stages and click on

mne_browse_raw. EOG projections will not be successful unless you have already marked the

bad channels.

Go to File and Open to load the raw data from one of the blocks.

Once a block has been loaded, scroll down to the bottom to find the EOG's, labeled under EOG

061 and EOG 062.

On the bottom of the mne_browse_raw screen, you will notice several buttons. The most

important button for our purposes is the Pick to: button. Next to the Pick to: button you will

notice a number. At first this number is set to 1000. Change this number to whatever number

you like. Essentially, we are going to identify as many EOG's as possible and save them to this


Once you have selected a number, go through the block, select an eye-blink by click in the

middle of the curve, and then press Pick to: to save the eye-blink. Continue to do this for as

many eye-blinks as possible. The more n equals, the better the projections will be later on.


After selecting and saving, click on the beginning of the upward-rising EOG, jot down the time

located next to t at the bottom of the screen, then click on the middle (apex) of the upward-

rising EOG and jot down the time. Calculate the time it took to go from the beginning of the

EOG to the middle. This will be used in the next step to create projections.

Click on Process, then Create a new SSP Operator. This will open up a dialogue box containing

several options. In the first box, Start time (s), type in the time the length from the middle of the

eye-blink that was just calculated. You are going to need to make this number negative. The

middle of the eye-blink is considered the beginning of the SSP Operator calculation (0 ms), thus

the beginning will be negative and the end will be positive. Once you have entered in the start

and end times, type in the number that you saved your EOG projections to and press OK.

The Evaluate new projection box will open and give you several different options for creating

EOG projections: planar and axial (the two different types of MEG sensors); and EEG.

Under Existing items, click on the box next to each of the projection options. These are

mandatory projections that the program has identified for you.

Under New items, click on each of the options while looking at the MEG/EEG data to see which

projections help decrease the noise introduced by the eye-blinks. Try to be as minimal as

possible as the more projections you use, the more you data will become smooth.

Once you have found the best projections for your data, press Accept.

Next, you will need to save the data. Go to File, Save projections. Within the dialogue box, you

can specify where you want it saved, how you want to call the file. Before pressing OK to save,

make sure to click on the box Include EEG average reference.

Quit the program, go to MEG under Stages and click on the EOG Projections button under

MEG Preprocessing. This will bring up a dialogue box. In this box, type in the location and

name of the file that contains the projections that you just created. Press OK.


In order to perform the coregistration, both the MRI needs to be fully processed and the MEG

data need to be preprocessed.

First, go to Utilities under Stages and click on the mne_analyze.

In order to load the brain, go to File, Load Surface... A dialogue box will open with many

different options. Make sure that under the Available subjects, your specific subject for

coregistration is highlighted. Under available surfaces, select inflated. You will not need to

select anything else. Press OK. You will now see the inflated brain in the center of your screen.

Next, go to File and Load digitizer data... Go into the folder in which the subject's raw.fif files

are located. Select a raw.fif file and then press OK. A dialogue box will open Good for you to

know..., telling you how many digitized points it is loading. Press OK to continue. This will load

all of the digitizer data from the scanning session.

Now, go to View and Show viewer. This will open a window containing the MNE's version of

your MEG reconstruction.

Also, go to Adjust and Coordinate alignment... This will open a window with options on how to

adjust your digitized data to the MRI reconstruction.

To start, we will first align the digitized data according to the Fiducials. In the Adjust coordinate

alignment box, press on LAP (Left Periauricular) and then in the Viewer window, point and

click on where the LAP is located. Next click on Nasion in the Adjust coordinate alignment

window and then click on the nasion in the Viewer window. Do the same for the RAP. Now, in

the Viewer window, press on Options and click on the box to the left of Transparent for the

Scalp. Now, click on the Align using fiducials. You will notice that the digitized data will get


closer to the actual skull. The larger the dots (digitized data) are the farther away from the scalp,

either inside or outside of it. Next, in the Adjust coordinate alignment window, we are going to

perform an ICP (Iterative closest point) alignment. This will give you a better coregistration

between the digitized points and the MRI. Next to ICP align, type in the amount of steps you

want the program to perform. Usually, our group uses that number 100. You can do more if you

want. Once you have typed in your steps, click on ICP align. It should take a few moments, but

you will notice the digitized data getting closer to the MRI scalp.

Once the ICP align has finished click on Omit... Omit will go through the digitized data and

delete all the digitized data farther than the number specified. Our lab uses 5.0 mm, but you can

change it to the needs of your lab. Once you have typed in your maximum distance allowed,

click Done.

For security sake, our group performs one last ICP align after performing the Omit. Sometimes

digitized points that are extremely far from the scalp can bias the data. Perform another ICP in

order to make sure the digitized data is as close to the MRI scalp as possible.

Once finished, click on Save MRI set. In the window Good for you to know... write down the

name of the MRI set, Press OK and close mne_analyze.

Under Stages, click on MEG and then Coregistration. Find the saved MRI set, select it, and

press Open. This will let GPS know where your coregistration data are saved.

MNE (Minimum Norm Estimates)

*All commands will be performed on the MNE selection under Stages.

Select the desired subjects. More than one subject can be selected for this stage and the program

will do the function for each of the selected subjects.

Average Waves

Click on Average Waves. This will perform several functions:

Combine the MEG and EEG data for better a signal-to-noise ratio. This will only be

done for your primary condition, which is set with in the Conditions structure

High-pass filter your data (filter that passes high-frequency signals, but attenuates

and filters out signals with frequencies lower than the threshold specified. Compare

this to low-pass filters)

Create the emptyroom covariance matrix if an emptyroom measurement was taken

(very important to have one!)

Forward Solution

Click on Forward Solution. This will perform the MNE command for creating a forward

solution for your dataset.

Inverse Solution

Click on Inverse Solution. This will perform the MNE command for creating an inverse

solution for your dataset.

Evoked Trials

Click on Evoked Trial. This function will gather the evoked trials and place them into groups

based off of your event code set during the Process Events step.


Make .stc

Click on Make .stc. This function will create .stc files (source timecourses) for your primary

conditions. In these .stc files will contain MNE data from sensor averages and the inverse

solution created.

Single Subject Analysis

*This section will include the additional steps needed to perform a single subject analysis

The main difference between group analyzes and single subject analyzes is set when choosing the

parameters for conditions.

Once the study parameters have been added, add the subject and condition.

Under the condition list press edit. A dialog box will open with five dropdown menus. Make

sure you have the correct condition selected and then on the next dropdown menu click subject.

The only subject that should be listed under this parameter is the subject you wish to single


Next, within that same dropdown menu click on cortex. A new dropdown menu on the right will

be available. Under this parameter, the brain listed should be the name of the subject. This will

assure that for that specific condition, the brain used for analysis will be the subject’s brain

rather than an average brain.

Next, click on roiset and make sure that the ROI set used for that condition is the correct one.

MEG steps will be the same as group analysis.

MRI steps will be the same as group analysis, however the last step: Average subject, will not need to

be done.

MNE- all the steps will be the same with the exception of the two last step : Morphed .stc Average

Subject. These steps do not need to be done for a single analyses.

Granger- steps will be the same as group analysis.

ROIs- steps will be the same as group analysis.

Average Subject Analysis

*This section will include the additional steps needed to perform an average subject analysis

MRI – Average Surface

Go to MRI under Stages. Next, under Subjects make sure that all the subjects that you want to

be in the analysis are listed. Under Conditions make sure the correct primary condition is

selected. If all the other conditions have the same brain as the average brain, there is no need to

repeat the step.

Click on the Average Surface button under MRI Processing; you do not need to highlight all

subjects to perform this function, it will automatically do it for all. This will create an average

surface from all of your subjects' MRIs that will be needed later for ROI detection process.


MNE – Morphed .stc

Go to MNE under Stages. Next, select all subjects and all conditions that you want to perform

this function; the function does this process subject specific and condition specific. Now, click

on the Morphed .stc. This function will create .stc files for each subject for the primary

condition and each other condition selected.

MNE – Average Subject

Go to MNE under Stages. Next select each condition on which you want to perform this

function; you do not need to select all subjects as it will do it for all of them even if only one

subject is selected. Now, click on Average Subject. This function will morph all the .stc files

created from Morphed .stc onto the average subject's brain.


*This section will be for both Single Subject Analyses and Average Subject Analyses and will detail

how to create ROIs based off of MNE

Opening GPS: ROIs

Go to Utilities under Stages and click on GPS:ROIs. Two windows will open up:

GPS rois data figure <<Do not close>> contains all the current variables. If you

want to perform a different analysis but with the same parameters (such as

thresholds for MNE, Max Activity, Similarity, etc.), then do not close this window.

Graphical Processing Stream: Regions of Interest is the main GUI for processing


Selecting Your Dataset

Under Panel Selection, select Dataset. Under Data, select your Study, Subject, Condition, and

Set (if you have one). For Subject, if you are doing Single Subject Analyses, select the subject. If

you are performing Average Subject Analyses, select the average subject.

Press Load next to MNE under Measures. This will open up the MNE maps created in past

steps. If you get the warning dialogue box “You do not have a STC or MAT file listed for the

mne measure,” you will have to press Browse and manually find and select the .stc file needed

to open up MNE. The .stc files are located under your study directory, MNE, subject or average

(depends on whether you are doing single subject or average subject analyses), stcs. You should

use the file. You can press Load now.

Viewing the Brain

At first, you will not be able to see the brain or any of the other windows related to creating

ROIs. In order to see these windows, uncheck Pause Auto Draw under Quick Display. Other

instructions on how to visualize different hemispheres and different layers (pial, inflated, etc.)

are located in the Manual.

Selecting Your Metrics: MNE

Make sure under Metrics, Minimum Norm Estimates is selected. Under Time Windows (ms),

type in your Start time and your Stop time. These numbers basically reflect during which

periods in milliseconds after the onset of your condition you want to define your ROIs.

Selecting Your Metrics: Maximal Activity


Make sure under Metrics, Maximal Activity is selected. Under Time Windows (ms), type in the

Start and Stop that you specified in the selecting your MNE metrics.

Creating Centroids

Under Panel Selection, click on Centroids. Make sure that Spatial Exclusion is selected. The

default for this is 5 mm. This can be changed depending on your study. Basically, this will make

sure that each centroid is at least 5 mm from one another.

Also, make sure White Matter is selected and Percentile is 95.

Now, click on Find from Maximal Activity. Once finished, by clicking Show Centroids you can

look at all the potential ROIs on the brain.

Selecting Your Metrics: Similarity

Go to Metrics under Panel Selection.

Under Metrics, click on the pop-up menu and select Similarity.

Make sure that the Start and the Stop under Time Window (ms) are the same for your MNE and

Maximal Activity settings.

Under Standardizing, click on the Standardize box. Under the pop-up menu select windows:

Vertices. This should be the default.

Creating ROIs

Under Panel Selection, click on Regioning. Under Regioning, you will notice a list of areas in

the brain. These are the centroids just defined. You will even see on the bottom the number of

centroids defined. There will be a 0 next to ROIs. This will change once we constrain out


Under Redundancy, adjust the criterion to the requirements of your study. The more negative

the number, the more the computation of creating ROIs will rely on redundancy and will

constrain your dataset. This metric takes into consideration similarity in waveforms in one

centroid compared to other centroids. If one centroid is considered similar to another, then it

will be excluded depending on your redundancy criterion.

Under Similarity, adjust the criterion to the requirements of your study. Like Redundancy, the

more negative the number, the more the computation will rely on similarity and constrain your

dataset. This metric takes into consideration similarity within each centroid separately. It will

look at all the vertices within each centroid and exclude vertices (winnowing down the size of a

centroid) that are too similar in wave form depending on your similarity criterion.

Under Continuity, adjust the criterion to the requirements of your study. Continuity represents

the number of millimeters a point must be from other neighbors to be considered an ROI.

Under Spatial Weight, type a number from 0 to 1; 0 means that there is no weighting

whatsoever; 1 means that there is 100% spatial weighting. In short, the more the spatial

weighting you have, the more the computation will take into consideration the differences in

neural activity by location. For example, if you have spatial weighting, then similar activity in

the L and R hemisphere will not knock each other out, but without spatial weighting whichever

hemisphere has the neural activity with the highest frequency will knock the other out.

Press the Make All ROIs button to start the ROI creation process.

Saving ROI labels

Go to Saving under Panel Selection. Next to the Save Labels button, press on dir. This will open


up the directory in which you will save all your ROI labels. ROIs for your study should be

saved in your study's directory, the Granger folder, the rois folder, and your condition specific

folder. If you are going to save multiple sets of ROIs with different metrics used, make sure to

name their folders differently. Once finished, press OK.

Press Save Labels. In your Matlab screen, it will tell you when your ROIs have been fully



*All Granger-related processes will be performed under the Granger button under Stages.

Select the conditions you want to be analyzed. Both primary and secondary conditions should

be selected.

Processing Your ROIs

Press on the Process ROIs button. This will perform three tasks:

create .mat files from the labels saved during the ROI creation process

spin back the ROIs from the average cortical surface to each individual subject

locate the vertices with the highest cortical activation within each region

MNI Coordinates

Click on MNI Coordinates. This function will create MNI (Montreal Neurological Institute)

coordinates for each ROIs central vertices for publication. These coordinates are located the

study's folder, Granger folder, rois folder, condition folder, average folder (folder in which you

saved your ROI labels). In this folder, the file will be called mni_coordinates.txt.

ROI Timecourses

Click on ROI Timecourses. This function will create waveforms based off of the processed

ROIs from Process ROIs and the activation from the .stc files created during the MNE/Evoked

Trials step.

Consolidate timecourses

Click on Consolidate. This function will create a single input file that contains the timecourses

for each subject.

Compute Granger

Click on Compute. This function will take the single input file containing each subject's

timecourses and use them in creating the Kalman Filters and computing Granger Causality. The

output file can be used to look at Granger Causality between defined ROIs in GPS: Plot without

having to perform the next two steps. The output file can be found in the study's folder, Granger

folder, results folder.

Null Hypotheses

Click on Null Hypotheses. This function will perform a 2000 run iterative process that will

calculate the significance between each ROI. Careful: this process can take a few hours to

several days depending on how many ROIs were defined. The output of this process is located

in the study's folder, Granger folder, results folder, nullhypothesis folder.


Get Significance

Click on Get Significance. This function will calculate α-values and perform p-values between

each ROI.

Plot Drawer:

Single Condition Plots

Opening the Plot Drawer:

● On the MATLAB Command Window type: GPS.

● On the GPS suit click on the button Plot Drawer.


● The GUI will open with Dataset already selected.

● On the Dataset interface click on the dropdown menu Study and select the study desired.

● Under the dropdown menu Condition select the condition desired. This will open a search

window. Once the conditions have been selected, click on open and then click on ‘Load’.

● On the Activation dropdown menu, select the condition and then load the data following the

same steps as above. This allows visualization of brain activity on the cortex surface.


● Once the mat. files have been loaded, click on Surface. This button will give the option of

generating 2 kinds of picture analyses:

1. Cortex: A image of the average subject’s inflated brain.

2. Circle: A circle graph with the image of all ROIs previously determined for this condition.

In both cases, Bubbles showing accumulative activation on ROIs and arrows showing directional

causality can be added. For a single condition analyses, the color green represents activation moving

out of the ROIs and blue represents activation moving towards the ROIs.

● Select the surface wanted to visualize the data.

● Under Portions menu select the sections of the cortex desired to visualize the data. As a default

they come all selected.

● The menu Cortex Options gives the option to either visualize ‘inflated’, ‘white matter’ or ‘grey

matter’ when the cortex surface is selected.

● The Cortical Atlas menu gives the option to select how ROIs should be laid on the cortex

surface :

○ bg- background- ROIs are shown on the background of the cortex.

○ fg- foreground- ROIs are shown on the same level as the cortex.

○ top- ROIs are shown on the top of the cortex.


● The background color of the plot and its width and height can also be specified using its

respective boxes.

Cortical Activity

● This section is used to set up visualization of cortical activity on the Cortex surface.

● Click on the ‘Show Activation’ in order to show activation on the surface cortex.


● Click on the button Regions. This button opens a menu which allows the selection of ROIs for

visualization on the chosen surface.

● Under the Primary menu 3 buttons can be selected::

○ All: Selects all ROIs for visualization

○ L: only selects ROIs on the left hemisphere for visualization

○ R: only selects ROIs on the right hemisphere for visualization

● Specific ROIs can also be selected by using the Primary menu. More than one ROI can be

selected by pressing Ctrl while clicking the desired ROIs.

● Under the Connections menu specific pairs of ROIS can be selected. More than one pair can

select by pressing Ctrl and clicking on the desired pairs. Arrows between pair show the

direction of activation.

● Under Labels click in the box Show Labels. Abbreviations for ROIs will be added To the plot.

Font Size and Color for the labels can also be specified.

● The Filter menu gives 3 boxes:

○ Exclusive: when two or more ROIs are selected, this will show outgoing and incoming

activation only among those ROIs.

○ Between Hemis: when two or more ROIs are selected, only the connections which are

between hemispheres will be shown.

○ Inbound: Only activation going towards the selected ROIs will be displayed.

○ Outbound: Only activation going away from the selected ROIs will be displayed.


● Click on the button Method. This section gives the option of inputting a threshold where only

activation above the threshold is shown or to visualize the data with activation under the P


● GCI: Specify that time points are significant if the Granger Causality Index is above a certain

value. 0 is the baseline GCI, but numbers around 0.25 generally work in practice. However,

once you have run significance testing use P values.

● P Value: Timepoints can be evaluated on how unusual they are from the null hypothesis tests.

● On the MATLAB Command Window the Granger weigh between ROIs is shown. In order to

make the visualization more clear user should be aware of those values. The connections that

have low weight in relation to most of the other connections can be deleted from the


visualization by selecting the box absolute value below and by adding a number to the space

next to it. ei;5

The option ‘prob. same below’: The prob. same below option only works when there are

p values for a primary and comparison condition. It will run a binomial test based on the

number of timepoints that show significant GCi values in each condition to determine whether

this number is significantly different in the two conditions (p < 0.05).


The Time section gives the option to select the time period for the visualization.

● Select the start and ending time by inputting the milliseconds in Window. Then, modify

Duration and Interval appropriately.


● Click on the icon ‘Arrow’ and then select the box Show Arrows in order to add arrows to the

surface. These arrows will show the directional Granger interactions between ROIs in the time

window previously selected.

● The first drop, Terminal Wedge, down menu allows the selection of different kinds of arrows.

● The second drop, Green-Blue Gradient, down gives a selection of possible colors for the


● You can also select the scale of the arrow by inputting a number and pressing Enter

● Click on the button Weight if you would like to see the weight between the pair of ROIs

connected by the arrows.

● Click on Borders in order to have the arrows outlined.


● The Bubbles menu gives the option to display bubble on the visualization plot that shows the

accumulative activation in each ROI. Click on the bubble icon.

● Select the Outgoing button in order to see activation living the ROIs.

● Select the Incoming button to see activation moving towards the ROIs. Both options can be

selected simultaneously.

● The scaling can also be modified by typing the direct scaling for the bubbles on the box next to

Scaling, and pressing Enter

● The button Label Weights allows the visualization of granger weight of each ROI.

● Click the box ‘Don’t show primary regions’ in order to only display circles on the ROIs that are

influenced by the selected ROIS, thus there will be no circles on top of selected ROIs

● Borders: Checking this box will draw borders around the circles.

● Using this dropdown menu, Circle overlaid, you can select how to display the circles.

● Selecting Asterisk will indicate comparative significance in circles/labels.


Comparing Data between 2 different conditions

*Please note that this comparison analyses are only possible when condition share the same set

of ROIs

● On Dataset load the first condition as explained on the Dataset section.

● Under Compare load the second condition.

● On Surface, select the surface desired to visualization of the data.

● Go to Region and select the pairs you would like to see under the menu Connections.

● Click on Methods, and under the first drop down menu select the comparison you would like to


● Select the box prob. same bellow to see....

● Under time select the start and ending time by inputting the milliseconds in Window. Then,

modify Duration and Interval appropriately.

● In both Cortex and Circle surfaces, the causality shown will be equal to the difference between

conditions. Different pairs of ROIs will be displayed with a different set of colors.

Time course

● The Timecourses menu allows visualization of Granger causality index per time. In order to

have a clear visualization, specific pairs of ROIs should be selected first on the Regions menu.

● This menu has several box which can be combined to generate different visualizations:

○ Show Timecourse: opens the plot with the Granger causality index per time graph.

○ Fill: fills with color any space that is above the threshold line.

○ Tips Only: shows only data equal or above the threshold line.

○ Plot P value: Change the legend to p values as well as the nature of some of the


○ Flip Y Dir: Switches the direction of the Y coordinate from higher to lower values.

○ Reflections. It shows you the selected data in a backward direction as well as chosen

direction. (Better visualized if the box Tips Only is selected.)

○ Signif. Spikes: Draw vertical lines where timepoints are significant

○ Log Scale: Makes the graph a log scale instead a linear scale

○ Right Y Axes: Switches the Y coordinate from the left to the right side of the graph

○ [ ] Plots: Allows you to input the number of plots to be generated, which can be

useful when viewing a lot of connections.

○ Legend: This menu allows user to choose where lengent should be positioned

within the picture.

○ Y Bounds: The minimum and maximum for the plot

○ Background: This menu allows user to choose the background color for the graph.

○ Width: The approximate width of the plot

○ Height: The approximate height of the plot

○ Font: What font to render the names in. Some journals require specific fonts. Be

careful, this list is generated from your computer but not all fonts listed may render

corrected in Matlab.