The gift of food There is twice as much food as we need to feed the world, yet over 850 million...

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Transcript of The gift of food There is twice as much food as we need to feed the world, yet over 850 million...

The gift of food

There is twice as much food as we need to feed the world, yet over 850 million people go hungry every day and their numbers are increasing. (FAO: The state of food insecurity in the world, 2006)

1 out of 3 people in developing countries are affected by vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

In southern Africa, per capita calorie intake in many countries is now lower than it was in 1970.

22 per cent of Britons are obese and three-quarters are overweight.

Too much, too little

Useful definitions

Food security exists when “all people at all times have physical, social and economic access to sufficient safe and nutritious food”.

Genetic modification (GM) is the “artificial insertion of a gene from one species into the genetic material of another”.

Food fight: the struggle to stop starvation

70-80 countries worldwide are food insecure.

Every day, 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes (one child every five seconds).

Food fight: the struggle to stop starvation

During 2008, the UN World Food Programme will provide food assistance to at least 73 million people.

High food prices have pushed an extra 100 million people deeper into poverty.

A hidden hunger:out-priced & under-nourished

In Bangladesh, the price of food goes up every day.

Many people now spend three-quarters of their income on food.

Last year’s natural disasters destroyed two out of three rice crops.

A hidden hunger:out-priced & under-nourished

Bazaars are full of food but empty of people.

People are trapped in a cycle of low birth weight, poor nutrition, disease and poverty.

A hidden hunger:out-priced & under-nourished

Nutritional awareness and healthcare can help communities break this cycle of poverty.

Pray for BMS workers, Fiona and Leslie Allan, who are involved in this work in Bangladesh.

GM crops: not how nature intended

In 2007, the biotech crop area grew 12 per cent to reach 114.3 million hectares.

Some reports show that GM crops can hurt small-scale farmers, reduce seed varieties, and give control to multinational food companies.

GM crops: not how nature intended

Farmers can solve pest problems, increase yield and grow better food without using GM or pesticides.

What do you think about GM crops?How can you support these farmers?

The challenge:reconnecting with food

We love food!

We need food!

We use food to celebrate communion and symbolise many Biblical concepts.

But how much of it is ethically produced, and how much do we waste?

The challenge:reconnecting with food

6.7 million tonnes of household food waste is produced each year in the UK (most of which could have been eaten).

Food in landfill produces methane – a greenhouse

gas 23 times more powerful than CO2.

If we stopped wasting this food it would have the same impact on carbon emissions as taking 1 in 5 cars off UK roads.

The challenge:reconnecting with food

Lets recover the connections between ourselves and food:

• Grow your own vegetables, herbs and fruit• Keep chickens• Buy more organic produce• Choose Fairtrade• Write to supermarkets• Reduce the amount of meat you eat

Bible reflectionThe Bible shows food as both a blessing and a source of contention.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. (Gen 1: 29)

“A poor man’s field may produce abundant food, but injustice sweeps it away” (Prov 13: 23)

Bible reflection

How has God provided food throughout history?

How can we, as God’s people, reflect his character in sharing food and standing up to injustice?
