The girl who spun gold!!!! By Ella, Aisling and Theadora

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of The girl who spun gold!!!! By Ella, Aisling and Theadora

The Girl Who Spun Gold!!!!

Introducing…..Queen Quashiba!

Liht mahn !Big King!


• One day the king came along on his horse.

• He married Quashiba because he thought she could spin gold

• He told her she could have everything for a year and a day but after that she would have to spin three rooms of gold.

• Finally the day came.The king locked her in a room and told her to spin gold to the ceiling

• Quashiba had no idea how to spin gold. Suddenly a man came into the room. He told Quashiba he would give her three days to guess his name in return for his help with spinning gold.

• The next night passed, and after she had had dinner with the king he told her that he had seen Liht’mahn and his full name was Liht’mahn Bityun!

• When it was time for her to guess his name, she guessed correctly and the tiny man exploded in rage, never to be seen again.